Mollie Tibbetts's mother took in child of Mexican immigrants after murder suspect's arrest

>The mother of Mollie Tibbetts, a 20-year-old Iowa college student who was allegedly murdered earlier this year by an immigrant residing the U.S. illegally, adopted the child of Mexican immigrants who fled town after the man accused of killing her daughter was arrested.

Are liberals a lost cause?

Remember, this is the same girl whose father, after learning that his daughter was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant, talked about how great tacos were:
>At her funeral Tibbetts' father echoed the sentiment, stating, "But we need to turn toward life – Mollie's life – because Mollie's nobody's victim. Mollie's my hero."[42] He continued his support for the Hispanic community, and rebuked the negative comments made by others by stating; "The Hispanic community are Iowans. They have the same values as Iowans. As far as I'm concerned, they're Iowans with better food."[43]

And Democrats in the district where Mollie lived and died were already talking about how illegals need amnesty when the body was still warm, yet there's a chance that they'll stil get around half the vote of the white population there:

I used to think the only way liberals could be brought back to reality was for it to hit them in the face, whether it's losing a loved one or surviving a horrible experience resulting for their policies, but it seems even that isn't enough.

It's like Yuri Bezmenov said:

>"The process of demoralization is complete and irreversible, You cannot change their minds even if you expose them to authentic information.".

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Other urls found in this thread: pierce iowa

yes goy not only should you support illegals children through your taxes which are ever increasing but your own children should be killed so you can better care for their illegal replacements

The only good thing to come out of this story is that their genetic faults die with them.

These people man. Sacrifice your own flesh and blood for the sake of an ideology hellbent of totally destroying your country.

Americans are truly unfit for anything other than slavery.

>Are liberals a lost cause?
threadly reminder, they're all white. and are majority white everywhere else in the us,Canada and the EU.

I stand with Tibbetts' father.

People who whine about mexicans are low class scum, I'm middle class so I get to enjoy authentic mexican tacos and avoid the crime ridden zones.

This is pathological. The level of indoctrination required to behave this way is frightening and saddening.

Typical San Francisco liberals. Same as Swedish liberals. It's why California is the way it is. No conspiracy. This is what the people of those areas want.

i always knew that mom wasnt right in the head.

I've given up, the river of decay is too strong, Evola was right. I've tried riding the tiger but the tiger threw me off.

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this is what jesus would of done.

did mollie had sisters by the way?

hello Moishe!

You son of a bitch

So some slave forced to milk cows and clean shit kills this girl and the parents buy some taco making slaves?

That flag is a hate symbol. I'm gonna kill you.

>muh meme flag
nigger brainlet, you can't deny anything i said

Leftists are the biggest racists.

>Are liberals a lost cause?

There has to be something in the water. I don't believe this can be a natural process.


Chad Nebraskan's hate beaners, do not vote Democrat.

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I hope it's a "16 year old" that rapes and murders her

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This is absolutely disgusting

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This shows how blue pilled most normies still are. The conditioning gets attacked too hard so they double down on their beliefs. The only way to rectify it is to make people get far more negative points on social media than the position points virtue signaling this hard currently gets men and cucks.

can someone post Mollies fuck white people post my ass hasn't been laughed off yet today

this is what the dumb bitch is doing

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>tfw the Molly Tibbets stories caught my eye because she looks literally just like a genderswapped version of me
>I hate spics though

>tfw leaf calls you a cuck

youre not my type

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Lol virtue signal harder, what a cunt

Does this work.

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lmao, thanks user

>be libshit Boomers
>have poisonous Marxist ideology
>have child
>brainwash child in that Marxist ideology
>child grows up to be Marxist race-traitor
>child gets murdered by orc she committed treason for
>mourn loss of child by raising money for orcs and adopting more orcs
>probably get killed by those same orcs in your sleep a few years later because they wanted to steal your car

For some reason I'm reminded of that case in Georgia where an eight-year old white child was on the recipient list for a new heart, but was instead permitted to die so that a teenage nigger could have the heart instead. Then two years later that teenage nigger robbed a store, shot the place up, stole a car, and led the police on a chase through downtown Atlanta before wrapping his car around an electrical pole.

That's modern liberalism in a nutshell. Kill the good, cultivate the bad, see nothing wrong with it.

My guess is that a lot of the older liberals really are a lost cause. This is what happens to the human brain as it ages. It simply can't form new beliefs. There aren't enough free synapses left, and a lot of them will never know how to use the internet effectively to bypass the MSM narrative. But someone like Mollie could've learned eventually, the younger ones like Mollie can still be saved.

The sad thing is that a lot of this empathy and behavior is also what allowed Europeans to create all these great societies and communities for thousands of years. Under the right system (not liberal democracy), and without bad actors taking advantage of it, those are actually good qualities but that's not how the world works now.

After thousands of years of Christianity & living in high-trust societies, Europeans became too innately trusting and altruistic and it will lead to their downfall. Most of the whites remaining at the end of this century will be Slavs. Finns, Hungarians and other such groups who have some Mongolian/Asiatic blood in them and haven't been totally subverted by cultural marxists.

Wrong, whites are still the group that votes more conservatively than anyone else in the West, and in terms of values & behavior they're the most conservative group next to Asians.

The main difference: white liberals are actually working against their ethnic interests, against their own group, whereas nonwhite liberals are just exercising their tribalistic nature.

Show your flag Moshe.

Are tacos (which any white person can cook on their own) aren't worth losing social cohesion, safety, a sense of belonging, not feeling like a foreigner in your own major cities, children being able to walk home at night without fear, general person to person trust, life expectancy, community participation, less crime by massive amounts... or your daughter in their case.

The answer is no.

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I love this image.
If we can't do anything against the foreign invaders at least we can take pleasure in seeing traitors get served justice by their own pets.

Gotta be something in the water! I can’t understand they way these people think or feel. I’ve lost my brother by an illegal Mexican and my family and I have such anger and hate. I just don’t get it wtf

What is wrong that family!? Virtue signaling must be their coping mechanism in times of grief.

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>after learning that his daughter was raped and killed by an illegal immigrant, talked about how great tacos were
It must suck having liberal parents. Even your death is just another opportunity to virtue signal.

>avoid the crime ridden zones
What a racist

I think I'll do the same
fuck wh*te people, and fuck Jow Forums

Iowa is such a shit state.

>Are tacos (which any white person can cook on their own) aren't worth losing social cohesion, safety, a sense of belonging, not feeling like a foreigner in your own major cities, children being able to walk home at night without fear, general person to person trust, life expectancy, community participation, less crime by massive amounts

All of those sound like working class problems to me. I've never been a victim of a mugging or rape, so I frankly don't care.

Only the strongest survive in this world and to the victor go the tacos.

It is the product of over 100 years of Jewish brainwashing to make the white goyim not resist Mass Immigration Cheap Labor. Every school lesson and entertainment product pushes the White Man Bad meme in some way. Every news story about the rare white man that kills someone is hyper inflated. The whole damn white system is guilty, they say. So the white liberals who have no real world experience with huge non white populations believes that everything is the fault of white men.

1. Liberals are convinced that their beliefs and their way of life is the only one that's natural and objectively correct, and that people of all races and cultures will default to their political views if given the chance. Basically, they think muslims and blacks will become just like liberal whites in a generation or two, as long as they're not oppressed by evil white conservatives.

2. Liberals are incapable of looking ahead. They subconsciously believe that the power structures that exist today are permanent, and don't understand that if minorities keep growing at an exponential rate, the culture will change along with them.

3. Liberals believe all minorities are innocent snowflakes, who only commit crime and murder people because they're oppressed by whites or have been oppressed by whites in the past. In other words, liberals are white supremacists who believe that whites dictate the behaviour of non-whites across the world, and that minorities are incapable of making decisions on their own. It lets them blame white people for everything.

Would it be wrong for any victims of the Vegas shooter to adopt a white kid? Explain your logic fucktard

They want to be cattle, or rather, kosher goyim. They'll line up for an implantable RFID chip the week before its released because jews will tell them its trendy. They watch Hell's Kitchen and Catfish because their brains have melted into jello. The last book they read was Harry Potter, and it's their third time reading through it. They studied English in college, and now work at whole foods with said degree. The hormones in their food and water have turned the men into proto-mtf gynecomastites and the women into lesbians. Miley Cyrus is their god, and rap music sounds good to their ears. Circumcision is a positive thing because uncut penises are "gross" to them. They think Frida Kahlo was a beautiful woman. Hell, they think Leslie Jones is a woman, and a beautiful one at that. They get their news from comedy shows and have but a cursory understanding of history to inform their worldview. Their knowledge of history doesn't even involve nuance, just fake little plot lines they saw on a jew film that their history teacher made them watch 4 years in a row. Did I mention that they can tell you more about George Washington Caver than George Washington himself? These people are truly the walking dead, interacting with them feels like fighting against an energetic vaccuum. Their stupid is so potent that it begs the question, do such cretin deserve to even be called human?
They do not actually want equality, most of them do not have the capacity to realize what equality is. They want to feel good. The buzzwords make them feel good. Protesting what they are told is evil makes them feel good.

Liberals do not have any real beliefs. They are NPCs, they are asleep, they are idiots. The commies and anarchists might believe in something, they might even be able to tell you about it. I doubt they understand it because its retarded, but they might. Liberals though? Liberals just want to feel good about themselves; and right now chanting 'equality, diversity, tolerance, victimhood, etc' makes them feel good. If the zeitgeist changed and we were in command; they'd be out on the streets chanting about family, nationalism, strength, isolationism, refusal to be a victim, and whatever else was deemed to be a publicly good view.
Most people are liberals because most people either do not care, or do not have the capacity to understand. As such they regurgitate what they see as the popular ideology because of flock mentality. It makes sense, there is safety in numbers. Don't mistake them for people who actually believe in something though.

checked and capped for posterity

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>that case in Georgia where an eight-year old white child was on the recipient list for a new heart, but was instead permitted to die so that a teenage nigger could have the heart instead.
Wait, is that really the source of the transplant organ for Blackheart the Larcenous? I never knew about that, that was an aspect of the situation that had completely evaded my notice.

I knew that Blackheart the Larcenous had initially been rejected as a candidate for receiving a heart on the basis that he was an objectively horrible transplant candidate, and the entirely qualified doctors who made that decision only reversed it after public outcry from nigs and libs. But I didn't know they literally let a child die to make it happen.

I don't give a good damn about the so-called "browning of America." Color doesn't matter, ideology does.

we’ll said user

We are under mass hypnosis
And anyone who wakes up will be killed
Aka people like us who visit this website
We MUST wake more up.
The memes are the key
They did not plan for the memes

This one family represents so much I hate about that beaner state on the west coast.
How anyone can defend that damn state unironically on Jow Forums is beyond me.

Pathetic. Can't even mourn like a normal humanbeing that lost their child to a disgusting illegal without status signaling to the world how much she is than everyone.

On second thought that beaner did the world a favor by removing her child from this mortal coil. We don't need any more pathologically empathetic people then we have already.

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>So some slave forced to milk cows and clean shit kills this girl and the parents buy some taco making slaves?


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It's crawling with muslims for some reason. It's uncanny seeing someone wearing a Niqab in real life

this is the only story that ive seen shut up boomer parents in an instant. they say the typical stuff "illegal immigrants commit less crime than citizens" but if you really poke them with it and say how the Dad acted, they get quiet.
This really rubs them the wrong way. No parent should virtue signal after their child's death. I haven't met a parent that TRULY thinks the Dad's taco line was good.

Lol that girl's a chug mutt

William Pierce had a good one on this re: jews using spics to take over an iowa town. Whole time I was saying to myself how could they vote to allow outsiders to take over like that? Might have to rewatch it. Anyone have it? pierce iowa

based and magapilled

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woah get a load of this asshole

>daughter killed by illegal immigrant
>adopt one

You don't see at least the irony? Fucktard


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>liberals are majority white

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Who here has done molly?

I don't know what's going on over there. Even my state California doesn't seem as cucked. Thought the Midwest would be based

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At least they will cook these delicious tacos.

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>virtue signaling after your daughters death

Mkultra has bern a success

stay kosher

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I don't care what any of you say, she isn't white.

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Peak good goy. Just gas yourself


This. Infowars spoke on this, that is why censoring the internet became such a focus in the last two years...that power of logic delivered through visual information can reverse leftist programming ( i.e. redpill)

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RIP Guacamole "Mollie" Tibbetts

Hopefully the beaner she adopted ends up murdering her

mmmmm :^)

What if we killed liberals and therefore they would surrender to us unconditionally and take care of our orphans? Also the USA would finally be united.

>the absolute state of mutticans

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I'm from's dying. No money, no power. The mexicans have been filling in for decades like anywhere else.

Don't you love how these race mixed mutts hate on white people, then try to look as white as possible in their social media? LMAO

See above comment. Correct.

The mother is a spic the father cucked himself into marrying because white women stopped breeding due to (((MUH FEMINISM)))

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They upgraded with their brown replacement adoption, far they're concerned.

Which is why liberals are pieces of shit and deserve to be permanently silenced.

They want to be authoritarian assholes that impose their bullshit ideology on everyone and everything? Fine. I can be an authoritarian asshole too. As in, if you disagree with me, you liberal piece of shit, I'm going to murder your entire fucking family in front of you, then torture you to death to make sure you get it through your fucking head in the seconds before you die, that YOU are the evil piece of shit.

>refugees welcome : the country

NPC's will need to see a proof of concept for White Nationalism before they join it. No one will join a doomed movement that is harshly repressed by the state good goyim enforcers for only wanting to speak to other white people.

>The mother is a spic
that makes sense, this girl always seemed "off" to me

fucking hell and a question for the “accelerationist” fags that are lurking on here, what is the tipping point before white people wake up and have had enough??

Neither Mollie Tibbetts nor either of her parents were in any way "poor". Working, certainly, but at least middle class. Go on thinking it will never happen to you.

No, really, go on. Keep playing Russian roulette and betting you'll never get the loaded chamber while progressively loading ever more chambers, that's just a fantastic fucking idea.

>t Ben (((Shapiro)))

Minorities dragging white suburbanites out of their home and slitting their throats in the middle of the street. That’s honestly the only thing that I can think of that will crack through their ideological lenses.

>talks shit
>has a female libtard as your leader

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Unironically when they can't afford to feed themselves. It's not about family members being killed or raped, but starvation and destitution. When people can't even feed themselves, then they will beg for anyone or anything to save them. I guess you could call this an awakening.

Look, I understand not becoming some super anti-mexican because one killed your daughter. But to use her death as means to push your retarded agenda onto the rest of us?

It's been a while since I've thought this lowly of some people.