>Be me.
>Not very political, last time I voted was for Obama's first term.
>Watch Antifa riot video in 2018, think, "Boy those guys are scary."
>Watch more Antifa riot videos, get more scared and realize they live too close to me.
>They might hit me if I'm just passing through!
>Decide I need to get in shape just in case I get into a fight with them.
>I do calisthenics and loose 15 pounds.
>I start eating better.
>I don't run very well, so I quit smoking.
>I'm a little fat so I quit drinking beer and watching TV.
>Lift weights, get stronger.
>Like what I look like in the mirror. All around happier.
>Watch more Antifa riots,scared again, buy a rifle.
>I learn to shoot, then take up hunting.
>Being in the outdoors makes me happy, and I'm eating healthy game meat!
>Don't like social media dopamine hit anymore, so I cancel all of it. My new hobby is loving nature and seeing all its beauty.
>Read about how bad communists are and how "seizing the means of production" kills a lot of people.
>So, I acquire some means of production.
>Make furniture in my garage, my income goes up 50%.
>More focused at work, I ask for a raise and get it!
>House almost paid off.
>If things keep going the way they are, I'll retire before age 50.
>Watch more Antifa videos, realize they are the lunatic fringe and that communism always fails.
>Stop being scared of Antifa.
>Just wanted to say, Thank You, Antifa! You've made my life better!
Thanks Antifa!
Luis Perry
Other urls found in this thread:
Elijah Ortiz
go out there and join them to help more people like you!
Jason Roberts
what's wrong with those nipples
Kevin Bennett
>last time I voted was for Obama's first term
you have to go back
Ayden Clark
They're tapped.... Are you 12? Mods?
Zachary Martinez
Nice troll, how can someone be genuinely be scared of antifa?
Landon Robinson
Isn't that the chick that got punched in the face?
Joseph Richardson
No user, You made your life better.
Ryder Baker
even 16 yr olds should have seen taped nipples while playing fallout new vegas by now
mods pls
Zachary Scott
I went to see that new spiderman movie yesterday with my normie friends and one of the villains looked exactly like that antifa aspiring nazi puncher