Thanks Antifa!

>Be me.
>Not very political, last time I voted was for Obama's first term.
>Watch Antifa riot video in 2018, think, "Boy those guys are scary."
>Watch more Antifa riot videos, get more scared and realize they live too close to me.
>They might hit me if I'm just passing through!
>Decide I need to get in shape just in case I get into a fight with them.
>I do calisthenics and loose 15 pounds.
>I start eating better.
>I don't run very well, so I quit smoking.
>I'm a little fat so I quit drinking beer and watching TV.
>Lift weights, get stronger.
>Like what I look like in the mirror. All around happier.
>Watch more Antifa riots,scared again, buy a rifle.
>I learn to shoot, then take up hunting.
>Being in the outdoors makes me happy, and I'm eating healthy game meat!
>Don't like social media dopamine hit anymore, so I cancel all of it. My new hobby is loving nature and seeing all its beauty.
>Read about how bad communists are and how "seizing the means of production" kills a lot of people.
>So, I acquire some means of production.
>Make furniture in my garage, my income goes up 50%.
>More focused at work, I ask for a raise and get it!
>House almost paid off.
>If things keep going the way they are, I'll retire before age 50.
>Watch more Antifa videos, realize they are the lunatic fringe and that communism always fails.
>Stop being scared of Antifa.
>Just wanted to say, Thank You, Antifa! You've made my life better!

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Other urls found in this thread:

go out there and join them to help more people like you!

what's wrong with those nipples

>last time I voted was for Obama's first term
you have to go back

They're tapped.... Are you 12? Mods?

Nice troll, how can someone be genuinely be scared of antifa?

Isn't that the chick that got punched in the face?

Attached: IMG_20170415_181037.jpg (756x429, 47K)

No user, You made your life better.

even 16 yr olds should have seen taped nipples while playing fallout new vegas by now
mods pls

I went to see that new spiderman movie yesterday with my normie friends and one of the villains looked exactly like that antifa aspiring nazi puncher

Attached: Olivia_Octavius_Spider-Verse.png (305x305, 183K)


Fitter, happier
More productive
Not drinking too much
Regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
Getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
At ease
Eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
A patient, better driver
A safer car, baby smiling in back seat
Sleeping well, no bad dreams
No paranoia

Attached: 1485076439116.jpg (600x452, 44K)

she was also a total mary sue, all of the women were strong and perfect in the movie

and all of the men were weak, silly, and clumsy

Attached: 1544837191047.webm (1280x536, 1012K)

I thought it was clear that user started out as a super beta. Ergo, scared of everything.

>being scared of antifaggots in the first place
supreme cuckery, just get a gun

weird larp but ok

Attached: 1305923405354.jpg (500x330, 166K)

Lol litterally no-one is scared of antifa you dirty Jew shill.

post her feet

Shilling on what you idiot. Self improvement?

I worship probably never heard of him


struck it rich on that one

Attached: Riker.jpg (300x440, 25K)

Yeah. What was the deal with the guy who punched her? Some media outlets called him a Nazi, some called him a hero, blah, blah. What's the truth?


I refuse to watch any movie with a Mary Sue... except the Expanse, which had that Martian marine as a Mary Sue, but she was ugly as sin... you can't have it all!

Bandaged with bandaids!!

Because of the antifa threat, duh.

What fucking threat?

>voted for Obama
kys NPC

>Some media outlets called him a Nazi, some called him a hero
There's a difference?

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Attached: 1CDA4E50-D7C5-4D19-91D0-3FAD39BBC507.jpg (743x413, 39K)

there is no real antifa threat. But, it did kick me in the ass a little to shape up. Then I realized i became better and don't have to worry about them. I'm abovve it.

We really should do something about storming the gates and letting him back in. Truth is more got done with him around.

The threat of bike locks to the face?

Why do so many people misspell a simple word like "lose"?

Or random s○yboy punches.

Now that you know they have used the tactic of hiding behind woman meat shields and taking pot shots for 2 fucking decades, you should be able to avoid that situation.

see what I'm talking about?

Attached: fashbash.png (1166x941, 1.23M)

Bravo, user!

Is that you Panman Rufio?

Attached: 167D9B0E-DD0C-4570-BFA8-A953F33329A3.jpg (515x500, 51K)

great post!
totally don't kys!

The legend of Chadman Rufio

Attached: E6F65590-C84A-47E0-B2E7-8B774FADCED0.jpg (1024x574, 68K)


You did a lot. You go gay as well? ;)

Attached: 83CFAE8C-60BA-4FA8-906D-DFDF25EFE736.gif (240x135, 835K)

Attached: WonderWomanVsTrump.jpg (500x616, 102K)

This is copypasta, but it's good so I'll allow it.

Mmm this bitch in OP’s pic doesn’t have a straight nose any more

Attached: 10A10709-B994-4015-ADD9-03A188EB1B94.gif (446x251, 2.52M)

My favorite clip

Attached: 1530422062420.webm (842x440, 2.71M)

He fights for Israel

equality is great

>Literally knocked/almost killed an Israeli jew commie out
>fights for Israel
Cmon now

Attached: 9777A59D-6AA0-4EA7-825A-D7C99607650C.png (616x889, 446K)

I've no need to, I'm a shut in with no social media. That doesn't mean I can't do anything when the time comes, though.

If fear of a bunch faggots was your motivator, your gains are worthless. You have the soul of a pussy.

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OMG real boobies

I'd go antifa for her. Fuck the alt-right, incel ideology.

>even if he dies
ya no but srsly...

kek, nice one aus

Attached: 9823758.jpg (570x487, 45K)


Why, most antifa are trannies, so how are you gonna fuck her with your fake vagina wound?

Looks like Mayim Bialek. Or Geddy Lee. Or a standard kike phenotype F-6.

>implying being a commie scum doesn't make you officially retarded

I would unironically.

This. I'm honestly shocked at the current state of this website. Yeah, we made racist jokes sometimes, but it was all fun, right? At the end of the day, we all voted for Obama, we all supported gay marriage, and we all opposed racist conservative christians. But now? Our entire fucking site is subverted because of fucking nazis.

The internet is OUR platform. the LIBERAL platform. Racism, sexism, misogyny, were all confirmed to be left in the past because millenials are the most left-wing generation of all time. So why in the FUCK, do we still have to deal with nazis IN TWENTY-FUCKING-EIGHTEEN? Despite how much you wanna cry about how it's just a conspiracy and a boogeyman, Russian hackers ARE real, and this site is proof. We went from one of the most liberal sites in the world to supporting Orange Fucking Hitler? Nah, that's not normal progression because people only get more liberal with age, just like how you get smarter with age.

Threads like these just show that we need MUCH more strict moderation around here. I'm sick of all of this shit. Fuck Nazis, Fuck Fascists, Fuck Hitler, Fuck Trumpf, Fuck White Pride, and FUCK REPUBLICANS. Just fucking nuke this site already.


Are you we?

why the left always tries to speak for others who barely share anything with them?

How much is your NGO paying you p.a. to shill so bad in hate group 'forums'

You're a disgrace to that flag, globalist corporate lapdog.

Doesn't know how to spell taped....
And uses "...."
Are you 12? Mods?

Thanks for the larp story. Would like to believe 11/10.

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Is this bait? I hope you don't sound like this in real life mate.

No, I'm sorry. This site has always been full of nazis. And I'm saying this as a milquetoast centrist cuck. You're just deluding yourself.


mods for you too kid. only an edgy teen would think talking about playing fallout new vegas, going into 2019 is cool

very nice pic related

half true!

venus rosales

this is top tier bait boys. study this for future endeavors

still learning desu

Attached: DHiJP2xUAAAGYIe.jpg (625x626, 26K)

fuck off child

What a sexy woman.

Are you a native brit or an immigrant to the UK?

Antifa didn't make your life better. You did that for yourself. Good speed user and thanks for sharing some inspiration.

My family has lived in this home longer than your country as existed

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Bet that chick couldn't stop thinking about him.

Op is a fag. How can you be scared of antifa faggot?

moldilocks kek

Kys, jackass

Attached: 1541155704787.jpg (200x200, 5K)

She gets killed in the most anti climatic situation possible though

>tfw no dirty anarchist girl to chain down in my bathroom and use her mouth like toiletpaper

OK cool. I just wanted to confirm my stereotype. You brits are cunts, but just too cowardly to be cunts in the open. You maintain your facade of pleasantness day to day, and you release your shitty verbal aggression to random strangers on the internet, for no reason. Got that right?

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What ever happened to this hairy piss whore?

No way that is the same chick

No I'm a cunt in day to day life as well, if you want to fight I'll meet you in London when you come here to clean some kikes toilet for £3.85/h (more than the Romanian GDP)

I can be there. Make sure to get some liquid courage in you before. You also need an excuse for when you piss yourself later.

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How proud her dad must be.

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>that pic
imagine the smell

Big words from a gypsy, how about you hand your stolen laptop back to the Russian you took it off?
Perhaps they'll even pity you enough to let you suck them off

it is

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