Shit is going down right now in New York City. People are freaking out thinking (((they))) are taking over finally.
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shut the fuck up faggot
that was last night you nerd
(((this))) means jews, so if you're worried about (((them))) taking over finally, you're about a couple centuries too late
Transformer is the size of a 4x4m room. If it explodes it wouldnt illuminate shit, let alone entire new york. Who the fuck knows what this way...
Wish some shit would actually happen, I still remember you faggots thinking the ayys were invading because of that stupid omauomau rock/asteroid that flew by the sun or whatever
Broke: Fight the kikes and exterminate the Jews
Woke: Support the Jews to accelerate the Jewish prophecy
You must be new. (((They))) have been in control for like 300 years
NCS knows all about operation blue beans. its activated you cant stop it
What was the light all about?
Massive cherenkov radiation.
Indian point energy facility?
>single digit
mutts are beyond repair
Lol that happened a year ago
It's a generator arcing out. Have you ever welded before? Same shit happens, just on a small scale.
The explosion isn't what caused the light, it would have been the electrical discharges caused by the transformer failure.
Planet x?
Nice try you missed by a good bit
A power utility explodes and lights up the night sky.
>OMG Aliens
The onahouma space rock thing
Hail LARPing
Checked. Keep me posted
Fkn f150 cessna's coming for me bro.
none of these were supposed to get out, someone's getting retired