How do we save California?

How do we save California?

Attached: la-pol-ca-g-california-voting-history-20161028.png (1300x730, 78K)

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import more mexicans

2 Bombs saved a population before, why not go with what works?

Shut off the water, electricity, and all funding coming from outside. Shoot anyone who tries to escape.

Attached: california-voter-fraud-guide-to-non-citizen-voting.jpg (640x640, 54K)

Capture the HAARP facilities and sink California into the ocean with THE BIG ONE.

>How do we save California?
Kill the invaders.

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You can't, it's completely gone. The north of cali can be salvaged if they manage to succeed and form Jefferson

You either do this or accept this

"Ron, they used to be so red....then amnesty"

Attached: fgdrfgerg.jpg (319x480, 40K)

I fucking hate Reagan.

Attached: screwreagan.jpg (750x379, 46K)

Wasn't there was a movement for a three state solution recently?

Yeah but it would basically make all three states blue because Sacramento would have been part of 'Northern California' and Los Angeles would have been part of 'Southern California'

I was sad but not suprised to see OC go blue this year, 2018 can suck it

Attached: R14kkDj.jpg (657x527, 39K)

That was a plan to increase Democrat power in DC. Each of the three proposed states would have been controlled by a mega cesspit city.

Nice trips. Just leave, California is terminally ill. It's what my friends are doing and it's what I'm going to do.

>Each of the three proposed states would have been controlled by a mega cesspit city.
I have a solution for this -- but it would require me being SecDef or President or have the President's ear/trust.

I heard most leaving go to TX/AZ, they're basically exporting republicans at this point

TX/AZ are lost causes. I'd be heading to Idaho or the flyover states. TX/AZ are just California 2.0

Having more whites move in.

Attached: 2018.06.14californiamap_0.jpg (500x389, 23K)

I think Sacramento can be flipped with more conservatives moving in. Increase the power of northern california

Nuke it.
One in San Fran and the other in L.A.

There is nothing you can do short of an actual revolution. The entire reason California became a blue state is because of decades long demoralization tactics by denying the state its own vote. Despite being voted for by the majority of the state in both population and territory, Prop 187 was shot down for being attempts to regulate immigration to the state, but electing illegal aliens to public office and refusing to work with federal agencies to keep Americans safe is perfectly fine. There's just no real chance at change normally.

An earthquake dropping Western California into the ocean between SF and LA.

I wouldn't want to bet more senators and congressmen on a chance that we could have a 'Northern Californian' red state.

these. I like it

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Lots of these

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There's no saving that hellhole. Unless there's a nuke involved

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No, I don't want to split the state. I'm saying by having more conservatives moving into NoCal and the cities like Sacramento it can tip the balance of power. Plus the other red and flippable blue counties


>How do we save California?
Why would you want to save it?

Conservatives are fleeing California (yours truly included) California isn't ever going red again.

Republican strategist / 10

Although california is a majority of the problem, take a peek here.

granted these are estimated (which is probably low numbers)
Also, image is from pew re 2014

Line this up with sanctuary cities, homeless pop, violent get the picture

Forgot img

Attached: pew.png (640x483, 29K)

Where are you going?
What county are you leaving?

That's a good thing. The more conservatives that leave that state and go to others, the more conservative Senators there will be.

Idaho. I'd prefer not to say but it's in southern mexifornia.

That's questionable, no blue state has flipped due to fleeing Republicans.

At the end of the day it doesn't really matter how many conservative senators there are. If Republicans can't win the presidency it's game over for America.

Me too, on both.
It will take me a few years to do it.

Probably because they (mostly) suck, why run from ca to ny if you get the same high taxes, same dysfunctional neighborhoods, etc

It's "White" Americans fault for electing the traitor in the first place, you get what you pay for.

Texas needs reinforcements

>That's questionable, no blue state has flipped due to fleeing Republicans.
Texas was blue for a long time.

It'll probably be late 2019 or early 2020 for me.

Pretty sure Californians ruin every place they go too.

Sacramento seems like the best city in California although it's still shit.

That's not fair. NO ONE expected Reagan to cuck that hard. My family/community told me they were in absolute disbelief when Reagan signed the amnesty.

Not all Californians are liberals.

Cordoning it off and introducing a lot of fire should do the trick.

I agree.
The Dane is saying it's happening.
If it could happen it would be somewhere like New Mexico.
But it's not.

Shit weather and tweakers. If you're going to live in that state you might as well live somewhere down south where the weather is nice 99% of the year.

Nah you brought that upon yourselves.

NEVER trust a politician, it's not that hard. Just because someone has an R next to their name does not mean that they support your interests. America wanted Reagan so they got him, same with Bush, Obama and Trump.

I'm talking about the modern era.
All I hear now is California shitlibs shitting up traditionally conservative areas like Texas and Colorado

By casting it into the abyss from whence it came

Weather doesn't bother me much.

Only option at this point.

Then we can start over.

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its all the asians in irvine

By letting it destroy itself. Then recolonize it and break it up into smaller pieces.

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Burn it down.

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Sacramento has the worst of everything.

Im also leaving CA
t. Mexican

Yeah, but they just suck in general and ruin everything still.

It's mostly Austin. Dallas and Houston have always been kinda liberal compared to the rest of the state, just the way it works out with large cities.

>Weather doesn't bother me much.
Economy is better down south. If you don't care about making money, then go further north, and either toward Lassen or near the coast. The central valley is a shit hole because of all the meth.

Please, stay.


Even holy fire can't purge the corruption there.

Kill all the homeless wh*teoids that beg me for money everyday.

California user here.

California literally cannot be saved. Most of the public is too far gone and brainwashed. They literally all voted in resolutions that would increase tax on property, thus increasing the cost of living.

The only way to "save" it, is to seperate it from the United States and hurl it into the sea

we don't. california must be quarantined, and if that isn't possible...

Attached: Just Nuke San Francisco Already.webm (906x378, 2.26M)

if you don't like it then why don't you leave? Oh yeah that's right because you're underage and can't do shit.

The north is still savable. SoCal I don't know

by blockading California's ports and bringing them to their knees

California is lost and only nominally American at this point. at this point the only to do is keep the cancer contained there and hope it falls into the sea.

it's that or exterminatus

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we don't we cut the cancer from the body.

Can't stop fapping to this.

>The north
Maybe between Weed and Klamath Falls. Everythhing from Redding south is shit. Bunch of homeless, meth, and SoCal transplants. No industry or jobs other than the service sector.

The first logical step is to build the wall.

I live in NorCal, so at least I have that going for me.

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Unless you're a wagon burner that owns a casino, you're getting cucked by all those faggots in LA and the Bay Area.

Why would you assume liberal democrats are fleeing cali? kek

it doesnt matter if you're left or right

everyone has a fascination with California

I dont pay any attention to you transplants from texas or middle who gives a fuck america who litter the streets with needles

go the fuck back to your state

because Republicans can't win shit in Oregon ans Washington anymore. and we are starting to get bull shit California gun laws.

Because they are

social media checks when?


I fucking work with a white liberal who escaped from California and still votes democrat and is all muh Beto. They're like locusts.

I live in California. And I'd say - nuke it.

>passes law that political activists ((can now turn in)) other people's voting ballots
>all republican areas in commiefornia turns democrat in one election

a quick death before the rats flee to Colorado or Texas is about all you can do

There is no saving.

I left socal 3 years ago for the midwest, it's so much better being out of this crowded spic shithole.

I'm visiting my family right now for a week (Christmas and New years etc) and somehow it got even worse.

Any lib Californian that tries to recreate what they just escaped from should be shot.

What state?

nocal is for fags

Digits confirm, checked.

next year.

We trade them to Canada for Alberta and some Timbits.

The law where they don't have to tell the people they're having sex with that they have AIDS is my favorite.
Chico's ordenance fine for detonating a nuclear bomb within the city limits is my runner up.

no don’t

stay and make money

Voter ID laws.

Blows my mind you guys don't have that on a national level.