Leaf/Pol/ Its Fucking Dark Out edition

Merry Christmas fellow leafs. I hope everyone took time to be thankful for the bounties they have. Now that we are finished stuffing ourselves it is time to kvetch about our nation. As is tradition. Get your beer or spirits out (or for you Quebecois your wine) and let us all come together in the one thing we can agree on. That the federal government is fucking terrible.

Leaf/pol/ Discord, purely for doxxing and datamining purposes, sponsored by CSIS of course. gg/6XNvzC


>Liberals 35, Conservatives 34, NDP 16, Green 7, People’s 2

>NB liberal premier to step down
>PR referendum in BC got fucking QUASHED


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Looks like its going to be a spicy election lads. With Quebec electing the CAQ both parties are going to have to shift on immigration in my opinion.

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Not sure how much longer I can stand this apocalyptic winter darkness.

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I hope the Liberals don't shift their view on immigration away from their current oblivious and condescending attitude, so they can suffer the electoral collapse they deserve.

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However I have been meaning to ask, what would you do to fix Canada?

>Kick all foreign Chinese out of the housing market
>Label all pipeline protesters as eco-terrorists, jail them, and fucking ram the trans-mountain pipeline right up BC's ass.
>Break up the telecom oligarchs and allow US ones in Canada.

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I don't think they can shift. If they do they're going to alienate their urban and immigrant voting bases and push them into the arms of the NDP. But Quebec is going to be vital for this election in my opinion so they're in a really awkward bind at the moment.

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Oh yeah and remove taxes from overtime work.


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Moratorium on foreign property ownership combined with a heavy tax on current foreign property owners. Force the pipeline through with the military. Reduce immigration by as much as possible. Fix our fucking military so recruiting doesn't take six months and half our officers aren't hambeasts. Also get the senate elected by the provinces rather than appointed by the PM. A constitutional amendment to stop this fucking autistic unrestricted deficit spending would be great as well.

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>Re-instate the bank of Canada
>Get rid of all employment equity laws
>Make the Bill of Rights our Charter and get rid of our "Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms"
>Add cultural protections for the English Language
>Cut immigration to extreme lows, add training programs for unemployed Canadians to fill positions
>Research cold farming techniques
>build pipelines and refineries

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I live in the upper peninsula can I post here?

Please let it be. May Bernier break the consensus trance.

Also as the final days 2018 pass. Lets all remember the lads who went over the seas and shed blood. Their sacrifice earned us our nationhood, whatever you might think of the conflict proper.

Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=knxR-Q2VoBE

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Why are you leafs nice ?

>>Kick all foreign Chinese out of the housing market
>>Label all pipeline protesters as eco-terrorists, jail them, and fucking ram the trans-mountain pipeline right up BC's ass.
>>Break up the telecom oligarchs and allow US ones in Canada.
user i can only get so erect, please go on

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The worst is past us. Four, five weeks until sun in the morning commute. We got this.

thats a meme pushed by the government to make immigrants want to come here lol

user stop.. I can only get so erect

Do you play hockey and what is your tims order

Bernier is moving the overton window. Really good to see. Immigration is now a mainstream issue in the federal discourse.

Because we were a literal ethno state until recently and now most leafs just want to avoid confrontation and foreigners as much as possible.

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Is that the same person? They all look the same

I don't want US or Chinese Telecom, we should be able to do that ourselves..

Where does it say thats from vaughn? Just post the in store prices already! Jeez

Thank god we have beef with the chinese. Can you imagine if our autistic government let them install our 5g network. We'd be literal vassal tier at that point.

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>Cut immigration to extreme lows, add training programs for unemployed Canadians to fill positions
I like this. I'm an unemployed neet (work a seasonal job) and would love to upgrade my skills but it seems I can't just outright study a trade without being a registered apprentice through an employer. Of course getting it done this way is unlikely because Alberta's once again teetering on economic catastrophe.

Also I heard something about the goal of the liberal party is to raise Canada's population to 50 million by the end of the century, mainly through immigration. Is this true?

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100 million. Their thinktank proposed we raise immigration to 450k annually. At the moment we're sitting at 310k legal immigrants annually. Not accounting for illegals, temps, etc. As it stands Canada is between 75 - 71% white. We decrease 3% every 5 years at current trends.

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I just remember Verizon was going to make a move into Canada but it ended up getting blocked.

I was looking forward to this,I used Verizon growing up in the US and Canadian prices here are nauseating.

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Economy built on entitlements and corporatism lmao. Every industry we have is run by some kind of government sanctioned and protected cartel. Its absolutely criminal.

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Christ, think about those numbers. 310k immigrants annually is a city worth of people every year.

So bizarre to me when I go to Costco and there are swarms of 75 year old Paki and Indian grandma's everywhere that don't speak English. I've always wondered how the hell did they get into Canada because clearly they don't have any technical skills to offer the economy.

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the majority of our immigrants are family reunifications. One of Bernier's big policies is shutting that down and making the majority of immigrants economic and skilled immigrants rather than family. I'd prefer to just turn off the tap. That being said I've been meeting a ton of British and French immigrants as well.

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In high school and I only drive by Mr. Horton's

Depending where you look, it's an entire province worth of people. PEI only has a population of 150k.


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They're all funnelling into the GTA or VAN. Still fucking cancer tho. Won't be long until they start spreading. I remember when malls were a nice place to hang out now they're just infested with foreigners who don't speak english. Every public space and transport in the GTA is just awash with foreigners.

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>get rid of equity laws
Bernier’s on it.

Forgot image

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Quintessentially Canadian

Because Canada is not a real country of free citizens. If you were born here, know that you were born into bondage. You are a fucking slave. It's not surprising that most anti-immigrant protests in Toronto/Markham are actually made up of foreign born citizens who have a thing called "pride".


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My family has been here for centuries. I have pride in the nation. Fuck off retard.

Bless up

Six culture is God's way of telling us Toronto was a mistake

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You're supposed to use the recycle flag you fucking retard. Post the prices of a pot of yogurt or a loaf of chocolate.

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the cheapest whole unfrozen chicken in canada. $20 regular price

you cant post a cheaper one. its not possible. you physically cannot do so.

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I pay at least $50 for a posh fresh chicken. Taste the difference.

the real canada general thread for real world non abstract matters

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Fuck the constitution
Fuck the chart of rights and freedoms
Fuck the Supreme Court
Fuck the majority
I want my queen back.

I bet your proud family has atleast 3 people on long term "disability". Common, I know your type. Uncle, cousin, sister, in-laws you have at least 3 people who are shit ass losers sucking down pogey

I'll take that. I like my flag better anyway. Is Tim's expensive over there or is that shit all a Jow Forums meme?

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checked, also i dont know what the fuck you mean by "get your wine", we produce the finest and best beers and spirits in canada.

embarassant et bleu-pillulé

and fuck trudeau, faites comme nous et votez Bernier mes tabarnak

>end the confederation
>let ontario cucks suck the queens dick if they want
>build a wall

Merry x mas from berta, good buuuudeh

source on this?

This is a website that gets funding from Liberals. Advocates for 100 million Canadians by 2100.

Bitch, please! Try not seeing the sun AT ALL for four fucking months.

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How much of bullshit is this movie user? A Michigan fag want's to know. How bad are the vampires up there?

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I pay 100$ for a chicken leg bro. This nation is collapsing. 4000$ per gallon of milk!!

Based and Redpilled. Charter of Rights and Freedoms is a Hoax. SCC is compromised.

I'm not from out east but atleast you're redpilled on the baymen.

Foods a bit pricier up here, we don't really buy tims anymore. They swapped producers and got bought out by a brazillian corp so they're shit now. All the price posting nonsense you see on here is pretty bant tho. Some of my favourite memes.

Frogs like to drink wine, though I'd say real canadian wine country is in niagra.

Moi je suis partagé entre bernier et scheer pour le moment.

>quebec without equalization payments

WHERE ARE YA AT THERE BUDDEHHHHHHH. hackin darts o'er by the tims there b'ye.

His twitter / campaign page afaik.

RAKE ME UP INSIDE. Liberals are national traitors. Ahmed Hussen, Harjit and Morneau all need to resign.

rare alaska user coming through.

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>Based and Redpilled
No. Do not use based. That term is from a nigger and so is redpilled. Instead use powerful.

I've never seem the movie. However, it's just about 120 days of overcast, snow, and night here. Fuck, I wish I could at least see the moon. Snow and cold are nothing.
>rare alaska user coming through.

theres nothing on employment equity in Berniers party platform or on twitter

do you atleast see the northern lights?

I am of the position that Pearson and the dissolution of the Red Ensign was the beginning of the decline of this nation. I'd just like to take back what was lost.

Mhm he might not talk about it I'm unsure. From what I've seen he dropped a lot of his anti sjw / protect Canadian culture rhetoric from the early portions of his campaign.

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I don't see any lights.

I can see this shit in Northwest Michigan. Say it ain't so user.

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There's no way that's going to penetrate the cloud cover. I'm South of you.

>>quebec without equalization payments

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Upper or Lower peninsula?

When can we officially being the next round?

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3 billion$ surplus. Rest in peace alberta.

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When we invade Bramladesh and Hongcouver

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Keweena Peninsula anons but you don't have to be in the U.P. too see. I've lived here and seen some even there. Just a google image search not mine but it's the jist of it.

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What a fucking cuck. His criticism of diversity is what got him in the spotlight in the first place.

Lets go over this party's platform
>End Interprovincial trade barriers
I would like to see this but provinces are soveriegn and I doubt Quebec would agree to this.
>respect the rights of firearm owners
This is good but is already implied when people vote conservative
>Scrap federal carbon tax
Again this is mainstream Conservative position at this point
>End Corporate Welfare
Sounds good, doesn't work. Fact is there are a LOT of companies on welfare. Since we are a small country next to a big one we have to protect our industries as well.
>stop tax credits
good but no one really cares that much
>balance the budget
uhuh we've heard that one before
>ottawa out of healthcare (privitise a bit)
alot of people are really proud of our healthcare, even if it is shit. Its one of those things we point out to amerimutts all the time. This is a hard one to sell and I doubt people will get behind him if they hear this.
>get rid of equalization
really good but isolates the east
>aggressively pursue free trade deals
this is where he loses me. He is for more free trade and for temp foriegn workers. This would mean selling our country even more to foreigners
>Corporate tax rate from 15% to 10%
wtf i love tax cuts for billionaires .

I'm way further South than that.

I like your mountie pics user. They were always a source of comedy growing up in the 90's but they seem very comfy now.

Sounds like a good start brother.

too much light pollution where i am in south ontario to see em. Cant wait to get out of here and see them all the time.

I've lived in the outskirts of Grand Rapids for 10 years and on a very good night I seen a duller less intense version of this. You telling me you never seen the lights nigga?

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I'm with you

I paid 340 leak bucks gor an expired chicken and I will do it again

We need passenger trains ffs.

I'm not aboard the Bernier train himself. From my perspective his movement got coopted by faggot wine moms and libertarian retards who took over all the facebook groups and cucked up the policy. Theres a reason why his polling numbers haven't changed much in weeks and that's because he's not going deep enough on the issues. I was very disappointed when he didn't show up to the yellow vest protests. His platform is good on some points but jesus christ I wish it would go further. I'm tired of there being no real conservative option in this country. Temporary foreign workers, mass immigration and free trade are all selling out our nation's people. Especially when its free trade in nothing but name alone. I'd like to see an income tax reduction so our people can afford fucking houses.

One of the few things that are quintessentially and instantly recognizable as representing old Canada. Modern RCMP might be cucks but at their inception the RCMP were rough riding frontier police btfoing natives and brigands.

Make Toronto York again

one Canadian leaf car costs a million dollars.

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housing prices are due almost entirely to foreign money laundering and endless immigration into few major cities


Canadian rail needs to be expanded imo. Alberta has started clogging up the rail by exporting its oil. Not that thats a bad thing, but we just need more rail infrastructure to bind the nation closer together.

oh 100%. The chinese laundering and triads in Van are criminal and should be nuked in their entirety. They're making more homeless shelters in Toronto because they're all filled with migrants. Enough is enough desu.

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Its funny, I know people in Toronto who are pretty much Marxists and are criticizing the landlords for owning property in the first place.
Then I say well cut immigration and you wouldn't have this problem and they sperg out.
They would guillotine property owners for owning property rather than just stop immigration lol.

And Boomer politics inhibiting new growth through restrictive regulations.

Reminder, Islam is destroyer of nations and has no place in North America.


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cognitive dissonance I suppose. Though you can find the same amongst most groups. Modern Marxists don't really care or come from the genuine working class. And they never really have. Marxists have always been radical academics. You think any of these Toronto Marxists are plumbers or carpenters or even auto workers. God no. They just want to tear down the edifice.

the eternal boomer and the eternal chang. Boomer regulation is absolute insane in this nation. Trudeau recently threw down some more electoral regulation for lobbying and such to further restrict politics in this nation.

Islam is literally just an excuse for Arab Imperialism. Has no place in Canada. Brampton, Surrey etc all need to be deported en masse.

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Surrey is filled with poo in the loos. Dont think there are a lot of muzzies. Last time I was there it was mostly Sikhs. Richmond was mostly wang's

Without a doubt user Mounties BTFO hard in harsh conditions and looked good doing it. Aesthetic. As a young leaf did you ever want to be one?

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I think trains will preserve Canadian beauty and I think the right can easily co-opt the green movement if we make some minor concessions. Look at Japan. Great rail infrastructure, most used on the planet. All private. So you can see appease lolberts and greentards

AGHHHHH why can't we have one based politician in Canada. I support Bernier, but hes such a fucking lolberterian it's insane. He thinks climate change is somehow good for the environment ("CO2 is good for trees" like what?). We need a true high tory in office.

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Sikhs are way less based than people think tbqh. Half of them shill for Khalistan. NDP party of Poos now desu.

Old Mounties were the Cowboys of Canada. I wanted to be a Mounty or a Player for the Leafs.

It actually really bothers me that Conservatism is conflated with anti environmentalism. I personally would like to preserve our beautiful lakes and woods. Tolkier tier green I suppose. More national parks and regulations on industrial workings near water.

tfw the most right wing politician in Canada is a lolbertarian dog whistling to nationalists to expand his voting base. Scheer seems to be toeing to the right slowly but he's still a huge cuckold. Canada needs a real right wing party.

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>not enjoying winter darkness

The only thing that I fully support from Bernier is his gun control positions and ending corporate welfare. I think supply management has to be addressed as well, but idk enough about it to say what the right course of action is.

Still not tackling refugees, only against the UN because they're "unfair" against Israel like come on.

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Politics moves by slivers user. You can't expect us to hop from Trudeau straight to Reichs-Canada. Measure your expectations. Anybody that wants to reduce immigration or reduce taxes at all is a God send at this point.