
The Jew hates this. Why? It obviously works, Samuel Hahnemann is the only doctor with a monument in Washington DC, and even in the early 20th century when the slander campaign against all human health began, homeopathy was continued to be practiced by individuals leading the cancer industry, the upper classes, and has inevitably spread back into lower class society, via imitation, ands its impeccable word of mouth.

Why are you faggots so delusional to believe all these healthy, educated, and far more functional and happy people than you, are wrong?

So far what I've heard is a bunch of herd mentality idiots telling me that the "consensus" against homeopathy would have to be some sort of (((international))) conspiracy for it to not be true.

Seems a whole lot more fucking probable to me than everyone talking about homeopathy being a conspiracy. Its very, very simple: the Rockefeller medical complex is hellbent against homeopathy, and they are having fantastic success.

So, Jow Forumstards, again, why can't you comprehend that you're wrong about homeopathy? Tell me all about the conspiracy, the people who practice this medicine, the people who use it?

>Oy vey! The experts are right goyim, you stay away from that nasty homeopath who will steer you away from circumcision, masturbation and other autistic faggotry.

Attached: 113542_nib_homeopathy_shutterstock_318010247.jpg (2000x1331, 174K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Show me one trial in a reputable journal showing that hemeopathy is any more effective than a placebo and I'll buy a bridge off you.

>Oy vey! The medical authorities never conspire!

Oh. Circumcision literature is 100% a farce. Your doctor doesn't even know how a penis works. Infact, Eric Klopper was fired from his awesome position at Harvard for presenting in detail how the 1000 paper AAP report on the practice is an inversion of truth.


Damn, not in before, but really, if they can be wrong about the entire penis, how could they not be wrong about anything

>I decide what's reputable! Now line up for a circumcision, "vitamin K shot" and vaccines. Make sure you teach your children about anal sex and masturbation.

But it's just a few atoms of a chemical in alcohol or water. How is that supposed to do anything?

No, its actually 0 media left. And it does do something, that's why people report these remedies as initiating a healing process in them.

Its consistent, its rediscoverable, and it works even if the patient doesn't know he's taking it. You merely need to follow Hahnemann's instructions, and you can prepare the remedies for yourself.

How does gravity work?

OP, you're going to have to actually make a case for homeopathy at some point, so stop saying lots of nothing and get to the point. Why do you think this quackshit works? It's literally just fucking water.

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It's basically just water.
Some things diluted in water over and over again until there is literally almost nothing left of the "substance".

It's pretty easy my friend. IF IT WORKED. Much more people would rave about it (and not only the ones that has no other option (it's literally like religious healers with their "warm" hands magically "curing" stuff - which also ofc is BS)).

If homeopathy worked I'd never have to buy alcohol again. Just put a tiny drop in a glass of water, and make a wish!

>Its consistent, its rediscoverable

>water is more effective than placebo

how would they even compare the two? homeopathy is part of a greater theory of "wholism" - even the colour of the package affects the "results"

No, its not like religious healers and their BS. You have never, ever talked to people practicing this medicine.
Because the preparation does something to the water. How simple can this be: it works, you merely deny reality, and deny yourself any investigation of the people practicing it.

Baste and redpilled, Nazi fag, keep on trusting those experts and the medical complex above healthful, skeptical natural philosophers.

In your basement. You should search up what the Catholic doctors give for queers, study Hahnemann's guide to preparation, and kiss your BBC dildo goodbye

Why does the magic diluted water pick up beneficial compounds and not poisons?

this LARP isn't even funny

it oozes from your posts that you don't believe any of this shit, but you are pretending way too hard to be retarded

>he trusts hucksters and snake oil more than his own intuition and understanding

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Why does reality work the way it does? I have no inductive logic for your rotten kike-brain.

The conspiracy is against this effective medicine, not from it.

Yes I believe it. I have dystonia and knows its pretty well a non-factor in my life. Doctors do not know how the nervous system even generates these movement patterns, yet alone how to treat it in clinic.
Who told you they are snake-oil selling hucksters? You obviously no nothing of the history, or people practicing homeopathy.

>Because the preparation does something to the water. How simple can this be

ohhhh.... ok you must be trolling then
It's pretty weak desu

>Doctors do not know how the nervous system even generates these movement patterns
so what? they can't know, it's not like they deliberatly don't want to know :)

What do you mean? The medicine only works when prepared properly. You dilute the shit, it creates the effect discovered by Hahnemann. The body is not solely biochemical.

By the retarded logic in this thread, dystonia isn't real, because the literature cannot explain it.

Also, anyone taking a bite on how the whole medical industry lies about the foreskin having no function? Nope, we just wanna cow to experts :)

how does that reply have any thing to do with what I said??

And you think we don't want to know how homeopathic preparations work? The cognitive dissonance is reaching untold levels

>how homeopathic preparations work
but they don't work :(

youtube.com/watch?v=NkYfmRGsfFA lies

>people believe what they say
>people dont just speak words for personal gain

it must be nice to live in ignorance

Must be nice to live in ignorance of how this phenomena is the opposite in this case. There is almost nothing to gain from lobbying against the (((experts,))) so they don't. Indeed, it is the medical apparatus deceiving here, and not the millions of honest people who have had their lives changed by homeopathy.

what's the point of that video?

>grandma has Rheumatoid Arthritis
>has to take now DMARDs, basically the last hope for her
>goes to fairy tale hospital but still takes DMARDs
>disease finally goes into remission because DMARDs
>must be the tap water that cured her!


If homeopathy works, why are you still a faggot, OP?


>Oh no! He's starting to post testimony, even though he doesn't need it himself, since he already knows it can cure nervous system disorders from his own case.

OP has literally 0 arguments except for fallacies.

Homeopathy cannot undue 26 years of terrible development, just help relieve the pattern and begin the healing.

What's the fallacy? How do you know of gravity, other than the normal force? How do doctors know what happens in their patients, other than treating them and observing the result?


that guy doesn't have a nervous system disorded, it's a case of conversion disorder aka he has emotional/mental issues

LOL faggot. If you wanna talking about psychogenic (function) movement disorders, I'll be happy to jump right into the peer reviewed literature and rip you to shit.

And yeah, homeopathy treats the type of people you're thinking of, also.

>the music
>the narration
>the non-sequiturs


Just what you deserve.
Antivaxx, homeopathy, magick etc bullshit belong to the lefties. Off with you.

it's ok user, I saw psychogenic cases where the doctors gave a patient a water subcutaneous injection (hurts like hell), but they told the patient it was some miracle drug from america, and the psychogenic attention recovered fast :)

>homeopathy treats
it's like saying darkness lightnes the sky


>big pharma pushes through a pill that has side effects that are worse than the symptoms it tries to treat
defend this, Jow Forums

So far we have:
-a complete inability to describe or criticize the homeopathic community itself.
-"Muh experts and the trust circle" Damn Jow Forums isn't this your enemy?
-youtube video with all the emotional manipulations of hit piece.

Grats dude, good thing homeopathy works even if you don't tell the patient.

Vaccines hurt your immune system, even if you are inoculated.

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>Vaccines hurt your immune system, even if you are inoculated.
[citation needed]

Another piece of high production propaganda. How is it harmful if it doesn't work? I've never seen homeopathy promoted ANYWHERE.

Henry Zimmerman and the CBC are happy to tell you homeopathy is dangerous, but only after hordes of people see a kid that has acted like a psychotic animal cured by a nosode.

Kikes kikes kikes.

Homeopathy is essentially dilluting medication until there's nothing left.
Naturopathy maybe... but homeo, nope.

It is harmful, cause you don't take the actual proper medicine, you retard.

Go to a community in the north west where they don't vax. Its likes taking a time machine back to prewar (WWII) health

If homeopathy was real, all of the water on earth would poses all of the qualities of all of the substances it came in contact with.
Dump a gram of MDMA in nearest river and in a some years everyone in the world could party just by drinking.

Case closed.

prewar (WWII) health
Having 14 children, 11 of which die before 18? Good times.

Why do the Canadian founders of naturopathy (insurable) practice classical homeopathy? Because it works.
Yes you do. Until your disease is cured, then the MD takes you off it. Infact, homeopathic medications have a huge number of interactions with active substances :)

But yes, its all one massive LARP. The "experts" who can't even tell you what a foreskin does are right, again!

No, this isn't how they are prepared
Who taught you this? People had fantastic physical health, people are worse off than ever in Canada.

that flag isn't helping, honestly dude if you're gonna say anything that isn't the God's Truth, use a meme flag and protect your country's falling reputation.

People had fantastic physical health. Right.
Vaccines removes polio, rabies, variola, whopping cough, rubella, and other such nasties. People used to have a ton of children, as many would not make it to adulthood. I don't know what reality you think you are in, but it's not what you expect.
Enough of this LARP.

>No, this isn't how they are prepared
Yes it is

Wrong. You compare the kids who are not vaccinated, to those who aren't and its not even close. Your "Muh Greater Good" argument means nothing about the microcosm of the individual. Laughable kike.

Your inability to even deal with the sociological phenomena I'm describing around this medicine, and see deeper in, isn't helping you. use a meme flag and protect your country's falling reputation.
No its not.

>Oy vey!

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>Of course, vaccines are harmless, just give them more!

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>One more couldn't hurt!

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How do they keep this LARP up? Its absurd and no one is ever helped by the mountains of homeopathic literature! People pay for you to give them 10 cents of sugar pills? What?

im still new to the 4chins, can I even bump?

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Nobel laureates praise homeopathy? What's happening?


>Samuel Hahnemann is the only doctor with a monument in Washington DC
*blocks your path*

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Thanks for the bump, and I will correct this factoid in my future goading of kikes on Jow Forums.

Yes it is!

>If homeopathy was real, all of the water on earth would poses all of the qualities of all of the substances it came in contact with.
>Dump a gram of MDMA in nearest river and in a some years everyone in the world could party just by drinking.

But no one ever claimed this is how homeopathic medication works. Its very easy to spoil the remedy.

How will it be spoiled?

As a master of inductive reasoning, may you consider a moment how one might spoil a carefully prepared substance?

Well, homeopathic remedies are a front to most people's inductive reasoning, so I'll help: you put your fingers on it, you leave it out in the air too long, you put another remedy in it, you don't use a clean vial. Since the mechanism of action is not understood, people tend to follow experience purely, and practice high standards,

> child gets sick
> parents try to cure kid with homeopathic nonsense
> child dies of meningitis, easily curable with modern medicine
Homeopathy is fucking bullshit snake oil, and believing it actually does something (other than some placebo effect) has real consequences.
But why am I bothering, this kids death isn't going to change your mind anyway.

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>child gets sicks
>its parents are dumb
>it dies

Say snake-oil again. Say your "muh greater good" mentality again. Be the fucking kike you know you are.

I don't give a fuck about this alleged mishap, or when J.Witnesses refuse blood, or when mega-church idiots turn to spiritual healing.

Homeopathy works. You do not understand "placebo." You guys can project fallacies and strawmen all day.

"Muh 'toilet water'"
"Muh 'free speech is killing children'"
"Muh 'expert told me it snake-oil'"

Jeeper Creepers, and you still don't wanna talk about the AAP's 1000 page report being demonstrated a farce this year? Medical stagnation is a simple historical pattern, and we're deep in it. "The Mismeasure of Man," anyone? Doctors feel like they are truth dispensers, AGAIN.

I have never seen a homeopath speak against insurable western medicine.


Is this story a lie? its all lies, right? Just like the 2015 report in Australia which was done to standards no allopath would accept? To trash the first trail, after its completion, and then run another, with all kinds of foolery? What?

> homeopathy works
> projecting fallacies and strawmen
Fine then, piss your money away on shit that doesn't work.

Mexican Intellectual here, I've seen lots of patients ditch their treatments and go for homeopathic remedies. Let's just say many ended up returning to allopathic medicine after getting worse or just ended up dead. Oh But I also have seen homeopathy "work" in some cases, like "I have been taking this homeopathic remedy for 2 months and it cured my IBS! Sure I'm also following the usual dietary recommendation an exercising but that's irrelevant"
Homeopathy just doesn't work.

It already worked, and it cost me 12 dollars total. My dystonia is nearly gone, and so is my social anxiety. Wanna hear about all the other professional who this works for?

Want me to show you your projection and straw men? Worse than the Norwegian and his "toilet water xd" propaganda.

Just say it: I already know because of experts, that homeopathy is quackery, and I will not ever investigate cases myself.



We'll try again tomorrow, or maybe this thread is still up when I'm back. It only gets more fun as I grow my peripheral material.

Oh yeah, and where did the vaccination moron go? He didn't like my infographics?

So it will work then!

Whatever pal, it doesn't change the fact that the only cases where homeopathy seems to produce results it's on conditions that are treatable with life style changes. Would you use homeopathy to treat peritonitis? Or to treat a cardiac congestive failure? I don't think so.

>snake oil still a thing

one day people will wise up

there are literally mensa people believing in astrology

magical thinking and schizophrenic tendencies are part and parcel of the human psyche, more in some than others

No, I would use it exactly as it as always been used: as a supplement to traditional care.
Oh lord, the "insanity" argument, combined with the modern mythology used to explain patterns in their ideas. Lemme dry off and I'll get to you.

OPs can't bump their shitty threads anymore buddy

I'm actually not gonna educate this gypsy, who is still on DSM4 terminology, on conversion disorders, psychogenic movement disorders, or insanity.

Homeopathy is redpilled. All Jow Forums's enemies hate it in the same pattern they hate everything else posted about here.

See you in the next thread, faggots.

>reputable journal

Attached: Lancet science studies untrue.jpg (1920x3024, 1.82M)

Could you explain how you think Homeopathic medicine works, OP? I'm on the fence about this issue.

I'm sure random hocus pocus is more legit than thousands of scientits strugling to make something from facts and stumbling along the way because what do you know, people have a lot of garbage in them and it can slip into what they do

I mean you probably felt so smart when you made your shitty little post, thinking how you just demolished the entire western civilization your your snarky little picture


here is a top-tier explanation of homeopathy

Homeopathy is about using the body's energy to correct itself. Homeopathic medicine is energy.
>inb4 energy isn't medicine
Suppressed for 80 Years: They’re Finally Admitting Royal Rife Was Right. truthstreammedia.com/2017/08/08/cancer-cure-suppressed-80-years-theyre-finally-admitting-royal-rife-right/

Also, trust your doctor goyim. Nothing bad will happen.

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You dumb nigger have no idea who wrote that article, do you? Literally, one of the smartest men in medicine ever. Fucking learn something before your post.

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oh jeez user stop hyperventilating, just because some bigshot is sounding the alarm on some bad practices in academia, it doesn't mean he went full "MUH SCIENCE ISN'T ACUTALLY REAL GUYZ LET'S BELIEVE IN MAGIC AND MUH ENERGY FIELDS XDDDD"

Leaf nigger, just because jews agree on this doesn't mean it's actually good.
You know what else jews don't like to eat ? Shit. You should try some, then.

>muh homeopathy wizardry and memory of water
Faggot, if memory of water is a thing, then every single drop of water on the planet has the memory of Charlemagne's piss, dinosaur's semen and .. has probably been in contact with every single fucking chemical that has ever existed naturally on this fucking planet since water condensed so it has the memory of EVERYTHING.
>inb4 drinking water gives you all illnesses and cures everything at the same time

Oh wait, that's right, memory of WATER .. that's why your faggot magic pill is either made out of dry sugar pellets or generic tablets of compressed dry powder.
Where is the fucking hypothesis of the memory of sugar and powder, leaf ?

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what possible basis in reality could you have for believing in homeopathy?
anecdotal accounts don't count, there's a reason pretty much every experiment has a control group.
no one is saying big pharma isn't corrupt, but just because they're fuckheads doesn't mean you should believe in batshit insane treatments.

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healing has always had been fucking hocus-pocus in many ways. The power of belief, placebo and psychosocial factors have massive and measurable impacts on health. Good doctors look at the literature, consider biological plausibility and clinical significance of the studies as well as their overall quality. Good doctors follow evidence and are open-minded to the science, always trying to find that fine-line between careful skepticism and unwarranted cynicism. Good doctors accept that there will always be some level of doubt and practice the known medicine of our time, knowing that inevitably today's 'truth' will be the source of derision in the future.
ok then, time to chop off that foreskin goy.
t. doctor

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