I fucked it up Jow Forums, I revealed my powerlevel and now my shitskin infested community wants to lynch me.
There was this coal-burner cunt in my class who hangs with niggers all the time and was bugging me to help her with her failing grades. I told her to fuck off and ask to her nigger friends instead, but she kept bugging me because even she knows niggers are useless braindead apes, eventually I snaped and called her "scat princess" because I thought it was more acceptable than "coal burner". Dumb bitch went absolutely apeshit and took screenscaps and uploaded them her kikebook were she befriended literally hundreds of shitskins, now every subhuman is at me.
Scat princess
>scat princess
does she fuck indiants or something?
i call my wife scat princess coincidentally enough, but thats because she likes to take massive fucking dumps in her pants
she hates nonwhites more than i do lol
Man up user.
Get a gun and kill all those niggers who come after you.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
kill them all, get back at the kikes, your life is ruined anyways
wtf man
you already revealed your power level, might as well go full out and redpill them
start carrying a knife in your pocket and be alert for the next week or so
>scat princess = shit lord = anti-racist banter about people they hate
tell the retarded fucking niggers that and if they further accuse you of being racist do as kikes do and suggest perhaps this is their implicit bias at work not yours. welcome fag
>being on social media
>interacting with normies
yikes, ya youre a complete faggot
You can recover #scatprincess is about nasty bitches look it up. Tell everyone she wouldn't leave you alone and her pussy smelt like shit.
tfw learned a new insult from pol
Absolutely degenerate. Both you and your degenerate gf are subhuman filth. Cannot believe you tolerate dating a pig who shits her pants. kys
shes really cute and wants to have lots of kids, we are going to start working on white baby #1 when the new year starts since we are doing well financially
the best girls have the weirdest kinks, if you cant handle that then enjoy being a lonely loser forever or find a girl with some normie BLACKED cuckoldry fetish like most of them
that would be hot, but no she does it at home in private where nobody else has to see it like a decent human being
Don't do this, carry a gun instead.
this is actually good, scat princess = shit lord
based leaf!
fucking /thread
Lol, you’re going to die cracka
>using social media
Buy a gun and burn a cross in your front yard every night. If you have trees, be sure to hang nooses around. That'll keep em away.
So? Why the fuck are you afraid? Call them out to faces, they are retarded baboons, she is worthless piece of fuckmeat. What the fuck will happen, they will attack you? Just shoot them, you are american, you can shoot niggers and them share beer with police and laugh.
There's only one solution; you're going to have to suck a nigger's dick.
That way they can't accuse you of being racist and you counter any abuse with accusations of homophobia.
You know it makes sense. Post pics.
I absolutely approve of this world view.
They will forget about it if you never apologize
LARP out in a field nerd
dont cave in, if it becomes overwhelming just ignore it and in less than a week no one will give a shit anymore
Let 1776 commence again already, user.
>i call my wife scat princess coincidentally enough, but thats because she likes to take massive fucking dumps in her pants
What the actual fuck?
I've never laughed so much.
Come again!!!???? Better yet, Don’t!
The thing he's not telling us is that his wife is also his sister
One can only wish this was the case.
I don't how true this is anymore but a white man I worked for in the 'hood told me that the cops said "that if he shot a nigger who was trust passing not to worry they' understand." This was in the 70s though.
Your average Jow Forumstard lmao
Learned a new one last night!!!
Now tonight, scat princess!!!
Please say it’s Not real!!!!
Like a medical condition or she just sharts her pants for shits and giggles???!!!!
just put those hands up son if you ever gotta
This was over text? Why didn't you just ignore her?
This shit needs it’s own thread!, I’m dying without my sides!!!!!! Can’t stop!
Best slide thread for past few days!
This place is killing me tonight!!!!
why in her pants lol, she a diaperfag?
VERY based
My wife does this too user, but she doesn't like the actual act of shitting in her pants (she wears depends). She gets off to holding it in for as long as possible. The increasing tension and pressure in a desperate attempt to delay the inevitable is what gets her off. Shes quick to clean up after herself but has said she can orgasm 3-4 times during the heat of the moment. It's pretty fucking hot tbqh.
>kill a shitskin
>cut its head off
>hold it up next to a copy of the quran
>call it (the nig) an infidel
legal and political immunity achievement unlocked - find a better woman
>muh dik
>I fucked it up Jow Forums, I revealed my powerlevel and now my shitskin infested community wants to lynch me
>There was this coal-burner cunt in my class who hangs with niggers all the time and was bugging me to help her with her failing grades
I don't even have to guess what your actual flag is
At the very least. Do not engage in this kink while she is pregnant.
I wish this was the case, my Ruski friend. I really do.
1 post from Op why...
Two Maryland teens covered their school in Nazi and KKK graffiti why
Be me
>15 year old who goes to a residential school for kids with emotional and behavioral problems.
>sent their because I have Schizophrenia and Bipolar Depression
>Reveal my power level
>15 yo 6’0 nig,16 yo 5’8 Jew, 19 yo 5’8 spic bully threaten me
>later on the Nig swings at me and I kick him in the balls almost sterilizing him
>Now i get along with all but 1 mulatto at this school
Fpbp as always
>Dumb bitch went absolutely apeshit
that means it's true
>literally hundreds of shitskins
so ? stop using social media for trivial things
God, Canadians are sub-Human.
I would have no idea that you meant something racial by scat princess. just play it off like that unless you actually went full retard and explained it
Coughing fit, pants of shit
> Scat princess
>trust passing
What's that?
Agreed, scat princess sounds like what you'd call either of the broads from 2 Girls 1 Cup
Thread obliterated
Sorry OP you probably gonna die but LMAO
I'm dying lol
The voices calling you a faggot are real, user.
Saving the White race, ONE LOG AT A TIME.
>this thread
You can’t make this shit up
your story is hilarious and scat princess will outlive you, as a meme
rest in peace, fren