2019 Canadian Elections

So leafs, will you guys re-elect Trudeau? Who will win in 2019?

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Justin will win but lose seats to both opposition parties

Bernier will screw the Conservatives out of a few Québec ridings and probably win his own.

If I can't vote for Bernier I won't vote at all and either way it won't make any difference

its pointless to vote, the top 4 parties are diet cokes of each other, all owned by the same people
theyre all kiked, except the People's Party, but they have no chance

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Bernier is going to split the conservative vote. I don't really like Scheer, but Bernier won't win so voting for him would be a waste. I guess I'll be voting for Scheer. I really wish Doug Ford would run.

Surely the Conservative Party is not quite as bad.

trips of truth

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>Surely the Conservative Party is not quite as bad.

My vote would mean nothing.

>the prime minister is elected
Amerimutt education, everyone.


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Just vote for Trudeau again, maybe the first time was because he was inexperienced. This time he'll save Canada for sure

It doesn't matter who we elect, we are all absolutely fucked no matter what.

At first, I thought that aggressive looking Hindu was photoshopped.


>having this much faith in a Canadian political party
your hopes are still too high
if you only knew how bad things really are

Let's hope so. The threat Alberta separation is the only hope we have of waking this country up and fucking Toronto

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I’m voting for Bernier, he’s the only one whose balls have dropped, and if Bernier ends up splitting the vote and allowing Liberals to stay in power then hopefully that’s enough for the West to separate! Win win situation really.

That is not a hindu it's a Sikh but a burger would not understand that

>Alberta separation
How popular is this movement?

I'm with Justin!

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~1/3 are fairly open to the idea. Can economic numbers could drive that number up

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Fuck off yank. Only collapse now.

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Redpill me on captain neemo.

The left wing party wanted a non white but he's a total retard disaster who nobody but other sihks like.

Looks like a bunch a fuckin' alien frog people

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That meek way of admitting the CPC is complete shit and will act the same as Trudeau.
Trudeau already won, media is trying its best to sabotage Bernier since they know he'd get a huge following if treated seriously.

if weedmandango wins again the rakes be upon yee

>Scheer taking power will change anything
more immigrant
more money to Israel instead of gay pet projects

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that's just Anglos in general my dude

Trudeau vs Indian Trudeau vs less charming Harper
Ya they're prairie people





More popular than everyone knows. All I ask for is a simple referendum

i would unironically vote for the sikh

Why user

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Best Case: Mad Max
Cuck Lite Case: Scheer
Cuck Case: Trudeau
JUST Case: Poo

That sikh "bro" is gibs-me-dat policy guru on steroids.

>if only you knew

Trudeau will win

pretty much

Jugmeat is going to bleed enough votes not only to clinch the election for Trudeau but also relegate the NDP to fourth party status behind Elizabeth May

>tfw you destroy your own party before you get the chance to destroy Canada

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>a poo
>a jew
>a cuckoo

Canadian Conservative Party is worse than the Democrats

Either way we're fucked. Not one of these faggots will do anything about rising food costs and energy prices. Fuck them all I hope they all die

>Trudeau, but without the intelligence
You lost me. But holy fuck, the NDP has gone to the shitters.


Fuck if Alberta separates I'm moving to Calgary

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>He's like Justin Trudeau, but without the intelligence
>implying Trudeau is intelligent

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the NDP somehow fuses the worst aspects of every leftist ideology into one radioactive amalgam

Just having provincial NDP governments in BC and Alberta have destroyed Canada's energy sector as they proceeded to feud and embargo each other

It's sarcastic you dopes.


>He's like Stephane Dion, but without the charisma
>He's like Michael Ignatieff, but without the commitment to Canada

> shoot, shovel, and shut up
.....I miss Ralph

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I'll vote for Sheer if he promises not to be an embarrassment on the international stage the way Justin was.

His approval ratings are way down. I predict the liberals will get wiped out federally like they were provincially in Ontario and Quebec.

he will, and things will only get worse

2023 Elections:
>migrants make up majority of population
>all vote Singh
>Canada is now a colony of India
>Open borders
>Guns banned
>Designated shitting streets
can't wait

I'd vote for the goat fucker if I could. Accelerationism is the way.

The conservative party is the same shit as the Liberals

"Increase the number of new immigrants from 310,000 per year to 350,000 per year by 2021.[97]."

RIP Canada.

unironically based and redpilled. I will do this.

I actually talked with a Trudeau voter before the last election who was voting for hair lisp for the lower taxes. That's how stupid people in Canada are. Voting for a liberal for lower taxes. Holy shit.

vote small party, 3rd party, or independents

its never pointless to vote, by not voting you are in fact voting

the process of voting is to see if the population is energetic enough to revolt against their masters, and by not voting, you vote for the status quo, pretty stupid

>thinking this will work
>voting is a form of revolt
The only effective form of revolt is what the yellow vests have achieved in France, left and right united together against the system. That shit terrifies the status quo.
I doubt something similar on that scale could be achieved in Canada, too many people here are shut-ins

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People voting Scheer because he has Conservative in his party's name are just as retarded