If you support abortion you are an anti-white monster

Abortion is murder according both to science and the Bible.

if abortion was illegal whites would be above the replacement level.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Abortion is a good thing

not for whites

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Compare those numbers with the ethnicity statistic. It's normal that in a 90%+ white state most abortions are also white

Checks flag, yup... ok rabbi, let's ignore the fact that the majority of abortions are by niggers.

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>white babies murdered all over the place

Why are all these abortion supporting kikes on my Jow Forums?
Get outta here

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85% of abortions are from unmarried women. The majority are also poor and NOT WHITE. Furthermore, nearly 70% occur before 8 weeks when they are only embryos, not yet even fetuses. I don't believe in saving embryos just so we can have more single parent households living on welfare rasing Jamals to be thugs. Also, I think abortion should be kept legal to prevent retards from being born. Abortion is a good tool for keeping the population of low quality people down and saving resources for higher quality people.

We need the stem cells for immortality research

guess they wanna be cool or fit in.

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Don't you get enough from babies dicks in America?
You know there are over 150,000,000 circumcised men in America right?
$431 per foreskin?

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Whatever you just listed is still preferable to literally murdering babies which is evil and wrong.

Another point: whites would be above the replacement level and it doesn't matter if your family sucks, you can still be successful like most whites STILL ARE. Maybe you missed that whites are net tax payers not net recipients like all other races.

And yes, "embroyes" are still babies dipshit.

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Those states are overwhelmingly White- I believe South Dakota is like 90% White, ~1% nigger (the rest is mostly Natives). This means that a nigger is SD is over ELEVEN TIMES more likely than a White woman to abort her niglet.
So YES, the alt right should support abortion,

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Most abortions occur before 8 weeks when it is only an embryo. Look up what a miscarriage before 8 weeks looks like. It is intellectually dishonest to call embryos babies.

*nigger in SD

They're a baby at conception. It doesn't matter if you reduce them to being "just an embryo" or "just a fetus". They are by definition still a baby.

Post the pictures of what they do to get them out, that is normally a wake up call.
Talk about having a haunted vagina.

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We need the embryonic stem cells. This is in all our interest.

If you murder a pregnant woman you are charged with double homicide not homicide and an abortion.
Case closed.

Yeah no fuck you, i can't afford to live forever so why should you kill babies so you and your rich buddies can?
Ill kill you out of spite and jealousy.

Flawed logic. There have been calculations and studies made to offset and see what the population numbers would be if there was 0 abortions. Almost all studies show that there would be no gigantic explosion in population but society would adapt socially to consequences of pregnancy and niggers would not have 1 million babies per mom in America.

Flawed logic. And keep in mind all of the other factors that abortion entails: being a whore without consequences etc.

Kill nigger babies.

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and if your against it your a fucking race traitor, abortion and sterilization is the only way we stop the negro and the spic take over things. they fucking breed like rabbits


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I live in a white country, thanks though.

>if you support abortion you are an anti-white monster

What are the stats on white vs blacks on usage of abortion services?

Kill nigs.

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oh because things are going really great right now. abortion really saved everything didn't it?

dumb mutt. learn to think before you open your mouth.


How about this for a concept, all races deserve to exist, none of them should mix.

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No, they are not by definition a baby. Look up what a miscarriage before 8 weeks looks like and tell me with honesty you think that's a baby.

Most abortions occur far earlier than this and are from blacks and poor white trash who are pretty much worthless.

they don't understand that the race mixing question and ethnostate question is COMPLETELY SEPARATE from the issue of abortion. of course we need our own ethnic homelands, but that issue needs solving regardless of the current abortion laws.

they simply never think beyond their own noses.

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We need to keep Abortion legal until we have an ethnostate- or at least some semblance of one (95+% White). As long as we have niggers, abortion is a necessary evil. For now, abortion is effectively a form of LEGAL EUGENICS against niggers. (We should also sent doctors to provide abortions in Africa).

Abortion *IS* murder.
I'm pro-abortion because it's killed over 12 million niggers since it was legalized.
>the fault in your logic is that you assume all murder is wrong - in fact it's not.

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It is a human being from conception onward. Reclassify it to whatever you want sicko.

>Dehumanising babies in order to justify their murder

How do you sleep at night?

I support abortion, but only for blacks

Nose too big?
Gets in the way?
Must be an Oy Vey!!!

It could have been if the mother hadn't abused her body and had the miscarriage - if she had taken better care of herself she wouldn't have murdered her own child.

Jow Forumsing the whate race is it mind expansion meme

Part of the problem, causing the ethnostate to not exist you are.
You don't get an invitation for your low IQ.

I wasn't going to be allowed in anyway, I'm black

If you want to make abortion illegal, make it illegal for men to abandon women after they impregnate them and have there be exceptions for a woman's health.

You do not understand the moral and social decline that abortion entails. It hugely offsets the """""positives""""" you claim from murdering black babies.

And think of the millions and millions of white babies that you are OK with killing because "hurr durr we also kill babies of other races". Completely flawed logic.

If cracking a chicken an egg isn't abortion then neither is cracking an black embryo.

Have a sook, cunt. I bet ya my pokie money you won't shit, you prolly faint at the sight of blood.

I want divorce to be illegal and yes, that's a very good start. Exception for cases where the woman will die from continuing pregnancy.

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At the 2 month ultrasound, I was pretty surprised that my baby looked like a regular baby. Her features, her distinct chin that runs in my family, everything was just like when she was born. Definitely murder, but if it's blacks and Mexicans, oh well.

Miscarriages aren't always a woman's fault and it doesn't matter what it could have been, it matters what it was at that point in development.

Every race gets and ethnostate you fool.
Yours is in Africa.

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Life is the most precious gift, the only time abortion should be okay is if its the product of a rape and as everyone knows half casts are bad for the world or if the child is going to be a mong / downy.

Here's your 8 weeks bro Looks human enough to you?

meet me at bunning for a punch on then some snags you fucking poofter

There would have been 400 million more whites in the world today if abortion was banned.

400 million that never were born. That's fucking genocide. But it's somehow accepted because muuuh wymen my båådy

Well, I agree that divorce is degenerate. Good enough I guess.

Need to account for population differences.
For example half the people who commit murder are black in Free Mutt Land but they are only 14% of the population of FML.

Finally someone who gets it. Thanks bro

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see>I would hate to see our tax bill if abortion was made illegal, more nig babies=equals more gibs,
get it you autistic faggot?
No, I guess you wouldn't would you because you live in fucking sweden and NOT IN THE US so you wouldn't understand the nigger problem we have now would you.
as for I would say majority of the white abortions were because of rape.
half a nigger rape baby is still a dead nigger and thats good for me.

I don't want to be around a bunch of niggers, I work at a coffee shop in the whitest part of town

I said most abortions occur before 8 weeks but whatever. I don't want to pay for anybody else's child so if they cant afford one they shouldn't have one. And I don't a retard baby so I'd abort that too. Existence isn't for the weak.

>I would say majority of the white abortions were because of rape.
Less than 1% of abortions are due to rape. But you always wanna boil it down to rape because that's an issue we can concede.

No, you belong in Africa where you can be Kangz

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>If you want to make abortion illegal, make it illegal for men to abandon women after they impregnate them

Maybe we should make it illegal for women to act like sluts so they don't get banged up out of wedlock. Then we wouldn't have all those baby butchers on tinder


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Why don't Americans just make rich people pay more taxes?
Pic related are the taxes in Australia.

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I used to live near a hospital. They stored medical waste destined for incineration in a secure facility and I worked security there. I used to steal fetuses and put them on the property of women who I knew miscarried. One girl, 18 and Catholic. Lost her baby in child birth. I skewered a dead baby on her car antenna. She has a panic attack and was given ECT in a mental hospital. I tried eating a few. I came in the mouth of a dead baby girl then buried it in the bush.

Absolutely lols guys. I still have a tiny babies hand in the fridge.

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I'd much rather just work for whites
King Nigger is as important as Smartest Retard

and then you woke up.

Why are the most pro-migration countries always against abortion? No matter how many white babies Swedes create, can be 10 by each family, but fact remains the same, unless you close borders you ain't going to be white. It's always going to be some kind of a mix. Have ban on abortion when you have only Swedish ethnic races living in Sweden or even better, don't be a capitalist, then people won't need to hoe around, rend and worry about abortion.

Sick cunt aye?
Traralgon hospital or was this back when Moe still had a hospital?

This isn't murder.

Would you pick cotton?
We could pay you with free food, housing and no bills to pay.

Most spontaneous abortions involve chromosomal abnormalities. They aren’t normal pregnancies nigger.

Not all women who have sex before marriage are sluts.

count me in, better than living with niggers eating mud

I support selective abortion. It should be available and promoted for non Europeans.

I’m willing to bet most niggers would get an abortion for a carton of menthols and a kfc gift certificate.

There are 42000000 abortions yearly.
There are 3 abortions every single second.

Even if that number dropped to zero, white people would still be below replacement levels.

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Shut up, slut.

I wish. I knew a black chick who got pregant by a guy who was in jail and still wouldn't abort it.

Yes it objectively is

>Whites would be above replacement

No, it really wouldn't be a big change. Whites usually don't have abortions because they use birth control because they're not incompetent chimps.

Do you know who would be above replacement? Niggers.

t. incel

Oh, I get it. You got pregnant, your boyfriend left you and then you decided that you didn't want to raise the child so you murdered it.

Niggers are multiplying like literal insects.

>pic related

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Would even be cheaper. Even if you paid them for each abortion and they'd constantly get pregnant to cash in, which would eventually really mess them up, it would cost less than welfare etc for those kids.

If abortion was illegal all of America would be known as New Detroit

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Thanks for that picture. Within the first two weeks there is no photo because there is just a cell clump and most of the wemen take now the pill after. Its the stupid, the uneducated, the careless that do it even after the first month.

There actually are pictures from the very first day of pregnancy now. These pictures are taken by a Swedish photographer in the 80's I think.

Attached: 40days.png (578x504, 310K)

That didnt happen to me but if I was a woman and got pregnant then abandoned by the man that impregnated me I'd probably get an abortion depending on what point in developement it was. Childcare costs nearly as much as rent so I couldnt afford that and I couldnt be a stay at home mom either because I'd have nobody to support me.




>Shut up, slut.
and this is why you can't get laid faggot

>I did a cost benefit analysis and it was cheaper to kill the child then to raise it, so that's what I ended up doing

I support abortion in the first four hours because the cells haven't split enough to create a new multicellular organism until then

No. I said I literally wouldn't be able to afford it.

still not life IMHO

Actually it's a new human being at the very moment of conception.