Thank you, Russia

Love you forever! Fuck Amurika! Putin is the King

Attached: Amurka.png (817x634, 709K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>we need more Vietnams, Iraqs, and Afghanistans

Wtf i like losing wars now

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I support secular nationalists over batshit Jihadists any day of the week. Now fuck off Favela monkey de sopa.

losing is fine. time to leave the sandbox.

usa also lost vietnam which was a massive waste of time and money and lives.

Foreign Policy is a retarded liberal journal.. National Interest is a better one, although very Jewish too.

The best one so far is Foreign Affairs, but it's behind the paywall.

why didn't islamic terrorists backed by the deceitful, self-serving, warmongering, war criminal sociopaths in the ((Pentagon)) and Israel win? They were able to meme the USA into half a dozen other middle eastern "conflicts"; WRYYYYYYY did we stop at this one?

>America lost
No, Israel did though, I call that a victory for the US.

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>time to leave the sandbox

Somewhere George Carlin is smiling.

It's not over until there's a pipeline going from (((allies))) to Europe.
This is just a regrouping moment, like every ceasefire in the past.

>It's not over until there's a pipeline going from (((allies))) to Europe.
This is just a regrouping moment, like every ceasefire in the past.
Sadly this emu fucker has it right.

Good odds on a fake gas attack now

and I really wanted to be stuck in never ending middle eastern wars

>we lost
what did we stand to gain by winning?

So the 1/3 of Syria under US gov control is given back? Handed to rebels/kurds? Or stationed with mercenaries instead of soldiers?

The whole point is to weaken Russia to where the US has a no retaliation first strike capability.
If you keep this doctrine in mind, now go look at everything the US doing.
US really REALLY hates it that Russia can wipe them off the face of the planet.
If you think America behaves badly on the world stage now, imagine them with consequence free nuclear options.


the american fighting man won, by not having to go kill and die for the sake of Greater Israel.

Honestly, thank God we did not 'win'. Instead of a civil war we would have a completely failed state, possibly a war with Russia.

We were at war?

Russia does not at this time have a credible second strike capability - that is the ability to strike the US in retaliation of the US were to launch a First Strike against Russia. It is possible they 'might' get a missile off, it is possible it might get through our defenses, but it is more likely that they will fail in any retaliation.

People who take the topic seriously know this.

Blame the current failed state of Russian strategic nuclear submarine status. They are trying to fix it, but it is still currently broke with gaps in protection.

Sort of. Obama declared the intent of US intervention was to topple Assad. That was US policy. From that perspective we 'lost'.

If that ever should have been policy. If that counts. If toppling him would have really been a 'win'.

Those are all things that can be debated.

>America lost

didn't lose shit, the Jews maybe lost but God damn my brother is coming home and we're gonna Eiffel tower some bitches

usa never loses

based mumposter

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That's not supposed to be the official story, though. It was allegedly an organic civil war and then ISIS came in, so (((our country))) had to step in and stamp out those bad guys, even though they were against Assad, just like the anti-Assad 'rebels' that (((our country))) had been arming before in the civil war.

America won by not going all in and making it another Iraq.

Is this the same line of reasoning behind the freakout when Russia launched from the Caspian Sea into Syria?

Have fun in the sandbox, foreskin-stealing sand kikes! McCain is rolling over in hell as we speak.

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>The whole point is to weaken Russia
Pissing away American troops in a desert accomplishes that exactly how?

They're all pretty much trash that bureaucrat fuckheads for cancer organizations like NED read on their lunch breaks, as well as the Economist.

Sure thing, Chaim. See you at the stock exchange tomorrow.


How many Americans can even find Syria on a map?

No one gives a shit

>Steven A. Cuck

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Russia sells gas to Europe, with no serious competition.
(((Allies))) don't have a pipeline to Europe.
Only real option is to go through Syria.
It's all about the gas bro. As per usual.
Get gulf states to undercut the Russians fuel sales crippling their economy.
The only thing standing between USA telling other states "do as we fucking tell you or we'll nuke something"and true global hegemony is Russia.

Russia has been in Syria for at least five decades.
Israel has had a real hate for Syria ever since Bashir's daddy first ran the place.

The real goal is to eliminate the nation of Syria because they have a UN-recognized claim to the Golan Heights. The Golan Heights was discovered to have a HUGE and DEEP deposit of oil; enough to fuel Israel for decades. It is a vital strategic there are very high up globalist interests in that lucrative oil. (see "Genie Oil")

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He said that and then NOBODY backed him up internationally, not even UK who were stupid enough to follow us into Iraq.

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>be Assad
>couldnt even keep a lid on islamic terror
>unlike his father
>Assad is a cuck.


I was surprised when I found out we were in Syria. I don’t even think 98% of Americans can give an accurate guesstimation for when we went to war with syria. And literally no one knows why we are there.


>oy vey the goyim wont waste lives anymore for israel.

So they are admitting that Obama started a war in Syria against Assad?

America won both the war on ISIS and Vietnam war. If you disagree you know nothing of history and current events

Maybe then the normies will learn to not be so gung-ho in supporting ZOG wars.

ISIS was a proxy foreign invasion army.


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Tricking Russians to get rid of their nukes and then you say this.

>Syrian civil war
>Belligerents are Syrian government vs Syrian rebels.
>US somehow loses

Normies don't support wars.

We weren't in a war. We were being stupid.

No tricking involved. It has more to do with maintenance issues as well as the lack of a real warning system.

Maintenance for the subs, most of which do not see any time at sea. Which leads to gaps in coverage - times when no subs are out. And that presumes we couldn't sink them if we wanted to as well.

Of equal concern is the lack of a first warning system, satellite based. That hasn't been operational for the Russians for decades now. While a few of the satellites are still up, it is unclear if they are active - even if they are there are gaps. This allows the US to launch with Russia having only a ground based radar warning alert. Which is not enough time to allow them to launch under fire - they have to take the hit.

That last by the way is a real problem as it opens up the possibility that Russia might launch on warning and not confirmation. It would actually be more stabilizing (safe) for the US if we were to help them re-develop and deploy an early earning system.

The number of nukes isn't the issue, it is all the things that surround them that is the problem.

Paying attention to the history of Vietnam is important here.

Remember, the original justification for the US to go in to Syria was to stop ISIS. However, at this time it is being spun that not removing Assad means the US was defeated.

The fact that this was only Obama's policy will be forgotten as the Dems right the history books.

>Europe filled with even more shitskins
>(((USA))) Lost
don't think so.

Okay, you make a good and fair point. Kind of hard to do all of that for Russia when their whole Soviet Union is collapsing.

>MOSCOW, 2015. 30 Nov-US President Barack Obama said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad should leave within the framework of a political settlement in Syria.
>US somehow loses

Something isn't make sense in the Syria civil war reporting. First we were told rebels were fighting Asad and now we're told it was actually isis?

>Russia does not at this time have a credible second strike capability
Oh, so it should be safe for you to start bombing Moscow any minute now, since they such an obvious thorn in your side.
>we had to fight in Vietnam and Afganistan to counter dem Reds!

>America lost the Syrian war
All wars are now American Wars

>America lost
Nigger it wasn't our war in the first place
what the hell is wrong with neocons? why does the US have to have the entire middle east in our sphere according to them? Syria wasn't in our sphere before and they aren't now, these jew faggots need to let their little Greater Israel dreams die because it's not going to happen.

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...who gives a shit about Syria?

There has to be a motive here, not just shit posting. Even the most surgical strike would likely result in several hundred thousand being killed in Russia immediately with millions dying in the chaos that followed.

Meanwhile, the entire world would turn on the US (for good reason). We would likely be completely isolated very quickly. The economic and political fallout would be far more damaging than the nuclear fallout.

Luckily people who control such things take far more time to make decisions and make far more sober choices than leaf posting demands.

Look like Brazil is now ISraely /b/

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you should Mohammad

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in fact you should read a fucking book before anything else

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I supported Assad

>There has to be a motive here
here's your

Attached: (((you))).png (362x332, 171K)

Its not gonna happen with American blood. If the Israelis want to die for that dream, go ahead. Just don't expect us to jump in if they start losing.

Literally always read the opposite of what the news means

Ergo: Israel lost a valuable foothold in the Middle East

Long live Assad, death to the jewish tricksters

Kind of weird (but not really) that these “intellectual” anti-war liberals, who are all circumcised by the way, are advocating war.

I used to say that the American left-right political liberal-conservative was a false dichotomy and two sides of the same shekel but now that McCain, our circumcised “maverick” last neocohen cocksucker, is actually really dead (unlike holocaust “victims” because the holocaust never happened)... welp the GOP doesn’t have a neocon platform anymore and it’s almost exclusively the left who are shilling for establishment globalism and other circumcised drivel

I know you don't care dying in vain for foreign interest during the time your children's get fucked in the ass by best "allies" to be turned into the third world but you may want to reconsider your position ..

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Substitute "America" with "Israel" and you now have an accurate headline.

The goal was never to remove Assad though. It was to destabilize the country of Syria. It happened Syria is fucked for decades now

>Russia does not at this time have a credible second strike capability

This statement is diametrically opposed to observed reality.

Fixed-wheel ICBM launchers scattered throughout the forests. SSBN's.

You're uninformed. Change that.

correct .. this is how (((they))) roll .. (((they))) are deceivers and usurpers that what (((they))) do best look forward Sabbatha Zevi/Jacob Frank law of reversal

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Good to see the kikes and Establishment butthurt going into overdrives. May they and their families die horrible deaths for pushing for war on the US tax payers dime.

>The real goal is to eliminate the nation of Syria because they have a UN-recognized claim to the Golan Heights


when (((they))) said YOU genocide US that mean (((they))) genociding YOU.. (((when))) they said YOU made lamps out of (((OUR))) flesh it mean (((THEY))) made lamps out of YOUR flesh .. belt out of your entrails ... all the atrocity in Nazi Germany was real .. But reversed it was not (((them))) the victim.. it was US

The idiot kike (((MSM))) basically admitting that we sponsored the terrorist legions that ravaged Syria.

(OP) #
>America withdraws from South Vietnam and let the Vietcong take it over
>Liberals: "It's about time that immoral and illegal war finally ended. We withdraw because it was the right thing to do."
> America withdraws from Syria
>Liberals: "America loss because Drumpt chickened out"

Hey libshits, you are NOT the sole arbiters of which war is just and which isn't and given your tendency to politicize everything for your benefit, your judgement is the least trustworthy.

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I'm afraid you did not understand the discussion. The discussion was about a First Strike by the US against Russia and if Russia would retain a credible Second Strike capability.

Those launchers are First Strike (by Russia against the US) weapons. They are not second strike weapons as they in fact have a much longer deployment time than fixed silo systems.

In our example of a First Strike by the US, Russian military would only have a 'warning' of about twenty minutes at most prior to first detonation. With no ability to confirm at all by a second system. That is simply not enough time for them to act and launch even if there was no human decision cycle involved. And given their false warning history it can be assumed there is (as they haven't nuked us yet).

This was fine when Russia had more launchers than the US could deliver warheads. As they simply planned on absorbing any attack the US might launch and retaliating with whatever was left for an even heavier strike than whatever the US delivered. But that isn't the case any more by a long stretch - in fact the US has slightly more deliverable warheads than Russia does at this time.

This is a problem for the entire Russian arsenal. It is completely focused on delivering a First Strike (only) capability. As such it has over the last few decades lost its Second Strike assurance capability.

US loses Vietnam
Russia loses Afghanistan
US loses Syria
They’re just taking turns silly. Also who else remembers the Russian mercs getting BTFO by American artillery?

you are warned

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There tens if not hundreds if varying "rebel" groups, with different ideolgies ranging from secular to kebab.

When push came to shove some rebel groups reconciled with Assad to fight ISIS, other rebel groups joined ISIS and helped fight Assad. Lots of rebel-on-rebel warfare and removal too

Wait so ISIS won? I don't remember being at war with Assad besides obongo funding terrorists.

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I don't care who wins, I just want the troops home.

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This... And fuck, is that cat a lynx or something?

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Does anyone really think some how we were in Syria fighting Syrian Forces and not ISIS?
Please reply if i'm incorrect. We never fought Bashar

based sven

US soldier are fighting and dying for "greater" Israel since 9/11 2001


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Not sure what you mean but up until Trump took office I think we were fucking around and fighting Assad and his forces, with a side order of fighting ISIS a bit

>We lost cause Russia won
We weren’t fighting Russia, faggot. Cut this shit out.

with the exception of the times we bombed Syrian convoys for no reason and the two times we bombed their infrastructure and all the TOW missiles that became so common in the conflict that the jihadists were using them on tents and individuals, yes, we were never fighting the Syrians

That’s just the superficial reason. Everything done is just to further the Kalergi Plan