go to youtube

> go to youtube
> search 'eating cornstarch'
> see thousands of videos of niggers eating this shit

Why do they do this? Where do we draw the line?

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Other urls found in this thread:


what's the political angle

It has to do with the insanely powerful corn starch lobby

>slide threads need to follow board rules
Haha look at this chump,

This is no joke. They have powerful lobbyists in DC

black people love to eat cornstarch. it's fucking insane. they all love it.

What the fuck I know a nigger who ate cornstarch every day for lunch what the fuck why do niggers do this anons

What the fuck you're right. I do agree this isnt political but what in the unholy fuck lol. Why just why

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That's like the worst shit you can ever eat.
Cornstarch is basically what makes junk-food and industrialized food unhealthy.
Literally pure carbs and extremely high glycemix index (one of the highest).

Why do Americans do this to themselves? Do yourself a favor and go keto already.

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I don’t know I got a chocolate drink mix at a Mexican grocery and it was just corn starch and flavor it was disgusting

I learned something new today. Thank you.

Its only black chicks. I dont know why either dude fuck this is gonna bother me til i get an answer.

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I think if you eliminate cornstarch you get rid of niggers, which gets rid of pretty much all violent crime.

Also checked

They believe that the cornstarch will give them pretty hair like a chinese. The negress is totally obsessed with its hair, since they have worse hair than animals.

I dont get it all the comments are from fat black ladies. Sayin shit like,

You go girl!
So empowered!!

I mean it kinda reminds me of the weird fat black ladies who eat matresses or eat sand. Like that show had a bunch of black ladies on there.

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what the fuck is this

this is real

what the fuck is going on

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think its called pika or pica something idk interesting only niggers are doing it. i recall a freaky eaters episode about it

Room temperature IQ is correlated with Pica. Also niggers literally do not cook or prepare meals and subsequently are grossly vitamin deficient.

Well would you look at that.

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Because they haven't discovered how delicious dirt is yet georgiawhitedirt.com/

I don't even know why I come here anymore?
Do I just have a fetish of being mad and slightly confused?

>go to youtube
>search 'eating dip'
>see thousands of videos of wiggers eating this shit

Why do they do this? Where do we draw the line?

Amylophagia is most often seen in pregnant women. It is also seen in individuals with developmental disabilities, obsessive-compulsive disorder or mental retardation, as well as in psychiatric patients, children under the age of three, African American women and people of certain cultures and religions.

So I just read up on geophagy a bit just now and apparently the compulsion to eat clay is a well documented practice in many societies and that the clay may pass through the body and absorbing toxins on the way.
So eating a bit of dirt now and then might actually be a bit good for you.
I'd never do this myself, I like edibles and I want my toxins to stay where they are.
But just from a few minutes of looking there seems to be enough documentation that I may be able to convince somebody to eat dirt irl.
I am putting this on my project list for the upcoming year and will begin the subversion at a party.

whenever a black person makes fun of white people foods have no spices meme, I'm going to remind them they all eat cornstarch.


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I learned an exciting new racial stereotype today.

That sounds racist! DSM-6 will remedy this.

According to an article from a 1967 edition of TIME that says as many as 1 in 4 pregnant negro women in northern cities were recorded eating large amounts of cornstarch which is believed to have its roots in the "Mississippi mud" tradition of the southern negro in which they eat clay. Pretty funny that our nogs and the ones in Haiti have that in common.

also some of the doctors noted that cornstarch consumption could lead to premature births and other defects


is this what you're talking about?

hmmm i wonder what kinda crazy shit you could get them to do by giving them positive reinforcement in the comments with a bunch of fake accounts lol.

yeah that's it, pretty weird stuff

this. what in the fuck is going on

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Not a bad idea. Be like, "Gurrrrl, you know I switched from cornstarch to straight table salt. I eat about 5lbs per day." Nigger women begin dropping dead of heart attacks, strokes, and kidney failure and everybody thinks it's normal.

its literally just glucose, i guess they can't afford anything else.

its literally just a long chain of glucose dude, it is sugar in itself.

Racist BS unfortunately.

>mccafe next to them
They are just dumb fucks

I need answers

You're here forever

mcdonalds is fuckin expensive, do i have to post the in store prices?

Pica combined with the belief that corn starch has miracle medicinal properties, kind of like cod liver oil with old white people.

you can't fight Big Corn

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Anschluß soon brother!

So so true

> go to youtube
> Search "reacting to bohemian rhapsody"
> see thousands of videos of niggers listening to rock music for hte first time


it is literally only blacks doing this shit

You have mayonnaise, we have corn starch. I'll never understand mayonnaise

wtf leaf? Mayonnaise is the one true condiment.
Go make some yerself or suck on pic (we know you want to)


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This thread is so shitty, it almost look like a slide thread so SAGE.

Its disgusting and will die immediately after the whites are gone

is this a 10 in America?


I just tried a spoonful of cornstarch to see if I was missing something and it's as disgusting as you'd think. Why do we allow our country to continue like this?


I googled it and theres videos from 7 years ago. OS this some sort of epidemic?


Eating cornstarch is only good for stomach aches, other than that, it does not taste good alone.

Is it a lack of calcium from her shitty amerilard diet that makes her eat chalk?

Found one from 9 years ago. Is this nog Typhoid Mary?


>it will die immediately after the whites are gone
yeah, so will literally everything else

white people just added a powerful tool to their food bantz arsenal

It's a nigger thing. Africans eat clay and rocks. They sell them in the markets next to the food too.

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Shit why not a sprinkle of arsenic?

Act like niggers don’t love potato salad

i wonder why the fuck they all say 'sleep' instead of 'asleep'. as in 'i was sleep on the couch.' just why the fuck?

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It's about as available as cyanide. Mercury would be easier to find than arsenic or cyanide.

It's fucking oil and egg yolks like basically half the other dressings on the planet, you room temperature IQ nog.

Grow up retard those are black people


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because anti-racism. we could beat them when they got uppity but now they get away with all kinds of shit.

Yeh nah average adult filling meal at macdonalds is $15 in aus not for lower class



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Whoever doesn’t think we didn’t evolve from apes needs to see this picture

omfucking god
btw fuck you Jow Forums fucking bot test shitis getting too long too hard. taking advantage now that v1 is gone

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Is this reel?

Hmmm intriguing... an inside look at the diet habits of the female negro.

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looks as though it is...no frontal lobe really so initial skull fracture didn't stop another couple head butts... weird...

My fellow white friends, I think you're forgetting

We have Marmite

i had a girlfriend who was a nurse and worked in a care home for people with various disorders
one of the people there had prader willi syndrome. one of the effects is that you are always hungry. the person who had it would eat weird stuff all the time. like she ate all the flowers in the garden and would take random bites out of stuff to see if it was edible
she would probably have eaten all the corn starch and then the jar and the spoon as well

Lmao this black user just went from his phone to his computer because he’s so assblasted about this cornstarch conspiracy being exposed

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>cornstarch mukbang

fuck off user Marmite is the food of the gods

>My fellow white friends,
are you jewish?

It's disgusting white people food ESPECIALLY on sandwiches

just more nigger magic to try and fuck up
the birthpangs coming up where two
thirds of the world will die.

I guess it's because I grew up in a nog rich area but I've known about this for the majority of my life. It still baffles me. It's only the females that do it. I used to work in a convenience store and black women would come in and buy just cornstarch. It wasn't especially common, like I didn't see it every day, but it definitely happened. Of course, our prices on such goods were inordinately high so it may be that most just bought it from the grocery store and only the laziest of the lazy came to us for their 'starch fix but who knows.

White people try to ruin everything. You can't shame us into stopping eating what we like

>see thread
>see word niggers
>dude niggers lmao
>dude 4188 lmao
>get replies

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Maybe some do. None of us like it on bread or any other fucked up thing you sick fucks use it for

>Gain starch

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I did a little research and found this:


The new jannies from around a year ago are advertisers. It’s why this board is spammed with /b/ bots. They are trying to keep any real discussion out of this board. Jow Forums is bad for advertisers but brings in all the new blood.

all they want to do is use the internet to spam
they think its honeypots.
honeypots arent legit and are bullshit on the internet
since the internet shows all their manmade laws are dumb and make nothing worth a fuck
example, copyrights
was never proven copyrights hurts anything. but they continue on

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I think it’s funny that your people are so obese and riddled with stds, fuck all of you.

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You too good for a baloney cheese sandwich?

I would it dirt

we gotta bust up big corn starch

>Marmite is the food of the gods

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because women nigas like to be very fat to the blacks, blacks likes fats sluts

So much this

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I got lost for 15 minutes researching this. How is this a thing?

Fuckers add soap and dryer sheets because "it tastes good". Muthafuckin cornstarch and irish spring.