US National Debt

What are the ramifications of it if it does not stop growing? Can we have 40, 100, 1,000, etc TRILLION DOLLARS of it and be a-ok?

Attached: MW-GF810_1_tril_20180320102507_MG.jpg (569x398, 53K)

Oh boy is it time to learn from the French and revolution?

Imagine not being able to manage your finances

Attached: NZ Finances.png (782x693, 35K)

It's literal monopoly money, so yeah

Don't worry. What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening. Trumps gonna have all our debt paid off by 2024 don't worry.

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We're already at the point that the Revolutionary War means nothing anymore thanks to a bill that was signed over 100 years ago regarding the Fed. Unless 60% of America suddenly wakes up, we're done. I'm convinced at least 1/4 of the people who voted for Trump did it just to "see what would happen" and because they thought he was funny.

Bro the US economy is literally at negative GDP growth if you take away the 500 billion federal deficit and account for inflation. We literally can't grow anymore.

Most of it is owed to social security. We really don't have to worry too much about it until bond interest rates go back up. At that point we'd better be thinking hard about a balanced budget.

Brainlet here. Why is the dept owed to?

Hard to say. Some economists have said that Federal debt literally doesnt matter. I'm not convinced. The more concerning thing is the fact that our economy cant grow without making the debt go up.

Attached: Estimated_ownership_of_treasury_securities_by_year.gif (735x409, 33K)

Basically we're Japan, China, and the banking cartel's little bitch.

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Does federal reserve debt have to eventually be paid back?
Also, do interest payments serve to enrich the fed (or its owners)?

>Does federal reserve debt have to eventually be paid back?
fed is treated same as any other investor and needs to be paid as the bond contract states

What did nigger do to make it grow so much during his 2 terms?

At the current rate of yearly deficit, in 10 years the entirety of our tax revenue will be spend on interest to service the debt to ((((them))))

White Genocide is a much bigger scandal and although more people have been speaking out against it, politicans from each political party are going to need to do the right thing and denounce it immediately, before anything else.

This, Government spending should NOT be included in the GDP calculation in my opinion.

I better drink my piss now.

This is the epitome of liberal smugness.
They actually have come to believe all the bullshit they have read that people "believe" about Trump, and they go as far as to sarcastically make fun of Trump supporters by purporting something that is literally preposterous

We've accrued over half a trillion dollars this year solely in interest. This shit will literally be our downfall, I don't know why our leaders let this shit get this far.

At this point, literally nothing. You could say the debt is eleventy bajillion dollars and it would be just as meaningful.

It's not that simple, he took the reigns after the 07-09 recession which bush caused.

Why not? Isn't increased government spending also a sign of the current state of our economy?

>America effectively creates a post currency society through sheer not giving a fuck
crypto commies, I knew it!

That's the cost of occupying the Middle East for two decades, and Liberals are actually upset Trump pulled out.

The guy wants to blow 5 billion on a wall while the US government is spending MORE than it takes in. Regardless of political beliefs you have to come to some conclusion that spending money on things you can't afford isn't a smart financial move.

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_chuckjones_files_2018_11_TRUMP-TREASURY-DEPT-OCTOBER-2018-MONTHLY-RE (960x573, 207K)

No, that's the cost of not being able to manage finances. Even without the middle east stuff the US was doing a great job of spending money it didn't have. Though yeah, using $100K javelin missiles to kill a bunch of goat lovers in caves instead of sniping them down when they got out wasn't too smart either.

The increased govt spending is just a way of concealing the fact that we can't grow. It should be counted, but everyone should understand that growth is basically dead, at least as for what the market can generate