America will fight until the Rapture

Says Trump's Secretary of State, former CIA Director, Mike Pompeo

The dude looks like Hitler. The American government worked with high ranking Nazis with the help of the Dulles brothers, William Casey. Gehlen was Hitler's senior intelligence officer on the Eastern Front during the war and transferred his expertise and contacts to the U.S. as World War II reached its climax. The CIA's acknowledgement of its dealings with Gehlen came in a response to an appeal of a Freedom of Information Act request by researcher Carl Oglesby. The CIA adopted nazi intelligence techniques.

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They're smiling because Kim knows Mike's a closet Mystery Babylon commie

no. kys.

Oh? Is Mike Pompeo gona take down the Deep State then? lmao

It is difficult to ever know what side the CIA leans on an issue. It just seems best to consider the CIA on the opposing side.

>muh good ole christian leader aint no commie!

Attached: ted cruz lions paw.jpg (498x727, 38K)

>muh jews karl marx is a jew lol jewsjewsjews

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In the recent days, just think:
In a world with Mossad, aren't we glad that some people understand (((who))) is pushing Chuck "Border security for me and not for thee" Schumer into the limelight as a spokesman for BROWNED.COM and are out there fighting for the right of good, honest, Bible-Belt Do-Rights, some of whom have good breeding habits?
Truly, in a world with the ZOG virus, shouldn't we be glad SOMEONE cares about objective Christian morality.

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5 lies in one sentence.

#1 : America
America is not the Federal Government of Zioland.

#2 : will fight

#3 : until

#4 : the

#5 : rapture
santa clause

They get gassed by the Almighty. Stay comfy friens.

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Cheery Kim is max comfy

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Kim Jong Qanon
Trust the Pran

All of the broken English makes sense now!

I had the pleasure of meeting Mike Pompeo when he was Dir. CIA. Really nice guy. I'd do anything to see him succeed.

take your meds

Would you suck him?

No. I would not.

Then you wouldn't do anything

Absolute madman

Fair enough.