This young woman may be mocked by Conservatives. (Only because she scares the shit out of them...

This young woman may be mocked by Conservatives. (Only because she scares the shit out of them.) But she is and will be a force to be reckoned with. Something tells me that in about 15 or 20 years she'll be sitting in the White House and she WON'T be an embarrassment to the country.

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the one who's not a retarded mud person that is fresh off of a New York City bar. And that's what she will do because Pelosi is a competent politician.

My pen-is for Ocasio Cortez!

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If she gets herway, there won't be a country in 15 to 20 years.

a clever bait post, cant wait to see how many retards fall for it

"Pelosi is great she has been a politician for a long while, like, all the years she destroyed the united states with ehr decisions.

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Said the boomers who dont want to tax bankers, and the companies the destroyed our nation.

>implying that wasn't ehr aim the whole time

Nothing is free and this bitch is an idiot.

Repost shill thread.

Thats why Hillary, Biden, Pelosi, hate UBI, because they know it will tax their banker, disney, walmart friends.

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I'm going to steal her presidential nomination for 2024. My platform will be "Free Everything"

If we accept the democrat opinion of the last two Republican Presidents, then we would be accepting it has been established that intelligence is not a requirement to hold the office of President. Therefore, on a cursory and not at all exhaustive assessment of her, we must concede that on the face of it she would indeed be suitable to be President.

Ocasio is perfect. All talk and no experience, not volatile emotionally. Best puppet for the masses as well as deepstate cucks.

Because we seen what Policies she wants and it's been done before. Most recently in Venezuela. They are starving and had to eat their pets. She is an idiot or evil. it's defintely one but maybe both

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You mean like boomers had it? Wow, so you are going to go back in time and make boomers not destroy america?
Go away you old piece of trash the republican party is dead within 6-10 years. Boomers are the big majority base and they wont be around to elect a bunch of puppets who fuck americans.
UBI, Helathcare, Schooling, its is coming, and you cant stop it, no matter how much you try. Because while you were tricked by boomers, some people knew your trump was a puppet thats a sack of shit that destroyed the consertive party so no, everything blue, blue this blue that fuck you puppet.

No it wasnt done the same as she is proposing gramps. Or are ya just a boomer nut licker?

You lose like all your kind. UBI will make white women stay home and be wives again and take care of kids. It will help working men and women afford to start side projects, invent, relax more.
It will help mental health and the physical health of people.
When it comes in you boomer/boomer cock sucker sissy. Ill make sure to laugh.

Boomers created Communism and are continuing it. You have fallen into their mind trap Goy :(

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Who said anything about taxing? Commence 1776 and hang bankers. Too bad communism and capitalism go hand in hand.

Yeah, boomers so did that, thats why they love trump and love ted cruz and love the nra.
Grow up you weak minded sissy lap cunt.
Use logic not fuckin Alex Jones tranny lovin shit.

Oh just shut up with this day of rope shit. None of you ever do shit. Bike lock knocked 7 of you out, ya cried to guvment to getem.
You are pussies with lots of guns for your insecurities. You dont hunt for shit ya just sit around being whiney ass shit posters voting with boomers who despise you.

Okay, have fun starving, I guess. Btw if you come to take my food, you die.

The boomers still had taxes and usury n shit. When I say Free Everything, I mean it. It will be paid for by the government at face value ($Free).

I don't intend to win, I just intend to see how many retards will follow, and if on some unlikely chance I win, well, you can probably expect WW3 as the Rothschilds respond to The Fourth Reich.

More realistically, I get 80% of the DNC votes but they give it to Joe Biden anyway.

Sure we will fat stuff, I will just tell your mom to open the door. That her fat kid is shit posting online again about being tough.
You lose, I win. I also trained survival for years you weak pansy ass.

I wish retards like kike shapiro and tim pool would stop talking about her constantly and let her break apart the democrat party as intended

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Fuck joe biden and hillary. No more boomer trash.
By the way idiot, look up andrew yang, it isnt taxed off the back of the people. We eliminate welfare, use it and a value added tax on businesses benefitting from over seas sell outs and automation.
You fuckin spazs keep believing boomers who destroyed our nation. You keep voting for them. They keep saying tax the people Ocasio, Yang say tax the businesses ruining our nation.

She is what we need, not these old ass puppet boomers.

I didn't ask if you liked them, I'm telling you that's what you're going to get. I'm just pissing in the pool.

>just tax businesses!
That's now how government shakedown works, and gov't is the biggest contributor to debt in society. Play too hard on the only fuckers actually creating wealth though, they'll just leave unless you want to hold them prisoner.

Won't happen. I'm going to sell a bigger brand of bullshit than she's selling and the retards will flock to me. Even if she wins though, she loses.

>Lament for 2 years straight that the government and its president have gone full fascist
>Demands the government have more power over our lives in the form of social programs
>Power will forever be in progressive hands and is in no way fickle
Are leftists just completely lacking self awareness or are they just having a laugh?

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