Why do American parents kick their kids out at 18?

Why do American parents kick their kids out at 18?

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Because back in their day a starter home was only $30000-$50000.

I didn't know they did.

Because children are comedy relief for the developmentally disabled.

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My dad bought the house I live in for 17k. When he re-mortgaged it to pay for his divorce, that cost him 45k.

These days he isconvinced heis rich because it's valued at 300k+ he's itching desperately to sell out and blow his money on thai whores.

Nigger mentality. Americans are infected by two things: (1) Protestant work ethic; (2) Individualism. The first reinforces the idea that, "Boy, you have to work for things! I worked for everything I have." Combine that with radical individualism, and you get the following: "Boy, I did everything by myself! You ain't getting help from me -- it's time you did something on your own. Now, get going -- get out."

The consequences? Parents cut ties with their children to a great extent. Children are left out to dry in a world without opportunity. Parents have no concept of building-up wealth over several generations. Rather, each generation builds up a tiny bit of wealth and blows it, either on divorce or pure hedonism -- leaving the next generation with absolutely nothing. That generation had to then start from the beginning.

More nigger shit -- one reason why people remain poor. Parents are niggers.

That's very Australian of him.

They usually only kick them out when they are more trouble than they are worth. Drugs, doing nothing all day, not contributing to anything. I was kicked out at 31 after my grandmother died and my cousin inherited the house. Now I live in my own house because I saved up all those years.

Boomers gonna boom.

telling young adults to get their own apartment is the most jewish thing ever

live with you parents until you are married. get married young.

Sounds like your dad is a fucking nigger.

They don't really, as far as I can tell. I heard the average American doesn't live on their own/with their spouse until 26. It used to be a part of our individualistic culture and it's something I personally embraced, although I left at 19 and I wasn't pressured at all.

Because they’re grown, you fucking loser.

But even though college tuition has increased 600% since the 80s and Millennials have the lowest home ownership rate of any generation, you just need to stop being an entitled Milennial and figure it out.

Dad deserves to reverse mortgage his new vacation home. He earned it. Government welfare for old, rich people is good, you entitled Millennial. Now pay off those student loans.


you are correct.

I currently own the house my parents are living in because i bought it off of them.
Suck my balls, take care of mom and dad. They took care of you.

By 16 they should be earning money and helping out.

My dad kicked me out at 18, which forced me to grow up and get a job and my own place. I thanked him later, tough love is needed in America. He knew he wouldn’t be around to coddle me for much longer. Died a couple years later, God bless him.

What if your parents charge you rent?

A more on-point post will not be made today

i will try to find my place in the diary of jane

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Undercover Jesuits detected.

Because their children should be functional adults at that age and capable of supporting themselves, eventually sowing their proverbial seed and to continue the existence of the species. Why don't you stop applying labels to everything and asking stupid questions. How many times has this thread been posted? 100? are you a bot or a lonely attention whore with thought processes as vapid and as you're self-esteem?
>Children are left out to dry in a world without opportunity
Opportunity for who? There's no shortage of rich people, you're just not one of them. If the world's so dry why should your poor folks be putting up with your worthless NEET ass?
>leaving the next generation with absolutely nothing
>Collecting a growing quantity of ancestral wealth from generation to generation is a thing
Maybe money isn't the thing you need most in life. There's nothing wrong with poor people in my opinion, but winy poor people deserve to get brained.
>not contributing to anything
This is true, if you were putting your family first with your money (instead of yourself) no sane parent would kick their child out.

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And though you try to make it a negative the real effect is the highest middle class income in the developed world, the most productive and largest economy, and as soon as we shake off the leaches we'll really be rolling. USA number 1!

Don’t you have some dreidal lessons for kindergartners to teach?

There is some behavioral overlap between Aussies and niggers.

why do faggots post with memeflags?

dem thai whores tho

where else can a 68yo fat man go and fuck 18yo sluts and buy cheap blue pills easily?

did her parents have her at fucking 50?

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Moving out at 18 is a Jewish trick
Your kids will be paying
Extra rent, food, utilities , transportation
In the process, breaks up family bonds.

So their kids don't become NEETs.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it


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Because they were programmed to do so by the banks and real estate corporations that dominate their pathetic marketing-driven culture.

also they are gonna make a lot of bad choices


The answer is simple. Westerners have no honor nor familial piety.

Being kicked out on my 18th birthday was the best thing that ever happened to me. Now my 39 year old and 31 year old brothers are back living at home, completely Jewed, drinking and smoking weed while going nowhere in life. I think it is akin to child abuse for my parents to let my older brother stay there as it has crippled him emotionally and he hasn't developed emotionally past 14.

I lived away from my parents most of my adult life but moved back in when my dad got cancer.

I would have regretted it immensely if I didn’t have that time w him before he died

>You gots to pull yourself up yet bootstraps
>*Dies at age 61*


By god you’re right, I’m gonna go enroll in a liberal arts program, knock a girl up and get 25% APR home loan next week. Thanks for opening my eyes.

That makes no sense. Protestant work ethic meaning to work your ass off for what you get vs nigger work ethic which is to sit on your ass and collect decades and decades of welfare (thanks to democrats) while doing precisely dick. Does not compute.

Family's are never meant to leave the nest until married and when they do they need to be in close proximity

Protestant work ethic is what made the US surpass all civilizations within a short amount of time. Go away you kike.

How old was he when he passed?

>Parents have no concept of building-up wealth over several generations. Rather, each generation builds up a tiny bit of wealth and blows it, either on divorce or pure hedonism -- leaving the next generation with absolutely nothing. That generation had to then start from the beginning.
This 100%, extremely common. I don't understand why we are so retarded.

My parents sold their $500k house to move into an apartment "because we're getting older and it's more convenient." Then they started traveling, 2-4 vacations a year. All their boomer friends do the same. In my family we don't discuss finances but if I asked them they're probably blowing all their excess money.

Yeah my father bought his house in 1975 for 18k, he died owing 70k I paid it off in 2005 and now its worth 200k.

He died at 68. He knew I was in for a rough time, with the browning of America. Left me a house paid for in full, and practically ordered me to marry a, and I quote, “vanilla white, Christian girl. Don’t ever fuck with niggers or the like.”. We all knew that him working with asbestos and clearing it away would make him die relatively young. Not all boomers are completely un-insightful.

I'm 23 and have a good job. my parents still guilt trip me into living at home so they won't be lonely. It's all good though, the older you get the more you realize that family are the only people you can count on for unconditional support

Unfortunately, our politicians cannot get off their ass to pass laws requiring people to go to work.

protestant ethics don't mean hard work, they mean that your spiritual salvation is indicated by the material benefits you receive in life (see Weber thesis). Money is morality to them, works are nothing. Fucking over your kids, or conversely sending your parents to die in a disgusting nursing home so they don't bother you and your wife means nothing to protties as long as it helps their quest for spiritual salvation through money.

Except if you examine the statistics the wealthy are largely those who have passed wealth down over generations. Even the richest man in the world today, Bezos, got where he is because his parents took their wealth and risked it on their sons business ventures. The same is true for Trump as well. Building up a stable base and handing that down to your descendants is the best way to build up wealth and prosperity, which is the case for every financially successful demographic in the world. Failing to do this results in a poor and impoverished people since wealth takes time to accumulate, and if you start ahead of the game you can get much further than those that start with scratch. The fact that whites in general forgot that is one of the big reasons they are free falling towards the same levels of poverty as Mexicans and Africans.

i want the kingdom of heaven, fuck this kingdom
of saturn.

I left at 17. I can't fucking believe the dudes that live with their folks i'd go insane.

Europe is still in some kind of feudalism incest situation or they just don't know where to go. As soon as I had a diploma I was gone.

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Somethnig's getting in the way, something's just about to break.

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Multi-generation house holds are really the best but you need a great family to pull it off.
-It encourages children to stay near home where their roots are. Teaches importance of tradition and community over individualism.
-It saves the children money on renting
-It saves the children and young families on childcare
-It saves parents money on healthcare
-It allows parents to shift physically demanding work to children, felling trees, climbing under cars, etc.
-It gives parents a social network at a time when it is evaporating because friends are dying, and they've left the work place
-It gives parents responsibility and the ability to shape and teach their grandchildren
-It teaches the value of family, community, loyalty to the grandchildren.

There is a reason multi-generational homes have been the historic normal. This hyper-individualism is killing us in a multitude of ways. Be it loneliness, depression, drug overdose, debt, lack of meaning.

Quality post. I made the same observations when I first visited the US. In traditional cultures the bonds of family are much stronger, and sons are taught to be independent without all the “boy, you better realize you’re living under MY roof” bullshit

Kike plan to get people into debt. Debt goy is good goy

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Dafuq is it with boomers and remortgaging their houses

>Why do American parents kick their kids out at 18?


The practice is dying out. Is becoming more and more common for young adults to live with their parents these days. The "basement dweller" stigma is dying out. As long as you give part of your check to your parents, and do chores around the house, is okay

Idk. I'm not kicking my kids out.

my dad bought late 250k and its 500k know so it lasted for a while

Just take a look at Europe. The nations that influenced the US in the beggining (Germany, Scandinavia, England...) which use to have a more individualistic lifestyle. This is influenced by many factors: Protestantism, climate, society...

Meanwhile in Southern, Mediterranean countries (Catholic Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Orthodox Greece) people are more collectivist. Why have a house of my ownif I am Ok living with the folks. Truly these countries have a poorer young population, but that it's not the only factor. These Europeans didn't build America.

Look at the average age Scandinavian kids leave the nest: 21. Portugal? Italy? Fucking early 30s.

catholic nigger out

No what made it surpas every other nations was the fact that it was a gigantic continent filled with resources habited by white people with no regulations