Did (((they))) kill her?

Did (((they))) kill her?
What did she know?

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F she was cute :(

No she wasn’t

a wealthy kike needed a heart

what did she die from?

They claim H1N1 or Meningitis.

"Sudden illness"

Definitely a hit job, she must've hit something big

that you are a faggot lololololol
got em

Because you touch yourself at night.

Dumb cunt anti-vaxxer dies from preventable illness. Toll Paid.

My man with the ever relevant 10 year old family guy ebin meme.

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So the vaccine companies killed her?

Based glitch in the matrix recycling swine flu from last decade to kill a news thot.

26, fuggg
you just never know when the reaper is gonna come a knockin'

Hot cunt. Too bad.

Couldn't this be considered murder if some kike ensured she was intentionally infected with a virus that they know she is not inoculated for?

not really. She wasn't obese like most girls over 18

Yea 26 and die from the fuckin "Flu" where was Hillary?

unironically the best explanation for her death

Swine Flu is serious and the CDC would have responded.

I doubt it is swine flu because the CDC would have been notified.

>here was Hillary?

I would not be at all surprised if she was writing a piece on the Clintons

I heard she committed suicide with an anti-materiel rifle in the back of the head from a mile away. Shame people take the easy way out.

Juicy storyline

she's a thot that works in Washington. she's probably fuck half of the Senate and 2/3rds of Congress. shit is about ready to drop so they're starting to tie up loose ends.
expect more of these capitol roasties to drop dead


>Doctors did a CT scan and found that she had the H1N1 virus, commonly called the swine flu, and possibly meningitis, the fundraiser said.

Checked and legit

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Kosher exec at fox probably raped her and she was going to talk. Where would she even contract swine flu?

This guy died mysteriously as well.


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The nose that does the news on agenda free tv mentioned the cat scan. Does a cat scan normally diagnose the flu? Have I been getting poor health care all these years?

Here come the kikes

when user gets a flu, nobody makes sure they have a wet cloth for their neck/forehead. their brains literally fucking cook to death due to negligence by the healthy.

basic fucking care is lost on this generation of anti-social autistic mouth-breathing, mother-beating, fortnite screaming, ass-reaming, faggotry.

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“After a CT scan and hours of testing, they have determined she has the H1N1 flu and possibly meningitis.”
That H1N1 flu comes from all those illegal aliens.


What the fuck, she's only 2 years older than me but looks like she's 40

Wtf man

>Wall turns into slotted fence
>some thot dies from beaner brain aids
>Fence turns into hermetically sealed dome

Sorry you must be exactly 30 years old to post here

Fake news

Fevers are meant to kill whatever is attacking you, cooling down is the last thing you want to do

You chucklefucks clearly don't have a clue unless its served up to you by Zuccbook. The newspaper she worked for put out a famous story the day before she fell ill. The famous story now is her

If you wouldn't hit it you're a faggot

Here ya go fags: thefederalist.com/2018/12/27/bombshell-khashoggi-foreign-governments-influence-agent/

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Politically strategic kike needed a lung

>basic care is fake news
I didn't say anything about submerging their body in an ice bath, heathen. we all know the objective of a fever.

next you'll be saying that applying pressure to an open wound only hurts the subject and has no medical benefit.

Thanks user, very interesting

>Nothing to see here goys, 26 year old white women investigating ZOG/Clown world die from the flu all the time. Also white women are worthless, amiright?

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From a Chinaman

I got it from The_Donald
>current state of pol:
>muh kikes

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There is so much shit rotting in american politics these days, I have wonder. - Where are all the other dead people?

>Fevers are meant to kill whatever is attacking you, cooling down is the last thing you want to do
The fever heats your body to kill the bad bacteria, but this often kills you because while most of your body can take the heat, your brain cannot. Most people survive fevers because we have constant cold water available in the first world as well as fever reducers like aspirin which are an underrated miracle drug for curing one of man's main killers: our overreacting immune system.

Jack Donovan is by far the least degenerate of the bunch

(not counting Uncle Adolf of course)


I think she pissed this Jewish women, Jennifer Rubin, a few weeks ago by calling her out on how she was even conservative

Some important parts

>“Text messages between Khashoggi and an executive at Qatar Foundation International show that the executive, Maggie Mitchell Salem, at times shaped the columns he submitted to The Washington Post, proposing topics, drafting material and prodding him to take a harder line against the Saudi government,” the Post wrote December 21.

>documents showing wire transfers from Qatar were found in his apartment in Turkey

>The op-eds published in the very influential Washington Post certainly qualify as attempts to change U.S. policy against Saudi Arabia and in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood


The supposed conservative “friend of Israeli” who opposes trump and everything he does and is an open borders for the us person literally ran away when Bre questioned her. (((Something))) happened

I've seen Jennifer Rubin in some interviews - she's batshit insane.

Stop meddling in our affairs, your backwards nation is to blame, you are mean the LGBTQAITPWXYZ+++ community,


Quiznos killed her.

alright anons you have me convinced
what did she know?

Oh fug

i do know that OAN in general does some pretty damned impressive work.. the few times i've caught it, i've found them infinitely better than ((fox)) et al. perhaps its just a meta-level warning

Subway: We'll molest you, but we won't kill you.

I am confused...26 years of age of after having gone through 26 miles of cock?

we live in a weird timeline.

If the former...too young
If the latter...too late

>Bre Payton
means 'penis' in the lovari dialect of gypsy language
is a generic vocative ("hey, you!") in a number of balkan languages, probably from turkish.
so, unfortunately, I laughed. yeah, I know, immature etc.

....Penis Python

oy vey!

cock train

keep diggin'

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LIGMA what

Anal prolapse

Nothing mysterious about it.
Closet homo has drug feuled butt sex in seedy motel and overdoses.
Pretty open and shut case.