White people have reached peak cuckolding lol

White people have reached peak cuckolding lol

Selling out his daughters memory for skeckles and twitter hearts

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Imagine having this much white guilt. This is unfathomable levels of cuckoldry.

Oh wow it’s almost like they DON’T blame an entire group of people for the actions of one person.

Can’t wait till he tells his wife she needs to divorce him for a brown or black man haha

Yup don’t adopt a poor white kid who needs help. Adopt and raise a brown kid who will hate you for it peak cuckolding

Stop helping people who help you asshole

I mean yeah, my daughter is dead but TACOS

Lots of kids need help, even ones that are not white.

Based and Red Pilled

Finally they can breath easy, I bet they spent innumerable sleepless night in tearful anguish trying to figure out how to prove that their daughter's terrible death did not make them racists.

Fuck boomers.
The absolute worst piece of shit of a generation that ever existed.

What are you even saying? You just said exactly what he said...

That is the main problem here. I know losing a daughter is hard for them, especially when her death is used to promote a political message you don't agree with, but this is taking things a little too far.

Would you?

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This sounds like ridiculous, comical levels of insanity to any normal rational person but I bet that something close to it is exactly what was going through their heads.

No fucking way. There are nudes floating around?

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To clear up my post, I mean "No fucking way" as in "holy crap, that picture is real?"

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Well shit. Hell is gonna be just a little bit hotter when his ass gets down there...

They’ll be killed in their sleep as the kid robs them with bunch of his homies.

Read her Twitter, it was nothing but casual resist and liberal retweets and virtue signalling statements.

She probably thought Drumpf and open borders to the very end as she was being raped and strangled to death.

Profound levels of white guilt, self hatred brainwashing.

Rumor has it, in her last moment's as a Mexican rat raped her in the dirt... ...she was herd uttering the following final testimonial... "MUH DIVERSITY"

It all came from the mother, the father was the beta orbiter that cucked along.

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"student who's death"


so shameful

"I hate white people"

Oh wow it's almost like they're VIRTUE SIGNALING.

they gonna kill that mexican kid as payback, mark my get

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This problem really just solved itself

At this point the right only needs to simply stay alive and wait for the lefties to die off while they abort their children or sell them for tacos.

Sometimes I feel like whites deserve everything their going to get. Nothing this pathetic should be allowed to exist.

Looks like a dark skinned man is taking Nick Nolte Hostage

Holy fuck saved
Maybe he should be agreeing with the message now that he's seen it first hand. This will be the fate of all young white girls if we let America get taken over by these savages.

This is pathetic. I bet the kid they took in will be like a goblin mutant.

Why wouldnt you?


There is always a couple of jew shills in these threads. Soros pays them.

Doubt he will be in general population.

Please god wouldn't it be awesome if the mexican they just took in raped a white girl as well....

Many white people are in that category though.

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Right around the time she was murdered, the liberal media was shaming women for calling police on minorities when they feel threatened. Remember all those articles like "Dear White People, Stop Calling Police on POC" and "Lets Ban Whites from Calling 911".

Imagine her alone on that road and she notices the creepy spic following her. She was probably nervous but thought: better not call the police, that would be racist.

(((white people)))

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kek, that aint no mom, that's a man baby!

Considering how her parent are reacting, they are to blame for this. They should be crucified for how they brainwashed their daughter.

i was refering to the adopted one, the one that killed her is probably already in the mexican mafia fighting with negroes on the pen

I don’t know if I should laugh at the family or pity them.

Cucktholics being cucktholics

Holy eye-opener. The pills are red.

Not blaming an entire group of people is not the same as going out of the way to adopt a kid the specific group that murdered you own kid.
This is 100% virtue signaling.

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that is a textbook mental illness
these people murdered their daughter and
replaced her with a tribesman from her murderers tribe
these people are dead to me
they are not rational

textbook example of a parent using their childs death and murder for political propaganda

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If any couple deserved to have their daughter murdered it is them. Enjoy your tacos.

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Is that her mother? Physiognomy is legit as fuck. Imagine having a feminine looking father and masculine looking mother. No stability whatsoever.

You can see that in the mother's eyes.

Kinda explains why she hated white people, associated with Mexicans, and let a spic follow her, rape and murder her.

who cares, she wasn't white

You could power a small village off the energy coming from their white guilt alone.

Husband and wife are no longer together.
Cause of death “Multiple stab wounds... In the chest...And there was one in the skull. Killer didn't remember how Molly got in his trunk but still buried her in a corn field. Source BS article in the Chicago Tribune

>living in the us illegally
why isn't he being deported RIGHT NOW?

>Daughter gets buttfucked to death by corn./
>It's ok because muh tacos.

They will burn in Hell for what they've done.
The daughter might, for her racist beliefs.

They haven't released full autopsy because he raped and sodomized her....it would have blown up the internet.

I'm sure that spic had a very nice time with her before he killed her

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This is corncob girl right? Didn't /Pol find out she was Jewish?

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That's ok, Mol. We didn't like you, either. But at least we wouldn't have raped you and fatally sodomized you with corn...

Nope: Just built the greatest civilization the world has seen, protected and provided for you for the rest of your days. This is what happens when your mother is deranged, and your father is a bitch.

Fucking right, man.

Just white people things

>all this edge and somehow nothing changes
Meh. Truth is they are broken hearted parents that are counterpoliticizing their pain. Sucks for them and it always will no matter what they do. Try to grasp that, pol/tards

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>Oh wow it’s almost like they DON’T blame an entire group of people for the actions of one person. Bizarre
Just imagine the conversation when the kid is older.

Kid "So why did you guys adopt me anyway?"

Cucks "Well you see son, you look just like the guy who murdered our real daughter after he raped her and sodomised her with an ear of corn. We thought it would help with the healing process"

The only bizarre thing here will be if the kid doesn't snap and murder them after he learns the truth. What shitty self absorbed people.

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I'm sure if ICE deported their adopted illegal spic boy they would just adopt some other illegal spic boy

I wish some repilled fucker would leak the autopsy...the ear of corn thing is just conjecture on /pol

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Holy fucking shit they "adopted" the friend of the killer? I figured they swiped a 5yr old or something. Bonus points for mom apparently not taking Dad's surname. They deserve every bad thing that happens to them.

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aren't they from the bay area in cali?

She probably never even felt threatened. White women, especially young, have zero self preservation instincts. They are entitled as fuck when it comes to their physical safety and always take it for granted.

Even if she felt a bit scared, she probably thought something like
>o-oh, that man is following me
>what if he rapes me?
>n-no, it would not happen to me
>it could be kinda exciting if he did, not really but if it was good but not really ehehe
>it's not like it really would even happen to me, it would never happen to me
>oh, he's passing by me now, I knew he would do nothin-
>*loud rape noises*
>*screams pain*
>*death in huge diabelief*
>noooo, this was supposed to never happen to meeeeee....

We got you covered. Schadenfreude.

Praying adopted spic boy grows up and shoots them in their sleep.

These subhumans deserve to be gassed.


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How do you know they went out of their way to select a spic over a white? Maybe the kid just needed help.

>I bet Hell is fabulous.

Bitch you gonna learn...

It's not they, it's her, they aren't together anymore, and the feminist rage and self doubt burns so badly she will do anything to proper up the leftist world in her head....hence bring in an orc from the tribe that slaughtered my child.

What she needed was a good alpha dick, regularly, years ago. Too late now. That woman and women like her are cancer on the white race.

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>the murder suspect’s coworker

Roast the kernels, eat the popcorn.

Those aren't actual boomers or even the meme gen Y boomers you literal retard
They're just virtue signalling cucks with no spines.

The dad is well known for doing whatever he perceived as the most beneficial thing he could do for democrat causes, this doesn't surprise me in the least. After mollie was murdered he was quoted several times saying that he was angry that people were blaming his daughter murder on muh immigrants

Nah, I don't like the smell of embalming fluid.

Nobody should be blaming her for that though. The people in these threads who cheer for white girls like this getting killed always baffle me, and I'm not even fucking white. The girl is what, 18, 19? Basically a fucking kid. No wonder she'd be indoctrinated with leftist ideals (especially since these ideals often run parallel with pro-women ideals) How can you be so depraved to cheer for the death of one of your own, just because they were strayed from the herd?

id have to use a corn cob since i have a micropenis, but yes

Such a shame

it's a sexual fetish for them. i guarantee the wife will fuck the spic. it's completely sexual 100% i promise you

if they weren't already broken (cucked) by liberal media, the details of mollie's death was the nail in the coffin. i bet they roleplay mollie's death every chance they get, and now they have a live-in spic bull to help them with it

>How can you be so depraved to cheer for the death of one of your own, just because they were strayed from the herd?
the herd?
is that right you faggot jew herd member?
fucking christian liberals
shitting up America every day with their BS ideology and wonder why anyone might refuse to participate with even members of their own race...gee you wonder why we might not like other races...but traitors are worse.


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Who was the activist who was raped and killed while protesting South African apartheid? Her parents went to SA years later and said, "Hey. No big deal, bro."

Plot twist: the father will rape and murder the child when she reaches the age of his daughter when she dose. Mexicans BTFO!

Sodomizing their daughter to death with a corncob isnt the breaking point.

Amy Biehl
The "child" is already 17, and a co-worker of the murderer.

It's a sexual fetish. He will fuck Mollie's mother while she roleplays as Mollie. The father will stand by and watch, masturbating.

Didn't they shake the murderers hands and gave them a job too?

These people have been bought and/or threatened to do this. They have other kids don't they? you know the commies would threaten to kill them and offer a carrot like "your son will get into a good college guaranteed if you do this, and if you don't...…"

Next time something like this happens the nearest autist should camp out near by the families house with a camera to catch the fbi fags coming to threaten them.

the adopted kid is probably catholic like the daughter so its not really another tribe

I truly believe what William Pierce wrote in the Turner Diaries, that only around 10% of the population is truly good or evil with the rest morally neutral following the example of whoever is in power.

People like you are why the term Christcuck exists.


>wanting a methead child.

say that to my face wignat my christcuck conquistador blood will curb stomp you

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