>have white knight woke brother >only dates minorities >talks all about black gf >never misses opportunity to mention that gf is black >gf majors in grievance studies worried >brings black gf around over holidays something going to happen >meet gf and drop say nigger defining concept of 'fighting words' >parents disgusted >everything ruined
I mean you're already knee deep, might as well double down.
Christian Morris
Tell them to fuck off and cut contact
Juan Rogers
seeing that your bros gf was going to skool to get dem learnins, I dont think the word nigger would apply to her. As such, there is no reason for her or anyone to be offended.
Christopher Nelson
i said it in context describing fighting words >it's like if I said to you 'you shithead nigger' you could punch me in the face
Chase Johnson
>calls a nigger for what they are >thinks he was in the wrong user...
Charles Butler
they're staying with my parents. its the disappointment i'm concerned about but it should pass relatively quickly. I hope to be laughing about this in a couple years but right now I'm not feeling too good. Perhaps the power level is too high.
Chase Murphy
Tell them :
You will not apologize. You've done nothing wrong. Your people ended slavery and chose to make them our equals. So you will treat them as equals. You WILL NOT to treat them like a vulnerable minority. You WILL NOT treat them like a child to be pampered to. You WILL treat them as a sovereign group of people that is LARGER than Canada and is riddled with violent crime and continues to extort you politically. And that means you won't police your thoughts or words for their sake.
Also #notall etc. population means and bell curve wankery etc.
but seriously white people are in a precarious situation globally and we can't afford to cater to blacks
Robert Williams
wish i could just power up and drop pills but that's not in the cards here. you are correct though that i felt that she was intelligent enough to understand the concept we were discussing because i respect her intelligence. i thought i was respecting her by not censoring my speech >judged by the content of their character it was a fuckup on my part but it shouldn't be.
obviously not in hindsight. it was a profound fuckup. could have used any number of other examples.
Brody White
you have to get of it ahead of it OP. i know what your saying but they all heard me say it. yes but you didnt beat every one to the punch and follow it up without out missing a beat "im sorry sambo nigger faggot the 3rd i was wrong to call you a nigger without taking into account your proud linage thats stretches back to chedar man your grand father on your mothers side"
that should have left them speechless then you can just exploit the situation while they are in shock. grab a boob. not because you want to but because that white knight brother can never undo it
Isaiah Evans
Don’t be a pussy. You should call her up on her phone and call her a nigger too.
Lincoln Bennett
Say "I'm sorry....you're such a nigger"
"I'm sorry....you hate free speech"
"I'm sorry my brother is such a whiteknight apologist that you think I owe you anything."
Kevin Johnson
>It was at that moment, user realized he wasn't on an episode of World Peace Lmao
Justin Nelson
i wish i had a time machine
Anthony Martinez
Family is a burden. Use the opportunity to cut ties.
Tyler Lewis
Skinny latte then
I guess at the end of the day, does she act like a nigger. I think the word applies more to behaviour than skin colour. Insulting without context is still rude even if your brother is a huge cuck. Your parents are probably embarrassed. Yes we know race mixing is all kike propaganda but in the real world you can't just call people a nigger without consequence. The irony is blacks use that word more than anyone else
Obvious VPN is obvious. >thank god I'm not a fat, desperate incel >projection.bmp
Jacob Torres
Were u loaded? If ur brother didn't fight you he's a pussy.
Elijah Wright
i find black women attractive on the internet, but when i see one in person, i'm turned off.
They remind me of a gorilla.
Jacob Fisher
Get a new family. Marry white. Breed.
Joshua Flores
i'm looking for a blonde with blue eyes at the moment.
Nicholas Cruz
Then why apologize? Its not your problem that your brother has a black gf fetish. You're not fucking her, let him have to deal with it.
Jeremiah Phillips
Call your parents niggers. If they're okay with their son fucking a nigger then their opinion doesn't matter because their judgment is poor. Do not feel bad. Double down or suffer the fate of a low T cuck.
You're absolutely fucking pants on head retarded and deserve all your woes. At least have a good reason to call a roodypoo a roodypoo next time
Ethan Bailey
You missed a good chance user, instead of calling her a nigger and imploding the relationship you could have spent the next two decades slowly deteriorating her views on her own people.