The situation in South Africa

Hello Jow Forums I've just come to update you on the situation in South Africa, especially where I live
>crime has sky rocketed
>violence and murders through the roof
>poverty rates rising
>protest constantly
>cant leave the house wothout fear of getting killed cause you are white
>police do nothing about it
>whites leaving at an enormous rate
>white discrimination
>whites less likely to get employed
I might be moving to the US in a few months as i am jobless and have no car, no money either, cant leave my house without the possibility of being killed. I just want Jow Forums to acknowledge our situation as it seems no one knows how bad it is here.

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Forgot bump

which part do you live in? north or south?

Do you think a Rhodesia 2.0 could happen? Pic related is my hero

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North east

>I might be moving to the US in a few months
Do it user, let the niggers come crying to have you all back. If there were more whites there I’d say fight for it and we could run you guns, but unfortunately it’s too late.

Need to kill the niggers before they kill you. All of them.

All whites need to immediately self deport from South Africa so we can sit back and watch it collapse knowing none of our own are suffering.

Come home, white man.

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Try and get to Northern Cape maybe? Pretoria and Joburg are fucked.

True then we can carpet bomb them into history.

Need to get out. Evac!

That place is gonna be like 1000 blackhawk downs when it goes off.

Fuck mate. I have a good friend who fled SA for the US 2 years ago, just came on a tourist visa and never left, found a job who is sponsored him for a work visa says it was the best decision of his life. Wish you all the best.

The Boer War: How The Jews Seized South Africa

Refugees not welcome faggot ! We aint gonna pay for you welfare.

I’ll take all the whites we can get in the US. Especially the red pilled SA whites. Nothing is more redpilling than white racial genecide or even a form of it. White Cuban immigration turned FL red for 50 years.

some one really needs to send a rescue force to extract the poor whites who can't afford to leave

this is the kind of thing we could get done if the autism here was weaponized and you depressed demoralized masturbatorially-castrated retards would get off your ass and shitpost IRL in protests etc.

>I might be moving to the US in a few months as i am jobless and have no car, no money either, cant leave my house without the possibility of being killed. I just want Jow Forums to acknowledge our situation as it seems no one knows how bad it is here.

Inflation will make it impossible to leave in 3 to 5 years , trust me i know what i am talking as my country has more inflation per year than the us dollar has in 50.

Get the fuck out as soon as you can even if it´s to a better shithole.

Also learn about bitcoin asap

If you can buy some in april a year before the next supply reduction so you can make some money.
But the main reason to learn about bitcoin is because as soon as the inflation get´s out of control the government will put capital movement restrictions which means that even if you sell a hosue you will not be able to take your money out by legal means so you will need to use bitcoin.

If you can´t move to burguerland consider another country that may not deport , otherwise move to a latin america shithole were at least you will have food for enough years until you get a second passport and then you may be able to try to move to an anglo country without being deported back to south africa.

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Saving poor white people from communism and out of control governments was literally the purpose of the US until like 60 years ago.

>I might move to the US
fake and gay, the US doesnt allow white people to come over

>i'm going to go to USA!
No, dummy, go to a country that's easier to get into, like Mexico

Isn't Russia accepting WSA refugees?

start killing niggers.

Whites in SA countries might be next with the influx of commie meztizos fleeing Bolivia, Nicaragua and Venezuela.

No you’re doing this all wrong we should be encouraging whites to migrate here to offset the fucking Mestizos.

What about Russia, i think they employ you as an English teacher.

Russia is like a third world shithole. Who would want to immigrate there? The affluent Russians are all migrating to the US.

You will leave SA only to see the situation replicated in 10-20 years whoever you go, enjoy.

Currently studying to try get out, my entire family and extended family are relying on me to be an escape rope but Malema said it himself, the whites don't have the money to leave and he wants us right where we are so we can 'work together'.

A large portion of my family are also hardcore afrikaaners who's pride and patriotism demands they fight but they don't realise just how irrational that is when it's quite literally 10 to 1.

I wish they'd just start the slaughter already, I'm tired and I want this life to be over.

What's the point in running, I get sending maybe your mother or sisters to a safer place but we as fighting age men must not give a single fucking to them

4.8 million vs 49+ million, good luck Frikkie.

Well they have cute girls. But i Agree why not Germany or other European cucked countries ?

You're severely underestimating numbers but it's not my job to convince cowards like you.
By all means run, run as fast and as far as you can, once you start you'll never stop

The Boer War

Strange, it’s very quite were I am, too quite.
Elections are in 3or4 months and no one is striking/rioting or other wise being normal. All the farmers have in my area have also been saying it’s unusually quite. Usually Christmas time stock theft goes up.
It’s weird, also a calm before the storm.

I get what you’re saying but fighting is an impossibility. We need as many whites in the world as possible having 6 million slaughtered does us no good. Move to a place where your children have a future, somewhere with extremely strong private property protections and a white majority so this doesn’t happen to them. That’s the best thing you can do.

white imperialist fuckbois gona get destroyed by the black bull Zulu warrior

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>It’s weird, also a calm before the storm.
Didn't the kaffirs just murder a goat on a beach because a security guard told them they couldn't shit on a public beach?

Total population is 57 million.

Whites make up +-8% of the population ( 4.56 million). Africans are +-79% (45 million).

But hey have fun fighting for (and dying in ) this shithole.

Why dont you just race mix with a zulu. If all the whites start breeding themsleves out with the native populace you wouldnt have this problem.

I know you're a Jew and other people racemixing seems like a casualty you're willing to accept in lieu of open genocide, but SA race mixing is actually super dangerous - really great way to get murdered.

The Purim Angle in Israel's Gaza Attack

February 28, 1991—President George Bush Sr. announces a halt to "Operation Desert Storm"—one day after U.S. aircraft carry out a massive bombing of a retreating Iraqi convoy in what became known as the "Highway of Death."

March 18, 2003—the U.S. proclaims a "coalition of the willing" of 30 nations in support of war—while the following day, March 19, President George Bush Jr. announces the start of "Operation Iraqi Freedom."

March 19, 2011—NATO begins bombardment of Libya, with the US firing Tomahawk missiles from ships in the Mediterranean into the Tripoli area, and French fighters carrying out attacks in the region of Benghazi

The Dates February 28, 1991, March 18, 2003, and March 19, 2011 all coincided with the holiday of Purim, a day on which Jews celebrate events related in the Book of Esther. Has anyone noticed that Israel’s latest attack on Gaza also comes very close on the heels of Purim? This year Purim was celebrated last Wednesday and Thursday, March 7-8. On Friday, March 9, the Israeli attack on Gaza began. Are Israel’s leaders trying to send us a message?

Purim - March 20-21, 2019

‘Your time is up’ South Africa sets date for white farmer land grabs – March 2019

Just a cohencidence I'm sure.

>black bull Zulu warrior
>starves as soon as whitey is gone
kek, you animals

They have been breeding with the Zulus for centuries hence the “couloreds” who still fucking identify as black and hate the whites. Same shit in America anyone who has ANY black DNA identifies as black and hate whites.

Russia isnt taking shit. A lot of them are going to Qatar and the UAE. Those two countries are taking everybody in the world except other mid east countries.

I said quite no civilized.
Africans slaughtering animals in public is not noteworthy or particularly unusual, also any white person who goes to the beach near Christmas or new year needs and intervention.

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The country was founded by Whites that were out-numbered by natives. And you don't know shit about military history if you think battles only are quantity vs. quantity. Imagine if the Boers do a trick to get the Zulu to kill the Khosa. Then what, pussy? Will you flee to Tel Aviv?

Hello friend, a tip if you come to the United States. Avoid areas with high population density and look for areas with low rape/murder rates.

Amerimut acting like you know jack shit about this country. I'm aware of the Boer history but the difference in technology accounted for the difference in numbers, they had arrows and spears we had guns. Now they have the guns. Another thing, Africans will always stand together if the enemy is white. There is infighting but their common enemy has always been us, so kindly fuck off.

So why did Russia grant asylum to 15,000 Boers?

Jesus. That picture's like a fucking horror movie.

Come to burgerland frens, help us avoid the same nightmare

Rhodesia went 10:1 with both sides armed with military grade shit.

Please tell me where the resettlement program for WSAs is in USA. I'm waiting

It’s also a problem of supplied, you have a huge population of unemployed ppl with all the time in the world, were as white ppl have to earn a living. Also black ppl are better armed that white ppl since we have a weird habit of following the laws.

Get fucked white people.

If all the boers forbid their children from dating other whites and exclusively dating blacks then the problem would sort itself out since the whole country will become homogeneous. You just have to force dutch daughters on a zulu KANG

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>Americans acting like they have it better
Don't forget straight white male is considered worse than being called nigger.

Are a though for the poor lifeguard when you realize most of those fuckers can’t swim.

>Russia grant asylum to 15,000 Boers
Holy shit thats rare. Russia takes no one usually

You’re also surrounded by nigger shitholes. If there’s some large scale race war the other niggers will join in to kill whitey. Even if the whites somehow started to win it would be considered racial genocide or something by the international community. It’s a completely unwinable war. Need to be pragmatic and migrate to white majority countries where your children and the white race have a future. It will also be fun watching the niggers burn SA to the ground once all the whites have left after they blamed the whites for all their problems.

No joke, go to america, or anywhere else,
i really think something bad is going to happen.
Like an earthquake or stuff like that
just like the Kanto Earthquake (korean massacre).

Most whites can’t leave. They have to fight or die. It’s backs to the ocean now. On the bright side, the SA army isn’t very good and an armed and trained Boer force could likely pull a Kurds situation provided they had some outside help.

I can guarantee you that the only whites that will be willing to fight now are 99% going to be Afrikaaners. Most of us (English whites) have already given up or just aren't willing to fight, I'd rather die like a dog than fight for this place and a lot of people I've met feel the same way.

The older generations had pride and patriotism that the Afrikaaners still have, I have family members who fought in Rhodesia and they still claim in their old age that they'd fight if they were given weapons but the youth just plain don't care.

This, if whitey is genocided it’s not a genocide and they kind of deserved it, if blacky starts to lose all those smug fuckers in the international media will claim it’s ethnic cleansing and Needs to be stopped.

Ramphosa is not dumb. Don’t you think he knows that if whites leave, shit’s fucked? You’re not getting out. Start preparing for Blood River part two

Working on it, two years of studying left then I'm saving as much as possible to get my family out and once they're all out I'll leave.

No join the Suidlanders, the AWB, something. They need strong aryans down there when the race war kicks off. Remember they think big numbers makes gun shoot harder

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It's pretty easy to chain migrate once a family member gets a toe in the door. As for the initial, just be creative. I already started a church so I can sponsor 5-year R-1s at the end of next year. Use your brain. I'm sure there are plenty of ways to skin this very large metaphorical cat.

Lol you don't have that long dude.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Europe sent in an army to fight against the whites if the whites started winning.

Why are you not studying in the U.S. under an F-1?

Don't you have a malformed baby or toilet to be praising?

Russia is trying to get agriculture industry going in the Stavropol region Russia has struggled in its agriculture since the Soviet union collapsed I mean for the last 80 years prior to the collapse it was all communists share farms nobody was responsible for anything so they had to learn how to run a business like farming and it's only just starting to make progress. So they want farmers with experience p

>whites leaving at an enormous rate
Well no wonder spar these days is white as snow.
Welcome to botswana, an african country nearly(?) done right(?)
Without marxist dogshit fucking it up for everyone except the very lying criminal politicians who pushed it in the first place.

>I might be moving to the US in a few months

Bad move, we’ll be in the same position in a few decades

You got African countries like Namibia ect they have lax gun laws would it be possible to get guns from there? Or is there a lot of unregistered guns in circulation in South Africa?

Just think of the killcounts you could get!

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No we won’t. They have more blacks in their country than we have on our continent. Blacks are not a growing demographic in the US. Spics are but they are also no where near as bad as blacks and are easily diluted into whites because of their high european ad mixture already. Castizos are whites for all intents and purposes.

then dont bother to return when South Africa becomes 95% Afrikaner


I though South Africa had lax gun laws?


>Africans of English origin leave
>Afrikaners decide to stay and fight
English genes are synonym of pussy, what a surprise.

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We have lots of your peope here.
And they all agree that india is a complete shithole.

Naisu but plox reveal flag desu

i think you don´t have much time to organize, the nig nogs are in full war mode

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literally NE or MW US, particularly North Dakota and Maine.

poo in loo

and you'd end up with a contest of who was "most white" or "most black" and it would split that way. Plus there would be a shitload of genetic issues.
Fuck off Moshe.

Lolwut? The democrats will return to power in short order and will throw the doors off the hinges to increase immigration, and I doubt the plan will include hardly any WSAs that lack assets

based and kangpilled

Plus people in general tend to be attracted to people who look like themselves. Even in highly multiethnic countries like the US or Australia 90%+ of people still have children with people of the same race. What is the government going to do force people to race mix? The one anomaly is white men and Asian women.

That last anomaly is caused by fetishism (Re: le epic nip culture) and existing similarity, desu

Probably one bug natural disaster away from complete racial genocide. This sort of situation really tells you how Whites react when their country gets taken over.

The commies are still there starving.

The ones leaving hate the commies , it´s whitecucks that want chavist socialism in argentina and brasil and the niggers wanting gibs.

The Democrats would need 60 votes in the senate to pass any immigration measure. The entire middle of the country is now red making it unlikely they will have a super majority anytime soon. If the legislative branch started ignoring immigration laws we could bring it to the judicial branch which is now pretty right leaning. We have ways we can stop them from flooding our country.

>assaulting a hut with an MG
>walking fire
>ripping rounds through the walls
>not giving a fuck

Badass motherfucker

kek get cucked by my post in another thread

Please. Come to Texas lots of cheap land to farm and lots of jobs. Need more whites

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look at this shamefully cucked ausbro.
You better stop drinking piss and figure out whether you're going to fight or die.
If we cant depend on you to help fight the invading hordes then be prepared to be hung by your own kind

>I just want Jow Forums to acknowledge our situation as it seems no one knows how bad it is here.

What did you except would happen when you surrendered your homeland to niggers?