
Auckand musuem has a section of there site where you can write down who inspires you to be feminist… unlimited times, you can also vote unlimited times,

Pic related

who inspires you to fight for feminism?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Please you ingrate faggots, can we fuck this shit up for old times sake.

50000 max characters, go kanye

I think my spam is fucking the site

It wont load comments for me, am i banned?

you broke everything you dumb serb!

Shieet, i probably broke whole countries 65kbit modem

Aww fuck man. You ruined it

It's working again my niggas.

The spam isn’t funny and too obvious Vladimir, get creative

Mod niggers keep deleting this thread so bump

I love you guys. Top keks here.
I've just put in a vote for Moroccan islamists.
I honestly can't believe they haven't moderated these comments. Someone's got a lot of cleaning up to do when they start work tomorrow morning.

Y'all doing God's work.

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Ok dude you can settle down now with the spam. You're making it harder for others to make comments.
This is probably going to make national headlines tomorrow.

fucking kek

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get ready for a stuff article about this
>boomer retard from auckland

Oh I fucking hope so. I'm about to go to bed, where's the best place for me to check for some outrage in the morning?

Ok auzzie I'm waiting

Dont waste this on poopoo peepee, post links to some red pills.

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newshub or the nz herald
you'll be able to find a poorly written article expressing outrage at this on those sites probably

That was a great comment mate. Well done.

Thanks, my guy.

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>that sanger quote

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The problem with redpilling roasties on Islam is it will make them support Israel.

Then you redpill the roasties on Israel.

I think that reddit is doing a raid too, too many upvotes on 'Shadilay' and 'Adolf Hitler' to only be us

Bumping for justice


Who's the military march user?

All right I've contacted Stuff news about this "appauling hatespeech". Will let you know if we make the news.

You are referring to the "Navy Seals" posts?

Lampshade lady.

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No I'm talking about the person linking to marches and pasting lyrics


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Shit, fucked it up. Should read.
>She took trash which was destroying the western world, and turned it into beautiful art.

>became soap

bump for lulz
also im the guy who will spam comments about my shit

Youp, reddit is doing a raid on this one too

You can't tell if it's a highly ironic chan poster or a redditor and that bothers me