Japan finally opened the border for immigrants

Japan finally opened the border for immigrants.

Your reaction?

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I'm still waiting on my permanent residency. I'll let you know. Saw a nigger in the supermarket tonight. It's changing.

no one cares about this little nation full of inferior subhumans

go back to Jow Forums or reddit or wherever you can talk about it


And that's a good thing.

How do I immigrate?

English leaf teacher in Japan strikes again

brb moving to Japan

Mutts strike again

>complain about immigration
>immigrate to japan

Their fault for not having kids

Me likey. See you in 6 hours, mi amigo!

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>English leaf teacher in Japan strikes again
This guy is relentless, whoever he his. Same shit, different day.

>open borders to increase the population
>incel american anime weebs flood in
>no sex anywhere
>the fertility rate even manages to decrease

Wasn't it the other shithole with that flag that we bombed?

Well what is there to say. Japan s bound to become culturally enriched by subhumans. It's one thing to read about it on the news, but to actually have the savages walking on your land is the worst terror imaginable.

Godspeed Japan.

Shit mah nigga Im finna come over there to gets me dat gibs and fuck yo wife and yo kids.

>Japan s bound to become culturally enriched by subhumans.
Japan is a sinking ship. They're just 50 years behind Canada, the U.S. and the U.K. They are now embarking on the multicultural experiment. Diversity is coming. But the Japanese are too insular and naive to really understand how devastating this is going to be on them.

It isn't immigration per se. Just temporary residency permits for poo in loos to work in Japan. They'll never become citizens or permanent.

We know for a fact that this is going to happen sooner or later. My reaction would be F.

>Japan s bound to become culturally enriched by subhumans.
Japan needs BBC. youtube.com/watch?v=nZWtvbVbYh4

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Japan has always had guest workers. This is nothing new. Just street shitters instead of the usual whites and chinks.

Why do you care?

Cant wait for yakuza to start killing niggers and mudslimes for raping nip women

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Finally, National Socialist emperor.

japanese people need to be flooded with realitycheck video's of what enrichment means to your society.
one example, increase of rape of about 2000% percent(95% of swedish rapevictims have immigrant background).
up to japanese-english anons to give them translations.

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Respectable immigrants who have the proper job credentials and will to assimilate are fine by me. Just don't bring in some basketball americans who want to cause another summer 16 Okinawa incident

good, now fix your awful society so people stop dying of overwork

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rapists...not victims

>this all isn't just a feint for the 2020 olympics

Good bye Nippon.

Save the animu

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> Japan finally opened the border for immigrants.

Goodbye Nippon, Goodbye cruel world.

Atleast we still have anime.

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Time to get enriched


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English teachers go home

Yeah for low skill jobs where chinks and phillipinos get treated like shit.
>m-muh diversity
Even if japan imported 10 million mexicans overnight, do you really think the japs would conform to their culture? Diversity in western countries is bad because the people there have long since abandoned their traditional culture - and don't you fucking dare try to argue otherwise. You don't see islamic or many asians countries conforming to other cultures, yet for some reason yuropoors and americans do.

It is already open. If a person meets all requirements, knows japanese, and their work adds to society, what is the problem?

That's how it starts.
Then you see a few brown people and a few more, more and more until they outnumber you.
Then the shootings starts, rival families fighting and honor murders because some daughter were a slut. And rapes with the reason "all your women belong to us".
The final step is being malmo with almost daily bombings, shootings and rapes right left and center. While your kinsmen will be caught in the crossfire of the shootings.
Learn from us and rise up before your governments power goes to their head and it becomes the few making the choices for the masses while claiming to do it all in the name of democracy..

A modicum of despair probably.

Holy shit is this for real?

>one of the last ethnically pure countries throws itself into the hellfire
This is unbearably awful to hear
I'd understand if they selectively imported educated, high quality people from Western countries, but we all know that's not what's gonna happen

>That's how it starts.
It has begun.

Your flag looks like a pimple.

Fake news.

I read somewhere a few years ago that after Europe and North America, their sights were set on Japan and Korea. I guess they were right.

You have lost your people, your culture, your history and your very roots. But hey, at least you're not racists, eh?

That's what they always say at the start. Turkish workers in Germany would never be given citizenship. Just temporary.

i cant care less what happens there

>immigration increases
>rapes, murders, etc increases
>crime rate increases
>japs get tired of it
Yakuza is going to rise again with the influx of dirty migrants. Let it happen.

RIP glorious nippons identity.

You’ll fucking see nip, soon enough you’ll see...

>If a person meets all requirements
The fact that they're ethnically different means that they're already not fulfilling the requirements


That is a nice chink honeypot. I wonder if they kill you before or after you leave the airplane. Also look up the conviction rate in Japan.

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I will cleanse the land. Inquisition activated

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>knows japanese
no shitskin ever would be able to learn moon runes, this is your natural barrier.

They could learn it BUT they won't.
They infest and expect everyone around them to learn their language and traditions. They will never adapt only force others to adapt to them. It's not called an invasion for nothing.

thought yakuza was already dead like 10 years ago

Send thermonukes

ofc its changing you dumb americans rui everything wherever you move to

gotta love it when a foreigner moves to foreign land to invite other foreigners to move in

fuck off american kike

time to get in close it and leave all the immigrants i hate out

will you take in american minorities?

>this is your natural barrier

The problem is that you digusting bugmen ruin all that you touch with your Midas touch.


Your idea of a war is having a bunch of unarmed chinks act like assholes. It worked when you bugmen all looked the same and were trying to kill the other bug queen, but ever since you walled yourselves off the world could only pray that that Great Wall you built could keep you inside forever. How proud you have become, and how blind.


愚かなクソ、嫌なバグマン。 世界があなたを盗んでいる間あなたが私たちの秘密を盗むのを防ぐために私達は私達の言語を変えました。 蜘蛛が溺れないようにするために残念に思っているのでなければ、だれもあなたを連れて行くことはありません。 あなたが蛾を燃やす炎を抱きしめてください。

sorry to hear

just wait for the first wave of immigrants who yell for gibs

Haven't they just made it easier to work in Japan but there still won't be many people gaining citizenship?

please forgive my son, I had dicked his mom so hard that he come out with autism

This. Can't walk 10 meters in Bavaria anymore without running into some roach and his kebab shop.

>der guest worker
What a joke.

What's wrong with that?
That's a good thing.
Bring more sun Saharan Africans because there's no food in Africa, They need your help.

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can't tell if real or joke

It's about time. Japan needs immigrants.


obviously el mutto knows that feeling very well
o no mi carnalito ay wey nmms ese

This but unironically
Then the African-Japanese folk will learn Japanese. They will put their own spin on the language and make an ebonics form that will transform the Japanese language.

>Your reaction?

poor dumb bastards.

can't we just quit feeding Africans?

> Country that "needs immigrants "
what a fucking brainlet you are.
We should let the natural evolution take care of niggers and such and quit lending them a hand. It is the natural way of darwinism to let our species evolve.

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just Image if those jews let them at their mercy, they would be in medieval ages maybe in bronze age, with their kangz and queenz, and you could travel to africa to experience from first hand what those times were, historians could've seen live the evolution of mankind just in slow motion. But they fucked up

The Japanese economy NEEDS immigration. The birthrate is disastrously low and the economy needs fresh workers to prevent economic collapse. Racist NEET neckbeards on Jow Forums can sperg out all day long about Japan but the fact is the Japanese people and Abe realize this which is why Abe has put forth a goal to accept hundreds of thousands of immigrants to Japan. There is too much inbreeding on that archipelago and can be saved by diverse African genetics. This is a good and exciting thing.

STFU weeb, you have probably never even been to Japan.
I travel to Tokyo and Kyoto to attend my business every year. Japanese people respect their heritage and community. They dont want niggers OOGABOOGin about in their communities.

This would have been a wonderful themepark Africa

Because they bring over their families, and then kids grow up in Japan with a different cultural background, then try to subvert the host culture.

Also, not everyone who goes there is going to know Japanese.

It's a gradual process. First, it's "let them come over because we need the labor." Then, it's "let them bring their families over." "Help them integrate into society." Eventually, you end up with masses of low-IQ criminals, just like in Europe. What's more, each of these steps is nigh-impossible to reverse without genocide or extreme brutality. This is not a path you want your country to go down.

>saying that like it's a good thing

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They failed to grow their own precious population by overworking them and giving them poison like anime.
At the end of the day they are riddled with debt.
>Debt as % of GDP
They are very racist but not vocally,in a silent mutual way even to western whites so...
>come help pay out debt gaijin
No thanks, I'm not learning their alien language for their cancer.

Does this mean I can go there now and fuck all the pigugly nip women?


I like fuck third world

Even they won't touch you, mate. I'm sorry.


Will the Japanese actually fight back or will they run away at the sight of niggers like they do in the YouTube videos

threads were posted about this before, isnt it only people from like china/mongolia/vietnam not africa and shit?
u guys r fake news

Learn these phrases to survive your normie friends in the coming years or coworkers.

"Diversity is our strength."

"No borders, everyone's legal."

"Tax the rich to help the poor."

"We are all special."

"No hate in Japan."

"Orange Man Bad."


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Dont be a stupid nigger

Komm, süßer Tod.

Dude who cares, just let the people immigrate to Japan. Stop being an no fun allowed autist.

Well........... fuck
Please help

The population is too low the crime rate will fall and the wage will go up. Quick goy make your country an overcrowded shithole again.

Its probably fake news. This english teacher post this every day.

>this argument
This is shitposting

Now I can move there.