>wants a wall built by US taxpayers
>said mexico will pay for it
>trump worth billions
why dosent this orange dildo pay for it himself?
Government is still shut down
Other urls found in this thread:
the con is coming unglued.
only 2 years left.
Because the press and insane Dems would go on and on about how he went around the political process, and should be impeached for it, and such nonsense. Low IQ Dems scream about anything he does, and misinterpret laws and his actions to somehow make everything he does a crime, and an impeachable offense. It is why we plan to exterminate the leftists.
Just go live with the squatamalans you want to bring in so badly, Shlomo and Moishe.
he would have to liquidate his assets against his shareholders' wishes
he's not gonna make it two more years desu
You still mad antifa?
Why dont kikes and niggers pay for their own lives instead of living off the excess wealth created by White innovation?
>strawman fallacy
Is not an argument. Try harder, brainlet.
You know technically slashing the Mexican aid budget and paying for it yourself is still Mexico paying for it. He should just do that.
Mailman here, fuck this cunt. Worst president ever I need to pay my bills dude
>spoken like his own schlomo shekelbergstein
>government is still shut down
good. it should stay that way AT LEAST as long as it takes for welfare $ to dry up
we have plenty to spare. we're shut down because democrats are politicing
>work to ensure the (((chosen))) get their support from the US postal service.
>wahh i don't deserve this
Quiet, shabbasgoyim
My father works at Nintendo and he says you are a commie bastard, can you confirm?
>Selected as class president in school by his peers.
>said that kindergarden should pay for the fence between kindergarten and school since school-children generally don't go into the kindergarten.
>worth thousands.
Why doesn't he just pay for the fence himself?
Fuck off, Krassenkike.
What the US calls aid is really bribe money from the CIA to stabilize the world. The primary goal is preventing extremism and dictators taking over in a disaster. This is much cheaper then a Afghanistan or Iraq so I always get confused when the GOP opposes this money.
Also we only give Mexico 300 mil a year in "aid".
>wants a wall built by US taxpayers
he has bipartisan approval. That wall is getting 5 billion dollars as sure as the sun rises in the East.
>said mexico will pay for it
We will stop buying their shit if they send rapists and thugs and gangsters across the border.
>trump worth billions
Yes, with a small loan of 1 million he incresed his net worth by x1000.
why dosent this orange dildo pay for it himself?
He has 1 billion not 5. Now fuck off you stupid fucking chink. We are nuking Bejing in less than 2 years so we can steal your shit and divy it up pirate style.
>orange man bad
>1 post by this ID
Every fucking time.
>he has bipartisan approval
Congress has one major role and that is controlling the governments money. The GOP just lost the house and Trump thinks he can trick democrats to vote for his shit when his own party did not support it?
If this passes Trump will run this issue non fucking stop in 2020 and rub all democrats faces in it. This is the real reason they oppose it, Trump hates the win-win and wants to make the other side lose. You will never have bipartisanship with that attitude. The GOP had a chance to make healthcare great in 2016 and they chose to not do anything and that is why they lost 2018 and the wall. To make a deal you need to give as much as you get, and all Trump offers is insults.
You haven't even seen the house transcript have you. You are just pulling bullshit out of your thorax.
Fact: the bill has passed through house
Fact: it only needs to get through senate
Fact: it will benefit mexico too by making a 5 billion dollar promise that we will never invade them
Fact: it will benefit us by not having to feed a bunch of rapefugees.
Now go tell your little ant leader that we are going to nuke Bejing and the world won't miss it.
Fact: Your little cuddly buddy Winnie the pooh murdered Mao Zedong with poison.
Fact: The reason he looks so perfect and peaceful is because the water is his body has been replaced by embalming fluid. He is literally just a little wax statue now. Not a drop of life giving water in him. Just a mummy with a silky skin hiding veins of glass.
>only needs to get through senate
That's a big fucking "only" and the main reason the government is shutdown. Even if the wall would work the democrats would take its passage as a political loss, Trump will make sure of that. So why vote for it? Trumps winner take all style has killed so many good ideas. You know Democrats support a wall and reasonable border control like they have for the last 50 years. Hate to tell you but this is what happens with a CEO president who "Wins" all the time, the opposition wants a win as well. Give us healthcare and you get your wall. And just for giggles lets raise taxes and balance the budget.
trump's a worthless dick. expect nothing.
Do people actually like Mao or is he like Stalin to the Russians and it is actually Stockholm syndrome.
I heard that Mexico was willing to pay for Trump's impeachment.
>political loss
Are you fucking 12? This isn't a fucking football game where the side that passes the most laws wins. Now go pray that your little ant leader has better plans for you than throwing you in prison for 40-80 years for having radical ideals.
你他妈的12? 这不是一个他妈的足球比赛,通过最多法律的一方获胜。 现在去祈祷你的小蚂蚁领袖对你有更好的计划,而不是因为拥有激进的理想而把你关进监狱40-80年。
>Zhèngzhì sǔnshī
nǐ tā mā de 12? Zhè bùshì yīgè tā mā de zúqiú bǐsài, tōngguò zuìduō fǎlǜ de yīfāng huòshèng. Xiànzài qù qídǎo nǐ de xiǎo mǎyǐ lǐngxiù duì nǐ yǒu gèng hǎo de jìhuà, ér bùshì
You too, worthless chink.
Nǐ yěshì, háo wú jiàzhí de dīng dàng zuò xiǎng.
We like Stalin because he saved our asses in World War 2. We don't like Mao because he has done nothing for the world except drive concrete prices up for his 3 Gorges Dam. He was a selfish leader who deserved the poison Winnie slipped him.
我们喜欢斯大林,因为他在第二次世界大战中拯救了我们的驴子。我们不喜欢毛泽东,因为除了三峡大坝的混凝土价格上涨之外,他没有为世界做任何事情。 他是一个自私的领导者,应该得到温妮的毒药。
Wǒmen xǐhuān sīdàlín, yīnwèi tā zài dì èr cì shìjiè dàzhàn zhōng zhěngjiùle wǒmen de lǘzi. Wǒmen bù xǐhuān máozédōng, yīnwèi chúle sānxiá dà bà de hùnníngtǔ jiàgé shàngzhǎng zhī wài, tā méiyǒu wéi shìjiè zuò rènhé shìqíng. Tā shì yīgè zìsī de lǐngdǎo zhě, yīnggāi
Fuck off worthless chink.
Gǔn kāile háo wú jiàzhí de fèngxì.
Wait till he de lassoes FISA.
Then you’ll see unglued
>Have everyone around you go to jail
>A bunch of fat losers on Jow Forums still think you're innocent
A LOT of people don’t give a FUCK who pays for it. This should be abundantly clear by the gofundme page for the wall.
The bottom line is just fucking build it.
Trump has no shareholders you fucking retard
Trump will resign before he is impeached though.
I hear the trucking industry needs drivers.
Time to get a big boy job
Trump literally claimed that shutdowns are always the president's fault
There are some people who do not see your world view and are not Chinese propagandists. Politics is not a game but the most votes wins. If the Democrats give in to Trumps demands it will demoralize Democrat voters and the GOP will take more votes. Trump understands this politics and okays the game like everyone is his enemy and his supporters bought it. Democrats and Republicans are in opposition not enemy's. Give and take losses for the best of the nation then take what you did to voters to decide if it worked. This is the system we used to become the most powerful nation in the world.
You're fucking retarded beyond all reasonable measure if you think trump turned one million into one billion.
As if there’s a chance of either happening
Yes and he has public support for causing this one
What’s your fucking point?
His company is private, not publicly traded. There are no shareholders.
That should be "plays"... I am having a word salad.
3.8B only breaks down to like $8 per american but still its 8 bucks i could be spending at mcdonalds getting fatter.
>only 2 years left.
hopefully he closes the government permanently
>We knew trump could never get Mexico to pay for it all along
The absolute state of trump supporters
You reak of chink. You haven't even seen 2 american flagpoles near each other. You just want to spread as much weak chink propaganda as you can not knowing that the world has been immunized since the end of the Cold War.
This isn't about differing ideologies, it's about how little you know about the world.
Holy shit, just fuck get the fuck off the internet. Read one of the little red books winnie gave you if he hasn't forced you to turn in Mao's red book yet. Your brain is as smooth as mao's embalmed skin. You are just a little puppet, and like a puppet you shall be cast away when your master grows bored of you.
>Public support
A bunch of incels on Jow Forums does not equal "the public". Good job moving those goalposts though, cuck
Our government is shutdown because the GOP lost an election and is throwing a temper tantrum. The fist act of a new opposition congress is not going to be to throw Trump a bone that will politically kill themselves. They will move to impeach before they bow to Trump will.
> It is why we plan to exterminate the leftists.
Basement dwellers are always good for a laugh.
Nobody gives a flipping nigger dick that the government is shut down. It was a limpdick last attempt to stall the bill. My mail is still being delivered, the trash still got picked up, I told the police about your little chink satellite that swept over El Reno Christmas Eve. You are a sad race. I will be happier knowing that your suffering will be short. Riddle me this, would you like less than a second of death, or 80 years of life in a Winnie re-education camp?
Given that I own guns for the eventual fall of the US government what do you think my choice is? The government shutdown has long term financial costs. Illinois is so bankrupt and they went 3.5 years in shutdown. This shit can happen nationally and will tear down how the US has held the world together in peace. China will make a global move and fuck us, this is why you should care. US power matters and money matters.
Why don't you tell me which state you live in? I'm from Oklahoma, you?
Which county?
Is marijuana legal where you live?
I live in Salem. They call us leftist but we are so not. Our politics is not on the national level. Guns are huge here with automatic shooting ranges. Black population is sub 1% as we were formed as a segregationist state. Weather is 40 to 90 year round with no humidity and no major storms. We avoid any major city's in case of nukes. Fist place I have ever lived where my co workers talk about out bugout bags. Nice place if you can ignore Portland.
You don't even know you lying chink. I live in Canadian county, el reno, oklahoma, 73036. You however are a lying stupid limpdick chink forced to have to pay for 40,000 years of chinese failure. Even the lady who owns the chinese restaurant where I live isn't even batting an eye. Do you know why? She doesn't give a shit about China any more. She is earning $11 for every person who walks through her door while you make one yuan for every limpdick post you make.
It is
lol I do not type as fast as you
Which state is Salem in?
Congratulations, now which county do you live in?
Also I am a bee keeper in my spare time. Good shit, the Chinese and Indians flood our market with fake honey. Do not trust the stuff in the stores real honey tastes nothing like it
Salem is in Massachussets you inbred chink. You are lying. I bet you don't even know how old you are or which city you are in. You are literally living in 1984. I can only thank the lord above that he didn't make me chinese. What a sad race.
I know all about your shitty sugar water dyed gold you try to peddle us. That is why having the word "organic" on a label makes the item double in price. And the reason why we consider the "Made in China" label a testament of low quality, rushed, sweat shop product of pitiful chink labor.
Salem is the capital of Oregon...
There is also a Salem Maine
>no two cities share the same name in the US
Think I spotted the shill
funny thing is Mexicans will pay for it with the gibbs saved in just one year.
Also no such thing as organic honey. Anyone tries to pull that shit they are lying. I have seen those fucks take M&M syrup and make blue honey.
Whatever, have fun with your "victory" I have a birthday party to go to today. I award you the title of being technically correct. You at least googled this shit before spouting bullshit. Don't have too much to think for me. Wouldn't want great leader winnie to get jelous.
It looks like you never had any business training at all. You never invest your own money, that's basic investment.
t. roastie kike
Go take your pills its morning.
Fנגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
The way you can tell chink honey from real honey is that real honey crystalises. If it doesn't have a label warning you about this it is chink honey and should be avoided. Also chink honey tends to get shitty reviews.
I only smoke.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
Actually its the polin counts. To be classified as real honey you need polin. The Chinese mix some in but the count is so low it is obviously mixed with a syrup.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
Well we have talked about honey and now the bots spam us out.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
Yeah, it's really fucking low because it's literally just sugar + water + gold food coloring.
Based New England poster hating on Chinks. I love you, anti-chink poster, never stop please.
Have some free bug repellant it works great
Nah, pretty sure you're a jew shill.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
כל ימי גדלתי בין החכמים, ולא מצאתי לגוף טוב משתיקה; ולא המדרש עיקר, אלא המעשה; וכל המרבה דברים, מביא חטא.
רבן שמעון בן גמליאל אומר:
על שלושה דברים העולם קים – על הדין ועל האמת ועל השלום. שנאמר (זכריה ח) אמת ומשפט שלום שפטו בשעריכם.
רבי חנניא בן עקשיא אומר:
רצה הקדוש ברוך הוא לזכות את ישראל, לפיכך הרבה להם תורה ומצות, שנאמר: ה' חפץ למען צדקו יגדיל תורה ויאדיר.
נגד שמא, אבד שמה. ודלא מוסיף, יסיף. ודלא יליף, קטלא חייב. ודאשתמש בתגא, חלף.
הוא היה אומר:
אם אין אני לי, מי לי? וכשאני לעצמי, מה אני? ואם לא עכשיו, אימתי?
שמאי אומר:
עשה תורתך קבע. אמור מעט ועשה הרבה, והוי מקבל את כל האדם בסבר פנים יפות:
רבן גמליאל היה אומר:
עשה לך רב, והסתלק מן הספק, ואל תרבה לעשר אומדות.
שמעון בנו אומר:
>No gubarmint
Yeah, these chinks are a sad race. My work is pretty much done. After my 5 day straight investigation I've found that China is beyond fucked. They know nothing, they keep nothing, they are nothing, and their future is nothing. They are a bunch of nihilistic poor fucks who only have faith that their glorious leader won't send them to the gulag for drawing a picture of winnie the pooh while they farm dogs for meat because they are asshurt at Japan for being so hard to annex. They are surrounded by enemies and they are just now realising this. They have done nothing for the world and now the world is shaking them off like a bad case of fleas. They are good at violating anti-proliferation of space treaties, so there is that. They also have no concept of copyright, so they are good for low quality forgeries. There is nothing much else to say. I'm going to have a drink in the vain attempt to blindmyself to China's sad future.
GTFO of here w/ muh shutdown shit. Gov shuts down practically every year this time of year and sometimes for long periods. Political maneuvering regardless of party affiliation. Get used to it. As for why Trump doesn't pay for the wall himself, how do you know he won't ultimately do just that? But first he needs to draw attention to how the DEMS would much prefer to spend triple the amount of the wall of taxpayer's money on feeding, housing, clothing, educating and incarcerating ILLEGAL ALIENS.
He couldn't afford it. He's certainly right about one thing. The Democrats are not funding the wall because its Trump who wants it. That's the only reason. The wall would work to some extent for its purpose, to withhold funding is helping Mexican cartels and their ilk thrive
Why should he. Down syndrome the post. Weak bait. Try harder.
Please gas yourself.
If the border can be closed, why build a wall?
*pulls out balloon*
*fills it with nitrous*
*waits for it to warm up*
*takes a hit*
*gets high*
*wears off in 60 seconds*
k, now what. Do you want to make some crystals? Just put a copper coin in a bucket and fill the bucket half way with bleach and half way with ammonia. Don't tell anyone about this recipe, it's a closely guarded secret.
Also you have to stir it. with either a spoon or by blowing it with a large straw.
If you can't find any ammonia urine works too.
He’s not allowed to idiot
He had to let go of all his business once he was pres.
Best gaem.
Why should he do that?
Assuming you're not lying, (im sure you are lying) good, fuck you and your family. Go work for FedEx or UPS. Get off the government tiddy you spoiled faggot.
It also helps to do it in a room without any windows or drain plugs, towels under door cracks help too. It is bad mojo or something. You can make some valuable crystals this way that we sell to unsuspecting consumers.