dear Jow Forums, if you can prove to me that Islam is Satanism, i will leave it.
Dear Jow Forums, if you can prove to me that Islam is Satanism, i will leave it
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>spoonfeed me so I can blindly deny everything anyone says like every muslim does
Fuck off, you can’t fix stupid.
Once you leave it, they will find you and behead you. There is no leaving son, you're fucked.
Oy mate if you hate Islam so much why did you choose to live in a Muslim country?
All Abrahamics should be hung after being given a chance to renounce their faith and choosing not to.
these are really good. thank you.
i live in eastern europe. my ancestors were christians who were forced to convert to islam during ottoman rule. i just wanted someone who was versed enough to give me a good reason to leave it. i was already on the verge of leaving it for a long time now.
It isn't. Catholicism is satanism.
look at the evil in his eyes, soulless
catholics do worship mary though jose, most christians worship icons and are absolutely guilty of denying the oneness of God
I am not Christian but Protestants are very cringy
If Gnosticism is true, then Allah is the Devil.
Papists absolutely deify Mary, though.
God bless, friend.
Gnosticism is not true but the rest of your post is correct.
every religion that cuts hurts kids for no reason other than religious are obviously satanic, i.e. judaism and pisslam.
Listen here; circumcision is a good thing. Enjoy cheesedick sven
This. Was just thinking that.
Muhammad consummated his marriage with Aisha when she was 9 years old = he fucked children
Thats all I needed to condemn that disgusting idea
>Condones child marriage
>Commands you to kill those who don't want to join your mad pedo cult
>Everywhere muslims go they end up being rejected violently by otherwise decent folk (Myanmar, Balkans, Europe coming soon)
What more evidence do you need?
Satanism is merely the inverse theological position on Christianity. In Islam, the entire demonic/angelic relationship is different, and the ways and methods of quantifying these meta physical entities is also different. So in summary, no Islam is not Satanism. Because Satanism is either an Atheistic drama show, or an inverse response to Christianity, and it's already established tenets and lore(which Islam rejects).
Umm sweetie Jesus is the messiah in Islam he's given the title 'al masih' in the Qur'an...
Child marriage was legal in the majority of Western nations a couple hundred years ago.
Nothing but cherry picked non sense, gtfo with your confirmation bias. And pic related.
Lord Jesus is the Word of God.
The Word of God is true.
Muslims claim that the Word of God is not true.
Lord Jesus is God the Son.
Muslims say He is mistaken.
They don't have the Son, so they don't have the Father. They do not worship the God of Abraham.
Christ means messiah
Muslims don't reject Jesus as the Christ(messiah) but we reject him as the literal son of God or part of the godhead and it's obvious Saul Of Tarsus makes this distinction
Yet for us there is but one God(Theos), the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord(Kyrios), Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live. (NIV)
Not exactly. They believe in St. Mary's deification BY GOD. That is, that she's been "sainted" (deified), but yes, they also have elevated her to the role of "co-redemptrix" or something of that sort. There is NO QUESTION of her being a member of the Holy Trinity (she's not) as the quran puts forth.
Now, in Catholic faiths, sainthood is indeed deification, but it's seen as the Work of God's Grace. That is, God elevates, or deifies, humanity for His own Enjoyment, for His own Purposes, by His own Will. This deification (sainthood), however, is NOT just for St. Mary; the very same deification awaits you and me, and any and EVERYONE who hears the Word of God and keeps His commandments.
There is certainly no confusion as to the three Persons of the Holy Trinity. Only an outsider with incomplete knowledge of Christianity could make that mistake. Perhaps if the quran were written sometime in the 4th century, but by the time of mohammed, the Nicene-Constantinople creed was well known and accepted by Christiandom. If mohammed had attended a Christian service, I imagine that the verse in would more accurately represent Christian views. As it stands, it's a glaring falsehood.
>He's evil, deciver, liar, jealous and so on
No, you are confused with gnostic ideas.
God is jealous.
Satan is envious.
Jealousy is beautiful, it is a loving emotion based on desire. Having someone be jealous towards you when you go after someone else is very special.
Envy is ugly, it's a greedy and selfish desire for something that somebody else has and shows unappreciation for what you do have.
More autistic non sense, and Allah literally just translates to God in Arabic.
>Another Bible thumper
You do understand that Jesus himself exhibited a luciferian archetype in the Bible right? With his consistent rebellion against his fellow jews.
>but we reject him as the literal son of God
You reject the Son, you don't have the Father. You are anti-Christ.
You realize how retarded it is to claim that you accept Him as a prophet but reject Him being God? That's like speaking over the truth and expecting people to believe you, it's disgusting.
Not that I care what you believe, you are already condemned.
It's not Satanism, just a shitty fanfic of the other Abrahamic religions led by a self-aware charlatan and psychopath.
Poor retort, you muttified McDonald's ape. Either formulate an argument yourself, or fuck off with your reference to a confirmation bias.
>his consistent rebellion against his fellow jews
How does the highest authority teach His will to people if He has to obey earthly authority of interlopers and wicked people?
The living Word of God taught the truth and godly things. The so-called jews of the time killed Him for putting God above the traditions of men.
> iterally just translates to God
No it doesn't.
Islam is Moon (satan) worship
Christianity is Sun (God) worship
Jesus wasn't God there's no evidence for that and I posted evidence from 1 Corinthians 8:6 that disproves that notion of Jesus being God.
"Son of God" (Bane Elohim) title was given to people in the bible before as a honorary thing such as Job. But Muslims don't support the pharsing biblical writers use because it implies God is like us and can have a son but God is like nothing from this world.
Hinduism is both. Imma Off to street shit now.
Actually Catholicism is sun worship.
You don't know your history retard. Christianity had many sects believing he was ONLY a prophet
Until you killed them and changed that in the council of Crycia
Satanism, doubt it. It is a backwards, evil fucking death cult though.
Not all evil is "satanic".
He wasn't the highest authority, you claiming he was Is blasphemy against God. Since the only way Jesus could have been what you described him to be, was if he was God incarnate(oxymoron btw). Which ironically would of contradicted the already established Christian definition of God being omini in regards to everything with no limitations.
Oops! I meant to link to which is a lesson about Taqiyya, Kitman, and Tawriya, the latter of which I contend is exactly what you're doing here.
I'm implying that your religion sanctions giving false witness. I'm implying that you are doing exactly that here. You claim that we're "cherrypicking" but I contend that you are knowingly trying to deceive people in order to further your political philosophy (which you call a religion, lol)
Poor girl must have been raped by the entire army
>Jesus wasn't God
Hebrews 1:
6 And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.
7 And of the angels he saith, Who maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
>unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God
>to the son
>thy throne
>O God
>Exactly what you're doing here
You're attempting a baseless Character assassination, either point out to me where in which post I was lying. Or go suckle down on a Priests scrotum during mass.
You literally don’t understand what worship or prayer is then.
Also, this is kike thinking. You are a kike.
>and then Mohammed flew to heaven on the back of an unicorn
Cope more, you child fucking nigger.
Renounce Islam. Christ died for your sins.
>Until you killed them
>[citation needed]
Certainly, there were sects who believed all sorts of falsehoods about the Holy Trinity and, as it still happens today, these heresies are addressed and our Faith is reaffirmed. There have always been schismatics, Arians, gnostics, and the like. Our Lord Jesus warned us that such heresy was on its way and told us to be on guard for it.
Claiming that the church killed these folks, instead of breaking communion with them, is laughable.
Citing scriptures, isn't a stand in for formulating an argument. Either give an unbiased case for Jesus being God, or fuck off with your pagan worship.
This is taken out of context. The girl is crying because of her reaching a hard accomplishment in her quran recitations. Just call this an islam hate thread
God bless you, brother. I hope you might one day come to know His Truth.
>Islam is a stupid religion and you believe in Islam, so you are stupid.
>You need proof to prove something absolutely obvious, so you're doubly stupid.
>You can not think with your own brain, you need the brains of others, so you are triply stupid.
Why should we waste our time with a moron like you? Get out of here
No it doesn’t. Go debate Christian Prince about this.
>Citing scriptures, isn't a stand
The Word of God is eternal and true. I'm not required to give you any arguments, I just posted the truth for all to see.
You can stop replying to me now.
Hello, Hindu friend. I have taken an interest in your religion. As superficial as it is, is beef truly a no-no, or has it evolved to be something more than the religious text say? As in, is there supposedly actual divinity in cattle, or is it a pragmatic value bundled up with religion
So did the martyrs of my home country, why should Jesus get any special treatment?
Child rape isn't anything to be concerned about, when it only involves little girls. You sissy skinned, girly white emasculated faggot. Besides child rape was a Pre Christian European tradition, so fuck off with your high horse bs.
We know how to clean ourselves properly unlike you bugers.
i never said i believed in islam i was merely born into it and started questioning religion. i've found my own answers but i wanted other people's opinion on it. no one here is wasting time, i got a lot of good opinions. this thread was useful and i thank all who have contributed to it.
It's still a thing in Africa, cuz raping babies cure aids you know...
Sure you do.
Golden calf worship, probably. But since then there's millions of tonnes of garbage built up on the streets of India and now they don't care as cows just wander around shitting everywhere and they sleep on garbage piles.
Sacred cow drinking rain water out of a bin? No problem, just don't eat the cow because it's a god, etc. This is their type of thinking.
Yes, it's not a hard thing to do.
So citing a multi translated corrupt scripture with various logical inconsistencies is enough to convince you of your pagan(the trinity complex,ect) religion being correct? What ever, it's fucking stupid from my pov. But you do you I guess.
Eating albinos also help against something, can't remember what though.
>i will leave it.
>i never said i believed in islam
So you are a liar. Or you are unable to express yourself without contradicting yourself
You're a cursed dog. Go ahead and try to evoke a reaction from me with another pepe picture.
Islam is linked to their culture, it's hard for them to understand the distinction.
looks like boobs behind his wrists tho
Show your flag, or are you a coward and a wimp?
Africa isn't a Mono country, and these boy loving rituals are only concentrated in the West. Over in the East and North, this behavior is only designated to pre pubescent Girls and foreigners.
The Muslim have been reduced to asserting that child rape is fine. As you can see, this is a degenerate cult that should be illegal worldwide. Let us uphold the examples of Chairman Xi and Ang Soo Kyi in oppressing it out of existence.
miss your soul yet?
read the bibleverses next to my posts, in the linked thread.
Either way I checked for the translations of two of them. Feel free to read the whole walls of text :)
İster biz, ister gökten bir melek size bildirdiğimize ters düşen bir müjde bildirirse, lanet olsun ona!
Çünkü size gelen ve bizim tanıttığımızdan değişik bir İsa'yı tanıtanları pekâlâ hoş görüyorsunuz. Ayrıca, aldığınız ruhtan farklı bir ruhu ve kabul ettiğinizden farklı bir müjdeyi kabul ederek bunları hoş görüyorsunuz.
Not Satanism but the Koran teaches people to be prideful and elitist. I stopped reading it half way through.
Perhaps, but it is still going on for magical reasons. Unlike banging kids for sexual pleasure.
Both should be exterminated from this earth.
Europe is not a mono country either.
You have no idea what you’re talking about when saying the Bible is corrupt. It is remarkably intact and, more importantly, ever article of faith and important feature is completely preserved.
I wouldn't count on it, the Greeks were notoriously known for their disregard to the issues of homosexuality in any form. Pic related might better illustrate the point I'm trying to make.
Read up on the 53rd Surah.
According to that Surah, Allah subhanahuwataala has daughters that you can pray to for goods and services.
When the prophet sallaallahualeihiwasalaam was confronted by the fact that he just made Islam a polytheistic religion, he reneged and claimed the 53rd surah doesn't count because it was lies from satan, that satan pretended to be god and successfully tricked him into thinking satan's lies were truth from god and he couldn't tell the difference until he got called out on it.
There you go. Cut and dry. You have it canonically, according to the quran itself, that the prophet sallaallahualeihiwasalaam, for all his perfection, couldn't tell the truth of god from the lies of satan. Getting so successfully tricked by Shaitan that you put a whole chapter of his lies into the final version of your holy book isn't a mistake you'd have to worry about from a perfect man. What if the whole book was written by Shaitan and that's just the one part he got caught in his lie?
Also, the Sahih hadith about the prophet sallaallahualeihiwasalaam seeing a solar eclipse and running away in terror because he thought it was the end of days. Why would the right-hand man of God fear the end of days? Wouldn't he welcome it joyously? It makes a lot more sense if, for the sake of gaining worldly wealth, fame, sex and political power (which Islam worked very well at doing for the prophet sallaalaahualeihiwasalaam) he made a pact with something that wasn't God but was nearly as powerful?
Even if that doesn't convince you, can you understand how this looks to an outsider?
I don't doubt it. I'm against circumcision but am circumcised. You're lucky your jewish overlords didn't mark you as a slave
Why would I want to do that? Religions reflect the cultures they come from. Islam is not only perfect for, but necessary for, violent, retarded sand-apes. Just stay out of white countries and we're fine.