White sharia like in Chechnya is exactly what Europe needs to fight degeneracy, the depravation of our women and save our birthrate


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Islam is the worst form of degeneracy on this planet.

they're whiter than america or france

chechens are descendants of beta cucks who had their wives raped by dirty arabs.
actually, that's how 99% of muslims come to be, it's sad how much they love the rapists and murderers of their ancestors, really

Time changes and sometiles your previous ennemy becomes an ally against a greater menace, Christcuck, learn to adapt or die.

user, what do you know about degeneracy

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Shlomo get the fuck off this board.

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Why would schlomo want you to become virtous and have a family? You are blind

1488 rising hehe

Thats not an achievement in the slightest

68:1 by the letter noon and what they inscribe.

the sun rises on the 1721x19

Not true, some nations like tatars and central asians took islam from the arabs they defeated coz they needed some unified religion

We've got quite a few Chechens here in Austria. They're among the most useless immigrants, on par with Afghans. Their men could not hold a job even if they tried. They drop out of school and fill our prisons. So much for "spirituality" and non-degeneracy.

If they're white it's proof what Islam does to a people: it turns them into standard 3rd worlders, devoid of anything but one book and a lot of misdirected anger.


that makes them even bigger cucks

the horn of two devils and two lights.
smokeless fires.

aren't russians just mongolian

FUck you

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true muslims are useless.

but mostly dependent on race not ideology.

At least they fought, unlike you cucks.

Allahcucks are made for BBC

Makes me wonder why we in the west just don't embrace islam. Even Adolf the basedhog admired it and it would solve everything and we could still hate on jews

islam in that period was not like it is today


besides sport, chechens don't like working

kys jihadi faggot, europe needs natsoc not some ancient goatfucking circlejerks

The only thing that has a chance and is close to that is Islam, you dumb fat bitch

the only reason it even has anything close to a chance is because white men are so absolutely cucked throughout europe, and would rather let the angry somali have his way both with his wife and with the government.

Most of Jow Forums aren't white enough to be Muslim.

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Ironically white muslims are usually the most radical and violent

arab muslim subhuman.

those sand-niggers are turbo-bleaching themselves lol look at how they show that blond boy.. as if everyone there is like that

a roach calling other people subhuman kek

how is life?

hey neighbors what we talking about

demolish masjid aksa pls