Check it out Jow Forums, I got tested after that woman slept with the niggers and got gen herpes...

Check it out Jow Forums, I got tested after that woman slept with the niggers and got gen herpes, and it turns out i didnt have it

Attached: her.png (1064x398, 33K)

except idk what the 0.87 means out of 0.89. Does that mean i was close?

It means you have a dormant form of anus herpes. You will form virus laden blood engorged ass polyps within a month. Very painful Morty.


IgG is a long term antibody and can take 12-24 weeks to convert. You need them repeated in 6 months and still negative to be sure. IgM are acute antibodies and they would tell you if you had recent infection.
>t. Md Fag

So that is what 0.87 out of 0.89 means? means im close?

Means you got a C- on your herpes test.

So pretty much i passed but barely? How do you barely pass though? I dont understand. I thought either you had it or you didnt?

No you dumbass, your doc ordered an incomplete panel. To “pass” you need negative IgM & IgG tests or 2 negative IgG tests 6 months apart. All you know now is that you haven’t had HSV for over 6 months.

So i could have had it before 6 months? I thought herpes stays with you forever?

It means you didn’t have it 6 months ago but you could have caught it 2 weeks ago and the IgG tests would still be negative. BTW 80% of black women in my practice have it so you’re prob fuct

No it isnt a black woman it was a white woman who mounted a male nigger who had it and she caught it

You got the gift OP. LOL.

what do u mean?

The gift that keeps on giving. Congrats on your herp.

I got herpes typ 1 from a girl giving me a blowjob. Imagine my surprise.

It says negative you realize

Mine also said negative but with elevated levels like that. Get tested again in 3 to 6 months.

>elevated levels
youre confused again i see

Ok from one med fag to another, 80% days nothing about actual demographics relating to OP. I’ve seen populations of 50-60%% of whites with positive antibody tests. And you well know you need active lesions to transmit HSV

>he doesnt know about shedding
you can transfer herpes at any time tardo

Does the outbreaks become more bearable with each outbreak or does the pain always stay the same?

I mean with type 1 and not 2. Heard 2 is worse.

You can. But won’t. This is why the internet is a joke for obtaining medical advice

Eventually over a few years it will very much lessen.

I literally have genital herpes. The outbreaks dropped way off and tend to in most people. You can dose daily with an antiviral for extended periods if they’re problematic

First outbreak is bad. After that you may experience outbreaks just once a year or almost never. It just depends on the person.

>you can but wont
>you CAN but WONT
dude what?

Women can spread it at any time. Men can shed, too, but not as badly as women do.

Youre trying to claim shedding happens 365 days a year.

Wrong dumb fag. Studies in disparate married couples show 85% of transmission is due to low level shedding of virus between outbreaks, hence to indication for daily faltered to reduce transmission. Get your money back, you’re fucking degree is useless.

Iv had 2 outbreaks so far. With about 2 years in-between.
But God damn it's like I pee barb wire when they come.

First outbreak I had fever and swollen lymfknots also.
Second outbreak was less harsh.

Youre trying to tell me its almost impossible to contract genital herpes without the person having an outbreak. I just saw you have genital herpes, is this what you tell women so they even consider touching your diseased dick?

Hence the indication for daily valtrex (fucking autocorrect)

Good thing I don’t give a fuck about anything outside the ICU

I rarely get outbreaks anymore and when I do, they’re on my lower abdomen.

Well stop giving bullshit advice then

>disease ridden ausfag gives out shit advice.