Is there anything more destructive to Europe than neo-paganism

Is there anything more destructive to Europe than neo-paganism
>they want to destroy 2000-years of Western history because pagans lived in mudhuts
>they often support Islam over Christianity
>no unifying religion, nordcucks want us to larp as vikings and slavs as their pagans etc.
>Hitler called them clowns and an enemy, so naturally the pagancucks hate National Socialism too
>nobody knows what prayers they had and what they believed in or what the druids studied, thus pretending to be a modern druid is larping
There are neo-pagans who don't try to divide and destroy Europe 24/7 and i respect them, but there is a big cancer cell in the movement.

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You do know you are unironically going into the chipper soon, right kike?

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>worships (((Marvel))) comic book heroes
>but i'm the Jew
Funny how there isn't Jesus in the comics, because Jews fear Christianity and God's wrath

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>because pagans lived in mudhuts


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Your Pope kisses the feet of Muslims. Your Protestants give millions of dollars to Israel. It would take 25 million neo pagans to cause as much damage to white people as even a fraction of your Christians. Get rekt.

>christianity worships a filthy jew
>islam is shitskin culture
pagans are saving europe

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>Saving Europe
Yeah I remember all those pagan crusades

>saving Europe

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>faith that is not exclusive to europeans is not destroying europe
think what are the consquences of this user

Nigger the crusades were a fucking joke
>no agenda in europe, only point was to retake the holy land
>no success
>caused the deaths of thousands of children for no fucking reason because sending kids on a children's crusade is smart
All abrahamic faiths are poison of the mind

>We should have never chased the muslims out of Europe
Typical pagan and atheist mindset

>Dont try to take back your land goy, you might die

I think the main problem with paganism is the fact that it was conquered by Christians. If Christianity is failing, why choose a religion conquered by Christians?

The crusades were focused on taking back the jerusalem, retard, not getting the goatfuckers out
We should get rid of all muslims, jews and christians because all they have done is ruin fucking cultures

Fuck off oven filler.

>Funny how there isn't Jesus in the comics
Because you would freak out in the 1950s when Thor started

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Pagans didn't fuck christians up because christians came as missionaries and rooted themselves in, then started slaughtering people. That's how the spineless parasites do it. If pagans knew about what was happening and banded together, christianity would be fucked

all of the semetic religions are easily exploitable for (((their))) needs its hilarious.

>How are we going to tame whites into accepting millions of africans Master Moshe?
>Well I'm glad you asked!
>They don't share anything exclusively similar besides their faith!
>Let's use Biblical indoctrination in the churches until people think it's going against the will and nature of god to not let a foreigner inside your house and country.

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The main problem we have now is the trait called "over empathy"

>a trait which prevents an organism from defending itself, its livelihood, and its general sanctity. By removing the vetting process in which a person judges another person, understanding how that person functions, and if it poses a danger.

Christianity is build upon self sacrifice for strangers. For shitskins even. Because of it, the trait "over empathy" has proliferated among the population. Causing much of the white population, even without the religion (its a genetic thing now) to sacrifice many of their own elements pertaining to 1488, in favor of some stupid ass dogma that makes zero sense.

if paganism removes the elements that make this trait active, and promotes "limited empathy", then it is superior to the abrahamic religions. Racial realism, if it can integrate this concept into paganism, then we are much better off. But if people revert to paganism...well I am not sure how well connected they would be to the modern scientific world (including racial realism)

Please explain to me how that is?
You're all doing nothing except for sympathizing with sandniggers and pretending to be white nationalists. You're brain dead morons trying to play pagan while knowing absolutely nothing about the small details and origins of your pagan beliefs. Paganism is just localized superstition and humans don't educate with story telling anymore. You serve no purpose.
Christianity actually has transcendental knowledge in it to create a proper civilization with humans in harmony with each other.
If you understood things more clearly you'd be a Christian but you really just don't give a fuck and have a bone to pick with Christians. They probably tried to shape you into a decent person but you got creeped out by the fake smiles and bullshitting found in modern Christian society. I'm a Christian but I cannot stand to be around people like that. We need a renovation, not a return to niggerism.

literally the only reason why christianity is where it is at today is because Constantine. he tried and ultimately failed to use it to keep the empire unified.

That isn't what the crusades were about. The crusades were about access to the silk road for (((Venetian merchants))).

> he tried and ultimately failed to use it to keep the empire unified.
Ehhhh, you could argue in a very real way that Christendom did keep Europe unified broadly if not in the strictest sense since at the most direct level the East and West Roman Empire split, but the Universal Christian Church stayed there and was dominant in the North and East-Mediterranean region through 1054 and even when the church schism occurred it was all still either Catholic or Orthodox and could be said to be a continuum of broadly European-Christian civilization until the fall of Byzantium.

Thanks for this user, I haven't seen it explained like this, but it makes so much sense. I knew 'it' as pathological altruism. Is there a writer that goes into some length about this at all? Or is this most expressed as new through our modern diversity experiment? It had to had happened in Rome.. without modernity

Imagine thinking the childrens crusade happened lmao

well I can give you a background of the trait analogy system:

there are traits like

>passage of time
>understanding that it is you in the mirror
>fluid dynamics understanding

(niggers lack all of these traits, it is why they cannot swim well)

and for birds there are things like

>remembering where you stored your food (for the winter)

there are many traits like this, some overlap species, and inside of our race there are also different ones for each race. Also some overlap, some dont

I divided the trait

>limited empathy
>and over empathy

The normal type of empathy is the thing that the white man used to tame dogs, and horses, and a variation of many other different animals. Its pretty great. Oh and there used to be a site that I lost that displayed all of these traits, and how they intersected. So its quite, well scientific enough. But christianity basically provided the nurturing ground for "over empathy" it is the reason why we get empathy porn on the chinese these days, it is so that white people can feel better. And it is also the reason why trump spend a 100 billion dollars on niggers recently. Left to their own devices, the white man always will be empathic, like a pencil sharpener, when it its turned on, it will always wants to sharpen pencils.

Then this pencel sharpener made religion out of sharpening pencils, it made artworks, it made it its calling in life. It scoffs at those who do not have this trait, like a prancing horse displaying its one trait (its swift leggedness)

it is quite a bore to deal with this trait. Only about 10% of the population of the whites doesnt have it.

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Jews and shitskins are far more dangerous to Europe. Try to keep up.

Christianity is a weakness because it promotes helping out-groups over ourselves.
NeoPaganism is a weakness because it's mostly consumerist BS that doesn't challenge the system.

Paganism is based and the true faith, regardless of cringey assclowns that center theirs around being anti Christianity
Certainly better than a literal old jew in the sky

>Christianity is a weakness because it promotes helping out-groups over ourselves.

yea exactly. That pretty much should destroy all pro christian threads here, but then again, when dealing with over emphatic retards, the only thing you get in response to this comment is more prancing about.

over empathy during the ages

>"we must convert those savages to christianity"
>goes into different nations, spreading the doctrine
>eventually loses christianity but the trait is still active
>"those poor niggers on tv, they are crying, we must send them ALL OF OUR MONEY RIGHT NOW"

and when you say they are wrong, you get prancing horses. You know, that is when an organism displays its more prominent trait, and how useful it is, and how it has it, in order to ward off predators, or to attract mates.

thats basically the whole cycle of over empathy.

my point was the only reason why christianity got to where it is because constantine gifted the economic and military might of the roman empire.

Judeo-Christian morals are the reason why everything is fucked today. It tells us that we have a right to domination over nature, that everyone is equal etc. On one hand, it can be easily used as a tool for absolute domination and authoritarianism over a people, and when that fails, can be used to make people totally passive and weak when dressed up as 'liberalism'. Every liberal out there is basically just a left-wing Christian.

Christians are genuinely pathetic and feeble, and the ones that aren't are just kind of dumb and simple, and exclusively from the Americas or Africa.

*tips hat


memes, morals...thoughts...eventually become DNA. Its a feedback loop. If you do something really stupid, for a longass time, between generations...then it becomes more than just thoughts. It becomes your DNA. You can see how when christianity was removed, the many behaviors that it cherished, were not removed.

That is because this christian insanity fed the trait "over empathy" and only literal genocide, or multi generational thought pruning, can make it revert to its less hostile-to-its-own-life form. It is also possible to shape the enviroment in such a way in which this trait does not show negative effects...

another way would be probably with crispr. I am not even kidding here, today there was a thread about some crispr virus being released and I thought to myself, the same thing can be done to erase the trait called "over empathy". Otherwise the white race may not survive. Only a few of the whites have the normal type of empathy in them. Like 10%

Judeao-Christian values is an oxymoron, so you are either a shill or brainlet. Probably both.

>2000-years of Western history
speak for your faggy self, faggot. Scandinavia has only "Christian" for some 900 years. We still celebrate Yule, not Christmas.

Jesus exists in Marvel. He went on adventures with Howard the Duck in space. I'm 100% serious. Google it. God has a cameo too.


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literal nigger iq