Well, this is the last time I'll be doing the Reddit Secret Santa thing. And yeah, yeah. Le leddit sucks I know...

Well, this is the last time I'll be doing the Reddit Secret Santa thing. And yeah, yeah. Le leddit sucks I know. See if I ever go fucking back after this shit.

I wanted to do something nice for someone. So I signed up for their Secret Santa thing. The way it works is that you get matched up with two different people, one you gift to, and one that gifts you.

For the person I was assigned to gift, I went through their profile and saw they were a gamer who liked PS4. So I bought them Spiderman on PS4, these neon lights that look like the PS button symbols, and I also threw in some home made Christmas themed chocolates. They received the package and were really happy. So that was nice.

So what did I get in the exchange? Well, you end up seeing a lot of people who get screwed over and get absolutely nothing. But I got something. Yet I feel envy for those who got completely ghosted...

It seems that my gifter browsed through my profile, did not agree with some of my political beliefs, and decided to send me a small box containing a feminist propaganda book and a *literal dead rat*. Along with it was a little card that said, and I quote, "You'll get what's coming to you, Nazi."

But the gift did not end there! See, when you sign up for this, you have to give the person your real address. Turns out that this psycho SJW decided to give my address out and I've been doxxed and harassed by phone calls, messages, and my boss even called me saying that we needed to talk after work resumes on Wednesday about "concerning comments" that I apparently made online.

So yeah. Fuck Reddit. Fuck SJWs and fuck this gay Earth.

>tl;dr: Engage in Reddit's secret santa thing. Give a thoughtful gift to someone. Receive an SJW book, a dead rat, doxxing and a stern call from my boss in return.

Attached: angrysanta.jpg (400x400, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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you play with fire you will get burned etc. etc.

Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm fucking retarded. Rub it in.

>this happened

That fucking sucks. Feel terrible for you man.


Uh huh

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>going on reddit ever for any reason

You have to go back

unironically kill yourself if you give a fuck about being doxxed

If it's true take pictures, get concrete proof, and post it on TD, on the secret santa subreddit, and other related subreddits like, I don't know, a bad gift one, or cringeanarchy or some shit.

You'll make liberals look bad and push moderates more to the right.

What did you expect? If you were half intelligent you would’ve known this was coming. Should’ve jsed a different account at the very least retard.

What "Concerning Comments" did you make?

Didn't even read your post. Fucking kill yourself as slowly and painfully as you can. Be creative!

you brought this only yourself
but you still have his address so you should send him some gifts
I'm not saying you should do something bad but you know maybe you might slip up and give his address out somewhere probably not here but you know

Attached: pol reddit.jpg (850x478, 88K)

You're dumb enough to deserve the punishment, but let me give you and advise, delete everything and post this video.
and if someone say something to you, just scream as loud as you can, IT IS MA AM!

I wish redditposting and twitter-screencapposting were banned like porn is on Jow Forums.

Attached: reddit-gape-mouth-colbert-soy-faggot.png (351x336, 176K)

Never ever give personal identifying information online unless the companies likely already know where you live (e.g. Amazon).

I guess try to find out who is doxing you? Antifa shitheads are all bark, no bite. If your employer is that much of a cuck to throw you under the bus, they are not worth your time.

KYS you goddamn nigger

Nazi whiteoids BTFO

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do you have some info on the groups harassing you?

Return address?

Eye for an eye, OP

bait. this likely never happened but you have their address.

Is this the level we've sunk to? Trolling Reddit retards with bait posts on pol to link on Reddit to whine about on Jow Forums. The Internet must die.

Yes post profile

so don't you have their information then from the return address? Also sue reddit for the doxxing

Very simple solution for boss.

Say you have an estranged autistic sibling staying with you through the holiday. Say that sibling used your name instead of theirs for the secret santa. Explain you are changing your phone number and interacting with local authorities to resolve.

I think it's not the same person. The PS4 guy and sjw two different people

neck yourself fucking faggot redditor

Lmao oh man!

How did I know to find you here, dear nazi?!

Cry more! And also, enjoy the unemployment line! Nazi scum like you and the ilk of this website are never going to succeed :)

P.S. (my sister just shipped you something this morning) you should be getting it on Monday. Happy New Year trumpsucker!

You honestly deserve it for ever using that site.

Based and redditpilled

>giving out your personal information on the interweb turns out to be a bad idea

Fuck you faggot. You deserve everything coming to you. This is darwin award tier shit...

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>gave your real address out over the interweebs
I think that's even worse than giving your phone number in the hopes you get a new Iphone.
Lessons learned I guess.

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I call that Divine Retribution.
You have to go back.

You can easily go to the police and sue.
Where’s the picture of your rat?
I doubt a feminist would have a dead rat or handle one.

This thread is fake and gay.

This level of stupidity shouldn't be possible. It's amazing you even know how to breathe, drink, eat, and shit. I feel like I lost some brain power just reading this.
>using reddit
If you lurk, maybe I can let it pass
>engaging in reddit
>liking right-wing stuff on reddit
Pretty retarded
>secret santa
Unequivocally retarded
>giving address to reddit
A black hole of intelligence
The only thing I can say with certainty is you deserved it

>hang with snakes
>get bit
>be confused

Attached: download (3).jpg (500x647, 115K)

He hasn't posted anything, so I assume this is bullshit.

Well, unlike idiots I don't use Reddit.

You fully deserve this if this is a true story. People as dumb as you deserve everything that comes to them.

This reminds me of my first secret Santa when I was 16, wasn't allowed to celebrate Christmas as a kid so I was excited.

Knew she loved soccer and was a qt so got her a scarf with USA Soccer or something like that. Another friend had the girl who was a Sinatra fan so I told him to get a greatest hits collection, etc. Both of them loved the gifts.

Mine? "Oh sorry I didn't know what to get you so here is coins"

She eventually put them in my bag after I said no it's fine a lot

Then the black kid who sat near stole them.

Never to this day have I got a Christmas gift :(

What a pretty little white girl who won’t exist in 100 years because of you.

>trusting people on plebbit

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>google to see source of pasta
>link to this thread

jesus fucking christ
it's reddit. How did you not expect something like this?
I'm curious about how overt your political views were. I'm assuming simply "I am a Trump supporter" and not "We need to talk about IQ/race and the JQ".

To everyone saying
>Wow you're retarded for posting on Reddit plz kys

Yes. I know. I learned my lesson.

He didn't outright state what it was. But honestly it could be anything since SJWs are kneejerk retards who are offended by everything. I'm certainly no Nazi (heck, half my family is Jewish!) but I'm a right winger and as you all know, Reddit is a leftist cesspool that largely believes anything right of Antifa is literally Hitler, so I probably could have said something as innocuous as "Leftists are crazy" and that have been the trigger for all of this.

I don't have his address. The person I gifted is different from the one that "gifted" me. There was no return address.

Probably bait, but if it's not. Fuck you, dirtbag.

you got the cunt's return address, right?

>Giving your real address to Reddit
>Reddit in the first place
You brought this on yourself.

you deserve thius, now you can only improve

pics or didn't happen

You’re a fucking idiot

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So are you gonna post a picture of that dead rat or what?


Poetic justice.

Top quality bait mate.

Take a picture of the dead rat on the book so we know you're not some sliding Jew, until then fuck off you fake gay faggot.

>there are no pictures of this rat
OP fucking delete this and try again with the second comment pretyped to go with the pictures so assert your claim. I do want this to be true but there are no pictures of it on a fucking image board.

I really hope it isn't because it's funny.

lol you are such a stupid niger

>They received the package and were really happy
So you're in contact with them?
Why didn't you kill the house it came from?
Are you a larper?

Just say to your boss that is what you believe and if he disagrees then say you quit.

Theres not many leftists in my country(thankfully) but what i get from lurking Jow Forums is that they re some of the most biggoted,hateful and intolerant people out there
How could such disgusting individuals even exist?

>Theres not many leftists in my country
True, half the population living in rural parts helps, but they're currently increasing due to worldwide news starting to take a hold. I give 10~15 years before we get as bad as America.
Also, the fact that most of the population just stopped giving a shit about politics aside from increases in salaries and pensions also helps.

>they're some of the most biggoted,hateful and intolerant people out there
Can't deny that, but I can only speak from my own experience. Every argument I've tried to have with them just turned them into screaming retards. I gave up trying to reason with them a whole ago.

>How could such disgusting individuals even exist?
The jews, degeneracy in general, or both.

Find out where he/she lives and let’s have some fun, user.

>make controversial political comments on account tied to your real identity
>surprised when it backfires on you
Redditors really are this retarded


>congratulations on your participation in social media
>here is your reward

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Nice blog faggot

redditors will be the first to go

This shit can't be real.

Who's dumb enough to do this? Pics or it didn't happen.

desu as an outsider looking in, this is really just making the trump nazi's look good and the SJW's look like exactly what they claim the nazi's are

youre retarded...

>(heck, half my family is Jewish!)

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I thought it was footfags?

>not slash pol slash
One fucking job nigger, one simple fucking task.

>afraid of Nazis being better than you
>intentionally sabotage their life

Is the same as

>don’t smoke weed, it’s dangerous because well arrest you if you do.

>giving random people your address especially if they're utter strangers on a site known for SJW presence

Yeah, you really are fucking retarded. Kys.

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>giving out your address online, ever
This is basic "how does the internet work" tier of common sense. You just don't do it. It's right up there with pictures of yourself or anything really that could be connected to you.
You simply just do not do it, if a troll doesn't get a hold of it then like in your case someone that doesn't agree with you will plaster you all over their echo chambers to trigger more people.
Always assume the worst and let them prove you wrong instead of giving things "in good faith" it always backfires.

Obviously the moderaters have the information. Shipping a dead rat to someone is illegal. If real, which I doubt, report it immediately.

boy i cant wait to read in the papers about how you virtue signaled your way into an anal raping

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Also inform a lawyer. You will be using him both to sue this person and possibly sue your workplace.

Shoulda done a Jow Forums secret santa like the one on /out/. People post amazon wishlists and other people buy whatever shit they feel like. No need for addresses or anything.

>heck, half my family is Jewish!
You should be thankful, asshole. The redditor just wanted to be nice. The whole reason he sent you a dead rat, is to help you with your family reunion on Christmas.

You deserve this

Stop larping. This person broke the law. You will be getting a hefty paycheck from the lawsuit against them if this was true.

>heck, half my family is jewish

Confirmed fake and gay

There are 11 kinds of people in this world. Those who are footfags, those who lie about being footfags, and those who don’t understand binary.

Thats what you get for participating in cuckery, "muh secret santa" jesus christ how gay are you. You deserved it

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What you get for being on Reddit desu. OP is a faggot.

You mean anything right of Communism?

Report to the cops you retard

Where did this sicko even get a rat? Obviously not a normal person.

For literally the first person I searched here I coulsn’t find proof that they were jewish.

What did you think would happen, you absolute retard?

Faggot what is your major malfunction for thinking to do a secret santa with reddit?

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>secret santa
Holy fuck. I've only ever taken part in SS in a small forum and I was a member for years there. Everybody knew everyone,and so everything went smoothly all the times. I even exchanged gifts with some pink-haired neoliberal faggot, and everything turned out great. Who the fuck does SS with complete strangers?!

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