Why are Americans so prude about non sexual nudity?
In Germany we haven dozens of fully nude beaches where you can see people from every age and in normal beaches it is okay for women to go topless.
Same with saunas it's OK here to sit naked with random people in a sauna and nobody thinks this is weird.
Nobody thinks nudity is something sexual its simply freedom.
Why are Americans so prude about non sexual nudity?
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>In Germany we haven dozens of fully nude beaches where you can see people from every age and in normal beaches it is okay for women to go topless.
>where you can see people from every age
>every age
>That's a good thing!
>why is your country, which was founded by people too prude for europe, more prude than europe?
because Americans are largely a product of rape culture.
Additionally, many American men are dumb Johns that have learned to fuck anything they deem fuckable.
Think about the story of Adam and Eve, it all boiled down to shame.
How come all public nudity in Germany is a fat assed Turk and not your pic related?
Large puritan population from the initial colonists startes the trend. Pushed it into the social norm of the country
Because europeans are such fags they dont get an erection when seeing a naked women.
Because Puritans and the Yankee dominance of America.
Because we have blacks everywhere... you will learn soon
And our.women are.less of whores than.euro women
Don't talk shit Mutt.
>He doesn't know about Baggersee culture where hordes of student babes go full natural every summer
Well you don't have to look at those old people's hairy penis/vaginas.... But seeing teenage girls is quite nice desu
We have testosterone, euro fags don’t. That’s why your countries are run by drief up cunts that import hordes of orcs to fuck them. Get some balls fag.
The carnival in Brasil says otherwise.
You have a point, for the most part it's just some boomers that do that kind of stuff.
And as presents in an obvious fashion it's just sexual decadence for the most part.
>Being so low testosterone that seeing a naked girl doesn't make you hard
>Being proud of it
>But seeing teenage girls is quite nice desu
We nuked the wrong country.
In complete seriousness is it still safe in this day and age in Germany for thots to walk around like that with all the rapefugees? I thought even a short skirt or blouse would send them into a frenzy. I’ve been to a few nice beaches in the US and it was mostly old gay dudes and creeps
>can go topless
maybe but can tey braid their hair
Are you so starved for sex that all nudity makes you hard.
Are you gay or something?
If you want a lasting civilizations you can not be free
You must shackle yourself with binding of virtue
Stop being lower animals for Jews to use as livestock
Pretty sure nude, attractive females elicit a sexual response in most men across cultures.
you don't deserve to be german
what the fuck happened to you guys
Everyone in this picture was later raped by a pack of refugees
INCELS cant handle nudity.
Serious question, do you watch a lot of porn? Of course a naked girl makes me hard, if she is hot, even though I have sex regularly.
Pffft too old.
>non sexual nudity
Doesn't exist you autist.
What the fuck is the matter with her face, seems she has fetal alcohol syndrome
This is why Germany needs a couple nuclear warheads going off
in germany you also eat shit for both food and a living
You lost and your culture is only allowed to exist as a sick mockery of the world you had before. It’s very sad.
I can't see the problem with their behavior. Being nude opens up a whole different echelon of degeneracy, which will make sexual abuse more convenient for the instigating pervert.
Sorry you have low testosterone
The last few years more and more news came up with subhumans assaulting women..... Like always shitski s ruin it for everyone
How do you stop yourself from getting a boner?
germany is happy that they got out jewed by the sexual revolution more than USA, wow. you really have been brainwashed OP. its a shame. germany RIP
Because if we could see our bodies in that way we would be aware of the silenced war of male genital mutilation.
>Murrica is full of fundamentalist prudes.
>Murrica is full of licentious hedonists.
The absolute state of yuropoor simpletons.
Found one!
based europe, those prudish americans don't have a right to not be like us
Yeah probably haha
im so happy for europes sexual revolution. im glad it lapped ours even though we are still in a whole world of shit too
>carved into the baby without anything to dull the pain shortly after birth
Think about what that does to a developing psyche, and ask your question again.
Nudity is taboo across many cultures. Clothing is an human universal, not only as a way to protect the body from the climate and environment , but as a cultural element. Class distinction, sexual morality, spiritual practice, in group signaling, personality differentiation, thot patrolling, and other essential social functions are intermediated through clothes.
No wonder the countries where this kind of behavior is normalized are also engaged in civilizational suicide.
you probably have fetal alcohol syndrome too judging by your comments. degenerate scum
You guys really need to res Hitler asap.
Simply self control
I'm not a teenage boy who gets horny from everything, if you ever had sex or a gf then a simply naked woman would be not enough to get hard
It's called not being a thirsty virgin
how can those americans have their own opinions? we europeans need to change that
The jews are going all out posting porn and naked women on Jow Forums
It really picked up these past days, they are kvetching hardcore.
I'm curious Hans, why you chose to target American beaches and not Japanese beaches, or Chinese or Korean. You couldn't have brought up 100 different countries but you chose the USA. Whi choose bte, we have nude beaches here too. They are just well marked and not usually public beaches maintained by tax dollars.
Because around Whites, you can relax.
>fundamentalist prudes
>licentious hedonists
Both are true, though the latter are more common/vocal these days.
the look on those kids faces tells you a lot
They're just distracting us till they decide to microwave everyone to death with Dews and 5g.
This. Circumcision is brainwashing. It permanently imprints the baby with a fear of the unknown and this manifests later in life as fear of new ideas outside your upbringing.
So far women in America don't fuck the men that invade and conquer their country to the same degree that European women do.
Also, I spent years in Europe. When European women go nude on the beach, it is absolutely sexual in nature.
Just not for you.
Bavarians are subhuman and not german
>If you've had sex you won't get boners from naked young women anymore
That's not how it works Hans
>twisting her ass towards the camera with one leg in presentation mode
gas yourself
see how long your refugees agree to keep it nonsexual and nonconsensual
Why are Greeks the most redpilled posters on this board?
Then explain the USA?
Fucking faggot. Nudity is political control.
>pic chosen for shilling his point is two young attractive women
>"it's totally nonsexual bro"
I made a thread about this greek man.
O I am laffin
Listen you fucking kraut, the real Americans here who want a future are tired of fruitless distractions. While you're getting butt fucked by Muslim dick in your new mosque capital we are still dominating the world. Nudity is the biggest distraction of all. The men here still want to fuck women and not little boys so seeing a nude woman is an unnecessary distraction. It's the same thing as looking at food but not eating it. If I want to see naked women, I'll go see a naked woman. If not, get that shit out of my face and take the shitty product you're trying to sell with you
cos of some subversive hooknosed agenda that he's being paid to spam
why would you want to stop yourself from getting a boner? maybe the chick will be into it
Imagine being this cucked thinking that getting a boner while in front of a woman is a bad thing.
By the way, your wife fucks other men. Do you know how I know? Because you are German and I lived there.
Americans look at a ton of porn; and there are many more americans. I'd like to see the per capita report of this.
Could you please stop lying....It's a known fact that Americans are the most cucked in the world
>I'm a pedophile, and that's a good thing:The post
And no one thought it was a big deal. XD Come on man, everyone knows married German couples all swing.
It's degenerate. We are civilized here in the US rather than walking around naked like apes.
Doesn't count with brit girls.
it's true
>seeing teenage girls is quite nice
Yep, sure.
America is beautiful and gives its people an excellent life. Remember, a significant portion never even leave their state. You're a caricature.
What cuck fetishes have to do with nudity? Just because both phenomena are degenerate it doesn't mean they can be used be used interchangeably during the same discussion, or explained by the same thing. Specially when they take place in different nationalities. I thought Germans had high Iq
The mods are in on it and the rules changed in order to accommodate it.
>Pornography with no relevance to the discussion
Which is kikespeak for "pornography is allowed whenever we want it to be"
Those kids are going to join death squads.
>it's not sexual it's simply freedom
>But seeing teenage girls is quite nice
is there a species out there more degenerate than germans?
>nackte Frauen sind nicht genug
Bist du ja ehrlich Schwul?
>lol stupid Americans sexualize everything
>is germans have tons of nude beaches and it's no big deal
>m-my favorite part is looking at nude underage girls..
Die Bierneger müssen wieder auf ihren Platz verwiesen werden.
Sure you did cuck mutt but you're clearly underage and don't belong on this website.
IIIIIF you ever get a gf then you will understand me
Your countries were the same way until kike pushed sexual revolution 100 years ago. Why have you allowed yourselves to be so played by kikes?
Our feelings might be better illustrated if you posted a pic of actual Germans rather than eastern european tourists.
They had to invent tablecloths to prevent men getting erections looking at table legs, sugar is a hell of a drug
beaches in Germany? barely,only north Germany has beaches. I live in Germany and i have never seen a naked person in public. Post the coordinates of such mythical places or GTFO
Why sexual liberation is a (((kike))) operation.