Are you just going to sit there and let (((them))) get away with it?

>Are you just going to sit there and let (((them))) get away with it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Who are you quoting?


What did we do now


for the past few years I've been disseminating as much information on sabbatean-frankists, pedovores, the names of the Black Nobility, Committee of 300 and Jesuits families, and their banking information.
Also I have prepared myself to become an executioner when the time comes.

Id say in the west more than 50% of white population are liberals. Nothing can be done about jews and multiculturalism with liberal majority

Finding a local synagogue full of Jews is not difficult.

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isn't this the girl that got raped in the ass by hollywood executives and died from some sort of complication from anal sex?

What haven’t you done?

Who? What?

I think waiting until they have a festival to get higher body counts would be smarter. They typically invite non jews so killing them and jews would be 2 birds with one stone.

it's already done


Thwarted some self-loathing fatass from having an obedient Waifu who isn't repelled by his stench and will always have hot tendies ready for din-din.
At a guess.

this didn't happen, did it?

Owen Benjamin is only borderline sane. He's spent too many months drinking alone, ranting into his webcam, telling the world how he's sooooo much smarter than them and blocking anyone who even slightly disagrees with him. He'll turn on Vox Day next.

poor girl

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Heather O'Rourke anal fucked by Hollywood Jews which caused a bowel obstruction (they probably stuck toys in there) so she had a heart attack and septic shock from the injury.

You could have just said "Owen Benjamin has taken the redpill" and we would have inferred the rest.

That's their fantasy narrative.

>>Are you just going to sit there and let (((them))) get away with it?

>i like to greentext to fit in with the fellow 4channels

this on hurts alot

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Everything schlomo


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i havent seen anything about Dan in a while

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more on heater

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dumping that as we speak

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Im not even white but jewish degeneracy has reached even in my province nigger 3rd world country with barely any internet. Fix your shit together white man or im programming a caspr9 virus that will exterminate jews.

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>when you see it

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clearly >don't
know how to
text do u


She got Spielberged

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Blessed and Reichpilled

>not getting the joke
Confirmed abbo

White genocide
The Federal Reserve
Prescription drugs
Black entitlement
Open borders for mass immigration
Government control
Any others?

>being this naive to the workings of the world

Poor Dewey :(

I’d love nothing more than to burst in on one of their little “parties” with an AR and a chest rig full of mags. The survivors I’d string up and torment until they lost their minds.

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No don't worry lassy I'll be right here threatening behind my keyboard until everyone collectively decides to wake up for no reason at all

Jesus Lord in Heaven help us. Or send fire. Anything would be great thanks...

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Fucking hell, mate. Steady on.

That pic makes me pretty damn angry.
Even if we die, they are such a disgusting rat-people, others won't even have to carry on the flame, it'll be lit by the kikes themselves and soon enough they'll immolate themselves.

Without focusing this all into a presentable format that doesn't wave around stars of david and pictures of hooknoses you will never get anybody to listen.
If you actually care about these children you will mark the stories with their sources and hobnestly indicate the levels of reliability of the sources of each story.
It is easy to conjure up a story that sound believable but is utter bullshit, so make sure to do it better than the fag MSM with their syria assad gassing his own people as his enemies are already retreating shit.
Sure, it was fake, but they got it to spread because they made it about the kids and they made it in a form that people were willing to share it and talk about it.

There has to be some retribution somewhere...its fucking bizarre they must be hiding stories of pedos getting killed in Hellwood. Or they are actively identifying and killing patriots not sure how it is no one is just flat out killing them at this point...

Reminder, all the wage-cuck tier propagandists will be rounded up and put into camps once the deep state is cleaned out.

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So do tell us how you plan to circumvent 60m watt lasers that can melt solid steel to dust... How do you plan on getting around your whole town being microwaved and drones coming in after...not sure if anyone is thinking it all through really...

>Crocodile Dundee flag
Nigga you gay AF

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Heil Satan

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>melt solid steel to dust

You sound smart.

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but what if the child consents tho?

Gas them both

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>implying a child can consent to sex

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based kike

I like how these glowniggers try to incite people to violence while ignoring the fact that the kikes don't pay us enough to go on a rampage.

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