
What is your opinion of Spain Jow Forums?

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destroyed by feminism. should have been the canary in the coal mine.

I hope to visit my Madre Patria before I leave Europe
From the outlook, I think they need to industrialize more and stop flirting with communism that much

like it

It's one big tourist destination. Nothing else.

To lleno e putos rojos, sosloqueés.
Pero es precioso eso si.

Vote for Vox and will talk after.

Literally this

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No pienso en españa, no es tan relevante ya

Based Moro Mutts.

Brutal police force

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Oye los indios tampoco pensaban en nosotros y mira lo que pasó.
Tan solo cuelga una banderita pir ahi en tu casa y juramos no reconquistar a nadie.

I like the street hookers.

It was a nice rainy day today :)

I want more rain. Im a canario.
I want out of this paradise sempai. Im a gloomlord. Maybe its my galician half.

Interesting history, good weather and food, tons of architecture, landmarks and beaches. So a very good tourist destination.

Spanish people are friendly and helpful but they really have an insular mentality like Brits. When they do their erasmus here in Belgium they all stick together and form groups. Dunno why that is? Do they have a feeling of superiority or is it because their English levels are so-so. Also, Spain really has a severe feminist issue. Maybe it's because Barcelona is a left wing city but I saw tons of very lefty looking girls and also a lot of very slutty looking girls

No va haber reconquista, el futuro es chino, españa ya quedo en el pasado

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I think we have the most bluepilled youth in Europe, the future is very, very grim. I believe the rise of Vox will only reinforce a counterbalance that will doom everyone in a decade or two.

My mom knew a woman from there. I played with her kid. He and another guy (who was sort of my cousin), who were older than me for about 3 years or so, put me on the ground and stomped me for fun one day. My mom talked to her, she got offended, came to our house, smashed our door and almost killed my mom. All the cuck neighbors did nothing, until my mom stopped being a Christcuck and put her in a headlock, at which point she fled. The police did nothing, and ever since then we have only steel reinforced doors.

I think she might have been a gyppo, but I can't say this has left a good taste in my mouth for the Spanish. I was always an Angloboo, and since the Spaniards and the Anglos are enemies in most eras... eh. Spain's my least favorite Med country, tbqh. Maybe it's because they don't have cool stuff like Knights, Romans or the Musketeers, stuff I grew up with. Not that I hate Spain, it's just... eh. If I had to choose between that and Italy or France, well, it's at the bottom of the priority barrel. No hard feelings though.

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I don't think so friend

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Well the Flemish are super nice people but they aren’t really welcoming and inclusive. They are extremely reserved and also stick to their group. No wonder Erasmus students also end up acting like that. Also the Spanish that come for
Erasmus are all good in English as lectures are in English, otherwise they wouldn’t come. They do generally have a strong accent though. I’ve heard from them that they do not like your language at all. In general, Spanish people aren’t really good at foreign languages.

Brief history of Spain:
It spent 1000 years losing fights to primitive afromuslims.
It once had a good navy and lots of inca gold but it doesn't anymore.
Now the 'men' wear blouses.

No seas guarro y conquistanos. No quiero ser chino. Quiero ser Texpaña.

>Spain thread
>Almost every reply is from an spanish poster
>we had this thread yesterday


in Spain its illegal to show hatred towards people because of a law, just let that sink in, the emotion hate is illegal.

Pretty based historically, currently in massive decline.

Es Un Buen País,Buena Cultura, Historia,La Gente No Exactamente La Mejor del Mundo, (Sobre Todo Con Los Latino) Pero Aún así Muy Lindo

Lástima Que Está Siendo Colonizado Por Israel y Sus Mascotas De color (oh La Ironia)

El futuro es euroasiatico, aceptalo amigo

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It's going downhill ever since Napoleon invaded.

comfy and nice people when they realise you aren't the normal scum they deal with.

cucked 110% only saved by the european union backing them.

>Well the Flemish are super nice people but they aren’t really welcoming and inclusive

But there are other erasmus students as well yet the Spanish keep sticking to their own. Not that I think badly of that btw, it's just an interesting fenomenon

Are you on erasmus here? What else do you think of our country and people? Always intrigued to hear an outsiders' opinion


Good food and culture, but severe feminist problem and cant seem to understand government or basic economics.

nah we have something similar over here except its with the Koreans by me. Suuuuper insular and its multi generational. In Elementary/Middle/High school they basically move around in one monolithic hive and when theyre adults they help each other get jobs in korean owned companies and generally only do buisness with other koreans.

Super insular but weird like not even the chinese kids were that bad

Love your imperial flag and love your fascist flag

>Are you on erasmus here? What else do you think of our country and people? Always intrigued to hear an outsiders' opinion
No, degree student
I love it. You have a lot of history and Flemish people are very charming and with a really dorky (cute) sense of humor. Also the beer is incredible. The only thing I find to be not very good is the food. The weather is actually not as terrible as advertised. Also, I love the lifestyle as people generally sporty, there are lots of cultural activities going on all the time and I love going by bike everywhere. Also you the economy feels very strong.

who let these fucking colonials write here?

Loud people
Fucked up by marxism and feminism (us too)
And fucked up the genetics of southern France by sending us all their fucking marxists.

But nice and warm people, with really hot women.