Go ahead

Go ahead.

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What does dick taste like?


I've never tried dick. But if I had to guess what it tastes like it's probably similar to how a finger tastes or something. Also maybe piss.

>please give me attention

Eh I don't care. Just bored, working on a Saturday with nothing to do.


Are pedophile cities OK in your worldview and if not why, since hardcore libertarian logic dictates that pedophilia and child molestation is OK. Even Murray Rothbard admitted it.

How's middle school treating you?

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Why do you support jewry?

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Most of your brain does not fully develop until you are at least 16, and even worse is your prefrontol cortex does not develop until 25, and therefore a child cannot make sound rational decisions: pedophilia is wrong because it is involuntary.

I'm 29. I hated middle school.

What is the value of freedom?

Why do you believe in Jewish political ideaology?

Why do you think a countries economic philosophy is more important than it's people?

Where does a country's soveirgnity originate from?

Because laissez-faire capitalism is the only system that has been able to raise the quality of life among most countries. Currently, there are no countries that have a sufficiently high quality of life to compare with laissez-faire capitalism. I believe in a higher quality of life for all, and if you look at history it is blatantly obvious where you need to be aligned politically to ensure that.

Why do you support such an ideology when you're a poorfag that will never be rich?
If you were worth a billion dollars and had power, then it would make sense. Everything else is just a LARP.


Priceless. I will walk over a field of dead babies to preserve my freedom.

whats it like being into the male version of astrology?

>Why do you believe in Jewish political ideaology?
I'm assuming you mean: Ideology. Because laissez-faire capitalism is the only system that has been able to raise the quality of life among most countries. Currently, there are no countries that have a sufficiently high quality of life to compare with laissez-faire capitalism. I believe in a higher quality of life for all, and if you look at history it is blatantly obvious where you need to be aligned politically to ensure that.

>Why do you think a countries economic philosophy is more important than it's people?
Because when you care about the economy, the people benefit 1000 times over.

>Where does a country's soveirgnity originate from?
The people.

>Just bored, working on a Saturday with nothing to do.
Did you thank your boss today, for the opportunity to make him wealthier?

Why is it important to you? What do you want to do with your freedom?

>Why do you support such an ideology when you're a poorfag that will never be rich?
>If you were worth a billion dollars and had power, then it would make sense. Everything else is just a LARP.

Because the idea that there is the potential for me to be rich by working hard and coming up with a service or product that people want is highly appealing, independent, and not subject to the will of others. But my own two hands and brain.

That's awfully presumptuous of you.

I voluntarily benefit from the work my boss provides me. I have an apartment, a car, food in the fridge, I can go out and hang out with friends and I am independent. I run my own business projects on the side in the attempt that maybe one of them could take off. You assume that labor is not voluntary, which is a common misconception of laissez-faire capitalism.

To live my life and live how I want to within a man's rationality and reason.

Do you understand that private corporations promote left-wing ideology, which is opposed to your freedom?

>Currently, there are no countries that have a sufficiently high quality of life to compare with laissez-faire capitalism
If you're referring to places like Singapore, those are unique places and work so well because of their uniqueness relative to other countries. The policies of Singapore applied everywhere else, especially to a large country like the U.S. would end in disaster. For singapore to be succesful, it need countries like USA and China. It is for that reason that Laissez-faire has been abandoned everywhere. I would argue that the Nordic countries are far superior places to live.
But did you thank him for the opportunity to make him wealthier, cuck?
The chances of you ever being truly rich are slim to none.
The statistically likeliest outcome is that you will spend your life making rich people richer.

Is a country's primary goal to be an economic engine?

Do u have to do this gay thread again?

Cringe. Sounds like something you've just read in an Ayn Rand novel.
Ayn Rand was a snitch for the FBI, btw.

Everything is involuntary when you're a child in that case, not just sex acts. Additionally: can parents legally throw out their toddlers and infants and have them starve/die?

>Do you understand that private corporations promote left-wing ideology, which is opposed to your freedom?
Not all of them. i'm assuming you mean the tech giants who believe in a collective mass. Most businesses run a hardcore right wing ideology or even libertarian ideology as it benefits their business to be that way.

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I read it as "libertarian catholic" and am disappointed now.

>I would argue that the Nordic countries are far superior places to live.
Please do not use the Nordic countries as a viable example of socialism. It simply is false. Nordic countries have all adopted laissez-faire capitalism a long long time ago. If you're referring to social welfare, they are able to maintain a system like that because of the U.S.A. protecting those countries with their military industrial complex. That is why they have a high quality of life.

>But did you thank him for the opportunity to make him wealthier, cuck?
No. I reap my own rewards, so does he. There is nothing wrong with someone becoming rich.

>The chances of you ever being truly rich are slim to none.
>The statistically likeliest outcome is that you will spend your life making rich people richer.
I don't assume anything. It is possible for someone to become rich with enough ingenuity. I don't care if it is a slim to none chance. It is possible and it's better than any damn authoritarian can offer you.

>Is a country's primary goal to be an economic engine?
The country's primary goal is to provide the maximum quality of life for its people.

Yes. It was fun last time.

You're cringe.

>Additionally: can parents legally throw out their toddlers and infants and have them starve/die?
No. Because it is a breach in the non-aggression principle.

>Everything is involuntary when you're a child in that case, not just sex acts.
Yes, that is why your parents make the decisions for you. Because you are a child that cannot make rational decisions.

You can't be both capitalist and libertarian so you can just kill yourself.
Please don't forget to stream it.
Thank you.

Nice. Based AF

>You can't be both capitalist and libertarian so you can just kill yourself.
Your statement is telling me you have so little understanding of politics that you would spout such bullshit. You might be able to tell a libertarian socialist. But a libertarian capitalist goes hand in hand.

Second longest river in Guatemala?

Google tells me it's the Motagua River.


>No. Because it is a breach in the non-aggression principle.
False. The baby can not force its way on the parents/adults. The parents can not be forced to feed and shelter the baby. If they want to throw the baby out, that has nothing to do with the non-aggression principle.

>Yes, that is why your parents make the decisions for you.
Including sex acts?

A bunch of people just asked me a bunch of questions which were valid.

>Please do not use the Nordic countries as a viable example of socialism. It simply is false. Nordic countries have all adopted laissez-faire capitalism a long long time ago.
I never said they are socialist, they're a social democracy.
Capitalism with a welfare state.
>If you're referring to social welfare, they are able to maintain a system like that because of the U.S.A. protecting those countries with their military industrial complex
Prove it, because that's a baseless assumption.
What would happen, China will invade? Russia?

>Including sex acts?

You're misconstruing what I say. You're attempting to circumvent logic that works. You brought the child into inception, and given the child cannot care for themselves then it is in your responsibility. It is a breach in the non-aggression principle because the child has the potential to becoming an individual life.

>hardcore liberal capitalist
>uses his working hours on a saturday to post memes

>Prove it, because that's a baseless assumption.
>What would happen, China will invade? Russia?

>I never said they are socialist, they're a social democracy.
A major placeholder in Nordic model countries is the use of maximization of individual freedoms. A very laissez-faire capitalist ideology.

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No google this time: volume of vanilla ice cream eaten in us per year?

>You brought the child into inception, and given the child cannot care for themselves then it is in your responsibility.
False. It violates the non-aggression principle to force parents to take care of/pay for their children by a gun.

The child already IS an individual life from the moment of conception and certainly from the moment of birth.

Why not? You just said the parents make decisions for the child?

>>hardcore liberal capitalist
>>uses his working hours on a saturday to post memes

Not liberal. Libertarian. What's the difference? A libertarian believes in maximization of individual freedoms as well as minimal government regulation. A liberal trusts the state. Libertarian do not.

what is taxation?
doesn't that justify parents who let strangers have sex with their kids for money? if you believe that pedophilia is morally wrong, then no voluntarysm must make it okay.

Oh okay. Um. I don't know. 1,000,000 pounds? No clue.

>False. It violates the non-aggression principle to force parents to take care of/pay for their children by a gun.
You made the choice to bring a child. it isn't involuntary. This is a retarded argument.

Who builds roads

>what is taxation?
Where a government seizes capital that it didn't earn to give to people who didn't earn it.

>doesn't that justify parents who let strangers have sex with their kids for money?
Not at all. Because the child cannot make rational decisions of their own.

But what about the roads?

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Businesses. You have a series of businesses or if in the case of residences, HOA which would be responsible for maintenance of the roads. A single business can buy out the road of a bunch of businesses and collect taxes on it. I wrote an entire article about it here:


It's not a retarded argument because it's at the very center of libertarian/ancap philosophy. It doesn't matter if you brought the child into the world: it could have been a rape pregnancy as well. And the parents can withdraw consent to foster the child whenever they want.

And please answer why sex acts are not included in choices made by parents.

Businesses. You have a series of businesses or if in the case of residences, HOA which would be responsible for maintenance of the roads. A single business can buy out the road of a bunch of businesses and collect taxes on it. I wrote an entire article about it here:


>ask a debt slave anything

Children are the preservation of ones bloodline. Liberalism is coupled with natural laws, therefore, the baby is independent and parents’ responsibility is a free choice - they can take care of the infant or leave it to die

>And please answer why sex acts are not included in choices made by parents.
Most of your brain does not fully develop until you are at least 16, and even worse is your prefrontol cortex does not develop until 25, and therefore a child cannot make sound rational decisions: pedophilia is wrong because it is involuntary.

How do you justify giving entrepreneurs full power, to the point where , as an example, social media sites can freely censor nationalist opinions ? (or in the future, where your credit card is gonna get cancelled for a racist joke you made) Those thing are happening under liberal capitalism, where you can even lose your job for your political beliefs. Guys like Soros would have even more power under libertarianism / full capitalism.

Also, what's your opinion on fascism/ third position ideologies?

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>Assuming that you incur debt involuntarily
>Assuming they physically made you sign on a dotted line
>Assuming you did not voluntarily make that choice and are happy with your car/house/education

This isn't monopoly. Monopoly forces you to pay for something when you land on it, which isn't actual capitalism at that point because it removes the main aspect of capitalism: choice.

If god can do anything, can he create a rock so heavy he couldn't lift it?

If your argument is that the child is incapable of rational decision-making because it has an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, then any decision made for the child by the parents is involuntary. Please explain why sex acts are an exception to decisions that parents can make for a child who isn't fully brain-developed yet.

In addition: please answer why government can force people to take care of other human beings and point a gun at them and force them? If they withdraw consent from fostering the baby or if they don't want the baby, according to libertarian logic they can be thrown out.

Again: Murray Rothbard supported this because he realized he had to remain logically and philosophically consistent.

>How do you justify giving entrepreneurs full power, to the point where , as an example, social media sites can freely censor nationalist opinions ?
By physically building my own blog platform that can't silence me.

>(or in the future, where your credit card is gonna get cancelled for a racist joke you made) Those thing are happening under liberal capitalism, where you can even lose your job for your political beliefs. Guys like Soros would have even more power under libertarianism / full capitalism.

People can vote with their dollar and not purchase a product they peddle. Tech giants are currently seeing huge losses right now, which I am not sure has to do with the outrage or political instability. Regardless the point is the same. I would argue that a tech company can be so big that they effectively become a utility, and cannot simply censor people. It's one of the many reasons why I would call myself a minarchist instead of an anarchist.

>If god can do anything, can he create a rock so heavy he couldn't lift it?
Under the presumption there is a god. Probably.

>child can't make reasonable decisions
agreed, but you say that that is why parents make decisions and engage in voluntary transactions on behalf of the kids, like going to school or choosing clothes. but what if one of those decisions is sex with stranger for money? what are the boundaries? when do we say (and why) that X is wrong regardless of whether voluntary or approved by parents?

Your arguments based on unnatural, irrational laws are contradicting the very worldview you are defending, brainlet

Very very good post. Libertarians and ancaps have struggled with the questions of child rearing for decades, which is why Murray Rothbard finally had to just give up and agree that yes, pedophile cities are OK in liberatarian philosophy.

>then any decision made for the child by the parents is involuntary.
No. The attempted decisions of the child are involuntary. The decision made by the parent for the child are entirely voluntary. There is an assumed responsibility when bringing a child into life. You suffer the consequence of what you do in life. That is what individualism is.

>Your arguments based on unnatural, irrational laws are contradicting the very worldview you are defending, brainlet
Then you need to list it. Because I do not see it.

>The decision made by the parent for the child are entirely voluntary. There is an assumed responsibility when bringing a child into life.
Okay, but you still didn't explain why sex-acts are somehow excluded from decisions that parents can make. Moreover, what if the parents belong to a culture or religion where pedophile acts are considered moral?

>what if one of those decisions is sex with stranger for money? what are the boundaries? when do we say (and why) that X is wrong regardless of whether voluntary or approved by parents?
If it reduces quality of life or does not have the interest of the child as primary. The child is your individual responsibility and to react in the opposite is morally abhorrent. You face your own responsibilities and own up to it.

If it reduces quality of life or does not have the interest of the child as primary. The child is your individual responsibility and to react in the opposite is morally abhorrent. You face your own responsibilities and own up to it.

Ayn Rand is dumb. The real world is nothing like her novels, and individualism it pointless.

What if we assume god doesn't exist? Would it be definitely then?

>The real world is nothing like her novels, and individualism it pointless.
You're wrong. Regardless of what you may think, reality is still reality. Not your interpretation of reality.

Then that is your own individual choice to come to that decision. But do not assume your religion unto others.

>By physically building my own blog platform that can't silence me.
Guess you forgot what happened with Dailystormer when most internet providers refused to host it after Charlottesville. Wait for it..."Build your own provider" lmao.

>and cannot simply censor people
Yes they can. Youtube, facebook, twitter etc. Want a recent exemple rather than Dailystormer? Look at Gab, it almost got shut down for simply being pro free speech for all just because a guy went nuts on a kike church. Meanwhile, twitter openly allows anti whites statements , but instantly shuts you down when you post race statistics.
And let's not forget founding. Plenty of nationalist figures had their patreons/paypals cancelled without warning, despite not breaking rules. This is full on entrepreneur power at its finest. (not that i support giving power only to the working class like the commies do btw, both sides need to be checked and regulated, hence fascism)
The internet is slowly getting monopolized.

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What will you do about NAP violations by parties stronger than you? Say someone calling themselves Warlord Bob threatens you with McNukes and bribes the local PMCs to fuck off. How do you deal with this?
How is libertarianism progress if it just takes one Warlord Bob to send you right back into feudalism?

What is morally abhorrent and not varies between cultures and religions. Some religions are okay with pedophilia.

Claiming that the parents are required by force of government to take care of another human being they do not wish to take care of violates the NAP. Whether they originally wanted the child or not is irrelevant. That's like claiming because you've paid taxes once you've agreed to pay taxes forever.

And at what arbitrary point would the parents no longer be required to take care of their child? Or would that burden continue for the rest of their lives?

>pedophilia is wrong because it is involuntary.

in what other case is this logic ever valid? can everyone get out of their student debt now, since they agreed to it involuntarily?

You said ask you anything, now act super passive-aggressive when ppl do just that, where did god touch you?

>a child is your responsibility and, as a parent, you must own up to the decisions you made on behalf of your child
so... legally, pedophilia is ok as long as parent is ok and willing to own up to consequences?

This was a simple question to answer and you failed. Read more, then do your shitty AMA.

Do you agree that the best system is not one where the state does not exist, but where the state exists to serve the people and to help regulate the market?

>Regardless of what you may think, reality is still reality.

but thats my point. Look up Marconi and Tesla, being inventive does not lead to wealth and power. In fact, the pioneers of our modern world died penniless.

>Guess you forgot what happened with Dailystormer when most internet providers refused to host it after Charlottesville. Wait for it..."Build your own provider" lmao.
This is impossible due to mandates by the government. Things like this need to be dismantled to force providers into a competitive market.

>and cannot simply censor people
So what stops you from making your own web server? The ISP? Are you telling me you've never had a server hosted out of the country before? Just because it's happening is a fault of governmental policies and companies with too much power, mostly due to governmental passes to be able to do what they do. The government often gives large corporations unfettered power and allows them to do these egregious things with no recourse.

>What will you do about NAP violations by parties stronger than you? Say someone calling themselves Warlord Bob threatens you with McNukes and bribes the local PMCs to fuck off. How do you deal with this?
This is why I'm a minarchist. We must have a military strong enough to deal with local disputes like this, and a law system to settle disputes amicably.

>And at what arbitrary point would the parents no longer be required to take care of their child? Or would that burden continue for the rest of their lives?

Only until the child is old enough to make rational decisions.

>can everyone get out of their student debt now, since they agreed to it involuntarily?
It is voluntary that you go to college at 18 and sign a paper where they give you money to go to school. It is not the same as a child who cannot make rational decisions.