I'm gay but having sex with men is against my religious beliefs. Thing is...

I'm gay but having sex with men is against my religious beliefs. Thing is, people always get mad when they find out I actually obey the bible instead of smoking cock, how do I get people to respect my beliefs?

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>inb4 atheistposting

You don´t. It is an oxymoron

First of all, much respect to you bro. You're doing the right thing.

We live in a time where it's gonna be difficult for you to make most people understand your choices, and you will certainly not convince many people to respect it. Your best bet would be to slowly isolate yourself from the people who disrespect your beliefs and move towards meeting new people who are more like you.

Just don't tell them you're gay.

Why do you think the bible sees homosexuality as a sin?

Good job faggot, you're going straight to heaven with that attitude. Inshallah

Leviticus 18:22

"You must lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman, it is a detestable act"

Better have never eaten shellfish either

Just tell them that most priests like young boys and you like men. By comparison you will be a saint.

keep practicing, user
i sense potential in you

Do you really want the bible to restrict you from enjoying your life and not living like a bitter ass faggot? Internalized homophobia is only going to make you hate yourself more than you already probably do,

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Its not a big sacrifice, I've never been very interested in sex or relationships to begin with, I've always been sort of a gay MGTOW.

I seriously thought I was the only one!

Yeah, i know the bible IS against it. But why do you think that‘s the case? I mean, what‘s the reasoning behind it?

If I had to guess I'd say its because of the spread of disease and the damage to the rectum. Also the sheer pointlessness of gay sex, I mean it can't even be classified as sex because sex is act of reproduction. Even before I found faith those were my reasons from staying away from it.

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>sex is act of reproduction.
That's not it at all. Beastiality is gross as hell but it's still sex, infertile people can have sex, and it doesn't stop being sex when you use protection.
But I agree it's definitely in there because of disease. It's hard to stay sanitary in the desert.

ill be your bf

You don't. They can't respect that belief any more than they'd respect someone like Uncle Ruckus from Boondocks, who's black yet thinks whites are superior and claims to have "re-vitilago". Maybe you should re-evaluate your beliefs and decide if God really hates you.

You're probably the one faggot I will respect. Good job, OP. Stay strong in your faith and don't let people discourage you.

lol I'm nothing like self hating uncle ruckus, homosexuality has its appeal, but its not worth the trouble imo. If you want to have gay butt sex that's cool, but I'm not obligated to participate just because I happen to be gay. A straight man chooses to be celibate and hes a monk with admirable self control, a gay guy does it and hes self hating and repressed. Its nonsense.

If an old book wasn't telling you that being gay was wrong, would you still be voluntarily celibate? Also, if you jerk off to images or thoughts of men that's still sinning right?

>If an old book wasn't telling you that being gay was wrong, would you still be voluntarily celibate?

Yeah. I've had a disdain for sex even before I had faith, so it was a easy transition. Fapping probably isn't ideal, but I don't think its wise to let sexual energy build up too much as a man in his prime, experiencing an orgasm is a fine reminder of the fruitlessness of pursuing them.

How is it different to when a guy don't date women because it is against his beliefs?

So you just admitted that you have a disdain for sex WITHOUT the Bible - meaning, what's the point of bringing it up to people?

>what's the point of bringing it up to people?

It shuts people up faster. As you've witnessed in this thread, people can't fathom why a fag isn't sucking as much cock as possible, and they tend to get annoying about it, but most people aren't rude enough to fuck around with your religious beliefs.

Wow, I think you would really benefit from counseling dude.

Jow Forums thread but you're not going to find many guys who don't want their dick sucked straight or gay. I wish you luck but being with a guy who isn't asexual is going to want to face fuck someone. I've seen crazier things happen

How about changing the way you phrase it? Instead of saying that you have decided to not have homosexual sex because of your beliefs, say that you have decided to stay celibate, regardless of whether it's with a man or with a woman.

I mean that's also retarded bullshit but for some reason the retarded society will take it better, as if restraining your desires till they burst out and you hurt someone is ever a positive. I think you will have a better time being retarded together with the other normies if you do this.

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Respect isn't something you can force from anyone. Respect is earned, and an attempt to force it out of someone will at best result in them submitting to you while they think they have to.

You don't need people's respect for such personal choices. I disagree with the base reason why you're doing what you're doing, but I admire your self control.

That's all you'll get from someone who doesn't share your religious convictions, and most than you'll get from most people. Most people shy from self control in any form.

Ignore them. If you're doing what you really think you must, then you're doing the right thing, even if it makes you sad.

more than you'll get from most people, rather.

Christianity doesn’t outlaw homosexuality. Leviticus is in the Old Testament, details the laws that Christ’s sacrifice freed us from. By adhering to the Old Laws, you’re admitting that you believe Jesus died in vain

people being messed up closet cases ruins being homo desu

i praise
the lord
then break
the law

1 corinthians 6:9-10

"Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Nice try, Satan.

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An entirely devout to Christ faggot who also likes anime
The internet is interesting

Keep being faithful, hate the sin not the sinner. You're OK in my book.

Jesus was the last human sacrifice (just goats and things after that) but he was apparently pretty clear about not being there to change the law. Why would he come to free you from the law lol.

Gays were attracted to the clergy for survivorship because after a certain age it would be questionable why you didn’t marry and therefore you must be killed as a gay. The priesthood offered a cover story.

I can fully understand why you'd want to avoid the casual hypersexuality in the most publicly visible parts of the "gay community." But what about real love? What if a man came into your life offering you deep friendship, romantic affection, emotional support and companionship? Would you turn it down and live your life alone, instead? What if he was patient and not demanding or pressuring you for sex?

Real love between men is possible, and if you're wired to have a sexual attraction to men, I don't really see why it should be a sin to express that love physically. I think it would be a greater sin to deceive a woman into a sham marriage and live a lie with her, as many repressed religious gays do.

It sounds like you're not really conflicted about your orientation like that, but you've just resigned to spending your life alone and unloved. Do you really think that's what God wants for you?

you’re your own slaver and your life is fundamentally absurd

The entire point of the New Testament is that ALL people are sinners, and it's not really up to us to decide whose sin is "worse" than someone else's. It's obvious that some sins need to be policed and outlawed when they cause direct harm to other people (murder, violence, theft, etc) but it's not so obvious how it hurts anyone at all if two gay dudes like each other and want to be together. Which is why, for good reason, it's fallen out of favor in civilized societies to treat this as a crime.

Anyone waving around a "God Hates Fags" sign is not a good Christian at all, it's Old Testament barbarism in direct conflict with the teachings of Christ. They're essentially political zealots, not religious, even if they don't know it

I'm a bit confused. You're denouncing god for his barbarism while also trying to glean some wisdom from his incarnation?

Study the Bible. The son of God died for our sins, preached forgiveness and tolerance among men, and called for an end to "holy wars" and smitings. So yeah, like any Christian, I denounce that kind of hatred and bigotry and barbarism.

I can fully agree that gay sex is a sin. But so is heterosexual sex, outside of marriage, and even within the bounds of marriage it's a sin when it's not done with the intention of getting pregnant. Hundreds of things that I've said or done are sins. Same for you, same for everyone else in this thread.

he knows that the bible was transmitted by god and WRITTEN BY MAN, and his observations are correct.

>sounds like you're not really conflicted about your orientation like that, but you've just resigned to spending your life alone and unloved.

I'm not anywhere near unloved, I have family and friends that cherish me deeply, and vice versa. Sexual relationships seem inferior to me because they are based around shallow traits one might find attractive or unattractive, while love between friends and family are based almost purely on personality and comradery.

1 Corinthians 7:8-9

"I do, though, tell the unmarried and widows that singleness might well be the best thing for them, as it has been for me."

There is plenty about God/Christs direct involvement in holy wars and smitings in the first part of the bible, it's a large amount of content. For this to make sense, I take it you would have been fine with it until the point where God/Christ denounced it?

I don't really care if gay sex is a sin or not I'm just looking at the bigger picture.

That's fair enough, but a genuine romantic loving relationship is not the same as your definition of a "sexual relationship." It can be like a very deep form of "friendship and comradery" with an added component of physical affection & passion.

There are worse things than being single though, so if it's working for you, I'm not necessarily trying to change your mind. I'm just saying there are other options than just going around "smoking cock" indiscriminately

I guess, but if you take out all the interesting story stuff (like the one were god makes a bet with satan) then there's not much left but common sense known to practically all cultures. Most other religions (eg. buddhism) have a bit of extra of top.

No, I would not have been "fine with it." As a Christian, I follow the teachings of Christ. You don't really seem to understand the importance of Christ to Christianity. His sacrifice puts an end to the behavior of the angry, vengeful, "hands-on" God of the Old Testament.

You also must understand that the Bible, like other religious texts, was written by people. Multiple people, at different times. It's a combination of a historical document, and a document of the popular beliefs & mythologies that shaped peoples' behavior and understanding of the world in the times & places it was written. I do believe in God, I do value religion, but I think all religions are human attempts to understand and reconcile with God's creation and God's will, and it's most likely that none of them are 100% perfect or "correct." I think that to expect otherwise is to miss the point entirely. Don't be so literal-minded.

I was born into Christianity, but came back to it as an adult because I realized how much I really do admire and agree with Christ's example of how to live, think and behave as a human being. It's a tough example to follow but a good one to aim for.

>That's fair enough, but a genuine romantic loving relationship is not the same as your definition of a "sexual relationship." It can be like a very deep form of "friendship and comradery"

Maybe, but I'm so satisfied with what I have I don't see the need to sift through shit looking for a gem by dating and going through all that trouble. I have everything I need.

But it has many missing books because it’s been edited. You don’t hear much in the Bible of god’s wife, Asherah, much of her works were removed when the Bible reaches Egypt.

well I honestly think that's a great attitude to have. It's good to be able to be comfortable being single. Desperation doesn't lead anyone to make good choices, regardless of orientation or religious beliefs. Just try to avoid having such a negative attitude towards other peoples' sexual behavior because it's not gonna be good for you or your friendships

That is fine. If you are to wave away the majority of the bible as "written by man" then I'm not sure why you speak with conviction about what is and isn't a sin. And considering you're only in the religion (not to make it sound like a club) because you like the ways of Christ I'm not sure why you would fuss about that technical stuff at all.

What would you say were the hardest parts of following Christ's example? From my standpoint it looks like people who struggle with things like forgiveness, anger etc. are more draw towards the religion than those who haven't got those issues. That is not to say that following the example is easy, I especially don't see people following Christ's economic advice.


Mate, I'm not "waving away" the Old Testament. The New Testament changes and reforms the ways of God. Christians believe God is a "holy Trinity" which gained a third member in the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The Old Testament chronicles the relationship between God and man before Jesus came around. Study the Bible before you try to debate on it, seriously

According to the Bible, Christ essentially lived without sin, which is pretty much impossible for the rest of us. But I believe that the key to being a good person and living a good life is to recognize and take responsibility for your sins, faults, and mistakes, and try to do better, which is one of the main points of Christianity. But without forgiveness there is no hope for improvement.

This also ties into the relationship between the Old & New Testament - at the root of Christianity is a belief in the possibility & necessity of positive change and improvement. and our God is not exempt from that. He changed too.

I'm not really debating, just learning about your beliefs. I haven't seen a Christian say God has changed before. The main reason my assumption were that you would "wave away" parts (which would be totally fine with me - simply deriving a lifestyle from it) was because IMO cruelty creeps into the New Testament too and I thought you wouldn't want those.

A lot of religious people don't really bother to red their own book or understand their own religion. My understanding definitely isn't complete or perfect either, but I really enjoy religious storytelling and I've been getting a lot out of reading/learning about the Bible. But really it's impossible to have even a cursory understanding of Christianity without understanding the way it fundamentally changes with the life, death & resurrection of Christ, and I do get really annoyed by a lot of the un-Christian things that get said & done in the name of Christianity.

I enjoy conversations like this though, so I'm sorry if I was dismissive in my last post