Meltdown over Customer Wearing Trump Shirt

A store clerk at a vape store was fired Friday evening after he was caught on video screaming at a customer wearing a shirt that said “Trump” and a MAGA hat, demanding for him to leave and refusing to sell him anything.

“To our friends and customers,” it read. “Tonight, we had an employee act improperly toward a customer. Xhale City does not tolerate this kind of behavior from its employees. When we identified the employee at fault, we fired him immediately. We’ve also spoken to the customer and apologized. We value our clients and treat them with respect and dignity, regardless of their political views.”

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One of the funnier parts happens at the 0:43 mark of the video. After the clerk calls Trumpboi a "racist MF", the black guy in the store does a hand gesture that says "don't look at me, I'm just standing her watching"

vaping is gay

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>devils advocate mode

Now just imagine for a second if the roles were reversed.
>Bernie bro walks into smoke shop
>trump shirt wearing cashier flips
>many lawsuits would happen with international exposure, resulting in store closing down after paying out millions in litigation.

Looks like our boy needs to press charges, following the leftist "bake my cake" precedent.

If the roles were reversed, I doubt the cashier would have been screaming like a whinny little bitch.

The video shows an example of something I've noticed several times before. To the liberal, the word "no" is Kryptonite.

They have grown so used to everyone automatically caving to their crazy demands, that when someone confronts them with an un-moving "no", their only other game plan is to have a total meltdown.

Yes sir. That's how you exercise freedom of speech.

>regardless of their political views
Opening the door for the twitter dogpile to accuse them of "supporting Nazis"...

epic libtard meltdown 8/10

Anitfa Unmasked

Good point. I bet this guy is a bad ass with a mask and a bike lock; and would probably think himself the "good guy" for nearly killing an innocent bystander.

True, nobody should be discriminated against, especially not for having a disabling mental illness.

bump, everyone should do this. I got hard watching the Libtard act like a five year old.

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Here's a tip for you... in any conflict, the person wearing the mask is the bad guy.

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While I agree with you that the average Right winger is much more mentally stable than the average leftist, we still have to remember the precedent set by "bake my cake".
The left must feel the full brunt of the repercussions of their behaviour.

Everyone wear Trump and Maga gear for the next month, just to spite leftists and cause more meltdowns as such.

so is that movie equating white people = trash or is it good?

Niggers are soft. I gave a thumbs-up to an older gentleman wearing a Trump hat this morning.

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You're not fully clean unless you're ethnically clean!


I'm not sure why you're directing this at me, I'm not a nazi. I'm also not a fascist, a racist, or an anti-semite.

However, if we are going to look at the issue objectively, the only conclusion we can draw is that antifa is the very fascists they claim to be fighting. Look at their actions...

... hide behind masks to shield themselves from accountability.
... physically attack anyone who disagrees with them.
... physically attack reporters who try to document their crimes.
... attack women, children, and the elderly.
... attack innocent bystanders and innocent businesses.

Face it, if you support antifa, you're a fascist.


we have to start holding people to their own standards or it wont stop happening

>To the liberal, the word "no" is Kryptonite.
it shows a lot about how they were raised and by what kind of people.

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A lot of it started with Dr Spock. What we are seeing now are simply the consequences of two generations raised under his theories.

God damn I wish fucks like you would stop spewing this bullshit. AUTHORITARIANISM DOES NOT MEAN FASCISM. A square is a rectangle but a rectangle is not a square. The only thing antifucks have in common with fascism is political violence, and by the way, did the brown/black shirts really wear masks? Don't think so. If you are going to call them fascists for being authoritarian and using violence I guess that means Monarchists/Anarachists/Communists/etc all = fascism.

all those king of the hill tattoos

My point being... antifa attempts to justify their violence by claiming they are fighting the "nazi's". But then they say that the definition of a nazi is anyone who disagrees with them.

The then assume that anyone who voted for trump must be a white supremacist and therefore violence against them is justified.

The only nazis I see on the street is antifia.

Antifa is not national socialist nor fascist you dumb fucker. Say what you want about them being hypocritical, but goddamn you're retarded if you think they're fascists.
I ask again, are communists fascists too?

meanwhile in reality...
>pic related

Attached: antifabtfo.png (515x500, 253K)

Fucking let them. I'm so goddamn sick of people caving to Twitter outrage mobs, sometimes I wish I was a public figure just so I could rile these motherfuckers up and tell them to.go fuck themselves.