Germany, business as usual

Just a heads up to anyone collecting these 'non-happenings'. For statistical accuracy or for fun, or simply because your autism demands it.

It's not like MSM is going to spend much time on it. And the few places I've seen fake news mention it, they call some of the rapists ''Germans'', straight up, not ''German citizens'' or something semi-honest like that.

Consider to bmup to keep it visible for any one with collecting autism. Other similar cases would be good.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Thank you for your service. I will reach out to people such as you when it's time to show my niece every before and after photo of dating niggers.

Good. It's what the German people voted for.
This won't be news just like taxation isn't news.

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She probably voted for it.

If she didn't want to be raped she should have respected their culture and dressed in a ghost costume.

My pleasure. Do not confuse it with a case two years ago that also had 9 sandniggers taking down one European Native thot. Apparently 9 guys to one girl is the magic number where they really feel they can manage their nefarious task.

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"part of our society for centuries"

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Are rapists alpha, or are they incel?

Only nine?

There's honestly a new teen rape case every week at this point, just search the news.

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>Danish mongrel getting hard by rape news

>institution who handles such cases says A
>deranged fuckup doesn't like it and whines on his garbage blog about it
>mentally deranged retard on pol is a cuck multiplier for his garbage


>in custody
This is actually a huge step forward. At least they stopped giving them medals...

>that picture
>chief of police

Cope is strong with this one.

>believing the Judenpresse
>literally got a high-ranking government minister fired for questioning their narrative

Attached: telling the truth is a revolutionary act.jpg (508x864, 185K)

Leave Hans alone. His mind has been scrambled. He can't help it. Pity him, but don't taunt him.

who cares?
that bitch was most likely a fucking coalburner anyway
rapefugies dont fuck a random bitch, they always rape cunts who they know

too pad that this stupid slut only paid 1/2 her toll

>inb4 deported to France.

He was fired for being a shithead, like you are

Fuck off traitor

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it's just a female, be polite or it will cry

Why are globalists so happy to sacrifice their children to rapists?

because globalism = satanism

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Britcops are a fucking joke

It was a sexual emergency guys, cut them some slack.


>be a Muslim invader
>rape and murder innocent German teenage girl
>media covers it up
>local government covers it up
>police cover it up
>cover-up gets discovered by locals
>locals riot after police, media, and government do nothing about the rape and murder
>government scrambles to create narrative where neo-nazis harassed innocent Muslim invaders in order to pretend it did nothing wrong
>high-ranking government official says that's bullshit and obviously a lie
>gets fired for telling the truth
>some fag later defends you on an anonymous message board, telling a foreigner "He was fired for being a shithead, like you are."

They are Muslim men. They must be judged and punished by Sharia Law as the German Law comes into contradiction with Sharia and is a direct infringement upon their Human Right to practice their own culture.
This means that the girl needs five male witnesses that are also willing to testify in her favor.
Just drop these racist accusations and you won't have to pay these young men moral compensations.

I hope the teen girl doesn't get into too much trouble.

>be deranged murican
>get high on rape stories
>favourite kind is about brown people

mILitArY aGeD mAlEs

Like I said
>Germany, business as usual

Based Dane-bro.
Your thread will not live for nothing.

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Hans, you know I want to be your friend. But you've got to take your meds and stop projecting so hard.

If this were business as usual, would they have been arrested?

This vers is higher quality.

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lol rich coming from a deranged Dane parroting garbage from a blog run by the mentally ill

To people like you stating the facts is being a shithead.

Thank you~

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Oh they arrest them, give them a slap on the wrist if they feel they have to, and let them back out into society. This is why we have border check points again, even though it violates the Schengen agreement.

lol Jens R. bitte

Damn, image of how many people they found DNA in that girl to come to 9 matches with suspects.

Is anyone fighting back against the rapists/murderers? Does it go unreported?

will we ever see the stars?

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>fire intelligence chief that looks like a bond villain
Nothing can go wrong.

>in the wounds'
any other places that seem fit a dick into

Thy actually fished 9 shitskin DNA out of her?

Probably many, many more.

>Nine Migrant Engineers Operate New Train Service

Take a stroll through darknet onion sites.
You have NO FUCKING IDEA how bad things really are.
You think you know, but you don't know shit. It's hundreds if not thousands of cases.

>Greeks men selling their holes for money to pay debt
It's sad yeah

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It's almost exclusively germany, sweden and the UK, but keep kvetching.


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