Jow Forums humor

Jow Forums humor

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Russia posted left-wing memes. A couple happened to be anti-Hillary is the only reason they're considered Right-wing memes.

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This would be much better without being all ben garrisoned up

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You racists always make infinitely successful Canadian poc laugh with you Pol humor. Face it

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>GOI in ID

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>berniebots became trumpers


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I like to reply with
>Only on the inside.
Though the responses are usually the same, really.

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haha nice one, really people should stop editing her work to make her look like a liberal.

Bernie was my no 2 according to isidewith and a decent amount support Trump for their overlap, such as leaving the TPP.

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Fuck me it got all of them

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Try asking them "How do you feel about your child working retail instead of letting niggers fuck him/her in the ass on camera?"
I know what I'd prefer.

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Worth the read

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Wow, that's amazing.

They did more than post memes, but y'know, you can keep making this issue a Us vs. Them situation. There is nothing wrong with a Trump supporter admitting and acknowledging Russia's influence in the election. I still know for a fact Trump would have won regardless because of how dishonest the media was during that time period. I guess people want to forget the negligence in those people.

He did exactly the opposite


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That might have worked w/ Garrison, but not our Sara.

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We have them in Canada too, and no faggot kids allowed either. Full service food and beverage

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This just made me think, can we ruin everything the left holds dear just by saying it’s a white thing?

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Buddhists are savagely genociding those Burmese Muslims tho

I did, after the elections

gun control is a white thing. If the government takes guns away from blacks, it’s basically slavery
The holocaust is just white people getting killed by other, more evil white people

Well, maybe once they appear here I might actually visit a cinema. Because right now I just feel like I'm forced to watch a movie with a bunch of retards while not being able to do any of the following
>pause and go out for a piss/whatever
>drink a beer
>eat normal food
>talk/comment (because I'm not a retard and I don't want to ruin the movie for others)
I'm also forced to watch shitty trailers, something that I hate with a passion already and try to avoid as much as humanly possible. All in all, I have to actually pay money for something that is genuinely a shittier experience in every possible way than it would be to just download the movie and watch it at home.

that's funny
what the fuck do you read?


Socialism is DEFINITELY a white thing.

Are bloomers those old single women that finally decided to cut their hair and be lesbians when they were in their 40s?

We have those theaters in my town too.
That user left out the fact that the tickets are often more expensive and the food can be pricy.
The niggers can't afford it.

Retard, it was because of Executive 11110

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Gentleman, once a civilizations citizens reach the top of Mazlow's Hierarchy of needs they become disconnected with the struggles of life. They will then, from atop their Ivory Towers, atop their high-horses, with their heads up their asses, start to pontificate and dictate to others "if we all just get along"

Pretty much middle class assholes who've never struggled a day in their life and never had to deal with niggers on a day to day basis dictating how we should run our societies.

It isn't a white thing per se, it's just when a human civilization becomes.... "fat and happy"

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Is Chuck the catcher or pitcher?

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Fuck you.