Holy fuck, after debating with my Remainer Uncle and Mum (who said we wouldn't talk about it then brings it up over and over) Her cuck then comes in and sits down and seriously asks
>Why would a One World Government be a bad idea?

After first saying that it was pointless to explain to him I had to go off on one until he couldnt take it and called me an Islamophobe when explaining that they wouldnt tolerant gays in this utopian vision and rogue countries would need to be steam rolled. Deliberately pretending to be stupid to get me riled up, what a cunt.

This same guy donated 50 quid to Friends of the Earth as a Xmas present to me this year.

Any Boomer tales from this season?

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They're narcissists that need to feel intellectually/morally superior. Mock, ridicule, use the Socratic(dialectic) method to poke holes and expose contradictions in their beliefs, and trigger them with hate-facts. Treat them with the total contempt they deserve.

>This same guy donated 50 quid to Friends of the Earth as a Xmas present to me this year.

HOLY FUCK! You got roasted, dude.

My Grandma agrees with me and wants all Muslims and other immigrants out, I love my Grandma :)

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Don't even bother talking politics with them, or people like them. Don't even entertain their crap. They don't want an honest discussion, they just want an opportunity to sneer at you. Just disengage.

>This same guy donated 50 quid to Friends of the Earth as a Xmas present to me this year
Join the BNP in his name, get the membership pack sent to his address. With a bit of luck the membership list will be leaked again.

> parents put head in the sand
> want to say I’m wrong but I’m backed by facts and reason
My dad has not embraced these truths but has swallowed them, my mom still uncomfortable can’t help but see things in a different light and it’s slowly changing her

Rest of my family are globohomos who are a lost cause, I get more joy out of making sure they know I have nothing but contempt for the niggers and fags they love so much

lol you're the retard here

My whole family hates niggers and kikes so i usually have a nice christmas

Every tiem

Im sure christmas is one big orgy for your family cleetus

Recently seen Boomers & 30 year old boomers getting physically enraged when even talking about Brexit or Trump and forgetting what they are talking about - shits crazy - ideology literally overloading the brain

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Same here. Most old people I know are moderately redpilled.
I see a lot of this too. They believe the media and recite the old talking points unquestioningly. They can never point to anything concrete when you ask them to prove that orange man bad.

the tastefull sipness of it

Whilst I think Boomers are more susceptible to brainwashing having not grown up with the internet etc, I agree with the argument that if we were in their position we would have made the same mistakes with the economy - we're all making mistakes now as a generation without even knowing it we just don't have the value of retrospect. Many Boomers are woke but don't get taken seriously because of the generation gap. Remember whose interests its in to keep us divided; we need to come together and not turn on our elders. I'm all about the memes but lets not forget who we owe, biologically, our lives to.

Working class boomers generally loathe immigrants but were never given any say in it. Middle class boomers like the ones on the Remain marches have a lot to answer for.

Middle class remain boomers host loads of pro-remain second referendum shit down in Exeter (one of only a few labour constituencies in the south-west) most are fucking bat shit crazy bug-eyed cat ladies who called me privileged when i tried to challenge them. Fucking npc response lol if being a northerner down south from a

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lmao, my boomer mother and grandmother tried to convince me that abortion isn't murder, and that the gender wage gap is wrong because there's no differences between men and women (when there's statistical evidence to the contrary).

Too bad for them - I schooled both of those leftists with logic and facts.

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I was boarding up a burned house for a customer on Christmas

I hate being called privileged by people who live in mortgage-free five bedroomed detached houses

There is no point debating people with such retarded views, they are too far gone. If someone can't see why an all powerful government controlling the world would be a bad thing, there are clearly far too retarded to be worth talking to. Focus on the young people, the next generation, convince THEM of your views. Self improve, have kids, raise them redpilled. That is the only way.

Your mum and uncle sound like complete NPCs and thus you should not even regard them as people anyway, simply pawns of the elites

My father and aunt got ridiculously high off of edibles while also getting absolutely smashed off of alcohol, completely ruining Christmas eve. My father began yelling at my mother, calling her a bitch that ruined his life because he couldn't go around drinking, doing drugs, any playing guitar anymore. While my mother was dealing with my disabled brother my aunt apparently came into the room and starting berating my mother for being a worthless bitch all the while she (my aunt) is an obese, hard drug addicted, alcoholic that works at a department store, is single in her 60's, and murdered her only child (abortion). Almost all of that happened after I stormed out of the place wondering "how the fuck am I going to make it to Christmas?"
I come back to find that my mother has left the home, no idea where she is. My father had drained her bank account of all money (which he isn't allowed to do) so she couldn't even afford to get coffee to relax herself after all the shit she just went through. I'm stood in the hallway, knife in hand because I have NO idea what the fuck these 2 drunk, high, fucked up boomers are going to do. My mother comes back to the house, takes the dog out for a walk, and they continue loudly talking shit while she's gone. Then they start attacking my character behind my back, just straight up lying about who I am and what I do.
My father knows I suffer from suicidal thoughts and depression but lies about how I don't know what I'm angry at (as though berating my mother every day while abusing alcohol and drugs isn't enough to stress me out). I come out and confront him for the first time in my life about how he absolutely failed as a father, how I have zero love for him, and how I hate his fat, neo-liberal guts. I tell him that I love Hitler, think he should have won the war, and I fucking hate his generation for what they did to the world. Fuck boomers, boomer genocide when?

also as an afterthought I will say OP I completely understand and have dealt with shit like this before. I have a rich old German aunt who rents out a property and lives in a massive house and she is the biggest NPC going. Completely believes anything merkel says, helps refugees all the time, and doesn't understand why I might be annoyed at being forced out of London by rent prices. "Well if rents are too high just move somewhere else".


I'm sorry 4 your life user. I hope you have a great New Year

My parents hate political discussion, but my uncle was getting into it and as the comments got more ridiculous I just threw in a 'So how about Trump?' in a joking manner as if they'd get the joke that they were all out of control. But this just made it worse as they completely went off.
But it was funny. I think this is all you can do, have fun with it, joke around, troll, practise your banter, play stupid and laugh at them while pretending to laugh with them.

Yes, parents like this need to be sorted out if there is ever a revolution. Fucking psychopath parents who gaslight and disparage their own children are the worst.

Happy New Year bro

I'm genuinely sorry for you guys that can't even talk about this stuff with your families and spend miserable holidays together. Godspeed

My mum's bf will bring up Trump and won't let it go. He repeats lines from CNN or the way we mock liberals on here, it's one of the few instances I feel sincere in labeling someone an NPC.

Hope you're doing ok lad, although i doubt it

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This story describes average boomer parents so well.

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None of my family are really leftist even though some of them don't really like Trump but I have heard some stuff from boomers that has made me kek before

>switzerland has low crime rate because they chop the hands and heads off of criminals
>germans are mean people who won't let anyone into their country that isn't german
>france is going to start WW3 with USA
>if trump keeps making mexico angry the cartel will invade and take over parts of usa

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My boomer parents flat out refuse to listen to anything that contradicts the official story and have told me that they think I’m mentally ill and have been brainwashed by Russian propaganda. They are fine with their neighborhood having lost almost all of its whites but are mad that so many European restaurants have closed, and can’t even see the connection.

Accept Christ as your savior and dont look back user. I'll pray for you.

Shit user you just described what I have become in these last few years. Fuck it most of them literally think that history ended with them or something. Like they achieved perfection when in reality they threw it all to hell.

>worshipping a crucified Jew

Ah if I may add I think a very important avenue of behavior change is getting them to stop automatically believing their TVs. It's hard for them and is partly a reason why you can sort of feel bad because TV has been so pervasive so long. Now it's outdated and blatantly false lies. I have at least got my parents to not take the TV news as seriously as before. I have had help from fake news itself exposing themselves but I still feel good shitting all over fox and cnn talking heads and getting my parents to turn them off. Be an asshole who cares, becasue you're actually saving them from poisonous propaganda.

a one world gov could be okay as long as it was a united states of earth scenario
but the entire world being run out of brussels bureaucrats would be a nightmare

Boomers can't criticize the system. They believe in it too much. When I told my dad that intelligence agencies, big data/big tech/corporations and politicians work together to fuck over the plebs. He said we need to elect someone who would stop them with government power, he seems not to realize that deep state doesn't allow that. He believed that system works, and corrupt people are ruining it.

Liquid ambrosia truly we are not worthy

Yeah, not suprised.

I grew up in working class Bongland, theres a reason I hate niggers.

I went to vacation and end up stuck with my liberal sister and cuckserved dad and I here then fight like the north form the civil war is the left or right or form my boomer dad the liberal are the right racist etc and other dumb talking point and when I try to say some it is all way you do what to be racist or like the nazis ect I hate my family but my boomer cuck father is the worst.

I might have agreed with your father before I saw how the Deep State has undermined Trump at every opportunity and the bluepilled masses cheered for it.

I want you to get your shit together user, and save enough money to bring your nice mom on vacation as a christmas present next year.


Yeah, he is quite redpilled about jews and Israel. But these few years have shown that if reform is what we want, we need to have a dictator for that, because deep state and elites don't allow us to work within the system.

The banks, religious leaders including (((them))) but also the Vatican, and European aristocrats are big obstacle.

Thanks for the replies guys. My uncle is actually based and we went for beers, we can discuss this like adults, his worries being understandable as he has lived in Spain a long time. I only stayed here this long to hang with him. Come June tho Im sending a Smug Nige with an Ale card to my Mum.

Cool story, strokeposter

This has never once made any relative change their position, it just makes them tell everyone you're an asshole. The correct move is to high-ground them by gently reminding them that talking politics at dinner is impolite. All they want to do is virtue signal anyway. Make them look like a child.

Wow. That is really sad man i hope you find some peace.

Almost all institutions are infiltrated and assimilated by (((them))). It's hard not get blackpilled when you know that.

My entire family is either apolitical or retarded shitlibs, and nobody ever bothers talking to me about politics because they fear the redpill and know I will blow their tiny minds out the backs of their soft, mushy skulls.

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No fire extinguishers of peace, please

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My Dad just recently stopped trusting the system, it was a long road to get him there though.

i couldn't finish reading that.
i hope you and your mother's life improves.

Holy shit, learn to type. I dont understand anything you even attempted to write there. Was there even one coherent thought in that retardbabble you just posted?

related, the fat fat bitch and mixed Barbies are on clearance doe to no one buying them

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>british empire bad
>one world government good

Liberal logic

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>This same guy donated 50 quid to Friends of the Earth as a Xmas present to me this year.
utter cunt

Based and redpilled, fuck him and fuck all boomers, and fuck gen Xers too, and fuck millenials

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Fuck off with your inbred German queen.

>Many Boomers are woke but don't get taken seriously
Nick Griffin comes to mind.

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For one thread burger, can you just not be a cunt?

Remember not to be like this, men.

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And you, stop spamming your Christcuck bollocks in every fucking thread.

>called me an Islamophobe
Show your suicidal cuck relatives this.

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Ok, peace out.

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Yes I actually said that.
>What if it was a Pax Brittania World Government?
>Well muh thats what the Brexitiers want isnt it hmmpf
>Muh global warming etc

I had to nuke the conversation by demanding an apology for being smeared (a faggotty thing to do but I had to assert I was debating in a fair way)

His hand was literally shaking when he picked something up after and he blamed it on being old kek. I dont like being forced to debate libtards even if I beat them, just leave me alone....and dont mention politics.

soldier on user

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Jesus Christ I'm sorry about your uncle then.
At least socks are useful

Psilocybin (magic mushrooms) you start taking them first, learn to grow and cultivate them. Then get your family to take them. YouTube Terence McKenna

>bought my great grandma the dna kit test. Great grandpa says “what if shows you got some blacks mixed in?”
>half the adults start smiling, half the adults stare in disbelief.
>my great grandparents are both in the upper 90s - no one is going to say shit.
>great grandma responds “hotdogs got bugs in them, not enough to matter though right?”

I lost my shit watching my aunts gasp. I could not stop laughing. I guess you had to be there.

Hang in their lad, you're the order in the chaos. Believe in yourself and don't let them bring you down.

Join the military if you can so it will at least get you out the house.

No thats my Mum's turbo virtuous cuck friend. He gave 1 like this to my brother and sister too. Its like they do it on purpose, disagree with X being good then you're the asshole.
I told my Mum Im giving the wine I got him to the homeless.

Ok, now THIS is epic

Boomers didn't setup the Post WW2 Globalist BS you suffer under now. The GI Generation and the Silent Generation (conservatives) Boomers grew up with one way media and were deeply programmed with thousands of hours of movies, tv and music all controlled by the chosen ones. So they took all this in and that is why they are so fucked up. It's going to hard, ney impossible to redpill a Boomer who did not grow up as based. You are fighting MASH, Woodstock, All in the Family, the Kennedy's and just about anything Billy Joel sand about. They were allowed no dissent or voice, they had no internet access to receive or transmit differing opinions. They believed everything on the evening network TV news and print media like the new York Times, Time magazine, news Week and later cable news. Their information was heavily controlled from 1946 to 1996. 50 years. As 21st people you are far more advanced and less controlled, but Big Tech is trying to take the place of the Boomers Big Media and control the masses. Learn from it.

Its more interesting bc its brits talking about a one world goverment.. aka master race! Good to see ya britfags havent gived up! This is why hilter loved yas!

It's Christmas not xmas you Jewish cunt

I genuinely like this.

Get him a membership to the NRA

>what did you get for christmas
>3rd degree burns

If there was a one world government, then America would most likely be the center of it. If America is the center of the one world government, Trump would be their supreme overlord.
Are these people retarded? I guess yes, but still. I'd rather have politicians that we elected locally than some Murican I never voted for ruling over me and dictating my life, despite never having even been here. I don't necessarily dislike Trump, but I wouldn't want him to run my country. He can stay in Israel (aka America).

Just say 'well, it's your money" and leave it at that.

>brit flag
Come on, burger.

It seems to me you got worked into a shoot

>>Why would a One World Government be a bad idea?

"We will have them begging to be enslaved"

cool story OP......weird that you're under the impression that Britain is going to separate from the UK, though. i'm more inclined to believe that people like arron banks--whom financed the movement--are going to end up in jail.

The middle class needs a wake up call worldwide. They’ve absolutely fucked working class people because they want cheap cash labor, tacos and brick weed.

I have to agree with this. Once you understand they will never change their minds and the whole point of them bringing any of this up is just to virtue signal then your tactics will change to helping them look as stupid as possible.

Haha I love these threads because if you step back it shows how spazzy some of the retard newfags flooding Jow Forums are these days.

>Why would it be bad to put all eggs in one basket?
There, solved

Tell him you've converted to Islam and explain to him how homosexuals should be executed and women are property. You too are looking forward to a worldwide caliphate so you can finally crush the infidels.

i had a leftist aunt that donated 50 dollars to some african children charity as my chistmas got to pick whether you wanted to send them rice, medical supplies or some other bullshit. i never filled out out...fuck those niggers.

>Using the gay argument
I don't want White Liberals anymore then I want Brown Islam or homosexuals fucking up society OP.

>I love Hitler
Yoy went full autistic, congrats on nobody in your family ever respecting you.