/Nicotine/ general

Can someone give me a quick rundown on nicotine?
My only (((vices))) are black coffee and nicotine via vape
It rlly helps with productivity

Am i being cucked by the vape-jew?
Or is this a harmless addiction?

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>no porn
>no carbs/sugar
>no weed
>no alcohol
>no tv/sports/netflix
Im trying to be the best young white male I can be and help my country
I just don’t want to be cucked

It's based and redpilled and not even a real addiction. The government just tells you it is so you get psychosomatically addicted but you aren't really addicted it's all a placebo effect because they told you it's addictive.

It's an addiction it's not harmless. A ciggy every once in a blue moon is okay. Vaping 24/7 puts a drain on your wallet and feeds you a constant stream of an addictive chemical. Quitting all the way is quite literally in everyone's best interests.

>not even a real addiction
You've obviously never experienced nicotine withdrawal, it physically alters your brain so it's the very definition of addiction.

Lifelong smoker and now vaper. I don't know a single smoker/vaper who's not an utter piece of shit loser, including myself. Artificial dopamine reward prevents you from ever seeking success in life. Why accomplish something when you can feed your brain a constant supply of feel good chemicals via nicotine, video games, fapping, or whatever other vice you have.

Because you were told it would fucking idiot. I've quit smoking and had no withdrawals because I'm of Sound mind uninfluenced by government propaganda. Fucking idiot.

weak bait

I use nicotine lozenges. Its pretty nice and not as much of a compulsive habit as smoking/vaping.

What about all the great minds that have smoked for the nicotine boost in productivity?
Presidents, ayn rand, kant, chess champions, tucker carlson swears by nicotine gum
I can afford it, i dont have any other “vices”, im not rlly seeing the downsides here desu

Thats what im thinking maple leaf
I can code for hours and stay lean with the help of nicotine

I've gone cold turkey from a two pack-a-day habit and it's not that bad. You get a craving, and it passes, get a craving, and it passes. It's annoying as fuck, but I had zero physical symptoms of withdrawal.

So does caffeine but you never see anyone up in arms to ban that... in burgerland not sure about Bongshire.

There are some rare people who are so productive even addiction can't slow them down. These people are 1 in 100,000 and usually become wildly successful (think Elon Musk, who has been working 100 hours/week nonstop his whole life). Winston Churchill was successful despite his alcohol addiction, not because of it. Same with Bertrand Russell or whatever other nicotine addict you idolize.

my life has been absolute hell since I quit smoking, thats my new addiction, living in hell

It’s not the niccotine that kills..
... it’s the smooOOOooooKe

why dont u just do some snus u swedish faggot

Good chance it isn’t harmless, but there are enough faggots out there who make vaping a “lifestyle” that you will have plenty of heads up on any potential health problems.

Eh, I used to smoke a pack+ a day for several years. Quit cold turkey for a year. I missed nicotine but I had zero actual withdrawal symptoms other than simply wanting to smoke. No headaches, no stress/anger, no loss of sleep, no increased/decreased appetite. Nothing really.

Nicotine is just an okayish stimulant. The problem has always been the delivery method. Only a complete retard would think burning something then breathing the smoke is okay. Just boil the leaves into tea like beverage or because we're not cavemen just vape it, like shit don't be stupid.

Nicotine is a neurotoxin, period.

It’s certainly not as bad as alcohol, or cigarette smoke, but at the end of the day, you’re still intentionally poisoning yourself.


So you're just another SJW, only incel virgin.

who /snus/ here

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Ok, then caffiene is a neurotoxin

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Quit nicotine and caffeine cold turkey. You will have a nice headache on the first day. That’s degeneracy leaving your body. Now never go back to them.
>Ayn Rand
>great mind
Childless Jewish atheist who committed adultery and wrote about a “heroic” man taking out a loan with his wife as collateral.

unironically agreeing with the leaf, The vape juice doesn't have a shit ton of other addictives that are added to cigarettes. I vaped heavily for almost a year with 50mg nic salt for strength and stopped about a few months ago with no real withdrawals. I just think that a nic buzz would be nice every once in a while but besides that im fine. if you fall for the cigarette jew you are done for with all the additives but the vape jew is fine.

Yes it is.
You should try to minimize consumption of both.

lying faggot


Replying cuz quads. I used to smoke cigarettes then switched to vape because I’d prefer to minimize my chances of lung cancer.
>but vape juice isn’t well researched!
Yea I’m sure it’s not great for you but I guarantee you it’s healthier than cigarettes

Realistically, anything you put in your lungs that isn’t clean air is gonna be not great for ya

Real men smoke. Only sissy little bitch boys are against it

flag checks out
i like to think im pretty based and /redpilled/
im also not a virgin, my bodycount is unironically over 40 as im Jow Forums and have my own place

I tried that, but after day 3 my productivity wasnt anywhere near where it was with meth (coffee) and nicotine

>great minds that have smoked
No good person has ever smoked. Only the lowest scum of society smoke.
>Presidents, ayn rand, kant, chess champions, tucker carlson
I thought the point of this exercise was to list good people. But you can't because smoking is not something any good person has done.
>swears by nicotine gum
Completely different from smoking.

Hazelden ranks nicotine in their top 5 most addictive substances.

Nicotine is great; it's like a brief defogger and power surge that can kickstart my thinking. It does seem to affect the vascular system though, so you should assume that continuous use for a long time is harmful. Cigarettes can and will kill, but vaping appears far less harmful, at least in the short-term

dis. vape prolly 6 ml or so a day of 50 nic, and I can go fine without it. The buzz it nice of course but it doesn't feel like i'm itching inside or anything. I smoked cigs for probably 5 months or so, and it was absolutely disgusting. Although I hated them I just kept craving for it.

Guess how I know you’re a pussy, meme flag

You didn’t give it enough time because withdrawal lasts a while and manifests in various ways. Our ancient ancestors overcame the greatest tribulations on only water and whatever food they could scrounge from nature. Also, the Mormons today are very successful without any substances (even though they’re hypocritical about soft drinks imo). If you’re looking for validation on Jow Forums, you know deep down that it’s wrong.

I hate cigars with a passion and would smoke cigarettes if I hadn't committed to quit in like 2003, but I'll buy my blu pods occasionally which can last me for 2 weeks. I control the habit by being too lazy to buy refills

whether or not they are great minds, you can't dispute the volume of content that they put out with the help of caffeine and nicotine
meanwhile, here you are posting on a taiwanese sweater knitting anime board on a saturday

nicotine helps me with anxiety. I'm better at speaking, holding a conversation, cracking jokes, listening, and writing. It makes me worse at anything physical, walking, working out, running. It also makes me lazy.

Actually if you get flavorless juice it is literally just medical shit they use to help people breath and nicotine. Nebulizers use the same stuff to suspend other medicines.

hi Phil

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follow up
I notice a significant difference between synthetic nicotine (Vapes) and tobacco nicotine (Cigs, etc) I have e gotten sick from vapes, never gotten sick from tobacco.

It’s still not clean air, I’m sure it’s barely a detriment, but it still carries risks. Just use that as a rule of thumb and be aware, the best piece of health advice you can get is “just use common sense”

Do whatever you want as long as you pay for everything. If nicotine actually makes you happy, then by all means continue. There is nothing waiting for you when you die so just do whatever the fuck you want everyday.

Where my dippers at?

Heh, who is Phil?

What about popcorn lung?

I started with a Juul, I only really hit it at my job when it’s stressful or when I’m trying to relax. I’ve had it at least half a year and I can quit whenever I want. Just went a week without it because I was with family and got time off work. It must be a genetic thing, I know people who were hooked on it in the first week and they need a refill on the pods (they aren’t cheap if you buy them constantly) every week or so. Smoke em like a chimney. Better than weed because you can’t get popped on a drug test for it.

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Zero recorded cases from vaping, the flavoring agent is mostly discontinued because of the potential.

Popcorn lung has only even been diagnosed in people who spend 8-10 hours a day in popcorn processing factories.

Pretty sure nicotine increases testosterone.

As long as you're not smoking it (combustion) the health effects are negligible

That's Phillio Morris propaganda. Taking poor working conditions in Chinese factories and saying "see, thus will happen to you, better keep buying our poison".

>t. YOLO

When I vaped I would wake up every morning and spit a giant wad of loogy in the sink. Couldn't stop blowing my nose, rapid heart beat, and occasionally my chest would hurt. When I stopped I had headaches and extremely negative thoughts. I think it was because my brain chemistry was readjusting from constant nicotine dosing for the past 5 years. I feel a ton better today. Lots of energy I didn't have, a different kind of focus, and more self control when it comes to other indulgences. Still will enjoy an occasional Black and Mild though.

Yeah yeah Juuling is fucking gay but it’s good for stress.

>the measure of someone’s worth is how many shekels they have
Unlike Ayn, my head isn’t up my ass, and I’m helping rather than harming people.

I do Snus sporadically. Under the effect of some caffeine and nicotine, I'm very effective at my studies and any sort of hand/eye activity. Honestly I wish I was always a strong, black French-pressed cup of coffee and a Snus packet "on". However I understand the importance of moderation and self-control.

This. I work as a supervisor at one of the major package delivery companies and vaping just helps focus in on what you’re doing. I could do without it and still make numbers, it’s just a stress reliever.

It's more likely that great people are drawn to self destructive behaviour, not that self destructive behaviour creates great people

Did you guys start out vaping? Or moved from cigarettes to vaping?

Nicotine when taken acutely increases testosterone and raises dopamine. On prolonged use it decreases dopamine activity in your brain by 20% so you need that hit to feel normal again. On prolonged use it also decreases testosterone and raises estrogen in men. It also shrinks the penis by approximately half an inch.

Cigs, quit for over a year, decided I’d rather vape then go back to cigs whenever I drank too much.

I don’t hate on people who go straight to vape though, same reason people started smoking anyways and less bad for you and your wallet.

nicotine is fine but avoid fapping at all costs

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I wish it would shrink my penis. Sounds like made up bullshit to push anti-Tabacco propaganda to the next level.

You fags who have “only” one vice sound like women.

Nicotine is a vasoconstrictor so your penis gets less blood, it also decreases nitric oxide levels and raises prolactin.

There's nothing wrong with nicotine, the reason smokers get cancer is because of all the shit big corporations put in their cheap cigarettes.

Redpill: nicotine is the best long term aromatase inhibitor and every man should be ingesting it in some form.

That doesn’t mean it shrinks your penis you retard; and erection is produced by vasoconstriction.

So that's why I have such a little penis, the adderall and nicotine. Well actually I just need to admit to myself I have a chode

You can have harmless habits, but you can't have a harmless addictions. It's literally in the definition.

That’s a kike definition. Alcoholics can literally die from not drinking, THAT is addiction.

It inhibits aromatase production in the testes.
It binds to nAChRs and functions as an eugeoric stimulant or relaxant depending on volume in nmol.
It is mildly neuroregenerative.
It is a modest anti depressant due to promoting LTP in the nucleus accumbens by facilitating neuroepinephrine (and dopamine by proxy, albeit weakly)

Why do you like nicotine? I bought a juul. I used it for one day. I tried to enjoy it. It was terrible. I just gave it to my friend the next day.

Ok, now THIS is epic

It is documented as a stimulant but also makes your mood unstable. Probably safe when vaped but don't overdo it.

It's not good for you.. nootropic argument is weak... epigenetically damages your offspring... linked to insulin sensitivity (pure nicotine gum, not even smoking)

It's a trash drug.. Try replacing your coffee with cacao and checking out Rhonda Patrick's nootropics: Lion's mane, Beta-hydroxybutyrate, PQQ, and Alpha GPC

yes coffee is so disgusting so bitter and in morning always rub coconut oil to body. enhances your natural oils

Cacao is even more bitter but it is a vasodilator, lowers blood pressure, better boners

Nicotine and caffeine are both vasoconstricters, bad for boners

>he needs an adult pacifier to function

no its not.

when did you last have pedicure or manicure ? hm ?

Stimulant but ultimately more addictive than helpful. There are better ways.

Yes it is

Put down the vodka, time for bed

they arent effective enough to make your boners bad and answer question.

meh, they're better than taking some jew pill.

with vape juice, some is dirty as fk. and more poisonous than other types of vape juice.

imo best to by the stuff in bulk and make it yourself.

vape shop juices make resin residues.
can swab a ball of resin out of the vape with just a week of vaping.

custom clean juice.. can vape for 2-3 months, and not get 5% the amount of tar/resin...

so purity is a big fucking issue here.

because its nicotine idiot you are buying no nicotine juices if it doesnt make any tar

You're drunk Vladimir, and yes they are

also really sweet juices tend to gunk shit up, so it also maybe the sweeteners they use

no lol do you have done any speed? thats vasoconstriction when your dick is small and shrinked but when i smoke i can have throbbing boner no problem

It’s a stimulant so it can be addictive. Different people will have different affects though

>when i smoke i can have throbbing boner no problem

That depends on your age and health status.. Smoking and weak erection is proven medically, so enjoy those boners while you can... Perhaps they could be better