How do you deal with

I've been feeling pretty blackpilled over the last few months and nothing I do seems to make me think of other things. Every waking moment I'm contemplating horrors of the future and of the presents and it has affected me in a negative way. How do you guys get it out of your head so you can actually work on improving your life?

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become a cheap bastard and exploit people for profit

dude you can't because of the reason you are thinking that way. and if i told you why you won't believe me.

Try it, I'll consider what you'll say.

but will say doing things positive for people will help a lot. i wouldn't anything negative towards someone else it will back fire quite hard.

>Every waking moment I'm contemplating horrors of the future and of the presents and it has affected me in a negative way.

Every waking moment I'm contemplating how to explain all the horrors happening in the world in easy terms to common people and how we could fix them in a humane and sensible fashion. It sparks my creativity and has affected my in a positive way.

okie dokie its astrology based and cosmic energy and energy from the sun. you should start to feel a bit lighter tomorrow once the moon is out of square. pay attention from now on you will see extreme emotions in your self and others during new moons and full moon.

if i give you more info i may just cause you more distress so think this is enough for now.

We are in the modern world, and things can change really fast. We must be prepared to fight for the just cause when shit finally hit the fan.


o im sorry my answer was not good enough for you. bloody npc's i dont know why i bother trying to help you.

like trying think for a min npc. have a look around at the world ok what do you see? complete and utter chaos right? right, now was the world like this in 2016? nope, was it like this in 2015? nope. was it like this in 2014 nope. when did it start? early 2017 and has grown more with each passing day.

I just wanted more attention brought to my thread in order to get more advice.

what advice do you want? try mediation to clear your mind for a bit exercise and clean up your diet. lots of walks in nature. try a float tank. smoke weed.

It’s going to be a long winter, user.
Exercise helps to relax the mind and will make you feel better.
Try to identify a new hobby that will be enjoyable.
Life has a way of throwing us curves, unexpected events may give you a jolt that will change your experience.

Get off the internet. Focus on improving your own life. Write out a list of everything that goes on in your life and what you can do to become a better individual. If not for society than only for yourself and the family you will bring forward.

Keep in mind you can always kill yourself.

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Every morning when I wake up I always think “at least I’m not Swedish”

see what you did op now the field ops have shown up to keep you in the matrix, good luck npc.

till you die and get reincarnated as a female swed lul

yeah cant help you there buddy

imagine killing everyone, then take a deep breath in and out.
do NOT actually kill everyone.

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Fuck off nigger.

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Just try to be positive and think about the good things. Lifes too short

Fast. See how long you can go.

if your brain is obsessing or brainlocking on something/someone, weed helps bust that shit up
but you have to be able to handle the random unrelated thoughts that pop into your head and not freak out
just understand that if you stimulate random brain cells you will get stuff that has zero relation to your thought trains as well as stuff that is relevant. having to deal with it will distract you away from your problems
>improving your life
you cannot do this simply by wishing or willing it to happen
most stuff is beyond anyone's control, or in someone else's hands
being realistic and logical will keep you sane
if you are religious, please kys

Is your question not already answered? You filthy attention whore...

Thanks for the answers.

Plan ahead and disconnect yourself from the world. Abandon attachment, save money, buy land and build a house away from society, introduce yourself to a hermit, agrarian lifestyle and live out the rest of your days in peace. Enjoy what little time you have on your own, if you're lucky, with a partner that will give you children to cherish and guide along their lives. But the first step is to build your knowledge and life, so that you may be able to sustain yourself out in the fringes, where none of the degeneracy will reach you.

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Thanks for the answer. Why are all Chileans so chill?