Is ghosting ever justified?

is ghosting ever justified?

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Yes. If confronting people would be dangerous for you.

No girls ghost me all the time and I post their nudes after

I feel like shit if I don’t

That‘swhy they ghost you. You‘re creepy and have a shitty personality.

No they ghost me because they’re sluts and I don’t take that shit lying down

Yes. I don't see why people feel entitled to big walls of texts explaining why you stop talking to them.

Sure. The fault is always with everyone else - said the fuck up.

This poster is probably going to grow up to raise kids that aren't biologically his

Yes, more often than not.
People don't have the right to annoy you with their annoying shit every time they choose.

what if they were your gf/bf?

People hurt me I hurt them back. Girls know the risks when they talk to 800 dudes at once and ghost people and treat them like shit

Then it's different. If you're committed to each other, you break up. If you aren't, I don't see the need.


So as soon as they talk to you, they are required to fuck you? Because if at any point inbetween they decide that they don‘t want to keep this going, they are slut who statted talking to with the clear intention to hurt you? Do you even listen to yourself? And if they would, by miracle, actually ending up sleeping with you, you‘d also think they‘re sluts. So they have no chance. As soon as they have been in contact with you, you label them sluts, no matter what will happen. You‘re doomed, dude. Might aswell kys now.

Depends. If you just met, sure. Doesn't matter if you just ghost or say you don't want to talk to them. They'll get the point either way.

If you're already further in, it's a bit of a dick move. Especially if the other person has reason to believe you're friends and all that. In that case it's better to just tell them you don't need them in your life

Man I’m just kidding but i do get ghosted a fucking lot and yes I get revenge

It fucking hurts being ghosted by everyone and now I’m at the point where I don’t want anything out of life relationship wise I just want to be a disgusting slut

But at the same time lifes just way happier like that

If you are in a relationship, ghosting is the most hurtful thing you can do.

t. gf ghosted me out of nowhere

That’s just fucked... are you sure she didn’t lose her phone or something?

She would obviously find an alternative way to contact me. One day without any indication anything was wrong, she stopped replying to my IM's and emails. I know she is alive because she still updates her instagram. Which still has some pictures that she took when we were on a trip together.

Well fuck don’t attack me man just trying to help

Find a new girl ASAP that’s gonna sting

Yeah it hurts. But that was over a year ago, I have moved on. Just saying that it's a shit move to pull. At least have the decency to say something like it's over.

my bf did the same thing... its the absolute worst. its like youre not even worth breaking up

Agreed man agreed

How long ago was that? You've also moved on and found someone?

I’d break up with u femanon

To a certain point in the beginning stage of a relationship, after a while though even if you haven't gotten serious with the person but have seen them for a while and gotten to know eachother I think at least a small explanation is warranted

yes, but being a frogposter and using the term ghosting is never justified.

you’ll have a better time figuring out what’s right and wrong by thinking like an adult and communicating like an adult.

as for my specific opinion on ‘ghosting’, everything is good or bad depending on the context. sometimes it’s not good for two people to talk to each other anymore.

one thing I’ve noticed about the socially retarded and generally ignorant masses is that they often ‘ghost’ without letting the other person know anything. the best kind of not communicating anymore is *mutual*. for instance, if you can tell a person “I’m not interested in a romantic relationship with you,” you can turn them away as opposed to leaving them in the dark and earning a stalker.

On a moralfag note, as if you fucks are interested in morals, it’s nice to leave the line of communication open so that a person knows they have someone to turn to *in case of an emergency*.

if you don’t have the stomach to set boundaries without literally running away with your ears plugged like “la la la” then you’re ridiculous and not an adult.

all that being said, I return to the fact that ‘ghosting’ like all things is okay in some contexts.

OP ignore the incels and cucks in this thread. As a man ghosting is the number one tool in your arsenal in the modern dating world. Use it frequently and often.

Women have been mindfucking men literally for millennia through emotion abuse, trickery, adultery and manipulation. Men can't compete with women in the emotional realm which is why when shit gets heated a woman will core you from the inside out a man will just punch you in the face.

You can't go that shit in today's world women have rights and people have too many Smartphones and Twitter accounts for a man to truly put a bitch in her place, at least in the west.

Walking away is the next best thing and the only available option for men when women start doing stupid shit when they feel they can get away with it.

Ghosting is the trump card for men in the daring game and unless you're fucking with some ghetto hood bitch or within your social circle there are 0 repercussions to ghosting, don't let the soibois and women Gaslight you into thinking otherwise.

I ghosted a friend because they were annoying and dumb and telling them that would probably have made them feel worse than saying nothing at all.

Red pill powers activated good shit my mam

sincere thanks for not hiding your bias. also, OP didn’t specify anything about women or dating

literally nobody gives a shit whether or not you continue to text stupid thots after they piss you off. you sound even worse than they are.

Give him some slack, he has obviously never had a gf or been on a date.

Don't get onions milk on your keyboard that shit is hard to clean man

How could that post possibly make you feel attacked

I can't find any of that in the post you replied to.

Just flat-out ignoring someone is a shitty character trait, regardless of how that user responds afterwards.

Ghosting is only justified if you are afraid of your own well-being with a confrontation.