Help. I have a ugly wife. When we married I thought she was beautiful, but every day since she has gotten uglier and uglier. I can’t even be intimate with her anymore without thinking about how her looks offend me. Wat do?
Help. I have a ugly wife. When we married I thought she was beautiful...
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Get a divorce.
I plan on it. Just I don’t know how to break it to her without upsetting her
That's only all your fault.
Not all of it. Bitch could do better and actually care about her appearance like most women
You tell her by handing her papers.
Do not fucking tell her before you file.
You just saved my ass user. That’s the easiest way to do it without breaking her heart over time
Time for you to come out of the closet. It's okay that you're attracted to your best buddy more than your wife.
kill yourself
>getting married
you made your bed etc.
You haven't fallen out of love with her because she's ugly. She has become ugly in your eyes because you've fallen out of love with her.
If you think it's worth it, you CAN fall back in love - some counselling would help. Or you can give up and break with her. But just be clear about what lead to what
The truth is that women don't put any effort in themselves for someone is of no value.
You have what you deserve.
>without upsetting her
Unless she also wants a divorce you are asking for the impossible.
Judging by her age if she doesn't care about her appearance her looks will detoriate rather quickly. Losing a bit muscle her and there, gaining a few pounds, taking less care of clothes and hair add up rather quick when you simultaniously start losing your youth
Is that your wife?
She looks like a laid back nerdy type.
What specifically made you think she's ugly?
She is facially not bad but fucking hell is her sense of dress and personal style TERRIBLE
I don’t get why some women do this. Why dress like a grandma when you’re in your 20s? She could go up several points by simply growing out her hair, going to a nice hair stylists, and investing in some more fashionable and modern clothing
People who don’t bother to present themselves well are pathetic. The amount of effort it takes to dress well and have a nice haircut is astonishingly low. It doesn’t even cost much money if you know the right places to shop
She probably used witchcraft on you so this can be nasty.
Try to get some protective talisman Before you do any further action.
Tell her that she needs to work on her appearance because you're losing attraction in her and the only other option is a divorce
You're married, the last courtersy you can give her is honesty
She's not fat or anything. Are you sure you aren't being too harsh?
Does her cunt smell as bad as she looks?
What the fuck is wrong with you people? I don't think I've ever read a relationship thread where the advice isn't as coldhearted as possible and amounts to "emotionlessly throw away any relationship that isn't perfectly." The vast majority of people on this forum need to - and I say this with complete sincerity - kill themselves because most of you are horrible people and the world would be a better place without you.
Some people seem to have selective blindness about this. She just doesn't perceive what she's doing.
You shelterd naive child. Life is what it is. There is no good or evil. Or morals and ethics. Only cause and effect. Things either work or not.
The classic "unless you're completely morally barren, you haven't experienced life" argument. Maybe some of us do go through bad things in life but don't become total pieces of shit because of it? Christ, that user said that she shouldn't learn about the divorce until he hands her the papers, and that he shouldn't feel a single second of guilt or compassion over her pain. How is this 'logical' mindset that you and so many Jow Forums fuckers spout off anything but opportunistic and hideously, monstrously cold-blooded?
You sound pathetic, like you've been pushed around so many times you've just given up on caring to avoid humiliation. You've simply defaulted in to this generic bitter asshole because you're not strong enough to be positive in a world that's mostly negative. I'd ask you to prove me wrong but we both know that's not possible.
Omg you are just as I imagined. She is the one who can do better than you LOL
That's Chris Chan you newfag.
Learn pickup
>inb4 pickup doesn't work
>inb4 but I just want a girlfriend, not pickup sluts
To become good with "one girlfriend" you need to be good with women in general.
Fucking summerkids can't recognize Chris Chan when they see. The fucking Sonichu necklace should have been a dead giveaway.
The fuck happened to Jow Forums?
r/thedonald happened.
Yeah, funny how that happened. I remember when Jow Forums leaned left for the most part. People got called fascist. The racism was there, the nazi shit was there, but it was just edgy shit.
Imagine this thread but written by a woman about her husband. Replies would be "fucking kill yourself you whore" and no one would tell her to serve papers without therapy/intervention/generally sucking it up. The double standards here are ridiculous.
Grow a pair, cuck
So fucking much this.
I agree. Basic human decency applies whether male or female. OP is just as much of a shitter as your hypothetical wife.
I dont do it because I was exceptionally attractive in my youth and grew tired of shallow people liking me only for my looks.
Now the rare few that like me only like me for my thoughts.
she looks nice, is it her hair?
her looks offend you? jesus, that's really mean dude. marriage should be based on more than looks. if she let her hair grow and wore it down she's very pretty. but if you're thinking divorce because of looks then you probably never had much of a personal connection anyway, that's fucked up.
>Total hypocrit, there really should be a spell check function reminding you about it.
No you.
I tell both genders with the same topic in threads to go kill themselves so there is no double standard here actually. I don't discriminate based on gender.
>>Total hypocrit, there really should be a spell check function reminding you about it.
Man. The fact you say it with such conviction and caps lock engaged. You gotta be some kind of faggot. Someone could just as well said:
You want pretty go fuck club hos. Your wife is your best friend and life partner. Even if you were initially attracted to her you should have a better bond than that by the time you're married.
My wife was a 10 when we met. She went up to 230lbs in our relationship at one point. She lost it all again, but I can honestly tell you it made no goddamn difference. This is because I'm not an unloveable faggot commenting on the sidelines of the internet.
>it made no goddamn difference
Damn, you're a good husband. When my bf ballooned to 270 I seriously considered leaving him. It's hard when you get with someone and they let their looks slip so dramatically, it almost feels like a personal insult or like I was tricked. I understand now that he was stressed out with some changes we were going through and it had nothing to do with me but from the surface it was like he stopped giving a fuck about being sexy for me. I understand exactly how OP feels, I'm sure the resentment has had time to build as well. Eventually, I sat down with my bf and had the "health" talk but I really don't know what I would do in OP's position. It's not like he can frame it from a place of concern when it's her personal grooming and style he dislikes. Makes me wonder if he's being lax in his grooming so she cares less or if there are deeper marriage issues
Take her for a day to some place like Sephora, get her a full makeover, buy ehr a couple outfits at Marshall's or Filene's Basement, set her up to get a mani-pedi with fake nails as well as a brazilian and leg waxing, have her eyebrows done too if you can, get a new hair cut and color-- let the stylist choose cut and color. Get her a waist trainer, tell her to quit her job because her new job is all day at the gym. Invest in a lot of makeup. See if she wants fake breasts.
What men fail to realize is that none of us are attractive under makeup. The allure of makeup is the representation of invested $$ and effort. Put some money into her appearance. If you aren't willing to do that, then you might as well stay married to her because you have bought exactly what the world sold you.
does she have the retard smile? post another pic OP
God the amount of virtue signaling in these threads is fucking amazing. Not just the men, but the women. There's autistic screeching every thread.
>muh personality
>w-well you're both going to get ugly one day so looks shouldn't matter1!
That's bullshit. You owe each other at least to try to look nice, and not just give up because you trapped someone. Protip: just because you're ugly doesn't bless you with a good personality by default. Some of the shittiest people I know are also ugly. They're bitter.
Sure OP is stupid for marrying a girl he could divorce this easily, and maybe he should try suggesting she improve herself, but it's also stupid of him to be in an unhappy marriage so he can hold the moral high ground.
You clearly dont understand that op doesn't even want to fuck his wife anymore and I've seen old wrinkly people still go at it and those guys aren't attractive club hos.
Op cant even look forward to old people sex and you're busy pestering him with fat people sex.
>none of us are attractive under make up
oh bitch please
You are supposed to work trough your problem not just give up and call quits, especially after you get into a marriage, people like you are the reason why the whole thing has no meaning anymore. if you are going to leave someone the moment you think they are not beautiful enough it you are better off with just one night stands.
Op never mentioned she let herself go, just that he thought she looked uglier, he never even mentioned her putting on weight, AND even if she did the right thing would be have a talk with her and ask her to change, not just drop the woman right there.
He said every day since she has gotten uglier and uglier. Context clues, user.
There's no denying that OP is stupid, and is ACTUALLY what's wrong with marriage (young people feeling forced to 'find someone' or feel somehow inadequate, even if 'someone' isn't a fit at all, just convenient). But sometimes attraction just can't be worked through. We don't have a lot of other details from OP. Has he suggested she lose some weight? Bought her some clothes he thinks she'd look good in? Bought her a day to the salon?
What if he's done all of these things and instead her feelings got hurt and she just turned to snacking? We don't know.
But he's doing this woman more of a disservice pretending he cares or going to therapy rather than just letting her go and move on with her life.
>implying that she will, or even can, move on
lmao. Some of us have circumstances that make reconstructing our life more difficult. We aren't all healthy, neurotypical middle classers.
Not OP's fault. No one owes anyone shit unless it's a business transaction.
I struggle with manic depression and it's certainly not some girl's job to swoop in and make sure my feelings are okay while she suffers for it.
I hope you bleed to death in the middle of the street and that nobody stops to help you as you choke on your own blood and pitifully beg for help. Make sure you don't feel any resentment during the hours that pass as you die a painful death, though. Nobody is owed anything, after all.
>Any opinion I don't like is virtue signaling
>Any moral standards whatsoever is virtue signaling
You people are absolutely disgusting. There's no telling how many lives you sociopaths have ruined with the repulsive, inhuman 'advice' you give.
>But he's doing this woman more of a disservice pretending he cares or going to therapy rather than just letting her go and move on with her life
Well yeah, but this is are a few of the worse possible alternatives. she can work out, he can stop being a cunt and realize people get old, she can start "Dressing well" as that was one of his problems. I mean there are plenty of ways to fix this besides the two you proposed.
No, user. This is Jow Forums. The only solution to any kind of relationship that isn't perfect, romantic or otherwise, is to end it. Also, don't care about the other person or the needless pain you cause them for even one second. Nobody is OWED anything. Loyalty? Who gives a shit about that? Friends and romantic partners should immediately be swapped out for a newer model the moment they stop being convenient. That's the mature, adult thing to do, after all.
Shitty bait.
No one owes me anything, but divorcing someone isn't leaving them to die in the street. They lived 18 consecutive years at least without being married to this person, they can do it again.
It's not 'an opinion I don't like,' it's 'I'm smugly better than you because I am denying human nature and look at me and how great I am.' That's fucking virtue signaling, and I hate the term.
'People get old' is not an excuse for 'I got married and stopped thinking I had to try anymore.'
I'm assuming OP's relationship is already wrecked here. Not everything can be fixed.
You aren't worth wasting any more time on. You are a shitty human being, and I hope you realize that at least on some level.
PS That user is implying he's better than you because he is, lol. Now go back to ghosting all your friends and family for no particular reason and ignoring all their attempts at contact without ever feeling a single shred of guilt. They aren't owed anything, you know?
> 'I got married and stopped thinking I had to try anymore.'
Well, then you make then try to care again. Instead of ending it all. Also there nothing saying she wasn't trying only that he found her ugly and her sense of style tacky.
For all we know she might be trying, just on the "worng" direction.
Holy shit... a response besides "break up with her emotionlessly, laugh in her face once she starts crying, and pull down your pants and piss on her."
Take her for a romantic midnight boat trip and then have a tragic accident.
Thats just a bad picture. She looks endearing in a way.
>Not recognizing the demi-god Chris Chan
Can you imagine being this new
She looks kind like one of my ex's that I still like too much. Post more pics
I'm gonna say this is actually a bait thread
Don't try and be intimate.
Tense your back muscles if she tries getting intimate to lose your boner (I have done this while getting a blowjob and succeeded)
Write a letter telling her how you feel, she will take it to heart and either work on things or leave you.
File for divorce if you believe there is no coming back.
Test desu
Before you just throw everything out the window maybe try to save the marriage. If you think she looks unattractive take her out on a shopping spree you’d be spending quality time and finding clothes you find more fit and try a makeover at Sephora
Well. As shallow as u are... if ur not happy, best to leave sooner than later. Your wasting ur time, and more importantly - her time. you cuck.
Is that her in the pic?
>he didn't think women got uglier with age
whst an idiot
how does she look 80?
At least she’s only superficially ugly. My wife is cute but has a terrible narcissistic psychopathic personality.
That creature is still alive? I'm shocked he hasn't killed himself or someone else yet.
Oooooh, so you're the user who married Chris Chan.
>not getting a bestie, life partner, family.
Yeah, not gonna make it
I've been with my waifu for 7 years.
Never gonna regret it