I've found the video in its full length of Desmund snorting ketamine.
What should I do?
I've found the video in its full length of Desmund snorting ketamine.
What should I do?
Post it you fucking imbecile
report it to the police who in turn removes him from his oarents custody and hopefully puts him into good foster care
To what?
>What should I do?
realize no one gives a shit
youtube lol
To here. Upload it somewhere. Make it a webm and post it. Share it with the world.
Jow Forums doesn't take webms with sound.
bitchute should let you upload whatever the fuck you want
You should upload it on a file hosting site that no one frequents and then immediately proceed to kill yourself
Not give a shit.
post in /wsg/ and link newfag, or upload to dot moe domain filehosts.
post it to post link here
that's pretty wishful thinking there
upload it everywhere possible
youtube,bitchute,twitter,here,liveleak,infinity chan, mega, a torrent, etc.
anything and everything
this is old
He was doing risqué shit at a gay bar with fags throwing money at him. CPS is never going to take him away, as much as I wish they would.
Bitchute or streamable
Not every cop is garbage and not every child placement ends up with abuse
Definitely suspicious, and we all know it's going to come out eventually that at least one demon tranny has diddled him -- but unfortunately that's not proof friendo.
I've never seen the full-length one before. It's from some stream.
they will if it goes viral of him snorting drugs
wtf. He imitates snorting ketamine right after that tranny said "smoke ketamine on a couch". Where are the authorities? Is anyone going to investigate this clear abuse?
Not in Weimerica, I agree. Unfortunately.
When do we get the gas out again?
OP claims he has da proofs
his parents let him hang out with the guy who murdered this fool
>Andre Melendez, better known as Angel Melendez, was a member of the Club Kids and purported drug dealer who lived and worked in New York City.
This. Bump.
Wtf? Some mentally I'll tards suffering from gender dyspohoria is all I see. What's the back story?
the fact that this blatant abuse and degeneracy is allowed to continue without people literally forming armed lynch mobs to kill every single faggot involved in this is proof that it's all over. this wretched world will burn. only God can save us now.
what about the higher-ups? or the system in place? it won't be just one cop handling this, seeing how much attention this case already gets. and even if it were just the one cop, you'd need a whole lotta luck to get one of the good ones. these (((parents))) wont lose their kid
Most of us just want to eat, sleep and pay our bills man.
so far it's just America desu. I'd say it's hard to argue against the US being the Gayest country on the planet
>paki rape gangs
The entire west is fucked somehow
When the dam breaks - it's going to be bad.
Death to America.
Hail Jesus Christ.
Agreed. Everyday I learn to despise the general public a little bit more than the day previous.
So....NPC stuff.
and this is why we're losing and our society is collapsing
You sound like a federal shill.
Our country is fucked and the federal government is largely responsible.
Literally anyone who disagrees with this still lives with mommy and daddy, or is a beta incel faggot.
Screenshot faggot
press G to gas
Holy cringe, that projection!
Amen, but the real dream is to be your own boss and have people pay you endless monies to do what you love for a living
Your IP is from a 7 year old bodybuilding.com forum post?
Fuck him in the ass while he's high lol
Your flag checks out.
Liveleak would be a good idea, but punch up a WEBM and drop it here so it's easy for us to spread it. This is exactly the kind of shit that needs to get put out there to counter the jew pedo agenda.
People are getting increasingly pissed at this shit, I see it online and IRL all the time.
Eventually we will reach a tipping point, they will go too far and people will hang.
At least you're learning the terms, bot.
Where is the vid OP
That's not lactatia
>only God can save us now.
> We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not
>And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.
>And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life
>Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
what a load of crap. you only want to eat, sleep, and work because you cant see beyond the system anymore, basically giving up. im stuck in the system as well, but that doesnt mean its what i want to be doing with my life.
I was only joking. Americans don't get sarcasm/irony/humor. Flag checks out.
this is what peak degeneracy looks like
I have a wife and kid, but I guess being an unattractive lardass, crying on an anime image board all day, and blaming the jews for you being a disgusting beta is more important for the white race tho ;)
that dude's eyes. it's like looking into the void
your joke was trash. Is that what they consider humor in portugal? Just a degenerate comment is not a joke in of itself.
t.13 year old
fucking this
OP is fake and gay unless he delivers sauce of chilld gettting date-rape drugs pushed on him
What the fuck even is this? WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK???
meme magic
god bless you frens
Why would you make a thread claiming you have the video then not prove it? What did you expect would happen? Whatare you trying to gain from us calling uou a lying faggot?
oh sod off. you know damn well the chances of nothing being done are much higher than the chances of him getting any help. you can call it whatever you want, it won't change the fact that this kid is fucking doomed.
The way Desmond's father looks at him is just as creepy
Definitely a bot.
kys npc fag
interesting looking (((chap)))
God Bless you and your country too based Syrian user.
May you have peace in your lands, God Knows you deserve it.
>helicopter ride yeyyyy
WHERE IS THE VIDEO NIGGER?! Post it already or you're a bigger faggot than the guy on the couch.
kek. i've done a number on you
call up god, we're gonna need another civilization ending flood reboot here
doesn't mean anything, without actual proof
that it is a drug, they can deny and say it
was flour and there's nothing anyone can
We are reaching levels of wiemar we shouldn't be seeing
was just going to say, his jewish is showing.
im egyptian but yes our syrian bros deserve peace
>anyone who disagrees with me is a bot/shill/jidf
Sorry based Egyptian bro. Eyesight getting bad.
>his parents let him hang out with the guy who murdered this fool
There's some weird shit going on in the drag community.
Both Desmond and Lactatia said they started doing drag after watching Rupaul's drag race at a really young age. Rupaul was one of the original club kids, as was Alig. Rupaul worked in Alig's club. Desmond is amazing does videos with Alig and his mother seems obsessed with him. Both Lactatia and Desmond have been on camera with Rupaul.
There's something bigger going on behind the scenes here that we haven't figured out.
I'm working on censoring the rest.
Get it on bitchute
>censoring the rest.
What? Just post the video. What's there to censor?
I have no interest in incriminating my self.
Christ this faggot looks like he literally needs to kill children to prolong his life.
it really comes off as a fucked up cult
If he cant post it within youtubes guidelines how is it supposed to meme
love is surrounded by this wonderful person!