It is prohibited be hetero in the land of mutilated mutts. LOL

It is prohibited be hetero in the land of mutilated mutts. LOL.

It is even worse they want CHILD to be gay.

Any doubt USgay is the scum of the world?

>Fourteen states and the District of Columbia have already enacted laws prohibiting licensed therapists from trying to change a minor’s sexual orientation.


Attached: USgay.jpg (646x532, 103K)

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Free market brapitalism

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Underrated post.

It sucks but america is becoming Rome. We didn't learn from them so now we are repeating history.

>Rome was 1000x less degenerate than (((America))).

>Said the favela monkey using his 56k modem running from a cardboard shack

You're literally jealous.

What is the argument for banning it? The original argument for removing faggotry from the DSM was that it was believed to be genetic. That was a dumb argument because there are plenty of other things still in the DSM that are believed to be genetic--schizophrenia, for example.

What if we were able to detect a gay gene in the womb? Would it be OK to be abort your child because it was gay?

t. mutilated

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This is really about trannies recruiting kids. Conversion therapy bans mean that you can't tell kids they aren't trannies.

Conversion therapy is harmful

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Who is that lovely lady!

What's the big deal with gay conversion therapy? If I was a fag and there was an antidote, I'd take it in a split second, no questions asked. Am I missing something?

>land of mutilated mutts

It’s always my favorite when South Americans, particularly Brazil, calls us mutts. The irony is too much.

Also this:

yeah, it doesn't work lol
it's literal emotional abuse
and only increases the rates of depression and suicide

I hope the US has an emperor in my lifetime. Tired of democracy already, how do people go 80 years thinking it’s the best way?

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How do you know? Have you tried? Being gay means something inside your brain is fucked. Or some chemical inside your body is misbalanced. Why couldn't there be medicine to fix that?


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actually, most of the current literature points to it being conditioned from early childhood by experiences (like fetishes and other parts of sexuality)
which are all extremely difficult to change, and usually that change would have to happen organically
so while some people may outgrow fetishes, or acquire new ones over time, we've found it pretty much impossible to force faggots or pedophiles to change their preference

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I have the solution.

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user... That's depriving people of their right to live and pursue happiness

So happy that all these faggots try to commit suicide.

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Trannies arent gay. Gay conversion should be banned but there should be short buses driving around every state picking up trannies and putting them in conversion camps.

Gender dysphoria is highly comorbid with depression...

Cringe /leftypol/ D&C meme. Disregarded out of hand, filtered.

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