Gingerbread Persons

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what the fuck happened to your country

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Glass houses Hans. The same (((sickness))) afflicts us all.

Millions of muricans are retarded enough to financially enable their garbage fox news

It's a joke, kind of. There are leftists that nitpick to this level and while they are not necessarily representative of the mean, they illustrate the leftist tendency very nicely. They're living arguments to absurdity.

Leftists LOVE to pretend that they're no as insane as they really are.

Don't fall for it.

Well, it all started with this website called "MySpace"...

says the party that sends mailbombs and shoots up Synagogues, than tries to say antifa is the real terrorist bc they wear masks. lol complete projection

They discredit themselves.

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Didn't you guys recently shoot a congressman and mail anthrax or something to the white house? We could do this all day

Fox News is a joke that even Jow Forums is envious of at times.

Literally this. Not to mention the mail bombs were obvious false flag

Classic strawman tactics of the lazy failing Fox News.

Well, she's actually right. They're not preaching about gingerbread persons. They're preaching far, far worse.

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>camelback filename

>recently shoot a congressman
you have a very strange definition of recent

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>Antifa d-d-doesn't c-count!

imagine being a human and getting sucked into that

antifa is the "left-wing" box which is far outweighed by attacks from islamists and rightists

>the investigative fund

Nice unbiased source you have there, dipshit.

Um, sweetie, refusing to bake a cake is not "right wing terrorism"

>Everything I don't like is "right wing"

>The most conspicuous finding of the autopsy was large amounts of fat in large arteries and veins and in the cardiac chambers, as well as intravascular fat in organs, especially the liver.[6] This fat was unlikely to be embolic, but must have precipitated from the blood in situ.

Coward, Lucas, and Bergersen were exposed to the effects of explosive decompression and died in the positions indicated by the diagram. Subsequent investigation by forensic pathologists determined that Hellevik, being exposed to the highest pressure gradient and in the process of moving to secure the inner door, was forced through the 60 centimetres (24 in) diameter opening created by the jammed interior trunk door by escaping air and violently dismembered, including bisection of his thoracoabdominal cavity, which further resulted in expulsion of all of the internal organs of his chest and abdomen, except the trachea and a section of small intestine, and of the thoracic spine. These were projected some distance, one section later being found 10 metres (30 ft) vertically above the exterior pressure door.[6]

I've seen reports from GAO FBI and the conservative Brookings Institute all saying that right-wing terrorism in the past decade outweighs left about 2 to 1. Do you have a better, less biased source which disagrees with that?

notice how right-wing shills dogpile calling me wrong, but when pressed to show a chart or study of their own, suddenly the thread is silent. hmmm....

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post sources

Yes, it's called reality.
The Vegas shooter was a lefty, Pulse night club was Muslim.
>"not real Muslim"
Open the Quran.
Also leaving a note that says "ur gay" on someone windshield counts as terrorism.
The swastika painter in New York was a gay black man.
Now look at that picture, why didn't they paint over the pictures or at least knock over the computer?
Surly she wouldn't do this to herself for attention, and if that guy was smart enough to pick a lock don't you think he would have been smart enough to draw a proper swastika?
She painted it wrong to insult her imaginary attackers "lol we're smart and right wingers are dumb"
If you have to cheat, lie and create your own context maybe you're on the wrong side.

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We all saw that commie mother fucker loss his shot in the vape store.

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The only legitimate cases of right-wing terrorism in the past few decades were Dylan Roof and that stupid synagogue shooting. Libshits and Jews like to muddy the waters saying everything from prison shankings, to one-off killings, to Muslim terrorism, is all "right-wing" terrorism. By that same methodology, every black man who kills a white person for being white is left-wing terrorism. There were also attempts by left-wingers to blow up the inauguration and to gas the DC Metro.

the guy that shot up the synagogue was anti-trump

Those water supplies arent supposed to be exposed in living spaces, plus they dont look like the proper distance from each other

Even if they arent pushing it, it is logically consistent with their idealogy.

The best photo from the swastika hoax with the college professor, is she started to paint one wrong, and tried to cover it up with the word, 'Yid'.
My fucking sides.

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>what the fuck happened to your country
The same thing that happened to yours

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optics guy clearly stated that trump was stupid and a jew cock sucker, doesn't seem very right wing desu

But that type of behavior is ok.
Violence against jews is always ok.

It's just that it's ok to kill the children and families of leftists and jews

>She painted it wrong to insult her imaginary attackers
That isn't why they do it wrong. Many Jews have so great a fear of swastikas that they cannot bring themselves to make one. Some Jews even feel that way about the cross. Jews believe a great deal in the power of symbols.

>number of incidents
>doesn't post number of victims

>its just this one change stop being crazy
>2019 and 500,000 small changes later

haha ya man its not what the liberals are about

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Quran 8:12 – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”

“O ye who believe! When ye meet those who disbelieve in battle, turn not your backs to them. (16)Whoso on that day turneth his back to them, unless maneuvering for battle or intent to join a company, he truly hath incurred wrath from Allah, and his habitation will be hell, a hapless journey’s end.”

Ok, now THIS is epic

Wow Islamists are laughably incompetent.

They pick out parts of facts they like to deceive.
It's and old Jewish trick, plausible deniability.
"oy vey, I wasn't technically lying!"

Nah, he shot them for explicitly ethnonationalist reasons. But in typical Boomer retard fashion he shot a bunch of old crusty Jews while they were sucking on a bloody baby's dick. He should have gone after bankers or Soros or someone that actually matters in their elite cabal. Anti-white should be made afraid again.

Odd that the FBI disagrees with the illustrious "Investigative Fund".

>Homegrown Violent Extremists (HVEs): The FBI, however, can’t focus solely on the terrorist threat emanating from overseas—we also must identify those sympathizers who have radicalized and become HVEs within the U.S. and aspire to attack our nation from within. HVEs are defined by the Bureau as global-jihad-inspired individuals who are based in the U.S., have been radicalized primarily in the U.S., and are not directly collaborating with a foreign terrorist organization. Currently, the FBI is investigating suspected HVEs in every state.

How come the entire FBI Most Wanted roster is Muslims?

How come a Jewish man tried to blow up the inauguration?

How come a Jewish-led group called J20 tried to gas the DC Metro and didn't go to jail for it?

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