Why did ancient egyptians depict themselves as "black"?

If they were Turkish, why did the largely depict themselves as east Africans?

Attached: AncientEgypt.jpg (1340x718, 787K)

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Because those are whores and they lived in Africa you stupid fuck.

Attached: egypt artistic vs aryan.jpg (1685x1501, 827K)

Don't know when it started but the romans ruled egypt for a long time i think. They adopted the culture. Should explain why they have europeans in the coffins. How many mummies of rulers have they found? Did read somewhere also when Ramses the second lived the pyramids was considered ancient for him but donno if any of this is true.

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Those don't look black and what do you mean Turkish? Turks came much later from Central Asia.

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oh did they really?

Attached: Egyptians were bla... (uhm, no) - Ramses II smiting his enemies 2.jpg (1091x1227, 593K)

>If they were turkish
That's even more ridiculous a claim than that they were niggers.

sunbathing was present in white culture since ancient egypt

They look just like black chicks. Most blacks I know are not pitch black.

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Your niggers are part white you dumb ameriturd, the ancient egyptians looked more like Sicilians

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They didn't. Pictures like this have a high contrast added on.
Egyptians had olive toned skin. They also shaved their head and wore wigs made from animal hair to stop the spread of lights and to keep their head cool from the warm sun.

That right there is what Egyptians have always looked like. Copts are direct descendants of the ancient Egyptians and even speak the ancient language

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this is true

what that thing be doing? post in full you tease

Nope. Only the dick-washers were niggers.

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she looks like a light skinned black chick, white girls don't really wear braids.

probably because Sicilians are descendants of the Punic migrations out of Lebanon, and a lot of ancient egyptians have been genetically tested to be closer genetically to Palestine, Syria and Lebanon rather than modern Egyptians.

But depends what period too. The 25th dynasty of Egypt was black, and most of the dynasties are caste of upper Egypt was black until the end when it united with the Ptolemy Dynasty who were Greek.

They were Boreans like the rest of Eurasia, North Africa, and the Americas.

>They look just like black chicks.
>Most blacks I know are not pitch black.
If you have three crayons colored white, tan and black which would you use to color the white person and which would you use to color the black?

I see two black guys in that pic, one dark and one lighter.

If Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is real why isn't past knowledge real as well? C'mon go build those pyramids negro.

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Ancient Egypt was black, the one depicted in Old Testament. Egypt under Roman rule was a heavily mixed society this was New Testament era

To all the non-informed folks out there claiming that today's Egyptians aren't the descendants of the ancient Egyptians and are rather Arabs...
Today's Egyptians are, in fact, the genetic descendants of the ancient Egyptians, and less than 20% of their DNA is of Arabian origin, while about 70% of their DNA is north african/mediterranean, which in this case is equal to Egyptian ethnicity.
'Arab' isn't an ethnic thing. The world considers all people who live in the middle East and who speak Arabic to be Arabs, thus it is a linguistic thing.
And for Islam, most Egyptians have converted to Islam, be it willingly or forcefully, but that doesn't make them Arabs. Not all 'Arabs' are Muslims and vice versa.
No mass migrations have happened from Arabia to Egypt, and while culture, religion and language may have changed, the people didn't.

Also, the term 'Coptic' means Egyptian, and using it to refer to a minority group in Egypt is divisive. Coptic Egyptian literally means Egyptian Egyptian, even though Egyptian Muslims are no less 'Egyptian' than Egyptian Christians.

I guess this shows that Egyptians have stayed Egyptians for millennia and they aren't Arabs, genetically speaking.


If you have credible evidence that proves otherwise, I would like to check it out (and then recheck its credibility)?

everything you said was wrong. Cleopatra was the only greek pharaoh beloved by the people because she was the first of her dynasty to learn the language. do some more studying before you say that in public.

They didn't.

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OP is possibly a turk himself.

In their country they are taught that the first space rocket was from roachland.

cause you're black are 1/4th white mutts

yeah I'm sure the cultural distinction of who wears braids and who doesn't was the same thing 4000 years ago you fucking retard

sicilians descend mainly from greeks doe

Dick washers on deck
this is quite literally the opposite of truth. Being tanned was a sign of working class while pale skin was a sign of comfort

The Coptics are descendants but Muslim Egyptians are more closely related to Berbers. At some point since the Islamic Conquests there was a large migration from West Africa.

>This level of cope
You're a shitskin, and ancient Egyptian royalty weren't.
Sorry to break it to you, buddy.

Why dont you save the good pic you useless fuck?

Attached: Ramesses II the Great egypt.jpg (1103x882, 695K)

spoted chink

*your blacks

Niggers claiming anient Egyptians were black is understndable because they have no history or culture so they steal the nearest to them, but whites claiming ancient Egyptians were white even though they have rich history and culture is something i can't understand

no they don't. Punics were the first and major settlers in Sicily they are still closer related to them. Eastern Italy was settled by Greeks more so and is still pretty close to Greek

the original jews were ethopian slaves brought up into Egypt for labor on pyramids and shit.

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blacks do have a fairly interesting history, even if it doesn't get a lot of academic exposure.

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More proof that white pussy was made for the egyptian BLACK cock

Rameses didn't have red hair. Hair lightens during the process of mummification, you can find light haired mummies from any part of the world, including South America and China.

except most blacks don't look like that.

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if you say so tyrone

How light haired mummies prove that they weren't light haired shlomo?

t. Punic Internet Defense Force

Lol, the one you posted is like 1 in a million and is clearly a mixed mutt.
Typical American poster. Fuck off you stupid nigger.

Well that explains why he looks like a bitch

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you can't prove a negative so easily. What we have is genetic testing and ancient Egyptian DNA pairs up fairly closely with Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese DNA

those mummies tested in the most recent tests were not ethnic Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptians were probably both black and white. Let me explain since you guys don’t really get it; the peoples of North Africa and some of East Africa are actually the result of. Eurasian backmigration sometime before the last glacial maximum, and at some point they started speaking Afroasiatic languages.

Then, northern Egyptians have more in common with their Berber cousins to the west of them than southern Egyptians did, but they were most similar to each other. While southern Egyptians had more in common with their Cushitic cousins to the south, this is evident in dna markers such as haplogroup V12/32.

In any case both the northern and southern Egyptians shared much of their ancestry inbetween but the gradient of skin color varied, but they were neither “black” nor “white” as they had much less in common with either Europeans or Sub-Saharan Africans then they did with each other irregardless of skin tone.

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>Why did ancient egyptians depict themselves as "black"?
Because walls were black. It's called contrast.

Also this happens when you get outside under the sun, and then you look at your arm and it's black, but it's not because you got a tan, it's because Tyrone is assraping you.

And how does that prove Egyptians were niggers?

she a qt

Those are literally sex slaves. Of course they're niggers. Slavery is the natural state of the nigger.

Nubians and Ethiopians ruled for some time Egypt but they weren't native to region of Nile's delta.

they were heavily tanned

Attached: we were kkkkkkkkkimmmmgs.jpg (536x676, 379K)

tha major settlers were greeks, syracuse had like 250,000 greek inhabitants, akragas 300,000, and there were other greek cities, close to 70% of the island's population was greek likely, given it had 1 million people max

this is what i don't get as well

>bang rock on head
>bang head on log

meanwhile REAL egyptians.

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gee I guess all those niggers in Egyptian art were just Nords in blackface?. Most of Upper Egypt and their royal dynasties were niggers, and the 25th dynasty of lower egypt were niggers. The origins of Egyptian culture and pyramid building are actually in Sudan and Upper Egypt which was populated by niggers. Cairo and Alexandria which are more popularly known are genetically closer to current coptic christians

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Fuck that. Why do people with pale skin use dark skinned emotes?

So you think that jews are niggers?

the language of the island changed after the fall of Carthage and the expansion of greek cultural influence across the med, but genetically they aren't that close to greeks theyre still closer to their original settlers which were the punics

we wuz emoji n'shiet

What? The predynastic period started in the lower Nubia/upper Egypt region, and the dynastic period unification as well.

The Nubians and to a lesser degree Ethiopians form a continuum within the Nile racially, don’t take it from me click the Egyptian people wikiledia page right now and under “Genetic History” it says and I quote from noted Egyptologist Frank Yurco
“"Certainly there was some foreign admixture [in Egypt], but basically a homogeneous African population had lived in the Nile Valley from ancient to modern times... [the] Badarian people, who developed the earliest Predynastic Egyptian culture, already exhibited the mix of North African and Sub-Saharan physical traits that have typified Egyptians ever since (Hassan 1985; Yurco 1989; Trigger 1978; Keita 1990; Brace et al., this volume)... The peoples of Egypt, the Sudan, and much of East Africa, Ethiopia and Somalia are now generally regarded as a [Nile Valley] continuity, with widely ranging physical features (complexions light to dark, various hair and craniofacial types) but with powerful common cultural traits, including cattle pastoralist traditions (Trigger 1978; Bard, Snowden, this volume). Language research suggests that this Saharan-[Nile Valley] population became speakers of the Afro-Asiatic languages... Semitic was evidently spoken by Saharans who crossed the Red Sea into Arabia and became ancestors of the Semitic speakers there, possibly around 7000 BC... In summary we may say that Egypt was a distinct Afro-Asiatic African culture rooted in the Nile Valley and on the Sahara."[109]

You stupid moron, those are arabs.

southern italians of all sorts cluster halfway between central italians and greeks iirc, rather than nearer to levantines

Man doing shit and gets a tan while the woman chills inside or in shade. Duh

why would I think that?

history as the old testament is only accurate after the Jews were freed from Babylon. Archaeological evidence doesn't really match with the Jewish stories from before then. It's likely that the destruction of the area by Assyrians and Babylonians and the enslavement of the Jews was so destructive to our society we lost record of our history. Archaeological evidence after Cyrus freed the Jews from Babylon backs up the old testament history pretty well though. ie, the Jewish people didn't originate out of Egypt.


no Sicily. But Eastern Italy does

They did not. They depicted males as tanned and women as pale (or at least significantly lighter, meaning they were mostly Caucasoid in genetic composition).
>If they were Turkish
They weren't! They were Egyptian, much as they are now, but probably with less negroid admixture.

>Most blacks I know are not pitch black.
Because they are hybrids. They are not truly 'black;' not purely.

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they look black to me

Well, you’re stupid

Seriously are we talking black as in skin color or black as in negroid/sub-Saharan?

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They didn’t

one drop rule American definition of black

More proof niggers are retards that know they’re infeiror to white peoppe and Si can’t leave us alone

that's stupid, almost everyone in the USA is black then

>except most blacks don’t look like that
>posts pic of someone who looks nothing like the average black

Then they were most assuredly black. There’s a consistent level of Sub-Saharan genetic admixture in both ancient and modern Egyptians to varying degrees but almost none without Sub-Saharan ancestry at all.

Simple as

they're all Canaanites and not of this
world so they will have darker skin
but they are the slaves playing master
while the gods are asleep.

Attached: fake jews are egypt.jpg (1550x1050, 784K)

T. Shitskin whose infeiror to white people

Remind me again about how we made you out bitch and not the other way around

das rite black boi

git ready to suck muh dick chese


>Most blacks I know are not pitch black.
Because African Americans are 30% European.

>Why did ancient egyptians depict themselves as "black"?
a thread died for this
>in all fields

America does have a very expansive definition of "black". It's cultural as well as racial, which is why everyone from Mariah carey to Wesley snipes is "black". This is at the root of alow of the we wuzzery confusion. American blacks look at themselves at notice a striking resemblance to certain ancient people, that have little to nothing to do with them.

Isn't it weird how whites came down to build awesome civilizations across Egypt and the Mediterranean but left their own areas backwards shitholes for several thousand years

Ironically that would make them similar to ancient upper Egyptians and Egyptians at large. They were a mix of whatever Eurasian DNA is basal to North Africans and most likely Nilotes.

seem to be nearer to greeks

historically it is completely feasibel and likely cause of mass greek colonization which outplaced the locals at some point

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>uses 19th century European erotic fantasy art as an argument

Ok, now THIS is epic

Yes, they do. Stacey Dash is a mongrel. She has some European DNA, which is why she looks as good as she does.

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>American blacks look at themselves at notice a striking resemblance to certain ancient people, that have little to nothing to do with them.

Hit the nail on the head

the ruling caste of egypt was entirely white.
thankfully we HAVE pharoahs (and their families) bodies, and all have red/blond hair, and tests show they're of the r1b haplogroup, found almost solely in northwestern europe today.
As in nearly every other nation at the dawn of recorded history, the ruling caste was indo-european, the subjects were a darker mixed bag

well obviously. US blacks were mostly trafficked out of Central and West Africa, nowhere near egypt. But you get this other way, even on pol, where people think the egyptian royals were white. Arguably the ptolemic dynasty was which was greek but the rest weren't.