How did he uniroincally do it?

>used no violence
>severely hated (especially by kikes)
>belittled daily
>crucified and killed

>still went on to become the absolute most influential man in history, conquer the world & change history and the world itself forever

How the fuck, pol? Seriously.
It should literally be impossible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He was the son of God

Oy vey my ID the goy know

>used no violence

He was jewish and not real.

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If your not out there whipping the bankers then you are not christian

>>used no violence
13 And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.

14 And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting:

15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables;

16 And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

Makes me love him that much more

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What is a son if not the reincarnation of the father?

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Christians got lucky because it's the religion one of the Roman emperors converted to and then Ancient Rome chose it as their main religion.

It could have been any other European, or Middle-Eastern religion, there were lots of prophets and cults at the time.

Because he never existed, stop believing in fairy tales.

By being the son of God

He had the best booze hookup back the

>Christians got lucky

Nah, Jesus planned this all out.

obviously I meant he used no violence in the sense that he didnt raise armies etc. to spread his faith, like mohammed and so many others did. Yet his religion went on to become the most powerful

>crucified and killed
do you really think that the son of god would die in that way?
it's kike bullshit

>used no violence
Go back and read those gospels one more time. Pic related.

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It’s not really him that should get the credit, but his whore mother that made a lie just to not get caught having another man’s baby. She caused the whole religion. If she didn’t say “it’s uuuhhhh, a god baby. An angel totally told me so”, nobody would have given a shit about jesus

>runs to the Galilee

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>kicking off some dirty merchants off your temple

You're literally a SJW faggot.

If you think he changed the world the first time around just wait and see.


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Jewish tricks.

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>just wait and see.
i have been my entire life

He was God's son and man. He liived sinless. Death couldnt hold Him, because it was unfair. And he showed us the way. That sin is the plague of mankind. He washed his Apostles feet. Teached us all to be humble. He was humble as God. How cant you be humble as a man? Jesus is the light of human history.

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This is all well and good and all.

But I feel we should address... what he's going to do with... you know... them.

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First post holy post

Yeah, out of the more than 40 religions that existed back in Roma Christianity destroyed all the competetion because they were "lucky".
Not only that, but inspired men from completely different backgrounds to unite and become the most popular religion in the world.
And besides that, the other two Abrahamic religions also became protagonists, with muzzies conquering people through fear and jews being the wealthiest group in the world; both trying to destroy Christianity constantly

If humanity is not a Manga written by Jehovah himself, I don't know what it is.

Thousandsnof people saw him resurrected. He rezzed Lazarus, who went on to become bishop of Limassol (Cyprus) for decades. Every year the miracle of Holy Fire happens in Orthodox Easter in Jerusalem. You just dont want to believe.


Try again, goy.

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Nice ad populum retard

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>If humanity is not a Manga written by Jehovah himself, I don't know what it is.
Cringiest and stupidest thing I have ever read in the entirety of my life. I unironically want you and others who believe in such bullshit to kill yourselves.

What the fuck that’s a spooky ass coincidence that we both have Jew in our ids

You forgot the miracle in the sky, that whole legions saw.

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The fuck my I’d changed

Vama Marga. One of very few instances in history of Vama Marga done right, bless His heart.

obviously God changed his mind about you being a jew

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Jesus' entire philosophy was "be nice and you'll get an eternal reward, not those mean rich and powerful people though lol". It was populist demagoguery 101. That is the single most desirable message for any low tier person to hear. It is also an extremely useful thing for your peasants and slaves to believe if you are high class.

That's really it. The smoke and mirrors about resurrection is entirely irrelevant to the core philosophy, and if it wasn't Jesus teaching it it would be someone else.

He openly spoke the truth and had an immense amount of wisdom.

The kikes and NPC's subconsciously feared him, because of this they subconsciously viewed him as a threat.

The same thing will happen to you if you try to right whats wrong in the world.

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Easy, he never judged while he walked on earth

this isn't Jow Forums

praise the lord I’ve been saved

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It's called genetics. Why didn't Christian Ethiopians go on to conquer the world? Why did Hellenic and Roman pagans conquer the world?

He is God.

Is it possible large parts of what was written about him in the Bible is completely made up?

Crucified people were left on the cross until there was literally nothing left of them but bones - because of raven etc.
A ca. 33 year old carpenter at the height of his physical strength, taken from the cross after 48 hours...and he died ?
Thousands saw him resurrected ? Yeah, because he did NOT die on the cross. Fairytales, nothing else.

Whatcha doin rabbis?

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>That is the single most desirable message for any low tier person to hear.
Then how come the high-tier people was the ones who converted first? Not just in the baltics but in the Roman Empire as well. A lot of people believe the unresearched meme about the slaves etc. who first converted to Christianity in the roman empire, but actually the opposite is true. It was the high-tier people who first converted, almost always. Source: "how the west was won" by Dr. Rodney Stark.
The high ranked people converted despite even risking death penalty for it. So what was it about Christianity that was so desirable for them?

>He openly spoke the truth and had an immense amount of wisdom.

Name a single thing jesus said that wasn't said by someone else before.

Nope but he was a Jew who wanted to expose Jews early on and they made an example of him. That's why he is a martyr.


>inb4 ID says 'uRfag'


How tf would we know either way? Jesus probably would have told them the Torah was just fan fiction if he had any way of knowing.

could it be that you fucking changed IPs you dumb fuck


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The power of Love, Scandybro

Beautiful ID

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Some ID you got there

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Are you this fucking retarded? The reason they converted was for power that is all for control and for jewish money usury.

At the time its appeal came from the fact that it was actually about preaching decent values like not being a greedy fuck and molesting children, but it took people about 2000 years to figure out Christianity as an institution does fuck all to stop these things.

I find it so strange when I read these threads in which Christians are declaring their faith and undying devotion to Jesus. They are essentially saying in such a nonchalant manner that they are painfully retarded and can't comprehend simple logical fallacies and discern fact from fiction.

If they believe Christ was holy because of how wide spread Christianity has become shouldn't they admit the same for the Prophet Mohammed?

They are under Jewish meme magic and it has blinded them to reality they actually believe a Rabbi died for their sins so he as his farther wouldn't murder them all for the sin he condemned them to. If it sound utterly ridiculous it's because it is!

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yeah right boomer faggot. infowars is gay

boomers are yahweh loving faggots


God I wish I could be like him. I think about that every day. I'm not even a 1/10th of the man he was. Pissed the kikes off so much they still cringe at his name. I advise all anons to speak the name of Jesus Christ to shills and JIDF they will not be able to fight you.

in Judea the Jews were allowed to follow their burial customs. Pilate literally advocated at first for His release but acquiesced to the Jews demands for His execution. Allowing His body to be properly buried was within reason in this circumstance.. Applying some generalization concerning Roman Crucifixions is without support

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you cucks

>pic related

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Religion should be banned on Jow Forums, its a website for weebs not westboo/christboo mutts


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I bet you dontt even wear tzitzit you heretic


not that one clearly you dimwit

Here the jew goes again. Imagine being a jew, taught from the Talmud. What scum you are. What utter vile filth you rats are.

I actually have a full dick so I can't imagine being jewish

>It should literally be impossible.

Nothing is impossible...when you're imaginary.

I believe you Shlomo now into the oven you go we've heard enough of your lies.


tit zits?

>used no violence
>severely hated (especially by kikes)
>belittled daily
>crucified and killed
>still went on to become the absolute most influential man in history, conquer the world & change history and the world itself forever

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are you on mobile or were you on mobile before?

Enjoying the views from the (((City of London))), Moshe?

Because a Roman Emperor took advice from a lead induced hallucination and got lucky on a battle field once.

Those that do not know, speak. The less they know, the louder they are. I'm talking about you btw you monkey fucker

Yeah nobody cared who jesus was until he started yeetin on Jew bankers and challenging Roman authority. Jew are right about one thing that his dad was human and probably a Roman soldier named Pantera.
>yfw Jesus was an Italian Jew

Seems more like a website for jews at this point

They ought to delete these threads as well they have nothing to do with politics. Move them to /his/ or /x/ why do they need to spam this board with their none sense?


check the boxes, nigger. do you think a religion becomes popular across cultures when it's the law to kill nonbelievers like muslims or take them over like jews? evangelize them or they're going to hell; we're here to help. Look we had a pentacost and part of our religion gave us a giant group of old fuckers who now automatically understand your language and culture and want to help you to also jesus died for this. Use your mind you useless slob.

lmao oh no he wiped some jews in his jew temple fucking kill yourself.
you are the boomer.

>The reason they converted was for power
What? They converted despite risking being stripped of all ranks, thrown naked into gladiator arenas or severely tortured. They lived in the shadows for hundreds of years.
It wasnt before Christianity was made state religion it would be logical to convert for power
>preaching decent values
Its not the Bibles fault people choose to ignore those values.
Christianity has done incredbly much in advancing those values as well. The Roman Empire was beyond fucking degenerate before Christianity.
And if you take a look at todays world, the average atheist is way more fucking degenerate than the average Christian. Thats for sure

>kvetching so hard about a thread you don't like
there is a "hide thread" function you know

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this. religion should be banned on Jow Forums completely. There are a fuckload of shill threads and advertising priests that are on here shilling constantly

He is the son of God

My ancestry DNA test says I’m not jewish at all. All white. British, Irish, and German. But okay. Buddy, not falling for a Jewish whore’s trick doesn’t make someone a kike

No all of it has to go. Even buddhist on /x/. Spiritual people need to be dropped into the middle of the bermuda triangle

Identical twins magic act and after one of them was crucified the other one went for the grand finale. This is why he wasn’t listened to in his home town, they knew the trick.

>Richard Carrier
>BA from Berkely
That's a big nope in believing his arguments. Since he's trying to refute Tacitus and multiple other historians of the time period also it's skeptical, and all he does is cast doubt. Carrier himself also seems to have some (((subversive))) genetics.

I'm 18 years old grandpa. Your fedora tipping movement will be but a footnote of the 21st century.

" preaching decent values" part was meant for