How many books have you read this year, Jow Forums?

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>no Mein Kampf
wtf is this?


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All of them

T. Librarian

>most popular eceleb shilling based Mishima

When's he going to review Ernst Junger?

Also post subtle redpill books.

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About 50 something like that

Probly like... three

I'm currently reading Moby Dick.

Pewdiepie is a pedo satanist get that weeb faggot off my screen you cocksucking zoomer faggot


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Not as many as I would have liked to. I can’t seem to concentrate on one book.

On my third book this month, don't know how many I've read this year.

Rake yourself

>fucking around in a boring video game means you act that way in real life

I guess Anita was right all along.

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I've read four books this year, recently I was cleaning the garage and found some old books of my fathers. Lots of political gold from the 80s and JFK conspiracies. May squeeze another book in by the end of the year. I truly want to read more, its all I did when I was younger.

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Zero, just got a kindle though, hoping to read at least 100 in 2019.

65 books this year. fight me.

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about 3.145

Do audio books count?


every time i post about this, faggots come out of the woodwork to defend this jew asset

Same, unfortunately. I probably read about fifteen, but don’t remember too much from all of them. I feel like I did this year on cruise control, just putting in enough effort to stay where I was.
I don’t do resolutions, but I plan to start reading next year much more.
Starting with Plutarch

Sure, why not?



fuck off faggot only shills post shit like "proof" do what i told you to do and come to your own conclusion you ass blasting kike

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Proof brah?

About 10.
I'm reading pic related right now. The intellectual right in Germany is quite good if you dig a bit.
H-D Sander is an excellent author. Shame he died recently.

forgot pic

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3 if you dont count the books i read to my kids:
>hardboiled wonderland and the end of the world
>the odyssey
it was a busy year with work

>tfw Felix shilled for a (((holocaust survivor)))'s book.

he said the book is about the people in camps who were doing some self destructive behavior like SMOKING.

they allowed prisoners to have cigarettes and take breaks to smoke? lmao fuck off

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0 in 2 years at least

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Everything I said had merit, his parents are both corporate executives (suspect) his odd way of explaining his relationship with his sister (suspect) his overwhelming popularity for such a seemingly normal guy (suspect) the way he jokes about pedophilia and the detroit: become human series (suspect)

do yourself a favor and break your fingers, stop posting

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I read a whole bunch of the Horus Heresy series.
Really got in the Warhammer this year, it's pretty fashy.

Six million

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i dont have definitive proof, i never said that but his behaviour when it comes to certain subjects mirrors that of pedophiles and his life contrasts others ive seen rise out of the woodwork to all of the sudden be the most popular thing out there

And the proof, leafenstein?

>inb4 I don't have any, but it's really suspicious!


Learn Umlaute, you are at least genetically German

ad hominem? how about a counter arguement?

i never said i had proof, only suspect behaviour AND COME TO YOUR OWN CONCLUSION

Not enough

Are you that 178 IQ Frog?

0 because I'm a nigger that can't read.

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I bought like 8 books, and read about 1/5 of each one, so ... that's like 1 and 3/5 of a book...

Accurate but it needs a star of David or happy merchant in the last panel

Your claim is backed by nothing other than your paranoid conspiracy autism. Provide proof and we can talk about counter-arguments, leaf

/lit/ report in

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does manga and light novel count?

The implication that the EU is a legitimate body and not a corporate doppelganger made to leech off free Europeans upsets me. Also it's hard to type umlauts on burger keyboards.

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let's be goodreads friends fag

are you new here? like i cant wrap my head around where you're coming from

shilliest of shills

ad hominem attacks, never addresses the arguement only condemns what you say without any counter


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The ignorance of the Right is Always very tiresome. You always realize ist made up of the uneducated lower class which Needs Jow Forums, because their viewpoints are rightfully frowned upon in dignified Company.

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Is PewDiePie a /lit/ poster?
We know he hangs out on /b/

he is probably not a poster, but definitely lurks at least, because he reads some of our memebooks that you wouldn't otherwise read just getting into lit

Felix is a fucking faggot that caters to zoomers that should be ww3 fodder i hate this planet

Is Evola actually good? I have to choose between him and Oswald Spengler for my next heavy book and I can't tell if he's the real deal or if he's just another fashy goy that Jow Forums likes to shitpost about. I've read Man and Technics and I know Spengler has good ideas.

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I don't normally keep track but I'd say at least 50.


chose Spengler first. Evola is interesting and does have some great ideas, but Spengler is much more relevant.

that's not how it works

What's top row second from the right? Can't make it out.


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This, except for textbooks

Bro I’ve read like15 books on tape this year

What site is this?

he said that he survived 3 or 2 concentration camps they killed ((((6 million jews)))) but failed at killing one guy

Maybe a hundred or so. That means finishing two a week. I should read more.

It is not as good as reading Guénon. But if you are to read Evola, I highly recommend that you read The Hermetic Tradition first. Revolt Against The Modern World wont make too much sense if you just read it straightfoward (not because its hard, its a very easy read, but its good to be well acquinted with the esoteric worldview), so take that as a good introduction.
Spengler is a bit overrated in my opinion, but its still an important read.

Counting a play as a book is cheating unless it's a critical edition with a score of essays and articles on the play. The play itself you can and should read in one sitting.

I liked how he knew mentioning mishima would get him in trouble so he had to troll them with a muh holocaust survivor book.
(survives three concentration camps)
(people who drank and smoked died in the camps lol)

I have a boring job where I just sit and wait so I probably read around 40 books this year.

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A Christmas Carol –read it on Christmas Day

I guess I cheat a lot then, because I have been reading a lot of plays recently. It counts for low number of pages though.

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I dont follow pewds is he bringing Mishima to light? Hopefully this doesnt attract all the "I'm so unique" girls to his books like it did murakami.

oh wait my bad I totally misread your question. It was Caesar and Cleopatra by Shaw

>Pewds read Yukio Mishima

He really is /ourguy/.

Yeah I'm sure Trump is controlled, that must be why the lying press keeps shitting themselves 24/7 for two and a half years now.

didn't even know he had a sister. she cute?

meant for


Five. Some w40k books and Ride the Tiger.

>there are almost no Wyndham Lewis books still in print
>none of the libraries in my area carry and of his works besides Tarr or a couple essays

At least they have a dozen copies of each Game of Thrones book.

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That guy makes me think the moon landing may have been a campaign to bankrupt the Russians

When Alexander Cockburn died, the people who took over Counter Punch deleted a lot of important material, purged good author's, and took a pro climate change stance, which the original founder was against :'-(

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I used to be able to finish books in less than three days, now it takes me about two weeks which has greatly reduced the amount of literature I consume.

>oldest book is a reprint of a science fiction classic
There are no old books on your shelf. Basically you are a total pleb when it comes to knowing anything.

I finished Gulag Archipelago last week and I'm making my way through Modern Times.
It's an absolute tome, but it's incredibly detailed, well written, and has already changed my perspective on the West.

the rest are on deck

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>checked for Wyndham Lewis
I have pdfs or epubs of
>America and Cosmic Man
>Blasting and Bombardiering
>Hitler Cult
>Rotting Hill
>The Demon of Progress in the Arts
>The Jews - Are They Human?
>The Writer and the Absolute
i got them all off libgen iirc

this collection has some of the books and a lot more

> Mishima
Absolute madlad, how can't (((they))) see it? He was basically a rice-eating NS. Are (american) journalists really that intellectually limited to imagine such thing?

Only manga

Been reading up on Chinese history. Interesting stuff. It's a shame what the commies did to them

1/2 a book. I've got about half a dozen under my bed waiting to be read


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I read it again this year, always a good tale.

I've written sixteen.

Not as many as Pewds. Good for him. Mishima is indeed God and someday he’ll get the recognition he deserved when all the bitter Jews clinging to their holocaust memoirs stop calling him stilted.

do huffpo editorials count?

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