ITT: Ask the opposite gender anything

Before you post a question, check the FAQ to see if it's already been answered.
Keep questions short for more answers.
If you're not going to like honest answers, don't ask your question.
And please no derailing arguments.

>Do girls/guys like ?
>What do girls/guys think about
There is no one answer. Preferences differ, but complexes are always a turn-off.

>I'm shy and afraid of people/rejection. What do I do?
Get over it by practising and exposing yourself to it, little by little, step by step. There is no single magical moment that will instantly change you forever.

>I like someone. What do I do?
>How can I tell if someone likes me?
Ask them out.

>Where do I meet girls/guys?
Anywhere outside. Or online.

>Someone did something insignificant. What does it mean?
Nothing significant. You're overthinking it.

>XYZ happened. Interpret this for me please
We're not in their head, we don't know.

>This person did something that hurt my feelings. Why do guys/girls do this?
Because shit people are shit people. It's not a gendered thing.

>Someone has made it super clear they're no longer interested in me. Do I still have a chance?

>Where do I go on a first (or subsequent) date?
Pick one or more of the following: coffee, lunch, dinner, drinks, ice cream, movies, zoo, aquarium, museum, art gallery, .

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Friend tells me that a girl that I've been talking to rolled her eyes as I walked away
>The next day I jokingly ask her if she wants to get drinks sometime at the bar she works at(she works as a hostess at the bar connected to the hotel I work at)
>Says no I can't get drinks at her work but someplace else would be great
>Realized that I fucked up and asked her out
>She gives me her number
I'm guessing she's just trying to get some free drinks? Considering she seemed to be annoyed by me
Also I have a gf and she doesn't know that

An eyeroll could be something like "ugh he's annoying", but it can also be more affectionate. The fact that she accepted a date seems like she probably doesn't hate you.

>have big crush on girl
>she likes me but we dont become a thing because of my 'tism, or she was just friendly to begin with
>she eventually get bf, im not very happy bout that but well, my fault afterall
>months go by, i basically stopped interacting with her whatsoever, trying to avoid eye contact too but yeah at work so it happens
>she looks at me sometimes like im serial rapist or something

Idk if im this intimidating or she considers me turbo creep or shit.
Shes sorta weird herself, but in cute way but the way she looked at me today while her boyfriend was talking in front of her.
Like between "who the fuck is that guy" and surprise but she sees me almost everyday.

Regrets still hurt to be honest

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>>Realized that I asked her out
>>Also I have a go
When kids used to play in a wheat field I would stand by a cliff and stop them from running off it. They called me the catcher in the WHY
When Mario and his friends drive off the map, I pick them up and set them back on track because I'm WHYguy
Sometimes I go swimming and for a sauna at the WHY mca

GF not go

are there actually any girls in this thread, or dudes older than 16?

I'm 16 and a half in December.
For real though, almost everyone in these threads is early 20s.

I ask her out as a joke.
Didn't realize she was gonna take it seriously

I'm 20 year old dude

Don't ask out people you're not prepared to go out with.

Wait how old are you if you need to ask the question?

so a bunch of men barely old enough to be on this board answering questions aimed at girls?

What a stupid thread

No a binch of men barely old to post on this board are asking questions that will go unanswered.

How do I learn to be more comfortable with my sexuality? Chicks dig me, but I have some mental seal holding me back from allowing myself to nurture this part of myself

this too.

I'm 27, my life is still a mess so I probably should not be giving out advice.

Don't be harsh, there are actual girls here. But, seriously dude this is such a confrontational way to begin to ask for advice. Anyways, what do you want help with?


Just had confidence boost:
>walking out of my sisters house shirtless in jeans
>im not ripped but breddy big since lifting seriously for 2years
>girl driving in car slowly looks at me and has big grin
>other girl i only saw in store before waved to me

Yet im almost 26khhv haha!

Quickest way to build up confidence needed to talk to girls?

Talk to girls you're not attracted to about mundane things in situations where it doesn't matter. Then escalate from there. i.e.
>ask that girl beside you in class if she knows when the midterm is.

Women, how do you feel about the exorbitant rise in creepshots? Does it worry you that anyone in the street or on the beach or wherever could be taking pictures of your body? Do you even think about it at all?

I feel like I'd be terrified and self-conscious all the time.

Thanks kind user

I'm not extremely attractive (maybe a 7/10 on a good day) so no. I go to a private beach, and I dress very conservatively.

She got back in touch with me out of nowhere after a long silence. Nothing happened, we just split up for summer so didn't really stay in touch. We only know each other roughly 3 weeks? maybe more, thats how long we'd hang out and get to know each other, then a few months of nothing.

When I'd reply to her she'd message me pretty much instantly, like she's waiting for the message. I'm not sure what she wants from me since theres been some mixed signals but does this mean something? How do I play this out? I don't want to leave her hanging but at the same time I don't really want to reply instantly myself, it'll get annoying and boring for either one of us eventually.

And asking her out isn't an option for now, we live way too far apart and pretty much need to be back in college to see each other again.

Should I give options when suggesting a date to someone? eg
>do you want to go the zoo saturday, or would you rather visit the x museum


Would it be a bad idea for a 27 year old man to talk to 19-20 year old girls. He looks like he’s 21

I'm inclined to say no, you should pick one. I'm pretty sure decisiveness is generally an attractive trait.

I fucked up and the girl Im fucking casually is getting too attached. Its there any way to return to normal casualness without her feelings getting hurt?

>Its there any way to return to normal casualness without her feelings getting hurt?

No. This is why casual sex damages so many people. Because it’s bullshit

If you dont dress like a whore you have nothing to worry about

This. If a girl dresses modestly then what does she have to worry about?

Or maybe she considers me attractive physically but is repulsed by every other quality of mine

Feela badman
I have moved on from her but it still stings.
i need to go out more

I crave a more dominant woman. How do I get one to be my gf?

Date a leftist girl. Just be warned, she will make your life hell

What are women supposed to wear at the beach then?

A burkini if you're not french. Just kidding, these guys are trying to justify blatant creep behavior.

Leftist girls are chumps

Drink alcohol. Not the best way, but it is definitely the fastest. Less than 30 minutes

they are feminists tho

rose are red violets a blue,
you are where so fat in that dress
when you talked all I heard was moo

Getting beat up during sex might be fun too, but what I'm hoping for is someone who will reassure me when I need it, challenge me in constructive ways, and bring out the more fun, supremely confident, hotblooded side of my personality

So you mean you want an actual decent girlfriend?

It's alarming but nothing you can do about it so I try not to think about it too much. I don't do a lot about my appearance, am not strikingly attractive, don't wear revealing clothing so I am not a very likely target.

But it's absolutely gross and intimidating when it happens. I've once had a guy from the window across take pictures of me while I was sitting in my open window in tiny pyjama shorts because of the heat - an outfit I wouldn't even have liked to be seen with out on the streets. Very unpleasant, you feel like an animal at the zoo.

It's legal, you can go for it. I wouldn't necessarily advise you to, though. Most people feel they change a ton between that age and yours. There's also the stigma, particularly if it's a pattern where you seek out girls that much younger.

Nah, leave it at one. Comes across more confidently and more casual than anticipating that she might have an issue with the activity you picked. If that's the case she can tell you herself.

Stop caring so much about how you come across, it's her business if she wants to respond right away. If you feel too awkward maybe throw in one text saying you don't have your phone on you all the time. Otherwise just do what you prefer.

When you put it that way, yes

When a girl you've been dating drastically changes her communication style with you (within day's going from goodmorning'/goodnight texts, using pet names, sending selfies and lewd pics, to none of the above,
although still talking consistently and full sentences) are you pretty much fucked?

Well then I have no idea where to find them. You just gotta keep searching.

I'm still looking for the person that was talking to me Thursday night about my ex gf, if you're still around.

My response was too long, so I stuck it in a pastebin. It contains answers to all of your q's and more dets about the relationship/break up/since.


>she's hurt and guarded.

Yep, that's the impression I get.

>if you can soothe the hurt and assure her it'll be worth letting the guard down, you stand a chance. tall order but perhaps not impossible.

I don't really know how to do that at this stage. On one hand, I don't want to be pushy after all that's transpired over the last month and further drive her away. On the other, I don't want to come off as desperate and pathetic. That said, I’m out of her league, but she was always a 10/10 to me and we worked great together. I badly want her back, but nothing's worked thus far.

So I just started dating this girl, like less than a week ago. We've known each other for a few months, but just started dating. We went out on 2 dates last week, and she seems pretty enthusiastic about the whole thing which is really cool.

Our communication via text is very sparse though. Few texts a day, sometimes none in a day. I sort of actually prefer it that way, we've both said how we're bad texters and like to take our time replying. I'm just a little worried she's going to take it as disinterest though, is my issue. Last girl I dated texted me 24/7 and I really didn't like it, so this is basically the complete opposite.

Should I text this girl more? Or is this like the dream scenario where I don't have to worry about her being mad I missed a text or something.

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Man asking woman:
So I’ve been with this woman a few weeks now. She’s very beautiful and we get along great. In bed, I get her off every time through eating out, nipple sucking, all that good stuff. And during this I get a hard on. When I go to actually insert the D, I get limp. Now I attribute this to having been single for a long bit and have gone back to death gripping my cock. And have since obstained from jerking off the past 6 days in hopes I can somehow get my mojo back.

Now I talked to her about this, made it known it wasn’t her and all that. Assuming next time I see her, and say again my stuff doesn’t work, how I proceed? Additionally, as a woman in this situation, how would you feel, what would you think?

>It's legal, you can go for it. I wouldn't necessarily advise you to, though. Most people feel they change a ton between that age and yours. There's also the stigma, particularly if it's a pattern where you seek out girls that much younger.

The reason I asked is because I don’t know how to meet girls my age. It’s very difficult. I’d prefer girls closer to my age but I don’t know how to do that. so, I’m taking a class next month at a local college just for fun. But I know it’s a basic class so it’ll be full of 18-20 year olds

What's the best way to get over a longterm break-up when you thought it was all gonna work out and you can't see a silver-lining beyond finding out now and not five years down the line?

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>implying girls dont take creepshots of chads too

Absolutely this.
Girls you're not attracted to can't make you(most of the time) nervous. Just talk to her and flirt a little bit so you will be prepared for the real deal.

Are girls also as worried about what the guy thinks of them as the guys are about the girls?

I always get worried about what she thinks of me but I can never tell if she is worried about what I think of her. Anything in particular to look out for? would she be nervous or quiet around me if she liked me? I get nervous and quiet sometimes

>Are girls also as worried about what the guy thinks of them as the guys are about the girls?

>Get Crush on a Childhood Friend proper oneitis
>Start talking to her again roughly 3 years ago
>She knows I like her and she cares about me
>Fast forward to now.
>Things have got interesting
>She's acting more "Motherly" after I mentioned she'd be a great parent.
>She is suddenly Increasing the x's after nearly ever text
>Finally says that she always wants to be there for me and loves me.
>I Say I feel the same word for word.
Now this is the confusing part Anons, this is a girl I've wanted since I was a child yet after hearing that I went from feeling amazing about hearing it to feeling nothing, it's like my interest has been suddenly dropped off of Everest, I don't want to feel like this and I don't know why I feel suddenly like this especially when this is a girl I honestly wanted to care about and have a family with, can anyone help give a hypothetical reason for why I might be feeling this way?

This goes to both genders, do you think about whether or not people think about you?

I realised I assume I leave someone's brain forever the second I leave their sight. Like there's no way they think about me or tell others about me and all that.

I can't tell if it's a sign of low self-esteem or merely not giving a fuck.

You're patching yourself out. You can't get hurt if you don't care and now that getting invested and therefore getting hurt are very real possibilities, you're trying to protect yourself. You see it all the time in many forms. "A girl that pretty could never like me", "he must be asking me out as a joke". It's a sort of pre-selection.

I wish someone thought about me sometimes

Please help me out

This is for anyone.

>GF doesn't like it when I where basketball shorts and or sleeveless shirts in public
>Wears tanktops all day and leggings
>I tell her I don't think its exactly fair
>She says she thinks those clothes dont look good
>I tell her if she doesnt like what I wear buy me clothes she likes
>She does that
>I wear them

My question though, is simple. Is she trying to change me into someone I am not or does she legit think its trashy? I have told her repeatedly I wear what I find comfortable. If we are going to Walmart I dont need to wear Jeans and a V Neck. If I am going to a fancy restaurant I do need to wear Khakis and a button up. I think those are logical conclusions, yes? I am at a lose. This isn't a serious relationship breaking issue, but it has been on my mind.

its her version of making you wear a burka
while she walks around flaunting her shit
sounds like hogwash to me

>be cashier today
>somewhat cute thicc girl pays
>she gasps at the price
>ask her for it
>she laughs and says Im cute
>proceeds to ask me about how's my job
>I ask her back half seriously if she wants to apply there
>finish her order and she asks me if she can go
>I tell her she can stay if she really wants
Was she just flirting with me at work?
If she was then how should I reply to her flirts?

So I picked up a chick and she's head over heels for me, we had good sex and she's pretty kinky, but in the visual department sadly a bit lacking, 7/10 on a good day at best.

She told her friends about me and they love me, quite a few of them single so she asked me if I had any single friends. In fact my best friend is single and she sent me photos of her friends who all look quite a bit hotter than her and now I'm jelly as fuck, but don't wanna ruin things for my bro.

wat do?

God i wish that happened to me

I don't particularly, unless I really like someone like a crush, then I'll hope that I'm on their mind

I've got a question for the women, how do you feel about the idea of a guy masturbating to you? I don't like to do it since it feels like I'm defiling a woman's image, even if she's hot and I only find her physically attractive

Not them, but how do I stop doing this to myself? I can attract girls by just being myself and not going out of my way to draw their attention, but once one takes an interest in me, the most I do is just enjoy the attention they give me. Hell, two of the biggest reasons I don't seek girls out is because I wouldn't know what to do if one was receptive and I don't believe any of them would like me, despite evidence to the contrary

Honestly, there isn't a magic solution to this. You really need to just bite the bullet at some point.

Don't even know if this will get answered, but it's been bugging my mind lately

So, my female best friend
She's one of the persons I trust the most, if not the most trusted, and I'm positive she feels the same way, we have a complex yet strng relationship, and we value each-other's company and thoughts

Now this has been a platonic relationship since we started being friends. As the sperg I was, I craved female attention, but after getting to know her better, I realized I only saw her as a friend
I never asked her, but we are almost a decade old friends, so she probably must've adressed this in some similar way herself, because she has shown no romantic interest in me

Still, as I said, we've always had a weird relationship, which I can't exactly put my finger on exactly what, but it comes out in weird behaviours
Some of them are just quirks, or an innatural cordination (in many ways)
Recently, as I've began to behave like a proper human being, and started to get female attention (that's the only thing I can think of being different recently), some of these weird behaviours I think have sexual tones, and I don't know what to think of it

We are both single at the moment (she's been for a loooong time, and I'm a virgin), but I don't know what's gone through her head lately

Really, when I'm with her I have a blast, like always, but then I get home and I'm all thinking about the day that passed

I know It's not easy to diagnise something as general as this (I know I'm being way to vague on some things), so I'll try asking, to those girls that have long-time male friends, how is your relationship?
Do you lust after him?
Can a man and a woman be platonic friends even after such a long time?

Gonna need examples of these possibly sexual behaviours for a proper diagnosis

Lies. Also roastie detected.

I fell really hard for a girl who just had a messy breakup. She and I bonded while she was in a relationship, she told me she liked me back then and felt horrible for it. I couldn't pursue her then, it felt wrong, I shot down every attempt she had. But now that she's single she says she doesn't want another relationship and that she now views me as family.

It's really heartbreaking since I expected we'd try our thing, I started seeing her romantically after she confessed, after all. It hurt a lot, especially because she showed interest in some guy who won't stay long in the country and her ex. After seeing that I had a nightmare and a horrid panic attack. I told her I can't meet/talk with her for a while, which seemed like the best choice. She then said she needs me, and doesn't want things to be this way. I said we should meet and talk about it later this week. So femanons what's your advice on winning her over, and if I fail what's your advice on getting over her?

Have you ever actually met a woman? They're some of the most insecure beings on the planet and they constantly do weird mental gymnastics because of it. Shit like
>does my bf really love me if he uses porn?
They're pretty fucking concerned about what people think about them.

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i was a terrible boyfriend to you and there were a lot of things that i should have done right but im past it now and trying to start from scratch with myself, and this isnt with any hate/resentment, etc, or anything towards you. However, if im crossing your mind when when drinking with the occasional drunk text but let me know sober youd still like talk, despite multiple efforts of trying to arrange something then get shut down/ghosted by you for a month, you must surely understand why i fucking spent, no? Im being a dick but i really just dont care anymore. Far too much going on right now to take on more emotional exhaustion.

I guess this is just a polite rambling way of telling you to please leave me alone?

This isn't a gioyc thread.

I've gone after girls, had them be into me, and never managed to seal the deal. I'm never mentally prepared for success, so I never succeed. My mind draws a blank, I suddenly become apathetic, think I can do better, don't think it could or should happen, or whatever is the case at that specific instance. I don't know how to stop self sabotaging once I get close

Where can i find woman that are availiable. I can’t make a move at work or att the gym because of establishment rules. No girls throu social circles that aren’t already dating. Clubs and bars littered with alcoholics who aren’t interested in conversation or anything more then some Quick Dick

I tried to avoid this, but here we go
I'll list the first three examples that come into my mind, from more normal to less normal, and you'll tell me what exactly does this tell you

We were having a nice conversation in a pub with a third female friend, we were drinking and having a good time, the conversation turns into sexual stuff
We start talking about each-other, really open thing. They ask out how's my dick
after I answer, she says that she has checked me in the beach, when I get out of the water, and the swimwear got really close to my skin
And that she's proud I have a large bulge
This second example is legit weird
It all started as a joke, we were at the beach, and caught people looking at us (I was giving her a massage (a normal massage, I like giving them) and women kept looking at us)
We kinda found this amusing and I began to fake that it was an erotic massage. she followed the joke and did some faces/noises, so the people would either get uncomfortable or really blushed (One time we almost got really called out by a bimbo on the beach)
From that, it got to practically groping each other while on the water, like if we were a couple getting some intimacy
she will hug me with her legs while facing me, holding strongly, and I will be grabbing her boobs and so. That sort of stuff

>I swear to god we are both adults, for real, we are just really childish

And the third example is a subsequent of the second one
Now, this stuff like close contact and all can be thought of weird, but is kinda normal between us
But we are actually really really modest and private people

Thing is, we get to a point of the joke, and we mark a line there, and eventually we break it, going further
We were again, in the beach, and we were just playing around in the water, doing stupid shit
she was half submerged on a locking position, and her ass was kinda just facing me

I write so badly, so I wrote a wall of text
continues next post


...How do I act nice and show that I care without coming off as 'incel nice', clingy or just straight up creepy

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jesus, I feel like a cringe-master out of the sudden reading my posts, what the fuck

>she was half submerged on a locking position, and her ass was kinda just facing me
She'd punched me, so I wanted to mess her up, and i just kancho'ed her there
The moment I did it, I thought
>I fucked up
and she was gonna feel so akward and shit
She literally, and I swear by god this is true, got her head out of the water, scream in surprise and said
>Why did I like that?

she didn't even sound like she was making a weird tease, she sounded actually surprised and curious
I didn't really know what to answer, so I just laughed

On the rest of the evening, she tried to do the same thing to me three times, and each she kept asking if she had gotten the finger in

Really, I feel really dumb writing this down, and even more weirded out
If there's a single woman in this general, please help me

You don't go over your way to do so

You treat her normally, when a situation comes by where you can show it normally, you do
Alternatively, look calm/relaxed and open to talk things out
Offer help if the situation arises, not before, beasically

How do you establish roots (especially concerning women, dating) in a new city where you know no one? So far I've just been trying out meetup with middling results and a bit of online dating, but I feel like there must be a better way to approach this.

Didn't make move on my last date, and I feel like the next date is my final shot. Is the first kiss something that should happen naturally between the two of us or is it something that I should initiate? I'm a guy and I really don't want to make this girl feel uncomfortable, but I am also incredibly inexperienced. Thanks

>on vacation
>get asked if I’m lost/where my parents are
>tfw 5’0 99lb 18 year old girl
How do I make myself look more womanly? I hate when this happens ;_;
[spoiler]to be fair I was lost but that’s not the point[/spoilersdon’tworkonthisboard]

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Pad your bra

18? You're still basically just a kid. It probably doesn't feel that way but you'll understand as you get older. I'm 23 and I'm a completely different person compared to my 18 yr old self.

Although the whole 5'0 99lb thing might be hard to overcome LOL. You might look like a teenager for the majority of your life (thats not a bad thing).

Many civilisations and cultures never let their women to go anywhere alone. And for a good reason. Get a bf.

Just walk her home and do handholding. Dont overthink bullshit. Tell her she makes you nervous because she is too sexy. Flirting will do the same job as kiss.

There are no roots in cities. Cities are big, nobody knows anybody there. Stop overthinking bullshit and find social events. Hint: facebook page of the city will have ads for them. Or link to webpages of the city itself.

You ask for her number.
>inb4 already has it
Then you text her invitation on date.

Dancing lessons.

Stop overthinking and writing bullshit, make up your mind and then ask her on date. Feel free to pretend none of this happened. She will do the same.

Ask her on date.

Some women are into it. One my ex made me masturbate in front of her. Though she didnt expect me to turn tables and fuck her silly after few minutes of solo action.

Have a fap and then decide what to do.

Next time ask for her number.

Dont ask /adv, ask her. If you cant communicate, you gonna divorce down the line. LEARN HOW TO SPEAK WITH HER FAGGOT!

Learn how to not give a fuck. The alternative is you going crazy down the line.

Sport, fap, alcohol, vidia, just pass the time and cry into your pillow...

Girl facing a dilemma over her crush running away with another girl here.

Good news: I didn't tell him my feelings exactly, but I did ask him out on a date and he said yes! I'm feeling so relieved. Right now we're deciding on what to do and when to see each other since both of us have horrible work schedules.

High school girls try to dress really proactively. I'm not necessarily saying you need to be more modest, just more "professionally" like something you'd wear to an office job.

Why do you hate it? Why is being a child bad and being "womanly" good?

Meant provocatively.

Sounds like you're both sexually curious about each other. Would you kiss her if the opportunity was there?

>Would you kiss her if the opportunity was there?
I'm not sure

someone tell me how normal is this?
friends don't do this, why would such a thing come up now, after a decade of friendship?

>Ask her on date.
and for the record, I still don't have any romantic interest in her

Why have you written so long post about her then? What is there to discuss if you dont want to fuck / date / marry her?

Are you sure you arent lying to yourself?