Somebody give me a general rundown of alcoholism.
>inb4 google/webmd bullshit
Other urls found in this thread:
alcohol is shit and people like it because they want to escape from reality. same thing applies to weed but, thankfully, weed is not poison.
It's shit. Avoid. Remember that there's nothing embarrassing about not drinking at an event.
also, one fact the population for the most part doesn’t know, it releases serotonin and dopamine. those are two major pleasure chemicals.
the high is very modest short-lived. that’s why drinkers drink a lot.
finally, drinkers who are predisposed to depression can become very unhappy on the comedown. this is what’s known as being an unhappy drunk.
also, as you already know, inebriation from alcohol can increase agitation. this is known as being an angry drunk.
withdrawal from alcohol is the most dangerous, and alcohol poisoning has a risk of killing you (accidents, choking on vomit, falling)
OP here.
I'm asking basically because I feel I have put myself at a risk for becoming an alcoholic.
Not knocking back shots and beers as fast as I can, but 3-4 drinks spaced about an hour apart most nights of the week.
But only when I have alcohol readily available in my hands.
It's different for everyone. It was great for me when I started but by the time you've realized it has turned on you it's already too late.
Stay can destroy u and ur family too
when you stop drinking, alcoholic delir is potentially deadly and brings you to the ER
when you keep drinking, your liver fails and you look forward to a painful unpleasant death of internal bleeding, ascitis, lung emphysema etc.
Better not start
You see alcoholic in threads around here. They think it's normal to drink once a week every week, they themselves will drink multiple times a week and think that's fine too. They might drink in the middle of the day for no reason. They complain that they keep thinking about alcohol.
They are like fatties in that their portion sizes are always ridiculous and their "treats" come multiple times a week.
yup, you made this thread because you’re contemplating changing because your drinking may be a problem.
Guys, no offense but if you're not an alcoholic you have no idea what you're talking about. Even the multiple doctors and phycologist had no idea what to do with me. I know you think you're helping or you understand but it's just not the case.
okay, so help OP
If you’re mentally weak you’ll start drinking earlier and earlier, or using it as a reward or to change your mood. This is psychological alcoholism.
Once your body gets used to functioning with alcohol in it on a daily basis (this does take a while), it develops into a physical addiction. The two usually go hand in hand, but it is possible to just be bored and lazy and accidentally trick your body into a state of physical dependency.
Once you have a physical addiction to alcohol, you’re at risk of experiencing delirium tremens or withdrawals, beyond that there’s PAWS (post acute withdrawal symptoms), which can consist of insomnia, anxiety, depression, and fucked up dopamine/ seratonin levels.
It’s hard to stop and the only two withdrawals that can actually kill you are alcohol and benzodiazepines, so it’s actually best to seek medical help if you find yourself shaking and sweating without booze.
It doesn’t sound like you’re too far along, though. Quit while you can, and look into HAMS beer taper if you’re actually struggling. Once again, it does not sound like you need to do that, probably just get a hobby.
There is nothing to help until he is convinced he is an alcoholic. I was just saying spouting off random things to people who might be one when something like 2-5% actually make it out without dying isn't helping anyone. Not trying to be a dick but I see people die from this every month.
>2%-5% of alcoholics don’t die from it
cite something if im wrong but that just doesn’t seem factual. you’re actually ridiculing us for providing op with unbiased facts.
you’re right, it’s up to op to change. I have seen a lot of alchys use bullshit falsehoods to enable their behvaior, so I thought some raw facts might help.
This is the only thing I could find googling because I've read most of it in recovery magazines.
>if 100 people try to get sober, about 5% of them will make it to 90 days sober.
>Now take all of the people who made it to 90 days sober. ÂAbout 5% of THOSE people will make it to 2 years sober.
I'm sure there are better sources but all of the ones I've read are about like this. It's actually worse than what I previously said according to this one. There is a link to the government study in there. It's depressingly low.
And not ridiculing anyone for trying to help. I'm just saying with recovery rates so low you might be leading them away from that one time that would have worked to keep them sober. That window of willingness might never come again. Especially if they are given bad advice and come to the conclusion it's hopeless.
Thanks, just as good an excuse as any to finally start writing a story concept I've been bouncing around in my head.
Alcoholism, a womans best friend.
I’ve only ever drunk twice in my life and I’ll say this, don’t fall for peer pressure and don’t drink there’s literally nothing good about it.
A couple of things are most common:
1) you lose money and productivity (which means you love even more money)
2) your social relations go to shit and your friends eventually give up on you
3) alcohol is a long-term anxiogenic (so it makes you more anxious in the long run) and a depressant and can lead to anxiety syndromes and depression
4) fucks up your cerebellum which permanently messes up your movements and balance
5) fatty liver going into alcoholic steatohepatitis going into cirrhosis which ruins your whole body, your metabolism, is lethal and irreversible, meaning you have to get a liver transplant which isn't guaranteed to be successful
6) acute pancreatitis episodes which can result with a chronic inflammation that can kill you, if the acute episodes already didn't
7) cardiovascular issues since it speeds up atherosclerosis and you end up with high blood pressure and a heart attack more easily
8) increased risk of various cancers
>They think it's normal to drink once a week every week, they themselves will drink multiple times a week and think that's fine too. They might drink in the middle of the day for no reason.
That's literally all normal and not what alcoholism is. If you drink a beer or two every day or two, you're fine, it's even healthy.
That's what fat people say about their portion sizes.
That's like saying that eating three meals a day means you have an overeating problem.
Hey guys! I found the alcy!!!