Punisher vs The Alt Right

Jewflix strikes again

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>watching the talmudvision
good goy

People are attracted by villains,this will generate more attention to the alt-right,and by doing that naturally some people will like it.

Ok, now THIS is epic

I used to be a Christian-hating faggot and now I wanna go back in time to kick my own ass.

Oy vey.

well the actor is a literal manlet, maybe they nailed it

Christianity is the only religion in which is societally acceptable to bash over and over in public. It is the lazy go-to in (((Hollywood))).

We all have that feeling bro. I'm a millennial, and my early 20s were some of the cringiest years of my life. Just gotta learn from the past.

kill yourself subhuman gypsy

Superheroes have always been anti-facist.


Instances of them knocking kebab or kosher are rarer than unicorns.

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Oh look, another thing that causes Jow Forums to mensturate all over the place like fat SJWs because they deem it not politically correct enough for their taste


it's a bit more complicated than that. You see, any pressure WE create to redpill others forces them to do semi-redpills as a way of staying relevant. Any conversations we open, they have to engage with them basically. These semi-redpills are examples of small cultural victories, where their media starts to reflect what we want.

Nice memeflag, faggot.

Everyone remember, if someone comes in with a Democrat or Republican meme flag, it's almost always a kike or a shill.

>These semi-redpills are examples of small cultural victories

Holy shit is this real lmao

>Everyone remember, if someone comes in with a Democrat or Republican meme flag, it's almost always a kike or a shill.

The Trumpcuck intellect is based on fee fees. Very, very sad.

>when you lose, you win
Trudeau pls go

Nice try, Mohammed. Go drive your truck of peace somewhere else.


not at all, to lose would be to not have your ideas talked about AT ALL. They are forced to talk about our ideas because WE are doing it already without asking anyone for permission.

The establishment must above all always maintain credibility and cannot run from any battle, any conversation topic.

Aaaww, he developed even more fee fees :3

>Alt right
The alt right is pagan larpers

The only thing I probably respect less than a meme flag on Jow Forums is a German flag. How far you cucks have fallen...

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Alright, Jow Forums

When do we address the ((((American Question)))

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that dude is a complete douche try watching a real interview with him. fucker is insufferable.

People without nationality aren’t allowed to ask that question, formerly Somali and never German European male.

>implying the punisher in the comics doesn't shoot comic stereotypes of EVERY political ideology

its such a cheeseball series i don't know why people like it so much.

>christian villain
What the actual fuck? Christfags are pussies not evil.


Indeed :3

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Thank you for confirming the Image posted, Mr. projection

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Rorschach is textbook a fascist, "an attack on one is an attack on all of us." He even purity spirals.

>The main character is played by a kike

My nosedar is on point, could tell instantly.

This is true, as Uncle A said, if Jews are not attacking you then you are not doing anything right.

>if Jews are not attacking you then you are not doing anything right.


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>Writers give their best speech to the villain
>People end up liking the villian
Also is that guy supposed to look like Pastor Anderson?

White Christianity. Don't you dare mock blacks or hispanics for believing in God

You type like a fag and your shits all retarded.

At least they're adding Berserk (97) on Jan 1

Story behind that webm?

Cuckpology accepted

>americans shit on pajeets, europeans, asians, mexicans, south americans, leaves ad nauseam
>one bants directed at an american: dude he was just playing chill out tf is wrong with you?
yeah.. I lived in the US and loved it, but it took me 8 years to realize that I made only ONE actual american friend (WASPish). All the other friends I made were either from Irish or Italian ancestry, or koreans, iranians, indians and south americans. WASP are utter trash.

I'm not the same person, retard.

>Story behind that webm?

10/10 american females just can't stop race-mixing.

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Cuckpology accepted


I can't wait to see him kill some fascist scum!

>implying Marvel comics wasn't full of this shit for forever

They already did that in Designated Survivor

Trump is attacked by most Jews, so he is clearly doing at least some things right. If he keeps pulling out of the middle east, the Israel government will turn on him too.

Muricans really are full of themselves. They act like it's still the 80s or even 60s

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>Trump is attacked by most Jews

Even his beautiful Jewish grandkids? :3

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>inb4 marvel x-men reboot has the x-gene just turning white people trans ebony socialists before giving them powers.

Are you baiting the righties again, Mr. gay Bavarian Jew?

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Being pro villain is based and redpilled.

Can't blame them. They'll be locked up if they get too edgy.

Nah, they had the Purifiers.

Who fucking cares?

Herro friend

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I love The Punisher. Probably my favorite fictional character of all time. I read all the comic books as a kid and the Punisher Max series might be one of my favorite things of all time.

This Netflix show is the most faggoty bullshit. I watched about five minutes of it and couldn't handle it. Doing The Punisher live action is next to impossible given how violent and no fucks given Frank Castle is. You;d have a record body count in cinema if you did The Punisher righteously. But watching this kike'd bullshit is an abomination.

Just an embarrassment this little kike actor trying to portray the baddest motherfucker in the history of comics.

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that happened with me and judaism on this site

>Punisher murdering bunch of nationalist polish christians in final episode
I can't wait

>being a gay jew in Germany
Playing a dangerous game desu

Daily reminder that Thomas Jane is the only Based Punisher.

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Hello, based Amerifat trasher!

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These jews just dont quit do they


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I also used to be a hater.

We have been pushed into the corner with the Christians, I wonder how many others have been as well?

The gifted made the purifiers multi-racial

It's WMAF... no need for proof. You know I'm right

Same here. Used to think religion was one of the dumbest things humanity had experienced. Then I spent a decade in a liberal utopia. Now I realize there's bigger evils in the world.

This. When I saw the punisher actor was a kike I knew to avoid. Problem solved.


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Maybe the 'villain' is on a mission to stop pedos?

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So your'e a jew now?

Jews hate Christianity more than any other

>somehow implying that the french didn't lose first to the vietnamese and pulled the americans in by threatening to join the soviet bloc if they didn't help the french keep their colonies.
german education is trash and you're trash

You're joking. OML HHAHAHHAHAH

We should meme the bad guy as being the good guy.

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God I miss when comics were this good

Cry harder, victim lmao

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in case anyone doesn't notice, moon cricket is missing his right hand

>blacks or hispanics
They have a version of Christianity that isn't really Christianity, it's more like magic to them than Truth. It's reason they aren't attacked. Evil won't go after itself, a house divided against itself cannot stand.

>"the media isn't political, you conspiracy-theorist bigot!"
>all these fucking "episodes" on normie television
I'm honestly just surprised more people don't notice this crap. It SHOULD be worrying, because what's good for one side can easily be redirected.

At least I didn't destroy nationalism forever, at least I didn't doom the white race to extinction, at least I didn't trust Italy.... twice
You're a faggot if you think you can take any highground on me.

well i gues i wont be watching season 2

Only, if he runs into Muslims

The villain name is John pilgrim

Doing G*d's wörk, (((user)))!

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The literal head nigger in charge is some former light skin fed now and their benefactor is literally a mock up of Sean Hannity.

extrapoints if he's Orthobased and Crosspilled

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>real world is full of mudslime nutcases
>Kikeflix pick a cuck Christian as the foe

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the charisma of truth cannot be shrouded, people are going to start wondering why the good guys are getting killed.

You've learned. Blessed art thou, user. Yae.

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