Why is it SO FUCKING HARD to get a girlfriend?

Why is it SO FUCKING HARD to get a girlfriend?

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Because your sexual market value (SMV) is low. Google "how to raise male SMV."

Because you're actively trying to get a girlfriend.

Sit with that for a while.

bc u try too hard

Why do you people keep giving conflicting advice?

Some people say “try harder, ask out more women”. Others say “try less, don’t do anything”. Which fucking one is it?

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obviously both
be active but not desperate about it

How am I supposed to know the precise balance of how hard I am supposed to try?

WHY is it so fucking hard? It isn’t this hard for 99% of men, so why me?

I’ve seen short men, fat men, unemployed men, autistic men, literally every kind of man get a girlfriend. Are you telling me they have a high sexual value?

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I'm not saying "don't do anything," I'm saying that you're obvious thinking/going about it as "trying to get a girlfriend" which is going to make you look desperate.

No one wants to sign on with someone who just wants "a girlfriend." You need to worry more about just meeting women with the sole purpose of having a good time, identifying people who's company you really enjoy, and that you feel comfortable with.

The girlfriend thing is a result of just being able to be fucking normal and fun to be around.

Do you have real life platonic friends?

>I’ve seen short men, fat men, unemployed men, autistic men, literally every kind of man get a girlfriend. Are you telling me they have a high sexual value?
This is the real red pill. Gains and money won't fix your problems.

I tried pretty hard to be with the first girl I felt a connection with. To be fair, she also showed interest in me and we worked as FWB for a few months but it inevitably went nowhere (her choice)

After months of sadboy helplessness, I finally recovered and became satisfied with my virgin, single-ass self.

Two months later a new girl from HS messaged me out of nowhere, we went out, and have been dating happily for almost 8 months.

TL;DR just don't worry so much about it. Self-sufficient and self-loving people are generally more desirable than self-pitying tryhards. Drink water and dress well.

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You come to Jow Forums so it's mostly blind leading the blind. The first one sounds like ridiculous desperation that would turn you into a joke.

You could get a gf. Anyone and I mean anyone can get A gf. Your issue (chances are) is you want a hot GF. Focus on who she is rather then arbitrary characteristics and you'll have greater success.

Or alternatively just ignore them and treat them as sex objects. They love that as well

I meet new women all the time. I’m able to make friends and connections, but none of them want to date me


I figured that out a long time ago. At 18 I realised despite putting intense effort into improving my appearance and improving leaps and bounds as well as expanding my social circle, no one wanted to date me still. Now I’m 22 and STILL dateless. Not even one date

I do love myself. I think I’m a good guy. But I live in perpetual misery because of my inability to get a date. I only feel happy when I go to bars with friends and get pissed drunk so I forget about my datelessness

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I never said anything about only wanting a “hot gf”.

I have a very broad range in terms of what I find attractive. I’ve crushed hard on girls that my friends tell me are ugly. I’m more attracted to overall vibe than to pure facial attractiveness

I would give most girls a chance if they would only agree to go on a date with me

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What if you live in a country where everyone is hot?

Where would one meet women? For now I'm just looking for friends, but can't figure out how to do it.

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Well I mean if you only want a GF go get a landwhale then.

How many girls have you asked out on a date

Women are everywhere, you just have to initiate the conversation. the real issue is guys pedestal the fuck out of pussy and make these girls live their lives with inflated egos about their perceived value.

In my lifetime only 3.

And yes, I know what you will say, “that’s not enough u retard hurrr”. Well, maybe, but a few posts earlier some user told me to “not try hard” so which one is it? Do I ask out as many girls as possible, or only when it feels right?

I don’t ask out more girls because most girls don’t give me any indication that they want to be asked out.

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Quit thinking in terms of what they want. Do what you want. If you see a girl you like, talk to her. If you want to ask her out, ask her out. It isn't rocket science it's just getting over your fear of rejection.

I know for me this is true. Gotta make a conscious effort to chop away at the pedestal and treat them no better than your mates.

Why do you have so many angry stock photos saved?

>You come to Jow Forums so it's mostly blind leading the blind

The worst thing is when virgins with no experience pretend to be experienced and give advice for the sake of fantasy. I know it happens, cause I've done it.

But when I say these women appear uninterested, I genuinely mean it.

Girls just talk to me in a totally dry, platonic sense. They don’t give me any signs of viewing me as a potential partner. I try to flirt and it falls flat.

What’s the point of asking out women if they literally all treat me like that?

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These photos are how I feel. They represent the inner inescapable torment of a man who has been condemned to eternal dateless virginity

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>we worked as FWB
>became satisfied with my virgin
You were friends with benefits, but you remained a virgin? What?

>Two months later a new girl from HS messaged me out of nowhere, we went out, and have been dating happily for almost 8 months.
And you're still in high school? You need to be 18 to post.

Confusing post.

Are you saying I should initiate conversations with random women on the street? Is this how people normally get to meet women?

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Let's make it quick

1) how tall are you?

2) how lean are you?

3) what is your hair like? what norwood degree

4) how aesthetic are you facially?



These questions are irrelevant and, in fact, insulting.

I know fat dudes and skinny dudes who have no problem getting girls. I know dudes with baby faces or very bad acne who get girls. I know a guy who is balding badly in his early 20s and he absolutely slays women effortlessly

Stop peddling this Americanised Jow Forums shit that “looks are all that matter”. They’re not. Women care about personality, sexual charisma, game, and I have none of those

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>random women on the street?
Probably not. I have a friend who joined some college club. He approached a girl there and attempted introducing himself, but she just walked away. Couple of days later, she approached him and they've been together for a year now. You need to have at least some form of connection. To random women on the street, you're just a random dude on the street. Find activities and approach women there.

>dude, I have a friend who's 5 foot tall, ugly as a boar, missing an eye, is morbidly obese and he's fucking women like crazy, trust me
Cmon, man. Look aren't everything, but be real.

>let me try to help you, let me know what we're working with here

Okay back to Jow Forums with you now, fuck off child

Now you’re just exaggerating shit that I’ve said

I never said these men were hideous. But, like me, and like any man, they are noticeably flawed.

The Jow Forums stereotype that “only perfect chads get girls” is ridiculous. In reality, 99% of men have little to no problem attracting women.

Involuntary dateless virgins like myself are one of the tiniest minorities in the world. And that’s what kills me inside. I’m a sexual pariah, and I cannot figure out what I did to deserve this fate

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I can't really think up activities besides a cooking class, which is only a one time thing. Would that three hour be enough? I can't imagine making friends in so little time to be honest.

Not op, rate me tho

1) 6’3

2) athletic/slender build (190-195)

3) it looks damn good, almost identical to goo[period]gl/images/UCDE3p

4) 8/10

Additional attributes: rich family, hazel-blue eyes, attend a top 20 law school.